The Journal

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Below are journal entries, eclectic commentary, and information bulletins for site additions in 2006.  Kind thanks to my dear wife for proof reading these comments from time-to-time.  Most recent posts are shown first:


January through June 2006 is published as a separate page due to the large file sizes for this year.    


During January 2007, I hope to take up in depth the subject of inspiration and canonicity of the Word of God.  The nature of inspiration and marks of canonicity are qualities inherent in the manuscripts themselves, and have been sovereignly revealed to the genuine Body of Christ down through history.  While the early church (Roman Catholic) participated in the process of discerning which books would potentially qualify as "canonical," God did NOT impart to the "successors of Peter" any special "powers" in this regard.  Their bogus claim is simply part of a long history of religious and political authoritarianism.  Nearly 500 years ago, the original evangelical Protestants (Religious Right) mounted a firm rebuttal of this authoritarianism.  With its growing presence and power in America, the time has come for Roman Catholicism to be cut off at the knees again.  Whether that fits with God's prophetic plan is here to be seen.


The liberal West, including the errant Catholic and liberal Protestant churches, are squirming over the pending execution of Saddam Hussein.  Liberals oppose capital punishment for a host of humanistic reasons and emotional objections.  The Pope and Catholic bishops oppose capital punishment based on a combination of misguided doctrine of the "sanctity of life" (applicable for the innocent unborn, but not for those guilty of murder) and failure to acknowledge that the Noahic Covenant is still binding.  Muslims and traditional Islam teaching leave room for revenge (Qur'an 18:110) which is often the source for the unending cycle of violence between Shia and Sunni, and the death penalty for certain crimes--e. g., apostasy, homosexuality, etc. 

By contrast, traditional (sans liberal) Protestantism and fundamentalist/evangelical Christians have supported the death penalty for the crime of murder based on the societal imperatives set down in the still binding Noahic Covenant.  In short, belief in the "sanctity of life" is NOT at odds with the justice inherent in the death penalty for murderers.  Further, contrary to some believers who teach a form of political fatalism, Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 does not justify nor protect tyrants.


With the commencement of the Vatican II Council (1962-1965), the Roman Catholic (RC) Church's posture and view of itself (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church) became more soft, ecumenical, and inclusive.  The nearly 500-year reality of Protestantism together with the strength of tens of millions of global Christian fundamentalists/evangelicals could no longer be ignored, nor confronted violently in Third World countries without press coverage.  While the document maintained Catholicism's exclusive claims of apostolic succession*, it added: "Nevertheless, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside its (the Church's) visible confines."  The Council's inclusivism went even further in an effort to suggest that those water "baptized" outside the Catholic faith were actually part of their "true Church," despite the individual's failure to understand, preserve unity, or engage in communion with the "successors of Peter."  This and other aspects of Vatican II seriously alarmed and upset ultra-traditional and traditional Catholics, since these statements appeared to soften the historic strident belief that the Catholic Church is the "one and only true Christian church founded by Jesus Christ."

To posit the rival claim, as we do, that the true Church was never founded while Christ was upon the earth, but rather was established by the Risen Christ from heaven on the day of Pentecost; that the supernatural, spiritual "new birth" is the exclusive portal to becoming a genuine Christian and true Christian experience; that this new birth is not equivalent with water baptism in or out of the Catholic Church; and that the Author of the biblical new birth has largely operated apart from Catholicism for centuries, understandably sends Catholics 'through the roof'.  By our assertion that Catholicism is radically wrong, we regularly receive email accusing us of being: "arrogant," "unloving," "cruel," "heretical," "rebellious," "wrong," "intolerant," "insulting," "slanderous," "bigoted," "un-Christian," "divisive," etc., etc.  To those who ask, "By whose authority to you teach these things?" we answer with 1 Corinthians 2:15, 16: The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment: "For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

It's important for born-again Christians to understand that a majority of Catholics are so provincial and illiterate of religious history, that they are surprised to learn that a Protestant Reformation occurred 500 years ago.  As a growing minority, traditional Catholics are eager to press the claims of their Church upon the "unsaved" here in America.  Of course, both today's Protestants and Catholics are unable to explain what was at the core of the historic dispute.  Can you?

* The erroneous and contrived claim that Christ conferred authority to the Apostle Peter and that this delegated authority is passed down to RC popes and bishops, thus making Catholicism the one true expression of Christianity.  This power structure and claim to authenticity have provided Catholics an emotional sense of security for centuries.  What a shock to discover it's all a grandiose fraud and deception.


Saddam to be hung by Sunday, Saturday, Friday Night

     "What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear behind closed doors will be proclaimed from the housetops."  said Jesus

     "I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.  But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell.  Yes, I tell you, fear Him."  said Jesus


During the latter-half of the 20th and early 21st century, hundreds of books have been published explaining and analyzing the cultural effects of the philosophies of both modernism and postmodernism.  Despite the lack of awareness by average citizens, these Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment philosophies have 'trickled-down' into general Western culture and dominate our society's way of thinking.  At the root of America's divided society lies the clash between modernism/postmodernism and the Judeo-Christian worldview.  Here are some interesting excerpts from David F. Well's book, Above All Earthly Pow'rs: Christ in a Postmodern World.

     The Enlightenment’s centerpiece was freedom.  Indeed, its demand was freedom: freedom from the past, freedom from God, and freedom from authority.  It demanded freedom from every system of thought that would be resistant to its intellectual innovations.  It resolutely opposed all ideas rooted in what was eternal, fixed, and unchanging.  Immanuel Kant claimed in 1784 that the Enlightenment was really the next stage in human maturity.  Immaturity, he said, “is the inability to use one’s own understanding without the guidance of another.”  That, he said, was “the ball and chain” from which humanity needed to be freed.  The Enlightenment produced what its thinkers saw as a new era: in knowledge, a new, certain way of knowing, exemplified best in science, would produce increasing control over nature; in application, technology would use the new knowledge in the production of an abundance of goods which would not only raise the quality of life but also eliminate poverty; in authority, the human being for the first time would make decisions about life that would be rational and unencumbered by the pressures and perversions of “superstition” [i.e., the Christian religion] from the past.

     Thus the modern person began to take shape: “a newly self-conscious and autonomous being,” writes Richard Tarnas, “skeptical of orthodoxies, rebellious against authority…responsible for his own beliefs and actions…assured of his intellectual capacity to comprehend and control nature…and altogether less dependent on an omnipotent God.”  Human reason [humanism] became the source of morality, the only source from which to draw explanations about life.  It was from the human being that meaning would be constructed.  This was an ideology that initially inspired great optimism.   ABOVE ALL…, p. 29, 30.


     What greatly complicates the quest of those who are attempting to walk a more constructive path which is also postmodern, however, is the fact that in the aftermath of the Enlightenment, there is a gravitational pull toward the death of all worldviews.  ABOVE ALL…, p. 73.


On Having a Worldview


     It is actually misleading to speak of the disappearance of worldviews in the postmodern world.  What has undoubtedly disappeared are the Enlightenment “metanarratives,” those overarching structures of meaning, derived by unaided reason, which enabled people to interpret life as a whole and to see the connections of its parts and where it was all heading in its progress away from darkness and ignorance.  These metanarratives were what enabled people to have a perspective on life with which questions of meaning were grasped, and typically this perspective rested on a belief in the existence of truth of a universal kind, unrevealed though it was [to the mind of the rationalist].  All of that has now collapsed.  And in its place has arisen the view that individuals, as David Naugle notes, should “set themselves up autonomously as the acknowledged legislators of the world” and now “they claim an essentially divine prerogative to conceptualize reality and shape the nature of life as they please.”  Any attempt, therefore, at seeing life in terms of “worldview” is dismissed as typical Enlightenment arrogance or as a failure to see that all thought is conditioned by its cultural context and must, accordingly, be acknowledged as being relative.  There is no question, then, that the very possibility of having a worldview in this older sense has been rejected.  But does it follow that what has replaced it is not also, albeit in a different way, a worldview?

     What has replaced the worldviews that once sought to encompass the whole of existence [this includes the Christian worldview] in their understanding are now privatized worldviews, worldviews that are valid for no one but the person whose world it is and whose view it is.   ABOVE ALL…, p. 74.      [Bracketed comments mine.]

It is Enlightenment humanism that is the basis for the subtle and not-so-subtle arrogance of liberals and "progressives," no matter what their political party or denominational affiliation.  And the public education system is the means by which American society has been indoctrinated.  Over 125 years ago, courageous men such as Professor A. A. Hodge of Princeton warned the Nation of the negative consequences for instituting public education.  The Nation didn't listen, and his dire predictions have materialized.

It is self-evident that on this scheme [to make public education so-called "neutral" toward religion], if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States system of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism [Enlightenment humanism] which the world has ever seen.

The most shocking fact of all is that a majority of so-called evangelical Christians support public education!  As a group, they have proven incapable of seeing simple cause and effect relationships.  Is there any wonder why Christians can't locate a 'safe and sound' church to attend, or why the church they currently attend is being overrun with doctrinal apostasy?  Their endorsement of public education has sown the seeds for the destruction of Judeo-Christian culture.  No current conservative candidate for political office is willing to oppose the government-funded education lobbies.  No conservative talk-show host will broach the subject.

As prophetic fulfillment to Scriptures such as 2 Timothy 3:1-9, the philosophies of modernism and postmodernism directly and indirectly are the catalyst for today's widespread doctrinal apostasies--e.g., Emergent Church, Purpose-Driven church, Contemplative spirituality, Christ-follower movement, "progressive" Christianity, Seeker-sensitive church, New-Age spirituality, charismatic Christianity, and the list goes on and on.  They also explain the wide gulf between political views and parties.

While there is much religious activity a foot, very little of it can be consider genuinely of God.  Rick Warren's media-hyped efforts to "change the world" are nothing short of hyper-delusional, and will, in time, result in a scandalous and catastrophic failure.  This man-centered form of "evangelicalism" will be the object of even further ridicule.

The mark of a genuine work of the Holy Spirit is how people deal with the issues of the Fall--SIN and SINS, and the necessary need for repentance.  If these foundational realities are omitted, one is clearly justified in being skeptical.  


Merry Christmas to all.  May the focus upon His birth and who He was, lead us to who He is now and where He is seated above.  Click on each description of His various roles for details.

The Lord Jesus Christ

As Creator and Sustainer

His Life on Earth

His Life in Glory

His Place as Head of the Body

His Role as Our Personal Intercessor

As Our Life

12/23/2006  Mitt Romney's Mormon Faith Challenges Evangelicals - As a clean-living, church-going father and grandfather, Gov. Mitt Romney has a natural appeal among conservative Christians.  The Massachusetts Republican, though, faces a delicate dilemma: Q. How does a devout Mormon woo religious activists critical to winning the GOP presidential nomination when many of those same activists are openly hostile to a faith they consider no more than cult?

Answer:  He shouldn't try.  He's had a lifetime to evaluate the claims of Mormonism (cult) versus historic, evangelical Christianity.  Apparently, the competing claims didn't bother him, or he did evaluate and then staunchly embraced the cult's teachings.  He's also had the opportunity to repent and become a genuine "born-again" Christian.  But, he's rejected the Gospel of grace.  So now he's stuck.  Any effort to minimize the doctrinal differences between Mormonism and Christianity will be seen (for the most part) for what it is in fact--a deceptive ploy to win votes and seize power.  This is the very practice that evangelicals despise the Democrats for engaging in.  Further, Romney has shown himself to be a 'flip-flopper' on the subjects of abortion and gay marriage.  Is there any indication that this behavior would change once he wins the election?  Absolutely not!  Thus, the Republicans have another candidate who is likely to say one thing and do another.  Current President Bush is a good example of how power brokers betray their base once they have victory in their grasp.

"Most Americans are pragmatists. There will be a fraction of evangelical Protestants who will be vociferous in their opposition to Romney, but depending on who the other candidates are, that could be a very small fraction," said Mark Noll, an evangelical expert who teaches American religious history at Notre Dame [Catholic].

The ersatz evangelical, arch-pragmatist Hugh Hewitt (Catholic) has even written a book trying to help Romney win over evangelicals for Romney's presidential run.  But, things have changed drastically since John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic, ran for the Presidency and won.  Back then, Kennedy pledged to keep his religion out of the White House and the less-aware public believed that was philosophically possible.  Not so today.  Today, the electorate has learned more and more that a candidates underlying religious and philosophical views directly affect how they both think and act while in the Presidency.

There may be several "dark horses" waiting to enter this race.   With their heavy emphasis on "cultural mandate," it still baffles me...where are the Presbyterian/Reformed candidates?  Where is a contemporary Oliver Cromwell?


Highly-polished, After Jesus, The First Christians gives a platform for liberal, Jewish, multiculturalism, feminism, and naturalistic historians to speculate on Christianity's early beginnings.  All four of my predictions were true.  The fact that genuine canonicity is presented as a weak, arbitrary process, and that multiple other versions of "the Gospels" exists is clearly an attack on the authority base for conservative, born-again believers.  My goal will be to strengthen in this area.

CNN is also airing another religious-oriented special, What is a Christian? Where Do You Fit? Anderson Cooper 360.  Due to the numerous segments, a review is not possible.  Liberal CNN is spearheading a full-frontal attack on conservative Christianity.  Inclusivism is the central weapon, and little-to-no voice is given to conservative, born-again Christianity.  I do recommend that you watch it you get the opportunity.

For those who will surely be confused about what it means to be a Christian, we offer...




This is 12 inches.  An additional 24 inches is being predicted.


This is a high-level alert to our readership regarding a must-watch TV special by CNN (Ted Turner media network) being broadcast tonight, 7:00 pm EST, 6:00 pm CST, 5:00 pm MST, and 4:00 pm PST.  Directed by Jody Gottlieb (Jewish), After JESUS: The First Christians is a multi-million dollar TV/Web production regarding Christ, with a major emphasis upon the early church (Pentecost to 325 AD).  As conservative, born-again believers, we need to acknowledge the power of liberal media to influence what our culture thinks about us and Christianity.  There is a highly-sophisticated battle for the minds of men and women taking place (Ephesians 6:12-20).  We must join in the struggle to the best of our abilities and skills.  This is the frontline where true spiritual warfare is taking place.

Based on what's available at the CNN website, I anticipate the following:  1) it will be a 'knock-your-socks-off' presentation and thus leave a big mental imprint upon the public, 2) it won't sidestep theological issues, rather it will attempt to explain historical events from a purely naturalistic perspective, 3) it will overlook the biblical doctrine of canonicity and thus mention the Gnostic Gospel accounts, and 4) it will entirely miss the significance of the ministry of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.  As a historical movement, Christianity 'survived' because the Risen and Life-giving Lord Jesus infused the Body of the early Christians (as well as us today) with His Life (Colossians 2:19).


Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.  Colossians 1:21

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, not counting men's sins against them.  And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.  We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God was making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.  2 Corinthians 5:20

For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!  Romans 5:10

The Epistles of the Apostle Paul are vitally important to genuine Christianity.  In them Paul explains: our alienation from God due to being born a child of the First Adam (sin), our resultant evil behavior (sins), our mental posture of enmity toward God and His authority, Christ's work of reconciliation, His New Life versus our Old Life, and our responsibility to act on His ambassadors appealing to a lost world to be "reconciled to God."

What happens when you castrate and reformulate Christianity without the fundamental biblical truths of: alienation, sin, sins, enmity, Christ's work, and ambassadorship?  You get the feel-good perversion of humanistic inclusivism, and then falsely promote it as Jesus' message of "good news."  A gargantuan fraud - "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him/her be eternally condemned!" Galatians 1:8.

The Episcopal Church continues to focus on its mission of reconciling the world, particularly as it cares for the least, the lost, and the left out.

While the Episcopal Church laments the recent votes by some persons in Virginia congregations to leave this Church, we are clear that individuals may depart, but congregations do not. Congregations are created and recognized by the diocese in which they exist, and can only be closed by action of the bishop and diocesan governing bodies. Even if a large percentage of a congregation departs, the remaining people will be assisted by the diocese and the larger Church to reconstitute their congregation and continue in mission and ministry in that place.

These recent departures have received a significant amount of publicity, but they represent a tiny percentage of the total number of Episcopalians in the Church. We regret and grieve their departure, and pray that they may continue their journey as Christians in another home.  In the hope that some may decide to return, we intend to keep the door open and the light on.

Those Episcopalians who remain will be offered every pastoral assistance we can provide, in the hope and expectation that mission and ministry continue in their communities. Our Anglican tradition is a broad and comprehensive one, with space for people of widely varying theological opinions. We will continue to model an expansive welcome for all people.

Our mission as a Church is the reconciliation of the world. We will continue to feed the hungry, house the homeless, educate children, heal the sick, minister to those in prison, and speak good news to those who have only heard the world's bad news. That is the work to which Jesus calls us, and that is the work we shall continue - with a priority of peace and justice work framed by the Millennium Development Goals. May God bless that which seeks to unite and build up and heal this broken world.

The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church.

[Bold and underline emphasis mine.]


ANNUAL OFF-TOPIC MUSING: My total recuperation time, related to the bi-lateral THR, has included a fair amount of channel surfing with my legs propped up to reduce swelling.  I have known and experienced for decades what is called "media bias," but my recent experience of the vivid difference in reporting and commentary is really remarkable.  Media journalism certainly plays a role in subtly and not-so-subtly shaping the audiences' worldview.  For example, the more liberal media sources fiercely promote a type of "politically-correct coverage" for human tragedies.  Global calamities provoke liberal media to encourage industrialized powers (aka United States taxpayers) to step to the plate and make things all better--like nothing ever happened.  Nothing is too big for Western powers to fix.  On the smaller scale events, the common denominator is a total avoidance of mentioning any and all personal culpability--probably, out of deference for the grieving families.

Everyone has a right to live exactly as he or she pleases, but if something goes wrong, some abstraction called "society" is to blame and must pay the bill for damages.

Everyone must be free to make risky choices, and everyone must be protected from unpleasant consequences by social insurance that is ultimately provided by government (taxes), which is to say by everybody.

This is clearly the case with the three men who appear to have lost their lives on Oregon's Mount Hood.  While two of the men lived in Dallas, Texas, and the third New York City, media described the three as "experienced climbers."  "Experienced" according to whom?  The media says nothing of the near-insane risks taken by these three individuals.  Summit Mt. Hood in the middle of December?  For those familiar with the Rocky Mountains, their adventure seems more like a death wish.  Then, the liberal media asks questions that nearly defy the rescuers to give up searching or finding the bodies.  That rescuers lives are highly at risk seems to be of low concern.  If the worse-case speculation proves true, the two remaining bodies may simply be unrecoverable due to the treacherousness of that environment.

Need some exposure to concentrated, liberal/progressive perspective, visit AlterNet--one of the most slick, foundation supported, liberal-leftwing-progressive web magazines on the WWW.  It's a truly disturbing experience looking at the world through their eyes.  PS.  Take note of how the Left uses public schools as a conduit to indoctrinate children.  It's been going on for decades!  Free Gore DVDs for any teacher that request one.


Pope Benedict (Catholicism) and Patriarch Bartholomew (Orthodoxy), together the Harlot of Revelation?, surrendered offered conciliatory 'olive branches' to the Turkish mullahs, one 'face' of the Beast of Revelation?, and plead for "protection" of religious minorities in Muslim lands--i.e., their own.  Read the Time article: The Meaning Behind the Pope's Trip

The Catholic estimation of Islam has undergone fundamental changes.  In the past, the Catholic Church denounced Islam as an evil religion to be suppressed by crusades (Holy War).  Today she welcomes and affirms the belief that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God of Abraham.  The new official Catechism of the Catholic Church, speaks of the new Catholic relationship with the Muslims in these terms: "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."  Of course this is entirely false.  However, Catholics and Muslims have more in common today, than Catholics and Born-Again Christians.


Muslims are at work inside America with a goal toward conquest, and Americans are generally unaware and asleep.  Global conquest is the will of their deity, Allah.  Traditional Islam divides the world into two (2) households: Dar al-Islam ("The Household of Submission" - Islamic lands under Muslim governments or domination) and Dar al-Harb ("The Household of War" - lands yet to be conquered).  Per Muslims, lands Dar al-Islam cannot revert to Dar al-Harb, their status is always Dar al-Islam and they fight to that end.  This is a key element for understanding Islam's claim to that small sliver of land, Israel, put forward by Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc.  The Divine land grants pursuant to the OT biblical covenants (Abrahamic & Palestinian) are false, according to them.  Further, non-traditional (?) Muslims have created additional so-called 'houses' (or 'abodes') to describe differing situations.  See the Wiki article.  The building of Islamic mosques in America is integral to the Muslim goal of conquest.  Only in the Western mind does a 'house of worship' mean simply that.  For Muslims, their mosques also serve as expressions of power, pride, and conquest--all important to their psyche and motive for jihad.


I must admit a love-hate relationship with  Joe Farah is a Pentecostal/charismatic believer with a bent for extremes and conspiracy theories.  WND sometimes gets it right, but occasionally they get it wrong, really wrong!  Jerome R. Corsi, a frequent writer for the online magazine, received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972, and has written many books and articles, including co-authoring with John O'Neill the No. 1 New York Times best-seller, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.

Today, Corsi is the author of a headline article, True deficit: $3.5 trillion: Analyst says coming Treasury report will document 'unsustainable' pace.  "Unsustainable?"  Corsi, whose background is neither accounting nor economics, leans on John Williams (aka Walter J. Williams) a supposed "econometrician" who has the website Shadow Government Statistics, to sound the alarm for the soon end of the financial world.  These type of guys have been around forever.  I still have a hardback copy of James Dines' The Invisible Crash, Random House, 1961!   Being a CPA and working in the world of banking for more than 35 years, I'm always curious about the next pending "collapse."  These financial doomsayers have probably been appearing since the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913.  And guess what?  The financial world has not collapsed despite their death wish.  In fact, the standard of living in America is the highest on the planet.

The gist of the article is that the Bush Administration's annual budget deficit is $3.5 trillion, not $248.2 billion as previously reported.  The difference is simply due to the application of governmental versus profit accounting principles, but Corsi and Williams see a "gimmick" and smell conspiracy!  Are you in a panic yet?  The $3.5 trillion reflects Social Security and Medicare obligations/liabilities not recognized when using the current accounts (cash basis) approach.  The Federal Government actually maintains both cash and accrual accounting records.  That's how Williams gets his information.

Corsi continues to mislead readers, "Even worse," Williams continued, "the U.S. Government's negative net worth widened to $49.4 trillion in 2005.  For the first time, total government liabilities have topped $50 trillion, and the number is continuing to grow. The United States is bankrupt, whether the Bush administration wants to admit it or not."  The U.S. is not bankrupt.  Corsi and  Williams statements are pure financial nonsense, and Joe Farah should be ashamed of himself for publishing such Benny Hinn-like garbage.

The reason the U.S. Government shows a negative net worth is because in doesn't book all its assets at market value.  Uncle Sam has bazillions in real estate holdings in the U.S. and across the world, which if appraised and booked would cause even the very large liabilities for Boomers' Social Security and Medicare to be dwarfed.  Of course, this is never explained to the public in easy to understand terms.  This reminds me of farmers who cry a river of tears about how poor they are and point to their checking account as proof.  Of course, no government is excited about having to liquidate real estate to pay it debts, but theoretically they could.

Many metal dealers (gold, palladium, and silver) are able to 'work' this fear and panic, and in the process make large sums of money for themselves.  It would be interesting to understand Corsi's relationship to the metal dealers and see just how he might have been awarded for writing the article.

There are problems with the U.S. dollar and Federal government financing, but cash versus accrual accounting is not it.  A majority of politicians (Democrat, Republican, and Independent) are fiscally illiterate.  Here's America's fundamental problem--"libertarian socialism."

Everyone has a right to live exactly as he or she pleases, but if something goes wrong, some abstraction called "society" is to blame and must pay the bill for damages. The savings and loan debacle of the 1980s was not an isolated incident but a paradigmatic example of the delusionary character of American thought near the end of the twentieth century. The S&L [financial bankruptcy] debacle occurred because the government freed financiers to make risky investments and at the same time insured the depositors who put up the money from any loss. The same generous public policy applies to individual behavior. Everyone must be free to make risky choices, and everyone must be protected from unpleasant consequences by social insurance that is ultimately provided by government, which is to say by nobody. REASON IN THE BALANCE, The Case Against NATURALISM in Science, Law & Education, Phillip E. Johnson.



The surgery went well.  I'm now a home and moving very slowly.  I can only sit at the computer for short periods of time.


Gordian Knot: The current decline of U.S. global resolve, subversion, proposed change in foreign policy direction (Roberts Gates/ISG Report), and weakening U.S.-Israel relations are all consistent with biblical prophecy.  Evil and the ancient hatred (Gen. 16:12) is again building on Israel's borders.  Middle East turmoil and a future stage set for Armageddon are predicated upon 1) weakness or inability to act on the part of Israel, and 2) the same for the United States and European allies.  It is this 'power vacuum' which likely will entice and draw in the surrounding enemies to attack the Jews and Israel.  The Islamic world lusts to possess the ancient city of Jerusalem.  As the religious center of the world, Jerusalem is their raison d’être--the ultimate of treasure on the road to Islamic global conquest.  Worldwide anguish regarding the existence of the State of Israel will continue to grow and expand.   


Tomorrow morning I'm scheduled for my second total hip replacement surgery.  The first one back on September 30th was a success, and I'm hoping and praying for a repeat.  Your prayers are certainly appreciated.  Following surgery, I'll be mostly in bed for the next five days and unable to Journal or answer email.  Slowly, things will return to normal--even better than 'normal'.  


Movie Review: As religious films go, The Nativity Story will become a cherished classic.  Diane and I attended an afternoon matinee.  While ticket sales are doing well at theaters, I foresee strong DVD sales.  If I was starting a family or had young children, I would read aloud the Gospel accounts first, allowing the children to visualize their own story, then play the movie.

Director Catherine Hardwicke and scriptwriter Mike Rich have done an excellent job creating a blend of fiction and non-fiction, which satisfactorily integrates the biblical narrative.  Both Diane and I appreciate the movie's feeling and sense of ancient Israel--the result of good research and accuracy in casting, costume, setting, and graphics.  This is often lacking in many biblical epics.  Technically, the film did seem slightly grainy at times, something I wasn't expecting, but may have been necessary for smooth scene transition as well as integrating some of the artistically-rendered backdrops--e. g., Jerusalem and Bethlehem.  The movie does an excellent job of portraying Roman rule, Jewish oppression, angelic visitations, Mary's miraculous conception, and the "star in the east."

The theology is subtle, possibly too subtle for many of today's audience which lack a Judeo-Christian worldview.  How and why Jesus is called the "Prince of Peace," has got to be confusing for most of the audience.  As I watched the movie, I pondered how the general pubic might digest this film.  Given their dismal lack of knowledge of the Bible, I'm sure most non-believers left the theatre saying, "Is that all there is to it?"

Born-again Christians have the privilege of placing the story in its broader context, having an understanding of OT history and prophecies, the subsequent life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, His ministry during the past 2,000 years, and most importantly, seeing via Scripture His pending Return and Second Advent.  Thus, our basis for appreciation of this movie.

PS. Today's syncretistic religious world has far more to be threatened about with the birth of Jesus than both Herod the Great and Herod Antipas.  If you don't understand my comment, see the movie.


"But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine."  Titus 2:1.

The Apostle Paul has much to say regarding doctrine in his epistles.  His emphasis in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus reflects his concern for the well-being of the church and sets the apostolic standard for genuine Christianity.  Further he wrote,

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, [because] they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers..."  2 Timothy 4:3. 

Without a doubt, that time is now.  Back in the hippie era (sans piercing and ink) of the late '60s and early '70s, the United States experienced a largely Arminian-based, charismatic religious revival--the "Jesus Freak" movement.  "Jesus Freaks" were generally hippies who testified of a 'born-again' Christian experience (some were).  It began on the West Coast, but soon spread throughout major cities and college campuses.  One of the more negative aspects of the movement, even cultic, was their "Jesus and the Bible Only!" banner.  They adamantly maintained that knowledge of theology and church history was absolutely unnecessary.  Many in leadership foolishly believed that they had transcended all theology and church history.  They further claimed their non-doctrinal brand of religion was a pure expression of NT Christianity, and thus de facto, anointed them with power and authority.  In time, the true nature of the movement was seen for what is was--cultic authoritarianism, and it mostly fell apart.  Oddly however, a few of these ol' hippie Jesus Freaks were caught in a time-warp, and today have established websites or wander in cyberspace.  A recent email to was reminiscent of these times gone by.

I have never read or studied the nature or background of Arminianism. Such categories don’t interest me. I belong to Jesus Christ, not theological groups. I follow my Lord, not theologians. [Hypocritically, this individual prominently features a link to a high-profile, well-known Arminian author on her theology-laden website.]

I have never been a student of theology, only of God’s Word.  And I measure all things by His Scriptures, not by the writings of either Calvin or Arminius.  In fact, this controversy reminds me of Paul’s statement in 1 Co 3:4:  “For when one says, ‘I am of Paul,’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos,’ are you not carnal?”

Here is a classic misapplication of Scripture.  Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 3 has absolutely no bearing or connection to the doctrinal controversies, Arminius vs. Calvin, Erasmus vs. Luther.  Note carefully that Paul never suggests that Apollos was involved in false doctrine; rather, he is strictly condemning rivalry of personalities.  The same principle applies to Philippians 1:17, were the problem is questionable motives, not erroneous or heretical doctrine.  Paul has the liberty of being pragmatic in this situation and forbearing, because it wasn't an issue of aberrant doctrine.  Note the contrast in approach at Galatians.  To suggest that differences between Arminius and Calvin were nothing more than personality differences is as insulting as it is ignorant. To minimize biblical doctrinal truth grieves the Holy Spirit and the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.


Attend any of America's churches on Sunday and you will likely hear a passage or two read from the NT books of Matthew, Mark, or Luke.  It may even be the very 'red-letter' words of Jesus!  The tragedy is that these same churches will likely never venture into the NT epistles, and if they do, you may likely sense some form of disconnect between this Sunday and the others.  Most folks falsely believe the NT contains a single Gospel.  But a more careful reading or study will prove the error of that view.  To help in seeing the distinctions between the messages of Jesus, Peter, and Paul, I've compiled some excerpts from Stanford and Huebner into a single paper, entitled:  Jesus or Peter or Paul?  Feel free to print and share this with your friends...and even those less friendly. 


Non-believers needn't worry about feeling "excluded and diminished" under the vision of an Islamic world.  Faithful Muslims have a solution for your hurt feelings--a bullet to the head or a slashed throat.  The West and Western media are so terribly confused.  They can't figure out which Islam is the true Islam.  However in classic postmodern style, they hope that the Islam they wish for will be the Islam they get.

Readers shouldn't miss the WND article, Terrorists rejoicing over new Iraq 'plan' Reaction to Study Group: 'Allah and his angels' responsible, 'era of Islam and of jihad' declared.  Here are a few excerpts:

The militants, from the largest Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, welcomed the policies outlined by the Iraq Study Group, which they claim recognizes Islam is the "new giant of the world."

"[With the Iraq Study Group report], the Americans came to the conclusion that Islam is the new giant of the world and it would be clever to reduce hostilities with this giant. In the Quran the principle of the rotation is clear and according to this principle the end of the Americans and of all non-believers is getting closer," Abu Ayman said.

Abu Abdullah said following a withdrawal from Iraq, the U.S. will be defeated on its own soil.  "America must understand that with anti-American governments in Latin America and with Islam growing and reinforcing, including in the U.S. itself, the next step would be a total defeat on their (American) land, not a relative one like they are facing in Iraq," he said.

Islamic Jihad's Abu Ayman said after the U.S. "defeat" in Iraq is finalized, insurgents there should move to the West Bank and Gaza to help destroy Israel.  "We hope that after chasing the occupation from Iraq, these jihad efforts and experiences will be transferred to Palestine, and yes, I mean that we expect these fighters will come to Palestine as part of a big Islamic army."

"It is the dawn of the real Islam what we are seeing now, young people who are leaving everything in their countries and are coming to fight in Iraq," said Abu Ayman.


Several movie reviews for the The Nativity Story are positive.  A few of our readers have seen the film and feel it is a very worthwhile movie--even "excellent."  Thus, liberals and liberal media are very uneasy with its popularity.  In an interview with the movie's director and screenwriter, NBC's Katie Couric asked, "Do you worry at all that non-believers may feel excluded and diminished at a time when we're so divided about so much?"  I don't know about you, but this may explain why I've had a problem of late with sleeping."  Yes, I'm being sarcastic; it is fully warranted.

As I've previously written elsewhere, the source of this twisted mentality lies in the public schools.  The system is built from the ground up on the principle that the lowest common denominator should rule.

          The tendency [of those who promote public education] is to hold that this system must be altogether secular. The atheistic doctrine is gaining currency, even among professed Christians and even among some bewildered Christian ministers, that an education provided by the common government should be entirely emptied of all religious character. The Protestants object to the government schools being used for the purpose of inculcating the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and the Romanist object to the use of the Protestant version of the Bible and to the inculcation of the peculiar doctrines of the Protestant churches. The Jews protest against the schools being used to inculcate Christianity in any form, and the atheists and agnostics protest against any teaching that implies the existence and moral government of God.

          It is capable of exact demonstration that if every party in the State has the right of excluding from the public schools whatever he does not believe to be true, then he that believes most must give way to him that believes least, and then he that believes least must give way to him that believes absolutely nothing, no matter in how small a minority the atheists or the agnostics may be.

Thus, it is only natural for Couric and all public school graduates to assume that American society (the public square) should simply be an extension of the classroom.  Today, the general culture is expected to cater to the lowest common denominator in society.  If non-believers feel "excluded and diminished," then the movie has no socially justifiable right to exist, nor should it be allowed to be shown.  The lack of appreciation on the part of atheists and agnostics, Muslims, or any other minority view, must be the ruling factor, according to this warped thinking.  Public education has destroyed the publics' understanding of democracy.  In a democracy the rights of the minority are acknowledged and granted, but they are not equal or superior to the rights of the majority.

Diane and I plan to see The Nativity Story on Saturday.  I have more to say following our viewing of the movie.


A careful study of the NT, with or without reference to the original languages, shows that the Apostles put truth before unity.  It is clearly the apostolic standard.  The first internal struggle was the issue of allowing Gentiles entrance to the Church (Acts 10-14).  This was followed by the issue of Judaism trying to swallow the infant assembly (Acts 15).  The problem of co-mingling Judaism with the newly-born church would become problematic throughout the entire history of Christianity and thus the Holy Spirit via the Apostle Paul wrote the harsh-toned letter of Galatians.  Except for the epistle of Philemon, every NT letter was written to address some form of doctrinal error, moral aberration, or a combination of both.  The tragic low state of today's churches is largely due to the fact that they have rejected this apostolic standard, turning it on its head--elevating unity above truth.

There are various theories of why this has happened, but the how is also interesting.  In any given congregation today, one will find a coterie of highly-manipulative and controlling women.  While in conservative churches men (some effeminate, some not) may hold positions of pastor, elder, or deacon, it is in fact often their wives who are pulling strings and making congregational decisions.  Their power should not be underestimated.  Much of the sociological driving force for this phenomena comes from the feminist-led, moral crusades of the 19th century.  It is this ersatz moral dynamism that animates the likes of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her pending candidacy for the U.S. Presidency.  For some good background, read Weldon Hardenbrook's Wine, Women, & Psalm.

Occasionally, I receive email full of self-righteousness and bluster.  Here's an recent example:


Apparently you do not understand the spiritual consequences of attacking a pastor's ministry. What you have done is sidestepped the scripture in Acts 5:34-39, you might find yourself fighting against God.

Of course you all have a "bully pulpit" called an internet website where you can display your ignorance to the world and your ignorance of the Word of God.

Will Rogers commented once, "everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects".

All the persons that I have known to attack the Thieme ministry were too lazy to use exegetical principles* to teach the Word of God, and most of them were somehow connected with the charismatic/holy rollers or some form of Baptist.

So in General, you need to stop attacking other pastor's ministries lest God should deal with you quickly.

I'll bet you don't have the courage to post this on your website!

Best wishes,

Gale W.

* Note:  Lt. Col. Bob Thieme Jr. erroneously taught that an exegetical approach to Scripture (exegesis), together with knowledge of the original languages of Greek and Hebrew, and being personally-adjusted to the Holy Spirit (Chafer), were the ingredients for interpretational infallibility when reading and studying the Bible.  It is not difficult to understand why those influenced by Mr. Thieme's teachings become intensely agitated toward those who question their veracity.  Gale W's follow-up email was even more angry and caustic than the first.  Truly, the ubiquitous nature of the Internet is very troubling to people who are threatened by freedom of speech.

A simple study of Acts 5:34-39 shows that Gamaliel's admonishment was directed to the Jewish Sanhedrin.  Can you imagine this same admonishment being raised during the dispute recorded in Acts 15!?


I always find these "divine threats" interesting.  They're widespread in the South, Midwest, and Bible Belt segments of America.  The Pentecostal/charismatics often resort to the "touch not God's anointed" ploy in an effort to deflect criticism and protect their power and wealth.  For church history buffs, note that William (Guillaume) Farel successfully issued a 'divine threat' against the young (27 yrs) John Calvin at Geneva.  Calvin was intimidated, afraid to leave the city, and hunkered down for two full years.


Our standard response, Our View of "Love" In Relation To Doctrinal Error And Those Who Hold It, has yet to be answered.


Now that the electorate has spoken, it may be good for American and conservative European Christians to reflect upon the significance of the outcome regarding the current war and use of America's military.  Victor Davis Hanson's War Stories - Two versions of what we should do next is insightful reading.


ROMANS: Verse by Verse, William R. Newell, Kregel Publications.  The book is available electronically online -> here.  Currently labeled a "classic evangelical commentary," this work is very un-classic and unique.  Newell (1868-1956) was a Pauline dispensationalist who drew upon the works of the original 19th Plymouth Brethren of England and Ireland.  Contrary to irreligious opinion, Christianity is Christ Risen, not Jesus of Nazareth engaging the nation of Israel in the Synoptic Gospels.  "It is absolutely essential for the believer to learn the scriptural difference between: 1) his relationship to earth and heaven, 2) the flesh and the Spirit, 3) Judaism and Christianity.  Only from the Pauline epistles will the Holy Spirit minister these Christian truths to him"  MJS.  And Newell's Romans  will certainly assist its reader in fully grasping "Christian truths."  "The only hope of Christianity is in the rehabilitating of the Pauline theology.  It is back, back, back, to an incarnate Christ and the atoning blood, or it is on, on, on, to atheism and despair."  So reads the inside cover written by former Princeton University president, the late Francis L. Patton.


Re: The recent Rick Warren flap.  What's genuinely disturbing is the large number of so-called Christian leaders who up to recently (?) have been big supporters of ersatz evangelical Rick Warren. Many conservative believers in the pews have been warning brethren via the WWW for more than 5+ years that this mega-pastor had 'jumped the shark'.  Why to do Christians and their leaders need to believe big is better?  Apparently, only a handful of believers are familiar with how God works during this age?  The Spirit makes it quite clear in 1 Cor. 1:18-31.

"God chose...the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before Him."  v.28, 29.

Someone need to write and publish, How To Politely Fire Your Pastor for Failure to Discern the Truth and Nurture Believers.

One 'church-weary' reader also felt there was need for a companion book, How To Politely Expel a Church Member for Discerning the Truth and Warning Believers.  Of course, the target audience of interested pastors/elders and their wives is likely rather small.  So-called "trouble-makers" in the congregation have always been a disposable commodity.


The Liberal Left and the Democrat Party may have taken a play from Karl Christian* Rove's playbook--control the center.  But rather than having genuine diversity, which is impossible when some form of naturalism is a required worldview for membership, the lefties seek to confuse and deceive the public with semantics.  Their goal is to hijack the term "evangelical," broaden its meaning to be more inclusive, then use it to as a wedge against the Religious Right.  They want to create the illusion that evangelicals equally support them and their liberal agenda.  To do this, the Democrats have assembled a group of so-called "non-partisan religious leaders," (this is a falsehood) including ersatz evangelicals, to lead them out of the wilderness and to help them find some moral 'high-ground', supposedly from which Republicans have operated.  The group is called "Faithful Democrats," (see their website) and is brain child of a group of politically-active, very partisan, left-wing, religious liberals (progressives).  Their Advisory Council is fairly large and includes '60s radical, Jim Wallis of Sojourners.  Wallis wrote the book God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, which became popular after the 2004 Democrat losses.  In May 2005, I compiled and epublished some well-known background information (circa '70s) on Mr. Wallis <- click here.  It appears my comments are a bit behind the curve, see Rusty Humphies 'heads-up' from July, Dems and the Bible, a Strangelove affair.

* Born 12/25/1950


There is a troubling viciousness just below the surface of a majority of Leftist liberals.  They falsely pride themselves in intellectual superiority, but easily 'snap' (emotional temper-tantrums) when things don't seem to go their way.  I experienced this 40 years ago with my peers during the '60s campus unrest and I've directly experienced it with graduates from the academic world of today.  Enough postmodern "power" theory has infected all colleges and universities to the point where violence is again justified in the minds of students.  The resulting behavior is not qualitatively different from Marxist (Communist) radicals of earlier decades.  Such violence was seen at a Michigan law school Thursday when protestors tried to block an immigration speech by Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo.  Tancredo is author of a book on the subject of uncontrolled immigration entitled, In Mortal Danger.  Even those students who didn't directly participate would likely defend the violent nature of the protestors.  The minority of students who might object are understandably intimidated and hope it all blows over.  The real answer?  Disestablish the tax-supported, atheistic public school system--i.e., via a property tax revolt.  Public education is a pedagogic failure--it's morally and intellectually bankrupt.  So-called "neutrality" of education regarding religion is, and has always been, a myth and illusion.  (Photo: The State News).


The meaning of words can change.  The technical study of semantic change is called diachronic linguistics.  There are several identified causes and types of changes to the meaning of words.  One type is pejoration.  Pejoration occurs as a word develops negative connotations or loses positive ones.  In part, this explains what has occurred with the term "fundamentalist" in American media and culture.  During the late 19th and early 20th century, fundamentalist referred to Christians who faithfully and passionately adhered  to the Bible.  By the end of the 20th century, the term progressively underwent pejoration due to the increased secularization of American culture.  In the 21st century, the pejoration process has continued to the point that "fundamentalist" means anyone who acknowledges a higher moral authority than themselves and an alternative source of knowledge with than human reason.  Thus, all Christians who grant the Bible any authoritative status are pejoratively labeled "fundamentalists."  Likewise, Catholics who look to the Pope and Magisterium are also labeled "fundamentalists" by liberals, atheists, agnostics, and secularists.  


"HIV/AIDS continues to spread relentlessly. Worldwide, the virus has killed more than 25 million people and it infects another 65 million. This World AIDS Day, people unite to demand an end to the epidemic."  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Libertarian/Welfare State Mentality - "Everyone has a right to live exactly as he or she pleases, but if something goes wrong, some abstraction called "society" is to blame and must pay the bill for damages. The savings and loan debacle of the 1980s was not an isolated incident but a paradigmatic example of the delusionary character of American thought near the end of the twentieth century [and globalist thinking in the 21st].  The S&L debacle occurred because the government freed financiers to make risky investments and at the same time insured the depositors who put up the money from any loss.  The same generous public policy applies to individual behavior.  Everyone must be free to make risky choices, and everyone must be protected from unpleasant consequences by social insurance that is ultimately provided by government, which is to say by nobody."  REASON IN THE BALANCE, The Case Against NATURALISM in Science, Law & Education. Phillip E. Johnson.



(Photo: Reuters)


"For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God."  John 12:43


"But God...chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before Him.  1 Cor. 1:28


The liberal Religious Left has launched their own host of religiously progressive websites.  In recent years, both religious and political leftists have abandoned the term "liberal" in favor of "progressive."  "Progressive" sounds chic and 21st century and who in their right mind can be against "progress."  The latest to take the field is The Institute for Progressive Christianity (IPC).  IPC, a think-tank project of CrossLeft, provides a stream of 'talking points', academic articles, and news feeds.  CrossLeft describes itself as a hub for "grassroots activism among progressive Christians," and thus maintains a list of other liberal and left-wing religious organizations, advocacy groups, and discussion boards.

Just so the Institute wouldn't initially appear too intellectual and nerdish, they invited ultra-liberal feminist writer, Naomi Wolf--who claimed to have had a personal encounter (New Age) with Jesus Christ--to provide the keynote address at their official launch, AND used one of her more hottie pictures on the home page--rather than her younger vision of loveliness.  I never knew they made cigarettes that long?

Religious Left websites should be viewed as a welcomed trend, since religious liberals are not generally thought of in the same vein as the Religious Right.  For decades they openly brought their religious beliefs into the political realm and were able to shape legislation with little-or-no opposition.  Back then, no one worried about 'separation of church and state'.  Those were the 'good old days' when religious conservatives were sound asleep (actually they were quite active, but not paying attention to politics), and religious liberals were free to work their political mischief.  Now that they've more openly erected a flag over their political activism, maybe we won't have to listen to the grotesque liberal blather about 'separation of church and state'.

Other Religious Left websites: (send us your's)

Talk To Action Faithful Democrats  



The Daily Dish...of Andrew Sullivan hypocrisy.

Even the beagles are shocked at the shameful contradictions of their master.


Mr. Sullivan regularly blogs on the subject of so-called "torture," by the American military.

"Torture is indeed aptly described by the term "coercive interrogation." That, of course, is an oxymoron. A genuine interrogation requires consent and interaction between two people; coercion is the act of one person forcing his will on another. For me, and in the law, torture is the use of force to compel an answer to a question. The compulsion can be physical or pscyhological. While it must be severe to qualify as torture, it need not entail the sadism I mention above. Take the simple example of "sleep deprivation," a term that many people simply do not believe is torture. And it doesn't sound the faintest bit sadistic. We've all gone without sleep. But to be forced to go without sleep for weeks on end is to use the body's physical needs to compel the soul and the psyche to surrender information. That is torture. And Rumsfeld personally ordered it."

What is truly amazing is that Mr. Sullivan is a "practicing" member of the Catholic Church.  Down through the centuries and to this very day, Catholicism worldwide has, via family members, subjected other family members to duress, threats, and both psychological and physical abuse.  This typically occurs when a family member attempts to permanently leave Catholicism. In 1969, upon becoming a born-again Christian, I bore the full blast of what Mr. Sullivan would be forced, by his own definition, to conclude was "severe torture."  What I endured was far worse than sleep deprivation or water-boarding.  So here he is, a member of a denomination which looks the other way regarding the use of coercion and even torture via member proxies, criticizing the American military during a time of war for being tough on enemy combatants (Islamic terrorists) who have vowed to destroy America.  This is disgusting hypocrisy!

I sent Mr. Sullivan my comments above and asked him to answer them (this is something he does frequently on his blog).  However, he won't answer these comments.


"Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible. If you are incapable of taking an oath on that book, don't serve in Congress. In your personal life, we will fight for your right to prefer any other book. We will even fight for your right to publish cartoons mocking our Bible. But, Mr. Ellison, America, not you, decides on what book its public servants take their oath.

"Devotees of multiculturalism and political correctness who do not see how damaging to the fabric of American civilization it is to allow Ellison to choose his own book need only imagine a racist elected to Congress. Would they allow him to choose Hitler's "Mein Kampf," the Nazis' bible, for his oath? And if not, why not? On what grounds will those defending Ellison's right to choose his favorite book deny that same right to a racist who is elected to public office?" - Dennis Prager,


The level of religious and theological illiteracy in today's world is unreal.  Misconceptions and misunderstandings abound, even among so-called conservative Christians.  I visited a forum recently having the thread title, "Dispensationalists...what are they, what do they teach?"  Sadly, no one gave a clear answer, and I'm unsure whether anyone really wanted one.

If I can inject a bit of humor using Jeff Foxworthy's "You may be a red-neck, if...." shtick:

You may be a dispensationalist, if....

You see in the Word a difference between Judaism and Christianity.

You may be a dispensationalist, if....

You see in the Word a distinction between the "flesh" and the "Spirit,"

You may be a dispensationalist, if....

You see in the Word a contrast between heaven and earth, and

You are a dispensationalist if...

You have been awakened by the Holy Spirit to see in the Word the "mystery" (please read Eph.1:9,10) revealed by the Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ via the Apostle Paul (Gal.1:11,12) that, "what unifies Scripture is the unfolding of the nature and glory of God in Christ, manifested in two spheres, the earthly and the heavenly. That is, the Cross being the moral foundation of all, where God's nature was vindicated so that blessing could reach man, God's glory in Christ will be manifested in government in the earthly sphere, with Israel as its center; and God's glory in Christ will be manifested in unique blessings in the heavenly sphere with the [born-again] Church as its center."


Criminal gangs behind the spam wars??  This is the news headline at Reuters.  "About 200 illegal gangs are behind 80 percent of unwanted emails, according to Spamhaus, a body that tracks the problem."  Somehow, the explanation seems incomplete.  Why would "criminal gangs" spend their time sending billions of emails, which are largely gobbley-gook and of near-zero advertising value?  Based on our experience, someone(s) is hiring individuals to show up Monday mornings and send floods of email which continue during the week.  Come Friday evening, the volume of spam mail substantially drops, until the following Monday.  This appears to be an 8-5 job for these "gangs."  However, I've got to believe that things like drugs, prostitution, theft, or selling "protection" (normal criminal activities) are far more lucrative than sending email.  Am I missing something?

I'm going to study the Spamhaus website to learn more about the problem, but here's my theory.  Middle Eastern wealth is being channeled through Islamic terrorists to whoever will assist in destroying the Internet.  Islamist understand the role of the World Wide Web (WWW) with both Western economics and free-speech.  Further, the WWW has become a powerful global source of religious information exposing Islam and promoting Christianity.  Is it possible that Islamic terrorist are simply seeking to put an end to the free flow on both information and commerce, and they've hired so-called "gangs" to get the job done.  Does any of my enlightened audience know what spamming currently pays?

PS.  The new SpamArrest (SA) service is working just fine.  Because the spammers spoof both the return address and the subject line, the junk is quite obvious.  SA effectively filters out all the spam; however, occasionally a legitimate piece of email winds up in the septic tank and I have to fish it out. 


Is there hope?  NeW - Network for enlightened Women.  Check out their books listed in the Book Club.  Why should a secular campus organization be seen as a source of hope?  That's because feminism has imbedded itself squarely in the "evangelical" church, and its leaders struggle to engineer (sans the Cross) a separation from the spirit of the world without becoming culturally isolated.  These so-called leaders continue to fail to embrace the Apostle Paul's teachings.  Read Albert Mohler's review of Wayne Grudem's new book, Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?  The real truth is, it's a path to far worse.


Q. Why does the heavily Catholic state* of Massachusetts elect a Mormon governor?  A. A conservative Catholic alternative living in the state of Massachusetts couldn't be found.  Humor.

* "Catholics predominate because of massive immigration from Ireland, Quebec, Italy, Portugal, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic."  Wiki


Within the last year, I've regularly warned readers (most recently on 11/8) regarding the negative affect of George W. Bush's aberrant religious views (Anglo-Catholic), his understanding of "freedom" as a universal value, and how that all translates into his Administration's foreign policy.  Not being the first to understand the problem, John W. Robbins 1990 analysis (The Messianic Character of American Foreign Policy) identified the same messianic impulse with Bush #1, Democrat and Republican administrations, as well as its historical roots in the 19th century.  The last election may have been a clear referendum against such adventurous messianism. 

Despite W's claim to be "born-again," the Bush family's theologically orientation is liberal Protestant.  George and Laura can regularly be found in the local United Methodist Church.  This liberal Protestant influence has a double-punch effect on George Bush's ability to clearly understand world affairs.  First, the tradition view of Protestantism is amillennial and distorts both their understanding of ecclesiology (doctrine of the Church) and eschatology (doctrine of End Times).  Under amillennial ecclesiology, their is only one Divine program and the Church has replaced Israel (so-called Replacement Theology).  With God's relationship to the Jews ended, the significance of the angel's words in Genesis 16:12* are politically and religiously irrelevant, according to them.  Never mind the prophetic "hostilities" mentioned in the verse, it's nothing a dose of democratic government with military implementation can't overcome and fix.  Further, the amillennialist sees the Kingdom of God being established here and now, the millennium is being fulfilled on earth through Christian good works.  This provides the motive for extending influence.  Of course, in the American political realm, the inherent religious flavor has been removed and replaced with concepts like democracy and the value of "universal freedom."

Assuming the newly election Democratic Congress will make headway in extricating U.S. military forces from Iraq, the 2008 conservative presidential candidate may likely appear more isolationist and concerned with the protection of the Nation's boarders.  This emphasis appears to move away from front-running East Coast Republicans like Romney and Giuliani.

* "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."


Occasionally, one finds or is shown an article that is eschatologically (premillennial/pretribulational-basis) significant.  Such is the case with Berit Kjos' Thanksgiving special entitled: Purpose-Driven Deception on a Global Scale.  The recent email exchange between media-mavens Rick Warren (Saddleback) and Joseph Farah (WND) has outed some very interesting revelations, and Berit Kjos seeks to assemble all the parts of the puzzle.


I spent a little time painfully reading discussion threads on the Ted Haggard affair at various evangelical Christian forums.  Both those in the pews and so-called leaders are generally clueless.  Therefore, I've copied and reorganized my comments regarding the scandal to a separate page for ease of reference and sharing.    See Comprehending the Nature of Ted Haggard's Hypocrisy


Andrew Sullivan’s Anti-“Christianist” Crusade

Be aware!  The real point of to proclaim the tenet that Truth does not exist or cannot be known—a radical skepticism—which he hopes will spread far and wide in ‘Christianist’ circles.

But there is still something we will never grasp, something we can never know—because God is beyond our human categories.  And if God is beyond our categories, then God cannot be captured for certain.  We cannot know with the kind of surety that allows us to proclaim truth with a capital T.

Contrary to Daily Dish dogmatism, born-again Christians assert that God is not “beyond our human categories.”  In fact, the opposite is true.  Click on title above to read more!


Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history ~ Dinesh D'Souza


Andrew Sullivan, writer and “essayist for Time magazine, a columnist for The Sunday Times of London, and a senior editor at The New Republic,” is currently known for both his supposedly “unusual” personal-political identity (libertarian , liberal-postmodern Roman Catholic, homosexual, HIV-positive), as well as his “successful and pioneering efforts in the field of blog journalism,” i.e., The Daily Dish.  His Daily Dish certainly set journalistic standards in the blogosphere; however his persona is not all that unusual when his religious orientation is adequately understood. In light of his religious views, the mixing of both his political and sexual identity makes perfect rational sense.

Polemic review coming soon: Andrew Sullivan’s Anti-“Christianist” Crusade

Mr. Sullivan has been offered an opportunity to review a draft of the article and comment on any possible errors or inaccuracies prior to our publishing it on this website.  PS. Mr. Sullivan chose not to respond to our communication. Update: Mr. Sullivan was provided a copy of the finished article.


"President Bush is undermining criticism vital to the survival of Western civilization and empowering terrorist leaders by proclaiming Islam a "religion of peace," says one of the most outspoken critics to emerge from the Muslim world in recent years."  Click on this text to read WND news article AND DO WATCH THE VIDEO!

This has been the position of for the past several years.  George Bush has likely relied upon the skewed views of liberal Muslims encountered at Washington interfaith gatherings, rather than historic Islamic documents or teachings, to form his understand of this deadly religion.  Can you imagine trying to get an accurate understanding of Christianity from a Washington interfaith gathering!?  Americans must face the fact that true Islam was, is, and will always be incompatible with Western (Judeo-Christian) values.  Political correctness elites are scared to death of "religious war," and this Western fear is only fueling the Islamic terrorist push for global domination--their religious war.


CNN's Larry King recently became the object of humor and butt of jokes by his complete ignorance lack of knowledge regarding the Internet and World Wide Web.  King said, "I’ve never done it, never gone searching," he told Roseanne Barr in an interview on his TV show.  "Oh my God!"  Barr said after the admission.  "It just opens up the whole universe.  It’s so awesome.  You would love it."  "No I wouldn't," King said.  "What do you punch little buttons and things?"

Believe it or not, I've met a number of legalist types who share King's perspective, but with a twist.  Rumors have been circulating in church circles for years that the primary purpose of the World Wide Web is as a delivery channel for pornography and worse.  It's the "Devil's domain."  So I understood long ago the basis for the looks of incredulity and disgust from some, when I mention my "online ministry" of

However, a recent U.S. government-commissioned study found some interesting data.  Philip B. Stark, a statistics professor at University of California, examined a random sample of search-engine queries.  "He estimated that 1.7 percent of search results at Time Warner Inc.'s AOL, MSN and Yahoo Inc. are sexually explicit and 1.1 percent of Web sites cataloged at Google and MSN fall in that category."

This should certainly makes one wonder what's going on in the remaining 98.9 percent of the World Wide Web.


A reader brought to my attention an early 1970s exposé by Miles Stanford on the question, Could Jesus Sin?  I am happy to make available this polemic paper as it touches upon several truths which are most relevant today.


Benjamin Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust

"...the Iranian nuclear program posed a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire western world."

"While the Iranian president denies the Holocaust, he is preparing another Holocaust for the Jewish state."

"... Israel would certainly be the first stop on Iran's tour of destruction, but at the planned production rate of 25 nuclear bombs a year ... [the arsenal] will be directed against 'the big Satan,' the U.S., and the 'moderate Satan,' Europe."

"Large sections of the international community also misunderstood the nature of radical Islam and its role in the Mideast conflict.  What happens in Iran affects what happens in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, not the other way round."

"Iran is developing ballistic missiles that would reach America, and now they prepare missiles with an adequate range to cover the whole of Europe."

"No one cared then [1938] and no one seems to care now."  Tehran's nuclear and missile program "goes way beyond the destruction of Israel--it is directed to achieve world-wide range. It's a global program in the service of a mad ideology."

"None will defend the Jews if the Jews don't defend themselves.  Iran's nuclear ambitions have to be stopped."


Little did the American electorate realize how their desire for Democrat-inspired "peace" (less war, more beer and Monday night football) could quickly destabilize the entire world.  Islamic zealots are celebrating victories in every direction and are drooling over what they see as the impending destruction of Israel.  They see America's political confusion, and it's "All ahead full speed!"  Israel sees what's coming and is preparing for full-scale war, including nukes.  The Middle East is on the verge of an explosion; while traditional Western institutions (e.g., your local church) are imploding from lack of leadership.  Democrats are talking as if the President and remaining Republicans have neither the ability nor will to veto their legislation.  American voters, who generally are living in the 1970s, voted for change.  And change, shocking change, is what they're going to get.  Of course, none of this is beyond God's sovereignty.  As F. W. Grant stated:

The sovereignty of God is what alone gives to the Christian heart comfort in view of a world full of evil, which is gone astray from Him.  To know that after all, in spite of the rebellion of the creature, things are as absolutely in His hand as ever they were--this brings, and alone brings, full relief.

Still He rules over all, and where evil cannot be turned to good, limits and forbids it: He maketh the wrath of man (and Satan) to praise Him, and the remainder of wrath (what would go beyond this) He restrains [Psalm 76:10].

A basic understanding of premillennial eschatology (End Times prophesy events) can also help in finding and experiencing inner peace despite an Islamic world gone mad and Western civilization on the brink of destruction.


Now with leadership-rich Democrat control of both House and Senate, a quick resolution to the war in Iraq, even the global tension between Islamic fascists, Israel, and the West, should soon be on the horizon.  In the words of Larry the Cable Guy, "Git-R-Done."  I'm being facetious.

Terrorists announce plans to attack U.S. -- 'hit Americans without mercy'


Long story short, I have been forced to implement challenge/response email technology to deal with the mass of spambot email being directed at each hour.  Since my email address exists solely as a image file, its inclusion in spam mailing lists has been an intentional effort by someone to flood our email server with junk (DOS attack).  If you were listed in my Outlook address book, you may not receive a request for authentication.  If you do, you only need to authenticate once and you will then be added to our Safe Senders List.  


In my 11/2/2006 Journal post regarding the Ted Haggard scandal I wrote, "Unfortunately, this is a tip of a very ugly iceberg."  The Rev. Louis Sheldon, head of the Anaheim, Calif.-based Traditional Values Coalition and friend of Haggard, has now disclosed, that "he and a lot of others knew about Haggard's homosexuality for awhile...but we weren't sure just how to deal with it."


The false notion continues to circulate that Calvinism and Arminianism are equally flawed theological systems.  This view is part of the aberrant teachings of Chuck Missler, Bob George, and others.  They seek to persuade followers that historical theological differences are "stupid" in essence.  Understanding church history is of little value in their opinion.  Nothing could be farther from the truth!

While Calvinism does have flaws; all the tenets of Arminianism are absolutely false!  This view was held by Darby, Kelly, Newell, Chafer, Stanford, and scores of other dispensationalists and Bible scholars.  I have put together, in legal size for easy printing, a comparison of the Five Points of Calvinism vs. the Five Points of Arminianism, together with associated colored notes.  Click on the graphics below for the entire Adobe Acobat pdf. file.


Does the Internet contribute to the high level of today's spiritual and theological confusion?  Or, does it facilitate spiritual growth opportunities for hungry-hearted Christians.  Answer:  Yes, both are true!  In the past, students of theology, church history, and the Bible were dependent upon a large, relatively fixed, and sometimes obscure set of literary resources.  Getting the information you wanted and needed was a time-consuming process, and allowed students to read and digest information at a slower pace.  This was good.  With the advent of the World Wide Web and search engine technology, the speed of access to resources has grown exponentially.  But, what's often available over the Web is equivalent to fast food, and an eat-and-run mentality.  Little time is allotted to contemplate and digest the information.  Given the failure of public education to turn out literate graduates, some are getting a form of information indigestion.  This may be a sociological factor behind the growing popularity of the contemplative spirituality movement.     


Election results in my own state, Colorado, are rather interesting and I'm searching for some insightful explanation.  Over the past two election cycles, Democrats have come to power.  Colorado is now a purple state.  However, Amendment 43, constitutionally defining "marriage" as between "one man and one woman," won 53% to 47%.  Similarly, instituting gay "civil unions" was defeated by a similar percentage margin.   Hmm....some moral conservatism is still alive.


At the heart of the Democrat win was dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq.  Bush's "universal freedom" foreign policy doctrine is rooted in an Anglo-Catholic worldview and eschatology.  However, the voters are uncomfortable with this and simply refused to accept the military status-quo offered by the current Republican administration.

Since President Bush ordered 200,000 troops to the Middle East, we have heard a great deal about a Moslem jihad or "holy war" against the U.S. and its allies. But it must be pointed out that Islam is not the only religion that believes in holy war; there is a form of counterfeit Christianity that does as well. In fact, this counterfeit Christianity has been a major factor in guiding American foreign policy since the end of the 19th century.

With the apparent end of the Cold War (several nations, including the world’s most populous, remain Communist), the focus of American foreign policy has shifted, but its motive has not: Our government still intends to make the world safe for democracy, and it still believes that it is doing "God’s work" on Earth. Until that belief and motive change, Americans will find themselves embroiled in one conflict after another. In fact, the international situation since the "end" of the Cold War may pose a greater threat to America and Americans than the missiles of the Soviet Union did.  [Bold emphasis mine.]

Despite this observation, the world as we know it is changing.  Islam's war with the West has grown emboldened and Islamic terrorists yearn to bring the battle to America's shores.  America no longer has the broad liberty to chart an isolationist course.  An interesting read is Victor Davis Hanson's review of Mark Steyn's new book: America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It.


Today, the Islamic world will closely monitor US elections in an effort to assess the level and degree of Congressional support, or lack of support, for Israel.  They know where Bush and Cheney stand.  Each Democrat win translates into a brighter green-light to attack the sole Middle-East democracy--Israel.  Numerous militant Muslims have been arming to the teeth, (thanks be to Iran, Syria, Russia, China, and North Korea) in preparation for the next major war/assault upon the tiny Jewish sliver of ground.  Both Syrian and Iranian leaders have started their "countdown" to another war.


The reaction of the evangelical community to the Ted Haggard scandal is both classic and timeworn.  Arminians issue calls for "a needed heaven-sent revival," while Reformed Protestants pray for "Reformation."  The Risen Christ and the Holy Spirit will not respond to such religious superficiality.  The church's sad condition will not be fixed by either "revival" or "reformation."

J. Butler Stoney, an early Plymouth Brethren leader, went to the heart of the matter:
In the Reformation there was, through grace, a great deliverance. The ground-work of Christianity was recovered; namely, justification by faith. But though this was restored, it was not maintained that the old Adamic man was crucified on the Cross, and hence they only refused the exaction of Popery, but considered the flesh as still before God. Refusing the exaction was right; but the retention of that on which the exaction could be made, the old man was and is the weakness of the Reformation.
Wm. R. Newell commented on this subject:
Almost all theology of the various “creeds of Christendom” date back to the Reformation, which went triumphantly to the end of Romans Five, and, so far as theological development or presentation of truth is concerned, stopped there. Consequently, you must not regard yourself as bound to accept all that legal doctrine of sanctification, which has been, and still is predominantly, the sine qua non of orthodox belief.
To anyone who has examined their writings, there is an inescapable conclusion that the Reformed theologians have kept the vision of believers limited generally to the propitiatory work of Christ, not seeing the end of our history in Adam through our identification with Christ in His death on the Cross; thus freeing us from the power of sin, the grip of the law, and the old Adam creation, and setting us at liberty on resurrection and ascension ground above, in Christ Jesus.
Lewis Sperry Chafer never hesitated to warn the Church concerning the dangers of Covenant theology:
The all but universal disregard on the part of theologians of the Pauline revelation respecting the Church has wrought confusion and damage to an immeasurable degree. Two factors serve as paramount causes of this deplorable neglect of Paul, namely: a) the Reformation did not recover this truth as formerly it was held by the early Church; b) that attitude of the theologians, being bound and confined within the limitations of Covenant theology, has been one of avoidance of what to them seems new.
While there were occasional references to the Church universal in post-Reformation literature, it was not until around 1850 that this extensive and important body of truth was formed into a doctrinal declaration. It was given to J. N. Darby of England to achieve this distinctive ministry (Systematic Theology IV:37).

Since the time of Luther, the most biblical awakening occurred in the early 19th century under the leadership of J. N. Darby and company.  True, the movement's early golden era was cut short, but the positive vestiges, albeit modest, are still being felt today.  What the evangelical church needs is to understand and embrace the truth of Our History in the First Adam and Our History in the Last Adam.  Anything other than this will prove inadequate to produce individual and corporate holiness. 


As expected, my coverage of the Ted Haggard scandal, beginning 11/2/2006, has drawn a few critical emails regarding my so-called "unloving" spirit.  As far as I can tell, the critics are Pentecostal/charismatics who are emotionally defensive and in the habit of seeing Satan and his minions directly responsible for tarnishing their image.  "The Devil made him do it."  I again wish to call readers' attention to the modern-day ruse of labeling individuals who exercise discernment and judgment as "unloving."  Please read or reread, Our View of "Love" In Relation To Doctrinal Error And Those Who Hold It.


The following is Ted Haggard's 2-page statement of confession, apology, and request for congregational forgiveness.  The purpose of my comments is not to call into question whether he is genuine or sincere in what he writes; rather, Christians should be aware of certain classic patterns and historic details.  My desire is that Christian readers learn to exercise mature discernment and not be beguiled by today's widespread religious charlatanism.  Readers should also be aware that my coverage of this event has been colored by the fact that I, in the past, was personally on the receiving end of such deceit and lies and have lived through very similar betrayals in my own Christian experience.

In the fourth and fifth paragraphs of page one, Haggard openly acknowledges his deceit, a "dark" side to his life, internal struggle, and failed efforts to address his problems.  While he later acknowledges "I am a sinner," his Pentecostal theology fails him in being able to biblically understand the nature of his own sin and depravity.  New Life's doctrinal statement contains one brief reference to the Fall.  There is no explanation of the truth of depravity nor our inheritance from the First Adam.  This crippling doctrinal omission becomes compounded by the fact that where the Word of God posits the Cross and identification for sanctification, Pentecostal teaching and New Life Church inserts the "present ministry" and "Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit."  In short, the Pentecostal/charismatic understanding of God's redemptive plan is grossly emasculated and distorted, thus leading to major behavioral inconsistencies (Romans 7) despite their claim to "victory" and "freedom."

Prescriptive for Ted Haggard's "healing and restoration" of his life, marriage, and family, is his submission to the oversight of Dr. James Dobson and Pastors Jack Hayford and Tommy Barnett.  All three of these 'overseers' embrace Arminian-oriented, Holiness and Pentecostal teachings.  Dr. James Dobson, heralds from the Church of the Nazarene--a "Wesleyan/Holiness" denomination; Jack Hayford and Tommy Barnett are Pentecostal ministers associated with the Foursquare and Assembly of God denominations, respectively.  Because of their own aberrant doctrinal views, none of them will be capable of genuinely addressing Ted Haggard's problems with his sin nature.  As Jesus remarked, "...if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch."

It is not coincidental that Roman Catholic clergy have for decades been indicted for sexual deviancy (pedophilia and homosexuality).  It is no coincidence that gay and lesbian ministers hold leadership roles in Anglican (Episcopal) and Methodist churches.  And it is further no coincidence that Wesleyan/Holiness, Pentecostal, and Charismatic leaders, and those led, have chronically been involved with various immoral scandals of all shapes and sizes.  As the above graphic suggests, there is a systemic problem with the Anglo-Catholic religious tradition.  Critics will claim and argue that similar immorality exists (moral equivalency) throughout all fundamental and evangelical Christianity.  However, the evidence simply does not support that accusation.  Born-again, New Creation Christian beware! 


For what it's worth, Pentecostals DO NOT represent born-again, New Creation, orthodox Christianity.  Up until the mid '50s, Pentecostals were considered a 'fringe' sect due to their aberrant doctrines and practices.  However, certain ecumenical, inclusivist leaders entered into 'detente', and what changed was not Pentecostal beliefs, but their public relations methodologies.  Using modern media, they became a model for other heterodox groups of how to alter public perceptions.

1957 also witnessed Dr. [Donald] Barnhouse and Dr. [Walter] Martin entering into "close fellowship" with the Pentecostalists.  Eternity magazine for April, 1958, reported the visit with the leaders of the Assemblies of God at their headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, stating, "We found total disagreement of two percent of our doctrines, and absolute agreement of 95 to 98 percent."  Again, believers were strongly exhorted to enter into fellowship with this anti-security [Arminian], tongues and healing group.

It was at this time that the Pentecostal plague was beginning to break loose and infect the larger denominations. The Barnhouse-Martin open door policy substantially contributed to the present-day charismatic errors [and chaos] that are rending the Body of Christ.  Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse and Neo-Evangelicalism, MJS.

If the "process" follows Pentecostal/charismatic tradition, Pastor Ted will apologize and ask for congregational "forgiveness."  Then he'll relocate to a distant urban center and start another "Spirit-filled business ministry" in about 5 years-or-less time.  "To everything [there is] a season, a time for every purpose under heaven..."


The New Old Life "board of overseers" will likely do their senior pastor no favor.  It should be self-evident to any adult that Pastor Ted has engaged in a ongoing level of deception and lying, and thus is attempting to 'spin' the story in an effort at damage control.  But his explanations haven't passed the logic test, and directly contradict the tape recorded evidence already made public.  This is similar to the past 'spin' that James Bakker, Bob George, Jimmy Swaggart, and others employed.  With hundreds of genuine massage therapists listed in any local yellow pages, why would Haggard employ a homosexual prostitute (so-called escort) for a rub down?  Also of note was the fact that Haggard didn't mention which "hotel" he was lodged at.  The fair and obvious 'overseer' question should be, "What did the escort massage and how did he massage it?"

Sadly, Ted (Art) Haggard has made himself and "evangelicals" the laughing stock of the world!  Evangelicals bear some much of the blame for exalting 'celebrity personalities' rather than genuine spiritual leaders.   No wonder the unbelieving world has come to believe Christian leaders have some kooky mind-controlling power over their 'illiterate' flocks.  And the use of methamphetamine...the most risky, addictive, and deadly street drug of modern history!  In a recorded phone call, Haggard says, "Hi Mike, this is Art."  "Hey, I was just calling to see if we could get any more.  Either $100 or $200 supply."  Honestly, there is a basis here for Ted Haggard to cop an insanity defense.

Truly, our hearts and prayers should go out to his dear wife and children who will certainly suffer more than most can imagine.  This event is a living object lesson for my 10/31.1/2006 post below and The Red Letters.  While Ted Haggard is fully responsibly for his immoral behavior, he is also a victim--a victim of the Pentecostal "Baptism of the Holy Ghost."  Like thousands of other Pentecostal/charismatics, he is mentally unstable and probably in need of short-term hospitalization, then long-term safe & sound doctrinal teaching--something he'd never find at New Life Church.  We can only hope and pray that the Lord shows him that repentance and forgiveness are not enough and that God's gracious redemption (the Cross and Identification) must address the corrupt nature (sin) of our humanity to make room for real New Life--"not I, but Christ."


Surprised, stunned, or embarrassed?  Unfortunately, this is a tip of a very ugly iceberg.  The problem is, was, and will always be aberrant Pentecostal/charismatic doctrine and its devastating systemic effects.  But like the problem with Islam, there's a political incorrectness in fingering a person's or group's beliefs.  Thus, both the general public as well as the evangelical church are currently incapable of grasping these issues.

Although dated, readers will surely profit from:  HOMOSEX and the Christian, The Making and Breaking of Homosexuality.

Genuine Leadership

“An instrument for honorable uses, consecrated, useful for the Master, and ready for any good service” (2 Tim. 2:21, Wms.).

To be a leader one must be a dependent one, a led one; one who is “looking away (from all that would distract) to Jesus, who is the Leader and the Source of our faith” (Heb. 12:2).

“One of the greatest needs in the Church today is for authoritative, spiritual, and sacrificial leadership. Authoritative, because people love to be led by one who knows where he is going and who inspires their confidence. Spiritual, because a leadership which is carnal and explainable in terms of the natural, be it ever so competent, can result in sterility and spiritual bankruptcy. Sacrificial, because its source is the life of One who gave Himself a sacrifice, and stated that the path of leadership was by the lonely road of sacrificial service.” -O.S.

“The standard and measure of spiritual leaders has to be ahead of others, and as human nature generally likes not to be disturbed, but would seek the easy way, the pioneer is often a bit too much for people. His is not the easy way, and because the whole nature of man is either downward or to a quiet and happy snugness, the leader is not always popular. The pioneer is therefore not always appreciated, but often very much otherwise. He is quite contrary to this mediocre gravitation. A part of the price of leadership is loneliness.” -T. A-S.

“Paul could say, ‘I am glad to spend and to be spent for your sakes, notwithstanding the more earnestly I love you the less I be loved’; not, I will help you as long as you love me. People hurt you; you are not appreciated? Well, so be it! Spend and be spent the more!”

The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient” (2 Tim. 2:24)


“…you know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart…, you can do well.  If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Later, John Kerry said, "I apologize to no one!"  His comment reflect the general hyper-arrogant, pseudo-intellectualism of the liberal Left.  They truly believe their secular naturalistic viewpoint is superior, enlightened, and "New World," whereas Christian and religiously-informed views are moronic and a holdover from the Middle Ages.  Simply put, they are anti-Christian bigots who feel "safe" (having media and Hollywood entertainment as allies) to both assert their bigotry through microphones in the public square as well as look upon religious Americans with contempt. 


With the nearly 2-year commitment and hard work of both Jeremy V. Kent and Geoff Wright (England), we are pleased to announce the completion of the online version of Miles J. Stanford's, THE RED LETTERS.  The Red Letters, originally written in 1965, documented the spiritual dangers and the progressive and devastating results of charismatic error during the first half of the 20th century.

The color red usually denotes danger, and the purpose of THE RED LETTERS is to assist the believer in keeping out of, and away from, spiritual danger. "Therefore watch, and remember that......ceased not to warn everyone..." Acts 20:31.

Of necessity this "red" material is, for the most part, negative.  And we have only given partial positive answers to the so-called "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" and related errors with which we have sought to deal.

The main emphasis here is to present first-hand material so as to give the inquiring believer a clear-cut picture, not just of this error which has so long plagued the Church at large, but also a further warning view of the devastation into which this error progressively drags its victims.

For the positive aspect of spiritual development we share THE GREEN LETTERS with any who are hungry to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (II Peter 3:18).   MJS

The Red Letters touches upon some historical events (e.g., The Welsh Revivals of 1904-1905) leading up to modern-day charismania.  Since it was written, the cases of sexual and financial scandals among Pentecostals and charismatics have become legion.  Even Pentecostal historian, Vinson Synan, in his 1971 book, The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement in the United States did not seek to hide the movement's propensity toward scandal.  These aberrant behaviors have deep theological roots and Stanford's documentation makes the connection.  The Line Drawn, written seven years later, became the central doctrinal thesis for the Pauline dispensational cessationist point of view.

PS.  The tragic history of the negative effects of the charismatic movement upon women has yet to be written.  The dual effects of modernism and feminism have caused emotional vulnerabilities.  The psychological and physiological carnage, to say nothing of the spiritual damage, has been horrendous.  Quietly, thousands of women have required hospitalization by family members.  And still, Pentecostal, 'health-n-wealth,' tele-evangelists like Joyce Meyers, and a host of others, are able to build shameful, multi-million dollar empires exploiting "silly women" (2 Tim. 3:6).  Here is one offsite exposé.


Diane and I were able to get away for a few days.  Using some frequent flyer and hotel points, we visited a beautiful part of California--the Russian River Valley and surrounding areas.  We also dropped in on Eric Peterman (sovereign grace and Pauline dispensational), who is co-pastor of Valley Bible Fellowship (±75 members) in Booneville, CA.  This humble fellowship occupies a converted auto repair shop.

Booneville and the town of Philo sit in the beautiful Anderson Valley of Mendocino County, best known for its cooler-climate grape growing and some of the finest Pinot Noir wine--in our opinion.


I want to remind visitors and regular readers of the powerful Google search engine located on; see link at top of left margin.  I recently installed Google's upgraded version which comprehensively links all three websites together.  Enjoy!


Former New York Times columnist Chris Hedges, user of the phrase "American Fascist" to describe conservative Christians, is the master of the verbal ruse.  His comments, first seen by me at Red Giants blogspot, are shown in black italics; my comments in red.

“All debates with the Christian Right are useless.”

By “useless,” he means incapable of persuading them based on secular and humanistic-based (his definition of reasonable) argument.

“We cannot reach this movement. It does not want a dialogue.”

The Religious Right has engaged in all kinds of “dialogue” with liberals.  We simply cannot accept the Left’s secular and atheistic presuppositions, conclusions, or arrogant and self-flattering monologues.  For this reason, the Left falsely accuses us of not wanting to “dialogue.”

“It cares nothing for rational thought and discussion.”

By “rational” Hedges means exclusive naturalistic thought.  For him, divine inspiration and rational thought cannot occupy the same space.  He is an anti-revelation bigot.

 “It is not mollified because John Kerry prays or Jimmy Carter teaches Sunday School.”

Apparently for a moment, Hedges is transparent regarding his motive.  He want's to mollify the Religious Right.  Why should we be “mollified” by the superficial, and often hypocritical, religiosity of liberals??

 “These naive attempts to reach out to a movement bent on our destruction, to prove to them that we too have "values," would be humorous if the stakes were not so deadly.”

Superficial and hypocritical religiosity does not represent an honest effort to “reach out” to anyone.  They really are an arrogant insult!  The Religious Right is not bent on the “destruction” of liberals or the Left.  We simply seek to marginalize and deny them access to power—by legal civic means.  The Religious Right is energized by the fact that our secular opponents wish to seize power by whatever means possible--legal or illegal.   

The Religious Right has never doubted that liberals have “values.”  We simply do not share an appreciation for liberal values.  Why?  Because we don't accept the liberal premise of moral relativism, multiculturalism, etc.

“They hate us. They hate the liberal, enlightened world formed by the Constitution.”

This is another attempt to mislead readers.  We reject liberal views and interpretations due to their naturalistic and secular presuppositions.  This does not constitute “hate.”  The liberal’s use of the term “enlightened” is arrogant self-flattery.  Liberals see themselves as intellectual elites.  The Religious Right believes, based on substantial evidences, that liberals grossly misinterpret the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights due to their intensely bigoted, anti-religious and theophobic bias.  Despite their claims to intellectualism, we see them as grossly illiterate of early American history.  A reading of the book, Never Before in History, America's Inspired Birth will easily prove thed point.

“Our opinions do not count.”

This is not entirely true.  Opinions are like belly-buttons.  Everyone has one.  What absolutely sends Mr. Hedges into orbit is that fact that the Religious Right allows for a source of knowledge higher than human opinion.  Atheistic liberals go berserk and rabid when their opinions are trumped by Judeo-Christian revelation (references to the Bible) and their power to influence and control is marginalized.

“This movement will not stop until we are ruled by Biblical Law, an authoritarian church intrudes in every aspect of our life, women stay at home and rear children, gays agree to be cured, abortion is considered murder, the press and the schools promote "positive" Christian values, the federal government is gutted, war becomes our primary form of communication with the rest of the world and recalcitrant non-believers see their flesh eviscerated at the sound of the Messiah's voice.”

Mr. Hedges proves beyond a question, that he has mastered the art of creative hyperbole.  He truly writes as a man seized with fear, maybe even fear of his own future moment of eternal accountability.


Having now spent time drafting our doctrinal statement, it is increasingly evident how out-of-sync or short the majority of doctrinal statements are for the challenge to both today's church and ministry.  Most of today's statements reflect the religious world and issues of the early 20th century when the fundamentalist/modernist conflict was at its zenith.  The central tenets of biblical Christianity were formulated at a series of annual Niagara Bible Conferences (read the Five Fundamentals under "Doctrine," and the more detailed Fourteen Point Creed) and further explained in a series of booklets known as "The Fundamentals, 1909" 


J.W. at RED GIANTS blogspot has additional insight on the secular-liberal humanist hate mill.  I've added the pacifist Hedges book to the 10/17/2006 list.  According to Hedges, Christian fundamentalists (this includes anyone who doesn't see the Bible as a collection of human-authored allegories) are fascists.  Jewish syndicated columnist Don Feder seeks to get to the bottom of this smear in October 9, 2006 commentary.

Chris Hedges, son of a liberal Presbyterian minister, is a former NYT foreign war reporter who regularly seeks to draw parallels between Islamic fundamentalism and Christian fundamentalism.  He's likely the 'thought-planter' behind brainless Rosie O'Donnell.  Writing "Bush’s Nuclear Apocalypse" for his 10/9 column in the far-left, "progressive" journal truthdig, nasty Hedges mocks Christian believers with these concluding remarks:

If you are sure you will be raptured into heaven, your clothes left behind with the nonbelievers, then this news should cheer you up. If you are rational, however, these may be some of the last few weeks or months in which to enjoy what is left of our beleaguered, dying republic and way of life.

To hear Hedges and other liberal commentators, the world is a fallen environment because of George Bush and Republican policies.  Here is their interpretation of Romans 5:12:

"Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man--George Bush, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men..."  (LRV translation - Liberal Revised Version)

Much of the liberal left's hope and vision is linked to the distortion of the relationship between church and state.  Readers are encouraged to read and study Daniel L. Dreisbach's Imprimis article: Origins and Dangers of the "Wall of Separation" Between Church and State.  Mr. Dreisbach is professor of justice, law, and society in the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, D.C., as well as the William E. Simon Fellow in Religion and Public Life in the James Madison Program at Princeton University.  He received his D.Phil. from Oxford University and his J.D. from the University of Virginia.  He is author or editor of numerous books, including Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State; The Founders on God and Government; Religion and Political Culture in Jefferson’s Virginia; and Real Threat and Mere Shadow: Religious Liberty and the First Amendment.


Be aware that the radical Left, secularists, and Democrats are working had to drive a wedge between conservative Christians and the Republican Party.  They're working hard with a basket of tricks.  They've tried to learn and use as much evangelical speak as they can stomach, pretending to understand and identify, but their contempt for born-again Christians and Christianity is near impossible to conceal.  To preserve this ministry and those like it: vote responsibly, vote conservatively!  A vote in the opposite direction could get you killed (by America's enemies)...literally.  It's an entirely different world from 1950, when society had a sense of normality.

For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe;

His craft and power are great, and, armed with cruel hate,

On earth is not his equal.


Awhile back, I added two additional entries to the Great Books (recommended reading) page.  The first is MJS's THE NEW BIRTH EXPLAINED.  No explanation needed.  The second is:

GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY AND GLORY IN THE ELECTION AND SALVATION OF LOST MEN, Roy A. Huebner, Present Truth Publishers.  R. A. Huebner is a Pauline dispensational writer in the tradition of J. N. Darby.  As an ex-engineer, his analytical treatment of this particular subject is superb.  This 314 page book is aimed at Christians who accept "...the truth of eternal security, [but] also hold that man has free moral will towards God and who claim that faith is of human origin, not divinely implanted faith."  The most popular examples are: Norman Geisler, Dave Hunt, William MacDonald, and Henry Thiessen, to mention just a few.  Of course, the audience would be a majority of so-called evangelicals worldwide.  Huebner skillfully reconciles God's sovereignty with man's responsibility within the dispensational context of the testing of lost mankind--misunderstood by both Arminian and Calvinist alike.  He examines God's sovereignty in the Gospel of John, Book of Acts, Romans, and Ephesians.  This is a great resource and includes 28 pages of both Subject and Scripture Index.

What is particularly noteworthy is Huebner's ability (using several quotes from Darby) to expound on the subject of human responsibility in the context of mankind's testing in the First Adam.  See pages 17-35.  It is here that a large percentage of the evangelical world descends into the error of human ability (free will) or conversely looks to Calvinism to escape the tenets of humanism.  Either way, the result leads believers away from the teaching of the Risen Christ via the Apostle Paul.

Here are some specific quotations (sample sections) from the book: The Standing of Fallen Man and The Issue of Responsibility. 


Anti-Christian bigotry, hate, and religious-baiting monologue continue to flow from America's secular Left and various liberal religious elements.  The New York Times newspaper is probably the most well known theophobic daily publication in print, which also acts as an echo chamber for a select group of authors.  During my 30+ year professional career, I have repeatedly come face-to-face with these types of individuals.  They are self-righteous in the extreme and are typically spoiling for a fight.  It is important that Christians learn to stand their ground when confronted with individuals who represent a genuine threat to religious liberty in America.  Of late, a spate of books taking aim at conservative Christians has been published by the secular crowd.  As mentioned in today's Rich Lowry editorial, dozens of these books are designed to evoke widespread "Theo-panic.....!" 

As time permits, I'll add to this initial list of intensely theophobic polemic books:

American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America - Chris Hedges

Kingdom Coming, The Rise of Christian Nationalism - Michelle Goldberg

With God on Their Side: George W. Bush and the Christian Right - Esther Kaplan

The End of Faith & Letter To A Christian Nation - Sam Harris

Jesus Land - Julia Scheeres

American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion - Kevin Phillips

The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right's Plans for the Rest of Us - James Rudin

Conservatives Without Conscience - John Dean

The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right - Michael Lerner

Why the Christian Right Is Wrong - Robin Meyers

Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America... -  Randall Balmer

Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right - Mel White

Piety & Politics: The Right-Wing Assault on Religious Freedom - Barry W. Lynn

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

The Theocons: Secular America Under Siege - Damon Linker

Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon - Daniel C. Dennett

Middle Church: Reclaiming the Moral Values of the Faithful Majority from the Religious Right - Bob Edgar

Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction - David Kuo

Our Endangered Values - Jimmy Carter

Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers - Brooke Allen


Hopefully, readers get the point--the secularists want YOU to go back to sleep!


Two plus weeks at home recuperating from surgery has brought me face-to-face with the mass, online marketing of goods and services on the Internet by certain companies and retailers.  The Internet is a wonderful tool for shopping, but I resent having this, that, and the other shoved in my face.  I have never purchased a thing from companies shown in spam email and I highly recommend a global Internet boycott against any and all that use push marketing.  This may not put a dent in this irritation, but if everyone else practiced the same boycott approach, it might discourage further growth of the mass of annoying email.

To combat this plague, I simply use the "rules" feature of MS Outlook to identify and delete push marketing literature.  This is a terrible waste of Internet bandwidth.  They send the junk and it's deleted before hitting my inbox.  What's the point with these blockheads????


Based on continued email inquires and requests, I have written a brief exposé entitled, The Emasculated Gospel of Harold Camping and Family Radio.  What has been self-evident (at least to me) for several decades is that large numbers of American evangelicals judge veracity and authenticity based on financial and organizational successes, not doctrine.  Does the ministry seems to work and produce results?  Is the ministry well bankrolled or have large donors?  "Well then, God must be behind the effort--it's His work!"  This results-oriented, 'consumerism' mentality is deeply entrenched.


After long delay, we are back-filling our doctrinal statement.  Our decision was based on the inability of some visitors and readers to feel comfortable with sharing our basic beliefs.  Hopefully, this will address these concerns.  I will continue to refine as necessary.  Comments are always appreciated.


Many refuse to acknowledge the bankruptcy of today's government-funded educational system.  Of those willing to admit to problems, most believe the system is inherently workable, but the problem is ____________ (fill in the blank).  Despite expanded, multi-billion dollar budgets, public education was, is, and will always be under-funded in their minds.  For them, teachers are underpaid and thus problems stem from not being able to attract and retained quality teachers.  Some blame parents for inadequate guidance and instruction of ____________ (fill in the blank) at home.  Many Christian leaders also believe the system is inherently workable and that normality and wholesomeness can be restored by bringing prayer, even Bible study, back into the classroom.  Sigh....  As I wrote in the past, these leader don't understand history and thus offer a superficial Band-Aid approach, at best.

Violence and the growing numbers of school shootings, 34 on U.S. soil over the past decade, are manifestations of the inherent bankruptcy.  While I'm not trained in mental health, it nevertheless seems reasonable that mentally ill and depraved individuals are drawn to the source of their childhood traumas--the school classroom.  It is there they first experience being baptized into a cruel world: public humiliation, ridicule, panic attacks, competition, the fear of not keeping up, sexual attraction, cruelty, playground bullies, selfishness, and even hate and possibly racism.  The classroom can be a model of Darwin's survival of the fittest principle.  Is it possible that these psyches, maladjusted in ever way, wind up gravitating to the representative source of their earlier psychological and emotional pain?

Tragically, the government response will be to spend billions of tax dollars to address symptoms, rather than getting to the cause of the problem.  The Bush Administration launched a Conference on School Safety--the goal being to discuss the nature of the problem and federal action that can help communities prevent violence and deal with its aftermath.  The typical government approach puts the cart before the horse.  They begin by defining possible "federal actions," then back into the necessary "nature of the problem."  In other words, if it's not fixable with government action, then it's not, by defining, a relevant problem for them to address.  Given participants' inability to see the core issue, their solution will likely steer the course of increased logical and physical security, thus making public schools America's first official, high-tech gulag.

The answer?...the separation of school and state.  See,  And, say "No!" to any and all funding requests to increase property taxes from local governments.  Americans have been forced to fund their own destruction!  You can complaint and protest all you want, but only by cutting off the funding will heinous beast be challenged. 


Today, AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) is not a simple, discount-offering, 35 million member seniors' group.  It is a radical, left-wing, liberal, policy-influencing, advocacy organization, with nearly a billion dollar budget.  It begins to target potential members through mailing campaigns to U.S. citizens in their late 40s, membership begins at 50 years of age.  The lure (bait) is purchasing discounts and an assortment of economic group benefits.  Seniors beware!  Don't take the bait.  Don't support and give aid to an avowed enemy of Christian values.

If you're interested in alternatives, see:  SIGNIFICANT LIVING


Today, it is identification-based spiritual growth which is to protect both individual Christian and the Church collectively from error and demonic attack, not the gift of "discerning of spirits" (1 Corinthians 12:10) nor any so-called "word of discernment" from a charismatic leader!  Despite the incessant preaching on "spiritual gifts," heard from pulpits, the list of gifts found in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; 14:1-32 ceased in the 1st century and are no more.  Get over it!


A QUEER DAY: The fact that pro-homosexual, Democrat party and candidates are attempting to exploit and rail against their pro-traditional-family opponents on the subject of the Rep. Foley scandal is rather odd--at least to me.  Of course, the Democrats, in an effort to gain political leverage, are attempting to raise the issue of predatory child molestation (early reports claimed the House page was 16; later, 18 at the time of the incident), which is not yet socially accepted among most American voters.  Nevertheless, the Democrats are at their hypocritical best on this one.  They're the party that believes all sexual activity by and between consenting adults is always acceptable, and that the definition of "adult" is culturally relative!  1+1=2  For an example of the hideous hypocrisy, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA, House Leader) regularly participates in a homosexual pride parades which include representatives from NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).  NAMBLA supports so-called mutually consensual sex between men and boys--pedophila.  So how can Democrats speak to the issue?  They are using vestiges of Christian morality, morality they don't accept, in an attempt to besmirch the Republican Party before the voters and an upcoming election.  There is little the GOP as a party, or even Republicans as individuals, can do to counter the stealth tactics (lying and deception) of closeted homosexuals.  Yes, being less accepting of homosexuality altogether might help.  Even conservative churches and conservative church leadership have and are struggling on this one.  If you're a conservative church leader and having problems in your church, drop me a line.  Confidentiality always maintained.

"For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.  For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.  Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful..."  Romans 1:26-27 (NKJV)


A number of discernment ministries are providing commentary and polemic exposés of the Emergent [alt. Emerging] Church movement.  Thus, this will be brief.  Proponents of the emerging church embrace postmodernism (PM) and call the movement a "conversation" to emphasize its decentralized nature with contributions from people of a variety of beliefs.  While on the surface, postmodernism values diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusivism, it is proving short, ironically, on tolerance.  Since there is no such thing a revelation from God, no such thing as absolute truth, the emerging church insidiously seeks to deconstruct and reconstruct Christianity to their own liking.  If readers are unfamiliar with this business of "deconstructing" and "reconstructing," I recommend some further reading > here.

Modernism brought about the liberalization and liberal control of all mainline Christian denominations.  "Fundamentalist" and evangelical believers were forced to separated and formed alternative fellowships.  Today, one Emergent Church leader understands the requirements of the ideal PM inclusive kingdom--the eradication of dissenters!  Religious utopian and acknowledged leader in the movement, Brian McLaren quixotically summarizes:

" be truly inclusive, the [earthly] kingdom must exclude exclusive people, to be truly reconciling, the kingdom must not reconcile with those who refuse reconciliation.

Sure, it's ok to read that again.  Yes, those are self-referential contradictions.  And how far will these radicals advocate on behalf of excluding "exclusive people," people who are already separated and not party to their earthly "kingdom" endeavor?  Postmodernism ends in despotism!  It's true in both politics and religion, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."  Lord Acton.


For those familiar with Intelligent Design arguments, a group of younger adults have put together a very nice polemic entitled--Watchmaker.  While the ministry is Kids4Truth, this apologetic is actually designed for a slightly older crowd.


All went well with the surgery (total left hip replacement) and I'm back at home, albeit moving rather carefully and slowly.  I'll be on crutches for the next six weeks, i.e., no weight bearing on the left leg so that the in-growth process is successful.  Slowly, I will work to process the backlog of emails.  Thanks for all the prayers and notes of encouragement.


The 9/24 and 9/25.2 Journal posts generated these poignant comments:  Re: Billy Graham, Re: US Military on Islam.


One correspondent recently asked an important question.  "What is the explanation for groups like the Association of Charismatic Reformed Churches?  It sounds a bit oxymoronic.  I thought the 'signs and wonders' stuff was the exclusive domain of the humanistic religious denominations, e.g., Pentecostals and other Arminian-oriented charismatics."  The explanation for charismatic Calvinists is two-fold.  1) Their failure to rightly divide the Word (even anti-dispensational) leaves them vulnerable to non-cessationist arguments.  2) They are likely indebted to the stalwart Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who manned the pulpit of Westminster Chapel in London, England from 1938 to 1943, for making such views tolerable, now even respectable, in Reformed circles.  Read MJS's critique of Dr. Lloyd-Jones above. 


Some may remember my book review of David Limbaugh's book Persecution.  While there was much good in the book, his treatment of the history and role of education in America was simply inaccurate and misleading.  Readers were led to believe that public education wasn't inherently unworkable (thus resulting in today's absurdities), but rather its fall was due to being hijacked by "humanism."  He has written another book, Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party, which he believes is better than Persecution, and from the excerpts I've read, I would agree.  As a lawyer, I think he's in now in his element.  Click on the book below to read an excerpt from the book.

It is the party of elites who look down their noses at red-state America. It is the party that snubs Christians and "values" voters yet claims to be their authentic representatives. It is the party that can't decide whether its electoral difficulties stem from its failure to effectively articulate its message or from the wholesale stupidity of an electorate that's too Christian, too much in favor of traditional family values, and too patriotic.


During the past decade, numerous "discernment" and "counter-cult" ministries have sprung up on the World Wide Web.  In an effort to answer emails asking, "What about so-and-so ministry?" we're launching a special discernment page of our own.  Discernment and Counter-Cult Ministries.  The site will remain in a perpetual state of  "Under Construction," due to the dynamic and growing nature of the Internet as a source of knowledge and information.  I have enlisted a hard working "research assistant" to help in maintaining the page.  If you think you see a technical error, misclassification, or oversight, please drop us a note.


Western politicians' effort to portray Islam as a “religion of peace” to their constituencies is antithetical to both trust and integrity.  It is antithetical because it is inaccurate religious history and thus untrue.  It is superficial and misleading at best and a grand lie at worst.  American politicians have bought into the nonsense that Islam is a monotheistic religion similar to Judaism and Christianity.  This argument of equivalency is as much an offense to Islam, as it is to Judaism and Christianity.

While there may be many peaceful and peace-loving Muslims, Islam is not a “religion of peace,” according to common word usage of the term in the English-speaking world.  By religious edict, Mohammad and his faithful followers are permitted the use of violence and war (jihad) to advance the cause of Islam and expand its theocratic, earthly kingdom.  Jesus Christ did not give His followers in this age the right to fight because His kingdom was not scheduled to take theocratic form (Kingdom in Power) until His Second Coming (John 18:36).

Muslims' claim that Islam is “the one true religion” is both a blasphemous lie and a deception.  It is an expression of pure evil.  Islam claims to be the truth.  It claims to be the way.  It claims to be the door.  All of these are rival claims made against the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus said:

  • “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:1
  • “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”  John 10:9
  • “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber.”  John 10:1

1 John 2:22 states:

Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the (a) antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son.

Islam is a century-old antichrist which has awakened with virulence since Israel was returned to her homeland.  No US Administration or Western power is the direct cause for this awakening.  Like Pharaoh (Exodus 5:2), Islam has an appointed role to play in the consummation of this age.

Short of some worldwide movement of the Holy Spirit and widespread experience of the new birth by radical Muslims, socio-political conditions are destined to become worse.  Assuming prophetic Scriptures didn’t point to this coming cataclysm, the only way to escape the delusion of Islamic imperialism would be for the Muslim world to be brought face-to-face with their falsehoods.  Despite the spin of many religionists, Islam’s Allah is not the Jehovah of the OT, nor the Loving and Almighty Father spoken of in the NT Epistles.

Multiculturalism and political-correctness has returned to both America and Europe with a vengeance.  The Pope and Roman Catholicism have attempted to engage in ecumenical dialogue and appeasement for centuries, thus only delaying the seeming inevitable clash of civilizations.  Islam interprets Western leaders desire for dialogue as appeasement and weakness, and thus we witnessed this past week the continuing effort of Muslims to intimidate the Pope, offer him an opportunity to convert to Islam, and then threaten him with death.  It is reported that a similar conversion offer was made to President Bush.  The silence and impotence of the moderate Muslim world is due to their firsthand knowledge that nothing short of catastrophic events of the nth degree will deter current jihadist zeal to destroy Western civilization.

Even the US military is handicapped in understanding both the threat and challenge.  In an PowerPoint presentation entitled “Fighting the Long War--Military Strategy for the War on Terrorism,” Rear Admiral Bill Sullivan, Vice Director for Strategic Plans & Policy, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, made the following statement 

“We cannot discredit all of Islam as we did with communism, it is a divine religion.  We can only discredit the violent extremist.”  (slide #20)  [Underline emphasis mine.]

This is an example of grotesque religious illiteracy.  The origin of Islam is not “divine.”  This misunderstanding of the enemy may lead to more-and-more US military deaths and possibly the end of both Europe and America as we all know it.


But Jesus said to him, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.  Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?  How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it [my death] must happen thus?"  Matthew 26:53

Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."  Pilate therefore said unto him, “Art thou a king then?”  Jesus answered, "Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice."  Pilate said unto him, “What is truth?”  John 18:36-38

Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse.  And He who sat on him [was] called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.  His eyes [were] like a flame of fire, and on His head [were] many crowns.  He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.  He [was] clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.  And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.  Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations.  And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.  He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.  And He has on [His] robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  Revelation 19:11-16

Only through a dispensational approach to interpretation can the believer correctly integrate and understand the significance of each portion of Scripture.

While there may be many peaceful and peace-loving Muslims, Islam is not a “religion of peace,” according to common word usage in the English-speaking world.  By religious edict, Mohammad and his faithful followers are permitted the use of violence and war (jihad) to advance the cause of Islam and expand its imperialistic, theocratic, earthly kingdom.  Jesus Christ did not give His followers in this age the right to fight because His kingdom was not scheduled to take theocratic form (Kingdom in Power) until His Second Coming (John 18:36).

Now contrary to popular belief, genuine Christianity is not a “religion of peace” either.  Again, the meaning of word “peace” is all important.  At His First Advent, Christ specifically stated:

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.  Matthew 10:34

However, from the context we find that the “sword” Jesus spoke of here was not literal, but rather figurative for division and conflict.  The very next two verses in Matthew 10 clarify the matter:

For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.  Matthew 10:35, 36.

The reason Christ brought division to earthly families and relationships is due to the fact that through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, He established a “New Creation,” (Kingdom in Mystery) with Himself as Supreme.  Today, this New Creation is entered exclusively through the biblical, Christian New Birth.


But Hillary.....YOU told 'em right-wingers that the Good Book sayz, "forgive and forget." Hillary....??

Maybe it's time to find out what the Bible really says about the subject of forgiveness...

click here--> FORGIVE & REMEMBER

It is high-profile, jet-setter Bill Clinton who has injected vitriol and a caldron of hate into American public discourse by his rants against so-called "right-wingers."  These tirades have done much to polarized society.


Q. Are you suggesting there is nothing of value in Billy Graham's ministry and that what the majority of the evangelical world sees as a ministry of humility, integrity and effectiveness is really a "bane on the Body of Christ"?

A. The "evangelical world" suffers from a serious lack of discernment. Billy Graham and his Arminian-evangelical ministry, embraced principles from Charles Finney’s1 revivalism2. Graham never found acceptance among 1) most fundamentalists due to his ecumenism, and 2) among believer’s who hold to the sovereignty of God rather than the sovereignty of man. Similar to the Roman Catholic pope, any so-called universal acceptance for Billy Graham exists solely in the minds of his anglo-catholic3 admirers, particularly those who craved public affirmation.  For further discussion, read Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse and Neo-Evangelicalism.


Bill Graham's cultural popularity has not been a reflection of God’s endorsement (in my opinion), but rather is attributable to a humanistic religionist being at the right place (a ‘Methodistized America) and at the right time (a modernized, humanistic second-half of the 20th century).  The use of mass media techniques certainly contributed to his success, but it was his humanistic theology, which seemed to reconcile Scripture with 'common sense,' which endeared him to a majority of Christians.  Consistent with the effects of his Arminian theology, Graham has continued his ecumenical and liberal drift which is today reflected in an unorthodox religious syncretism. Herein is the "bane" in its full expression.


It is no hyperbole to suggest that Billy Graham and company laid the ground work for today's Emergent Church movement.  Read this 1997 exchange between Billy Graham and Robert Schuller.  Then explore a sample of Ken Silva's (Apprising Ministries) analyses:

Note: These links should not be interpreted as a broad endorsement of Mr. Silva or Apprising Ministries.  Mr. Silva is associated with the conservative-wing of the Southern Baptist Convention, is non-dispensational, states his theology is most in line with "Dr. John MacArthur and Charles Spurgeon," is not a "second blessing" teacher as typically found in Pentecostal/Holiness denominations, but sees the advent of the Church in John 20:22 like Arminians "Walter Martin and D.L. Moody."


Warning!  While evangelicalism's widening slide toward panentheism is taking place without the use (?) of entheogens, the movement will likely spawn a number of evangelical shamans.  This is not the American Church's first encounter with panentheism.  Arminian Norman Grubb and associates became involved during the first half of the 20th century.


1 - Finney's Finis

2 - Revivalism: the practice of holding special meetings once or twice a year involving outside leadership (a stranger to the individual problems), and the devastating revival routine (confession, new resolutions, etc.), in the hope that something will change -- but it rarely does, and then not for long.

3 - Christian Humanism's Deficient View of the Fall


Having fallen behind in Journal posts and email correspondence, an explanation is in order.  Over the past 6 months my health has deteriorated.  Most of the time I've had difficulty walking and engaging in normal activity.  I assumed (wrongly?) it was somehow related to my prior back problems.  However five weeks ago, the doctors diagnosed the 'hitch in my get along': severe, rapidly progressive hip osteoarthritis.  The x-rays told the tale.  The solution?  Bi-lateral hip replacement.  After much research and multiple professional opinions, I've made the decision to have the first surgery on September 30th, and the second eight weeks later.  Since I'll generally be in recovery the next 4 months, expect an above-average volume of commentary as soon as I work through the details.  The Lord is gracious throughout all our circumstances.


sulfuro flatos

His words were vile, disgusting, and evil.  The laughter, rather than public outrage, demonstrates the pending holocaust in store for the world.   For those moderately well read, this picture says a thousand words.  For those asking, "Who is Noam Chomsky?" read, The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky.  If Americans think a Stalin-like gulag is not possible here, think again.  If Christians think  their reservations at the gulag haven't already been made in the minds of some, think again*.  Here is prima facie proof of the evil of the entire system of government-funded education (Chomsky is a tenured professor at MIT) and the organization of the United Nations.  Of course, many conservative have known and stood by these truths for decades.

* Foolishly, many American-European Christians--particularly women--hold a romantic notion of persecution and suffering.  They falsely imagine grace to be a form of narcotic in their hour of need, and unbearable pain only a possibility to those "without Jesus" or of little faith.  Not so.   

9/16/2006 just suffered a major computer hack by radical Muslims.  Do not visit their sight if you have a weak stomach.  Muslim terrorists have pledged to bring down the Internet which they perceive as the tool of "Zionists" and "Crusaders."  Through intimidation and violence, their goal is to bring an end, globally, to both freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  This is extremely serious.  The political Left, the politically correct, and liberals of all stripes have provoked these attacks through their display of relativism and cultural impotence.  I'll have more on this subject, shortly.

10:27 MST. just cleaned up the grim defacement.

Very relevant to this past week, which I spent in information security training in Washington, D.C.  I suspect Internet security is going to become increasingly an issue in the months and years ahead.


In an effort to present a simple dispensational approach for understanding Scripture, please read and study, THE FIVE BIBLICAL SPHERES of biblical behavior.  This study, while well developed, is not yet fully complete.  I hope to create a tool by which both young and older Christians can feel comfortable with the self-evident division found in Scripture.


The Left and Democrat Party are engaged in extreme partisan acts and political abuse of power.  Their continuing assaults upon the First Amendment (both selective free speech and intrusions into the sphere of religion--violation of separation of church and state) illustrates their hyper-hypocrisy.  In the last several hours, ABC/Disney has come under intense pressure and threats to pull and cancel the documentary-mini series, "The Path To 9/11."  The mini-series examines the evidence linking several acts of Islamic terrorism and responses from various Administrations and political figures.  As reported by those who have seen the two-party video, the Left and Democrats are beside themselves because the uncut mini-series suggests impotency and incompetence on the part of the Clinton Administration in dealing with both threats and events leading up to 9/11.  Even if the presentation was on par with Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 (and it's not), the public has a right to view the unedited videos.  It makes no sense how this group of ideologues can be concerned about eavesdropping on terrorists communications, but then simultaneously seek to engage in direct mind control through censorship?   

Having been raised in a blue-collar, Catholic/Democrat family during the '50s and '60s, I witnessed first hand the lies, fraud, and bitter hate intrinsic in the Democrat/Left.  While some Republicans are fully capable of disingenuousness regarding religion and moral values, today's Democrat Party in bound by a radical ideology that is both pseudo-religious and inherently secular.  Under their veneer of civility is an intense hatred toward orthodox, Bible-believing Christians of all strips.  In their twisted thinking, many of them believe the world of Islamic fundamentalism has arisen in response to America's Christian fundamentalism.  For Democrat/Left, religious fundamentalism is the ultimate "F" word.

Here is the link = to ABC to register your comments and opinion.  Let them hear from you!

Also read, Senate Democrats threaten ABC with legislative and regulatory reprisals because of a disagreement over the content of a film.  


"To the American people and the people of the West in general … God sent his Prophet Muhammad with guidance and the religion of truth … and sent him as a herald..."  Al-Zawahri

Herein may lie a partial cure for the secularist West's complacent attitude toward religion...or maybe not.

"It is time for the unbelievers to discard these incoherent and illogical beliefs," he [American-born, al-Qaida activist, Adam Gadahn*] said. "Isn't it the time for the Christians, Jews, Buddhists and atheists to cast off the cloak of the spiritual darkness which enshrouds them and emerge into the light of Islam?" 

Gadahn denounced Christianity as a "hollow shell of a religion, whose followers cling to an empty faith and a false conviction in their own salvation."  "We invite all Americans and other unbelievers to Islam, wherever they are."

What the modern West fails to understand is that this Islamic "evangelism" is often followed by a self-justified terrorism [so-called divine judgment] upon those who refuse the offer of "conversion."  Under more moderate Islamic theocracy, the status of dhimmitude is offered in lieu of death.

* Adam's father changed the family's surname from Pearlman [Jewish] to Gadahn.



However, some religious Americans (wacko charismatics) are hoping to find some inclusive middle ground with Islam.

So here you can see the seeds of the new evangelical inclusivism where we have a denial of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in order to set up a modalistic definition that even Oneness Pentecostal “Bishop” T.D. Jakes can agree with. This in turn enables the beginning of the repainting of Islam as simply a branch of Judaism and Christianity that also worships the God of the Bible.


There is a heavy cost to be paid for not "rightly dividing (handling; cutting in a straight line) the word of truth" (1 Timothy 1:2:15).  This is the status quo for those who embrace covenant theology and its resulting bondage to sin and law.  Whether Jew or Christian, law produces sin and hypocrisy as illustrated in Romans 2:17-24.  For those who ignore or reject the dispensational distinctions of heavenly vs. earthly spheres and Israel vs. the Church, sidestep identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension (the Apostle Paul's teaching on sanctification), and embrace the so-called "Law of Christ--i.e., New Testament Law" under a modified form of Reformed theology, the outcome is much the same.  According to New Covenant Theology (NCT):

The Mosaic Law - was binding on the Israelites during the period of time from the giving of the law at Mount Sinai to the ushering in of the New Covenant Era at Pentecost.

The Law of Christ - this is the body of law that came through Jesus and the Apostles that is directly applicable to believers today.

Then according to a leading Progressive Dispensationalist:

...if the OT moral law is no longer in force, how can "all Scripture" (referring primarily to the Old Testament at that stage of progressive revelation) be "useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16)?  One of the legitimate continuities, then, between the Old and New Testaments is God's moral law expressed throughout Scripture.

It is more in keeping with the totality of biblical teaching to insist that the ethical and spiritual commands of the OT, the numerous imperatives of the NT, and Christ (or the law of Christ, or the royal law of love) are all part of the believer's rule of life.

...our liberty is limited by God's eternal moral law, which includes Exodus 20 [The Ten Commandments] and its expositions in the Pentateuch [Genesis to Deuteronomy] and later Old Testament literature, notably the prophetic books.  Perhaps one of the reasons for the lamentable behavior of many Christians today--including leaders--is that they do not take the abiding moral, ethical, and profoundly spiritual commands of the Old Testament seriously enough. [Perhaps not!]  Kenneth Barker: ThM-Dallas Theological Seminary, Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church, p. 297.

We do not deny that there is a trans-dispensational ("eternal") moral framework by which the Apostle Paul could instruct Timothy:

"We know that the law is good if one uses it properly.  We also know that law is made not the righteous, but for law breakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who ill their fathers and mothers, for murders, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers--and whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine..." 1 Timothy 1:8-11.

But note the obvious difference.  Professor Barker claims all law is the "rule of life" for the righteous, while the Apostle Paul asserts the law is for the unrighteous.  Both NCT and Progressive Dispensationalism (PD) fail to understand that the law is a rule of death not life.  Fundamental to 2 Tim. 3:16 "training in righteousness" is understanding God's testing the First Adam and the consummation of that testing at Calvary.


Graphic: R. A. Huebner, Dispensational Truth, 1998, Volume 1, page 93.


It requires genuine spiritual growth for believers to adequately understand the First Adam's (and thus their own) place under law (Under Law) and their new position of freedom in Christ (Out of Law).


Both NCT and PD hypothesize that the Holy Spirit's descent at Pentecost was the inauguration of the reign of the Messiah together with the spiritual blessings of Israel's New Covenant, and that the physical fulfillment is postponed to the Millennium.  Not so!  The entire Kingdom, both spiritual and physical, foretold by OT prophets was postponed.  Before establishing His New Covenant with Israel (Jeremiah 31:31), God initiated something that was previously hidden from OT patriarchs and prophets.  The descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was the advent of the Church1

Dr. Chafer, in his The Kingdom in History and Prophecy, p. 39, wrote: "In subject matter the division between the OT and the NT occurs at the Cross of Christ, rather than between Malachi and Matthew.  The [Synoptic] Gospels, in the main, carry forward the same dispensational conditions that were in effect at the hour when Christ was born."  Point in fact, Christ's blood shed at Calvary is the basis for both the Church and Israel's New Covenant.  But it is Pentecost which opens the heavenly parenthesis of the Church, and the Rapture will close it.  While the NT contains only eight verses which refer to "new covenant," the Apostle Paul's epistles include nearly two dozen references to mysteries--truths previously hidden but now revealed.

Life for the New Creation Christian is upon the principle of the rule of the new creation...a "walk in...the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 5:16,25; Romans 8:2).  This is not a fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:31, but a behavioral mode revealed exclusively through the Apostle Paul (Galatians 1:11,12).

“The law of Christ (Gal. 6:2) is the rule of the new creation:

For [in Christ Jesus] neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision; but new creation.  As many as shall walk by this rule*, peace upon them and mercy, and upon the Israel of God (Galatians 6:15,16).

Here, believing Gentiles and believing Israelites (“the Israel of God”) are directed to the law of Christ, namely, the rule, the norm, the standard, of the new creation of which Christ in resurrection is the Head.  The law-of-Moses-minded do not seem to comprehend this and call us antinomians (i.e. without law).  The rule of the new creation is for those who ought to be here in this world to give expression to the will of the Head of the new creation, Christ Himself.  This rule of the new creation is the law of Christ.  The law of Moses was addressed to those who stood in Adamic responsibility.  Our standing is “in Christ.”  RAH, Dispensational Truth, Vol. 1, p.86, 87.

* kanwn (kanon), rule, standard, norm.


1 Here are the details of what occurred on the Day of Pentecost.  Source, THE LINE DRAWN

  1. Observing what transpired at Pentecost we see that the first act was regeneration, or new birth, by the Spirit (Titus 3:5; John 3:6).

  2. When the Holy Spirit came, He was to indwell the believers. Hitherto, He had been with them; now He was to abide in them forever, ministering the risen life of the Lord Jesus (John 14:16, 17; Colossians 1:27).

  3. At the same time, He baptized each of them into union with Christ at the right hand of the Father on high (Ephesians 2:6). This was the fulfillment of our Lord's promise, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you" (John 14:20). The believer is not baptized in or into the Spirit, as the charismatics teach. The Holy Spirit is the Baptizer, or Agent of baptism, not the element into which one is baptized: "For by one Spirit were we all baptized into one body" (I Corinthians 12:13). The "one body" is the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Church (Colossians 1:18, 24).

  4. Upon believing, each was sealed with the indwelling Spirit. This has a threefold significance: a finished transaction; a mark of ownership; a guarantee of safe delivery [security]. "In whom, having also believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is an earnest [down payment] of our inheritance, unto the [final] redemption of God's own possession" (Ephesians 1:13, 14, ASV).

  5. Also, each received the anointing of the Spirit, which is closely related to His indwelling. This too, abides and is not a repeated act (I John 2:20, 27). "Now he who...hath anointed us, is God, who hath also sealed us, and given us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts" (2 Corinthians 1:21, 22).

  6. Hence each believer from Pentecost to this day has been, by the Holy Spirit, regenerated, indwelt, baptized into Christ, sealed and anointed--all apart from feelings. These are separate acts, but simultaneously wrought--and non-experiential.


I was digging through a box of old tracts, accumulated 35+ years ago, and found several classics that will make nice additions to  I have added an Unbelief and Doubt section to the Articles page.  The first entry is the impossibility of AGNOSTICISM.

In contrast to the many multi-million dollar ministries based in America, example:  Rick Warren, John MacArthur, etc., read God's Quiet Conquests.


Democrats, Republicans, and Independent politicians have, for decades, perpetrated an enormous fraud upon the American public.  The fraud is government-funded education.  While the price tag is hundreds of billions in escalating property taxes and special bond elections (funded with more taxes), the literacy rate of the public has continued to fall.  Americans are simply stupid, when compared to the average knowledge level of citizens in other industrial countries.  Today, moving from one grade to the next is close to meaningless.  That new multi-million dollar high school at the edge of your community is turning out intellectual handicaps.  While more people may have college degrees, they often are a bogus piece of paper exchanged for the student's tuition dollars and Federal grant money.  I and others have written about the bankruptcy of public education at

Surprisingly, ABC News will re-broadcast a special program on 20/20 with John Stossel called Stupid in America.  The program was broadcast in January of this year.  It tears back the veil over public school to graphically reveal a few of it’s disastrous failings.  The program is scheduled for Friday, September 1 at 10:00 PM Eastern & Pacific.  The is a must watch!  While Stossel sees much of the problem, he fails to understand the necessary answers.  For nearly 40 years, I have stated, "Government cannot be in charge of the money"  Parent's and taxpayers, in the context of school choice, must control the funds!  Educational funding though ad valorem property taxes must be radically changed so as to rein in the hideous education monster.

Consider the following possibility.  There are literally hundreds of individuals with websites and blogs warning about "apostasy."  At the moment, the most popular subjects or heresy hunters are: Purpose-Driven, Emergent, Contemplative Spirituality, and a host of charismatic nonsense (health/wealth, faith/prosperity, name it/claim it), without the appropriate cause-and-effect link to Pentecostal/charismatic theology.  The writers typically attribute this wholesale heresy to the End Times, clandestine conspiracy, work of demons, etc., or some combination thereof.  What never gets mentioned is the possibility that the American public are so illiterate that they are simply vulnerable to every religious con artist or secular deception.  A visit to the local church bears this out.  Few if any are students of the Word, few if any are readers, few if any are aware of any controversial issues.  It's a saccharin "sweetness and light superficial unity," based on the lowest common denominator.  The women rule and then wonder why their husbands flee to Sunday football.  In many parts of the country, the membership of these fundamental churches is largely comprised of the remnants of the World War II generation, folks in their 70's, 80's, and 90's!!  No wonder some have sold the assets to cults, given the funds to "missions," and resigned themselves to religious radio and TV broadcasts du their room at the local assisted-living center.


Surprise?  Israel’s Intelligence Chiefs Warn Lebanon War Is Relocating to Gaza

Israel’s security chiefs have learned of a decision by Hizballah to keep its head down in S. Lebanon for the time being, while secretly opening two new anti-Israel fronts in the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank. This transposition of Hizballah’s war against Israel to the Palestinian arena has begun to materialize.

Three times as many Hizballah officers are traveling to the Gaza Strip by sea as before the war and deliveries of weapons systems have doubled, with Iranian support. Very large quantities of Katyusha rockets and anti-tank missiles are pouring into the Gaza Strip together with hundreds of RPG-29 rocket-propelled grenades and Grad rockets.


"Father" Gabriele Amorth is Pope Benedict XVI's chief exorcist of demons and demonic forces.  Gabriele's full employment is more-or-less guaranteed by centuries of Roman Catholic spiritual blindness regarding the truth of the Fall and mankind's inherent depravity.  A study of church history confirms the axiom, that to the extent the truth of SIN is denied or ignored, a substitute explanation must be found to explain evil.  This deficient view of SIN has trickled down through religious "Christian" humanism.

CH.jpg (21493 bytes)

According to Amorth, who is honorary president of the Catholic International Association of Exorcists:

Of course the Devil exists and he can not only possess a single person but also groups and entire populations.

I am convinced that the Nazis were all possessed. All you have to do is think about what Hitler - and Stalin did. Almost certainly they were possessed by the Devil.

You can tell by their behaviour and their actions, from the horrors they committed and the atrocities that were committed on their orders. That's why we need to defend society from demons.

Does this explain, in part, the Vatican's position toward Islam and Islamic terror? 

Of course, this is certainly an affirmation for the hoard of evangelical demonists who have invaded the churches.  Beware!


On Sunday and Monday, September 10th and 11th, at 8:00 p.m EST, ABC will air Part 1 & 2 of the miniseries, Path to 9/11Here are excerpts from a favorable review published at Human Events online.

Fortunately, Nowrasteh and the producers of this miniseries have gone out on a limb to honestly and fairly depict how Clinton-era inaction, political correctness, and bureaucratic inefficiency allowed the 9/11 conspiracy to metastasize. Let me say here though that "The Path to 9/11" is not a partisan miniseries or a “conservative” miniseries. It simply presents the facts in an honest and straightforward manner (the producers have backed up every detail of the miniseries with copious amounts of research and documentation), and the facts are that for seven years, from 1993 to 2000, the Clinton administration bungled the handling of the world-wide terrorist threat. The miniseries is equally honest in depicting the Bush administration. It shows a few points where administration officials, following in the tradition of the Clinton years, do not follow certain clues about the terrorist plot as zealously as they should have. Nonetheless, "The Path to 9/11," by honestly depicting the unfolding of events over eight years, makes it clear that most of the conspiracy leading up to 9/11 was hatched during the seven years of the Clinton administration, and that since Bush was in power for only eight months when 9/11 occurred, he can hardly be blamed for the entire disaster.

"The Path to 9/11" does a tremendous job in bringing to life the complex web of international characters and organizations that lay behind the events of that tragic day. ABC has created a miniseries that is truly epic in scope - a richly textured tapestry that weaves together a fascinating array of people, places, organizations and events both here in America and around the world. I was impressed by how vivid every character was, however briefly he or she may have been on the screen - and how quickly, clearly, and economically Nowrasteh and Cunningham depicted complex events. I absolutely loved the on-location work they did, and the great character actors of every nationality that they brought together. Cyrus Nowrasteh's background as an Iranian-American seems in particular to have given him a special insight into both the Middle-Eastern and American aspects of the story. Director David Cunningham, the son of a missionary, also brings an obvious love of foreign cultures and locales to his direction. The result is an engrossing, atmospheric tale of foreign intrigue. It was fascinating to see the crowded urban slums of Pakistan where the CIA captured Ramzi Youssef, the desert fortresses of the Taliban and Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, the Manila nightclubs where the 9/11 hijackers planned their attacks, the Tanzanian locales where the embassies were blown up, the meetings of the terrorists in Spain, and the various locations across America where the conspiracy comes together.


Two journalists kidnapped in Gaza were released unharmed today after being forced at gunpoint to say on a videotape that they had converted to Islam.  NYT

Most modern Westerners, born and raised under the shadow of the Protestant Reformation1 and subsequent American religious liberty, struggle to understand the meaning and value of such forced "conversions".  They are not genuinely spiritual or even religious in nature, but primarily psychological.  "The conversion process [in Islam] itself can take many forms, though kidnapping and threats of physical violence seem a common element.  Whatever the specific method used, the actors involved seek to gain the upper hand psychologically..."  A Google search of "forced conversions to Islam" will yield in excess of 1.3 million references.  Because of the mental impotency caused by the multicultural ideology of liberal academia, Islamic fighters are being effective in their use of psychological warfare.  Despite their base methods, Islam is portrayed as strong (from a worldly perspective), whereas Westerners are weak--and thus willing to "convert" rather than righteously be martyred for their Western (Judeo-Christian or secularist) beliefs.  This feeds the terrorists' confidence in success of Islamic global jihad.

One leg of Islam's longer-term strategy to subdued the West is:

  1. Emigrate, but do not assimilate into the "infidel's" culture.

  2. Use this 'forward camp' to extend the "global Islamic jihad."

  3. Use the West's own concepts of freedom and tolerance against them.

  4. Take control through local politics and establish an Islamic 'nation' (safe-haven Ummah) within a nation.  Think France, Britain, and America.  Rather than being expelled, terrorists are seeking legal protections to plot and plan terrorist acts.

The greatest danger to Christians and Jews has come when they have been subdued and forced to submit within an Islamic society.  In such a setting, there is no concept of religious pluralism or liberty.  The Qur'anic mandate is that anyone found guilty of "spreading mischief in the land" (surah 5:32), a thoroughly subjective judgment, is subject to one of four punishments:

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands, and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: That is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.  (surah 5:33)

Unveiling ISLAM, Caner & Caner, Kregel Publications

1 "The Protestant Reformation began in 1517 in Germany when a Catholic priest named Martin Luther (1483-1546) publicly challenged his own Roman Catholic Church.  On the door of the church in Wittenberg, Luther posted a list of ninety-five theses--objections to abused in the Catholic Church.  One abuse Luther cited was the Catholic practice of indulgences, namely, buying forgiveness from God by paying money to the church [#33].  When Luther posted his ninety-five theses, he had no intention of leaving the Catholic church.  Luther held that sincere religious beliefs come from the heart and cannot be forced [#90] or bought."  Never Before In History, Amos & Gardiner. [Theses numbers (#) and underline emphasis mine].  As a matter of historical fact, both Roman Catholic and European Protestant Churches have, at times, used force to extend and maintain their respective religions.


The colorful left-wing/liberal USA Today is probably the most read daily newspaper (Gannett Media) for business travelers staying in hotels and motels across America.  While traveling, I can always count on at least one article or commentary to raise my blood pressure early in the morning.  Contributing columnist Sheryl McCarthy's Same-sex marriage is surely a civil right (Tuesday, Aug. 22) is a fine example of socio/political propaganda pushed by hard-core liberal elites.  Ms. McCarthy, who is black, argues that the "struggle of gays and lesbians for the right to marry is similar to our own civil rights struggle."  Despite the fact that she 1) rejects the Bible as inerrant and thus authoritative, and 2) considers science and "scientific evidence" the source of truth and authority, she lays claim to "understand the reasons" why religious African-Americans generally oppose marriage rights for homosexualsFurther, she is vexed by what she perceives as black Christian hypocrisy.

     The fight for gay rights is like our civil rights struggle, however, and it's hypocritical for groups that have had to fight long and hard to win their own constitutional rights to turn around and try to deny them to the next group.  We're seeing this in the descendants of immigrant groups that were despised and vilified during their early days in this country, and that now want to deny recent immigrants the means to become lawful citizens.

     This hypocrisy was apparent to me as I was growing up in a black Baptist church.  I routinely heard ministers condemn gays from the pulpit, even though half the male choir members, the choir director, the flower arranger and plenty of other male church members were obviously gay.  The church would have have had difficulty functioning without them.

One must wonder if her racial stereotype has caused any church-going black males to take offense?  Just how did Ms. McCarthy acquired such "apparent" certainty regarding the private sexual proclivities of so many black men?  One is also forced to wonder just how far her own sexual orientation enters into her passionate polemic.  And the diatribe doesn't stop here.  She writes:

     Many blacks oppose such unions for religious reasons, but bigotry is bigotry, even if it's cloaked in faith.  Blacks should know better than most.

Ms. McCarthy is certainly effective in intimidating members of her race, and others, by her literary ability to twist the meaning of words and use of sophism.  Throughout her article, she seeks to establish, as fact, that all religious-based opposition to homosexuality and homosex marriage is bigotry.  I must disagree!  Her use of the term appears to simply be a club to bludgeon all religious Americans.  Despite her being black, I'm suspicious whether genuinely understands the nature of bigotry?


Real bigotry is an obstinate, unreasoned, emotionally-controlled prejudice (most often adverse) formed without knowledge or examination of the evidence or facts.  For Ms. McCarthy who, religious or not, is aligned with the Religious Left, the Bible cannot be a source of "facts," and thus authoritative.  For her, modern science, so-called, occupies that role.  Understandably then, any and all viewpoints based on the Bible must be by default--bigoted, according to her form of thinking.

      How can African-American reconcile religious beliefs with acceptance of same-sex marriage?


     I asked the Rev. James Forbes, pastor of the Riverside Church in New York.  Forbes is black, and his diverse congregation has gone on record as supporting same-sex marriage--and all other families that are based on the principles of love and justice.  Forbes says acceptance might increase as African-Americans become more aware of scientific evidence that suggests sexual orientation is innate--and not a choice.  [underline emphasis mine.]

Of course, the Rev. Forbes is a radical, ultra-liberal cleric presiding over an ecumenical, multicultural, ultra-liberal congregation.  New York's Riverside Church is the zenith of religious syncretism.  The church was funded by global financier, John D. Rockefeller Jr.  Next, modernist Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) and anti-military Robert James McCracken (1904-1973) were senior pastors during 1930-46 and 1946-67, respectively.  From 1977 to 1987, the arch-liberal William Sloane Coffin, Jr. (1924-2006) manned the pulpit.  Coffin was followed by the Rev. Forbes.


Worst of all is how the liberal religious elite have for decades hijacked the biblical words: love and justice.  They have redefined the meaning of love for use within the framework of moral relativism.  This modern-world new love doesn't engage in any form of judgment and is characterized by a perverted form of tolerance.  It is tolerant of all manner of evil and wickedness, and intolerant toward those who would seek to identify and scripturally oppose the same.  Thus, when a Bible-based Christian sets forth Scriptural truth with any degree of certainty, they are viewed and labeled as being unloving, abusive and attempting to force their views on others.


In today's world, speaking persuasively in the realm of values is often interpreted as a 'power-play' and a grievous offense because liberals hold to the axiom that no opinion regarding values (except their own) can legitimately claim superiority over any other.  This form of thinking has occurred because the secular mind erects a philosophic wall of separation between scientific facts and moral and religious values--the later being deemed entirely subjective.  Within the context of this humanistic dogma, certainty of knowledge applies only to that which can be scientifically verified, and never to moral and religious values.

Sadly, many Christians are found to have embraced this new love concept.  They are not practicing true biblical love, but self-righteously practicing redefined notions of so-called love, justice, and tolerance.

Generally speaking, it is not tolerance that homosexuals seek, but positive moral affirmation for their immoral sexual orientation and behavior.  A "reprobate mind" (Romans 1:28) is the source of their mental and spiritual torment, not society's or religious citizens' lack of approval.

This is the verdict; Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.  But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.  (John 3:19)


Not surprisingly, John F. MacArthur Jr. today sits on the Executive Council of the anti-dispensational Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE). Other current Council members include: Eric Alexander, Alistair Begg, Gerald Bray, Jerry Bridges, Donald Carson, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, John Hannah, Paul Jones, C.J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler, Richard Phillips, John Piper, Philip Ryken, R. C. Sproul, Derek Thomas, Carl Trueman, Gene Veith, and David Wells.  The ACE alliance brings together Covenant/Calvinists from the Reformation creedal/confessional traditions of: Anglican, Reformed, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Baptist.  Pursuant to their creeds and confessions, a majority of these "evangelicals" are sacramentalists--i.e., grace is conveyed via religious sacraments.  Lest readers be led to believe that Covenant/Calvinists are all on the same page, read Covenant Confusion.    


We are pleased to announce the availability of:

  • Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) versions of THE NEW BIRTH EXPLAINEDMany thanks to the hard work of David Chan, Hong Kong, China.

  • And, Portuguese versions of both THE NEW BIRTH EXPLAINED and soon-to-be-complete, THE GREEN LETTERSMany thanks to the hard work of Alberto de Oliveira Maia, São Paulo, Brazil.


Has America and the Republican Party been taken over by the "Religious Right," or has the Democrat Party moved so far to the Left and into secularism that mainstream America appears to be positioned on the "right"?  While the article is long, don't miss Ross Douthat's article in First Things, entitled Theocracy, Theocracy, Theocracy.  Mr. Douthat, an Atlantic Monthly reporter-researcher, reviews four books, written by the Left, which seek to make the case that America has been hijacked by Christian fundamentalists!  The article has both funny and insightful sections.  For example:

When preachers echo GOP talking points rather than shape them, they risk going down the same path trod by the liberal clerics of the 1960s, whose sermons became indistinguishable from the gospel according to the New York Times—until, as David Frum [WSJ] once put it, their parishioners began to wonder “why they should spend a Sunday morning listening to the same editorial twice?”

As for why the Religious Right has become so tightly bound to the GOP, rather than becoming as Democratic as the Populists once were, or as bipartisan as the civil rights movement was (albeit ever so briefly)—well, that’s a question that the anti-theocrats rarely address in any detail, beyond dark references to the nefarious activities of Karl Rove. Only Phillips has the honesty to analyze the political trends that have brought about this supposedly theocratic moment—and he does so with almost charming obliviousness, quoting experts such as John Green, Geoffrey Layman, and Louis Bolce, as if unaware that their arguments vitiate his thesis.

What all these observers point out, and what the anti-theocrats ignore, is that the religious polarization of American politics runs in both directions. The Republican party has become more religious because the Democrats became self-consciously secular, and the turning point wasn’t the 1992 or the 2000 elections but the putsch of 1972, when secularist delegates—to quote Phillips, quoting Layman—suddenly “constituted the largest ‘religious’ bloc among Democratic delegates.” Yet having noted this rather significant fact, Phillips sets it aside and returns blithely to his preferred narrative, which is the transformation of the GOP into America’s first “religious party.” But that’s not what happened at all—or rather, it’s the second half of the story, the Republican reaction against the Democrats’ decision to become the first major party in American history to pander to a sizable bloc of aggressively secular voters.

This was very much a strategic electoral move on their part. As Mark Stricherz pointed out last year in a Commonweal essay titled “Goodbye Catholics,” Democrats in the McGovern era were faced with the crack-up of the old New Deal coalition and made a conscious decision to jettison blue-collar voters in favor of what a 1969 memo called “a different political and social group with rising educational levels, affluence, and . . . greater cultural sophistication.” At the time, pursuing a coalition of younger voters, minorities, and affluent suburbanites seemed a better bet than trying to hang on to socially conservative voters, especially given that all the energy in the party seemed to be coming from the Left. But it required the Democrats to identify with a segment of the population—self-identified secularists and nonbelievers—that has grown rapidly over the past three decades and grown more assertive along the way. Which in turn has alienated the devout plurality of Americans and left the Democratic party stuck just shy of majority status for the better part of a generation.

So the rise of the Religious Right, and the growing “religion gap” that Phillips describes but fails to understand, aren’t new things in American history but a reaction to a new thing: to an old political party newly dependent on a bloc of voters who reject the role that religion has traditionally played in American political life. The hysteria over theocracy, in turn, represents an attempt to rewrite the history of the United States to suit these voters’ prejudices, by setting a year zero somewhere around 1970 and casting everything that’s happened since as a battle between progress and atavism, reason and fundamentalism, the Enlightenment and the medieval dark.


The subject of "the Kingdom" and the "Kingdom" gospel can be difficult to both understand and explain.  Traditionally, the typical non-dispensational approach to interpretation creates confusion.  In July of this year, Christian author, Roy A. Huebner created a chart to help dispensational students of the Word with the subject.  See The Gospel of the Kingdom Suspended, The Kingdom in Mystery, Then in Power.  I've included this link in The Kingdom & Israel's New Covenant section of Articles.


Good News:  A comparison of adult responses in 34 countries finds that the United States ranks next to last for public acceptance of evolution.  People were asked to respond to the statement, "Human beings, as we know them, developed from earlier species of animals"--"True," "False," or "Unsure."  Bad News:  Researchers were able to besmirch American Christians with this explanation, "American Protestantism is more fundamentalist than anybody except perhaps the Islamic fundamentalists, which is why Turkey and we are so close," said study co-author Jon Miller of Michigan State University.   Source of chart: Science Magazine.



I encourage readers to reread 8/8/2006 below.  The planned Islamic terrorist mass attacks, which were foiled in the UK today, were aimed at 1) Americans (us), and 2) Britons (ancestral friends).  It is being reported that the terrorists were Muslims of Pakistani descent, yet citizens of the UK.  It is estimated that over 2 million Muslims have settled in England, are militant, and now constitute a continuing danger to all British society.  There are some serious lessons to be learned here.

To refer to the threat as "Islamo-fascist" is misleading in that it draws too great a parallel with the European fascism of Italy's Mussolini or Germany's Hitler.  These were secular autocrats.  Sooner or later, Western leaders must face the fact that belief in the false deity, Allah, lies at the core of Islamic terror and the global war.  Will the deity need to be toppled?  The American Founder's concept of freedom of religion was limited to Christian denominations.  Is the liberal, multicultural definition of freedom of religion a workable concept given the emergence of this global war and threat?


As much of the world focuses upon the Middle East, radical change and turmoil is occurring on the North American continent.  The government of Mexico is under siege by communist/socialist radicals led by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.  Mr. Obrador and company refuse to accept defeat in the most recent election.  We got of taste of this in our 2000 presidential election.  Their erroneous concept of "democracy" is similar to left-wing radicals in America.  "We don't want one-tenth of a democracy. We want a 100 percent democracy," he told thousands of supporters.  Should the leftists succeed, social and political conditions will deteriorate even further in Mexico and a larger percentage of the population may look to relocate northward rather than live in pollution, poverty, crime, and chaos.


A high percentage of Americans, left and right of center, are suspicious that both prior and current Administrations have misled them regarding current global conflicts and the war in Iraq.  These fears are not without some basis.  Secular culture abhors the thought that 'enlightened' societies would be compelled to fight over competing "myths"--i.e., religion.  Consequently, the current Administration seeks to assure Americans at home and the world abroad that it is not at war with Islam.  To pull off this 'slight-of-hand' trick, they have to ignore the Koran, Islamic history, and repeated statements by Islamic leaders worldwide that Islam is at war with the West, and then proceed to redefine (liberalize) the tenets of Islam more to their own liking.  Nevertheless, it all has the appearance of the "tail waging the dog."  Certainly few Muslims appear concerned that "Islamic terrorist" have supposedly "hijacked" their religion. 

The simple truth is that in contrast to Christianity, Islam is and has always been a theonomic religion and political philosophy.  It is most often spread from the top-down (intimidation and violence), rather than from the bottom-up (persuasion).  Historic Islam is simply not compatible with modern-day, liberal democracy and its so-called "freedom."  The underlying premises of Islam and the West are 180 degree apart.  The Administration's vision of global democracy is a scaled-down, secularized version of Methodist amillennialism, ideas far removed from 'end times' eschatology.  Unfortunately for the Administration, the president of Iran and his followers have other ideas--with non-western religious roots.  As reported on the DrudgeReport, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes in the online Wall Street Journal Commentary section:

"There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."

"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).

"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."

Some similar thoughts were sloshing through Dean Barnett's head.  See the article Blame Clausewitz posted at Hugh Hewitt's blog.


"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,"  Matt. 5:44

The non-dispensational approach to Judeo-Christian Scripture (Bible) creates confusion not only for New-Creation Christians, but for the general public and modern-day democratic governments as well. Liberal denominations and so-called peace churches consistently misapply Matthew 5 (Sermon on the Mount) to the present age.  Their motive is often both emotional and political--i.e., they desire cessation of earthly conflict, but this exploitation of the biblical text sets up serious moral contradictions.  The primary application of the Sermon on the Mount belongs in the future Millennial Kingdom, not today.  Many erroneously assume that if something is in the Bible, then it's universally applicable.  Not so!  This method of interpreting Scripture is grossly faulty and defies all tests of sound reason and logic.

The Bible provides four different God-authored spheres for human conduct.  It is critical to understand the distinctions of: 1) Under Promise, 2) Under Law, 3) Millennial Kingdom, and 4) In Christ Risen.

Details available shortly.


The 8/4.1/2006 Journal post has been transferred to its own page--MIDDLE EAST UPDATE.  Additions will be made there.


Given the weak voice of conservative Christian churches in America, it's important for individual Christians to speak with moral clarity on the subjects of both conflict and war.  See our article, Grace Amidst Conflict and Division.  Religious liberals and the pacifistic Left have often manipulated and exploited Scripture (non-dispensational references to Jesus' words in the Synoptic Gospels) to support their philosophies of so-called peace through compromise and concession with moral evil.  Rather than creating cultural harmony, the secularists have progressively pushed American culture in the direction of moral insanity.

Contrary to the teachings of Catholicism and a majority of Protestant churches, the First Coming of Christ did not usher in the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ as amillennial theology claims.  Christendom, in any form, does not represent Christ's reign on earth.  Christ's literal kingdom was postponed for the purpose of...

"forming that company [the Body of Christ] which will be displayed in heavenly glory when Christ Who is our life is manifested (Col. 3:4).  God has arranged all.  In the meantime a mystery form of the kingdom has been inaugurated, a form unforeseen by the Old Testament prophets.  Also in the meantime, Christ is seated with "my Father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21).  He is not yet upon His own throne; but the present overcomer [you] is promised co-enthronement with Christ when Christ does sit on His own throne (Rev. 3:21).  It is not now the kingdom and power, but the kingdom and patience (Rev. 1:9)."  Dispensational Truth, Vol. 1.

The Millennium and millennial ethics [Sermon on the Mount] await the Second Coming!  In the meantime, the West must find the backbone to face the reality of the global Islamic war, even if it means resorting to the use of weapons of mass destruction.  The terrorist state of Iran and their agents have pledged to use them as soon as they get them, and they should be taken seriously.


Our present generation too [in comparison to pre-Nazi generations] is on the brink of moral insanity. That has never been more evident than in the last three weeks, as the West [America and Europe] has proven utterly unable to distinguish between an attacked democracy that seeks to strike back at terrorist combatants, and terrorist aggressors who seek to kill civilians.  VDH

I've read so many great articles regarding the current Middle East war/crisis the past three weeks, that I'm at a loss knowing which to recommend and link.  For starters, read:

It is the liberal-secularist promotion of multiculturalism, moral relativism, and capitulation with evil that has brought us to the brink of this "madness."


My apologies to those loyal supporters, regular visitors, and Classic Pauline Dispensationalists living elsewhere.  I intended to initially keep the "mystery project" small.  But upon reconsideration, please email me with your locations as well.  I'll work out the details later. 


You might say, this is the first ever poll.  If you are a loyal supporter, regular visitor, or consider yourself more-or-less a Classic Pauline Dispensationalist pursuant to the definition found at and live in the continental United States or Alaska, drop me an email indicating your city and state.  I'll explain later.


No doubt the months and years ahead will be filled with threats against Israel.  The following Conclusion is from Tom Ice and Tim Demy's pamphlet entitled, The Truth About ARMAGEDDON AND THE MIDDLE EAST.

Armageddon will be the last great world war of history.  It will take place in Israel in conjunction with the second coming of Christ.  The Bible is very clear that it is a certain and cataclysmic event yet to come.  According to the Bible, great armies from the east and the west will gather and assemble to strike a final blow against Israel.  There will be threats to the power of the Antichrist from the south, and he will also move to destroy a revived Babylon in the east before finally turning his forces toward Jerusalem.  As he and his armies move on Jerusalem, God will intervene and Jesus Christ will return to rescue His [earthly] people Israel.  The Lord and His angelic army will destroy the armies, capture the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and cast them into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21).

In a sense, Armageddon is a battle that never really takes place.  that is, it does no take place in accordance with its human intent to gather the armies of the world to execute the Antichrist's solution to the "Jewish problem."  This is why Jesus Christ chooses this moment in history for His return to earth.  He will thwart the Antichrist's attempted annihilation of the Jews and destroy the armies of the world who have been gathered for that purpose.  It seems only fitting in light of mankind's bloody legacy, that the return of Christ should be precipitated by worldwide military conflict against Israel.  History is moving toward Armageddon.

The hope for the Christian continues to be the return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His own in the rapture [1 Thess. 4:17].  Titus 2:13 admonishes believer to be "looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus."  In the interim, we are to be faithful to Him, to proclaim the gospel of salvation to all who will listen, and to "do good to all men, and especially those who are of the household of the faith" (Galatians 6:10).  Christians are not pessimistic about the future; rather, we are realistic and know that, regardless of tomorrow's headlines, our hope and our destiny is in Christ Jesus, the final Victor.


During one of the warmest weeks of this year, we've witness a "disproportionate use" of rhetoric and jawboning on the behalf of terrorism and the world.  Despite the persuasive liberal media coverage, there has been a number of good commentaries regarding Hezbollah's attacks upon Israel and Israel's response.  Pro-sanity (regarding his support for Israel), liberal lawyer Alan Dershowitz accurately explains the concept of "proportional" use of force in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal.  I found his article, Arithmetic of Pain, also available online at Jewish World Review.


President Bushes' veto over federal funding embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) was a courageous and moral decision.  Germany introduced similar legislation in the EU.  Read Wesley J. Smith's comment.  Of course, the atheists, the agnostic secularists, and all those who's god is scientism were beside themselves--i.e., frustrated and emotionally distraught.  I'm often amused at the liberals' disingenuous call for "dialogue" when they fear they've drawn or are about to draw a short straw.  However, when they have power or momentum, they consistently steamroll the religious opposition with absolutely no thought, concern, or respect of the opposition's point of view.  Anti-religious BIGOTRY is alive and well.

Sadly, the media is refusing to cover, on account of political bias, the positive advances that are being made with adult stem cell research.  See: Paralyzed Human Spinal Cord Patients Benefit from Adult Stem Cells!


"A little leaven leavens the whole lump."  Gal. 5:9

From time-to-time, we have recommended articles at the site (e.g., articles written by Prof. Dan Wallace), but have also issued warnings regarding co-founder's acceptance of progressive dispensationalism (PD).  For example, see Journal entries 6/25.2/2006, 4/22.1/2006 and 9/6/2004. now hosts Dr. Darrell Bock, one of the founders and leaders of current day PD.  The influence of the PD viewpoint can also be seen throughout the forum.

Sadly, has further deteriorated to the point that it is also promoting individuals and ministries associated with the heterodox contemplative spirituality movement.  Contemplative spirituality, also known as spiritual formation, focuses upon subjective experience at the expense of objective Scriptural truth.  Contemplative spirituality introduces "people and churches to meditative practices that do not originate from the Bible and draws practitioners away from the original intent of Christianity... and leads toward an inter-spiritual view of God (i.e., all religions lead to God's salvation)."  Read Popular Bible Website Begins Spiritual Formation Project.  As you might expect, Darrell Bock is a Director with the Spiritual Formation Forum, as well. 

The MJS expose of Renovaré is a good introduction to the dangers of these realms.  The situation above points up the consequences of avoiding the Cross for the self-life.  Beware!

"The Church of God needs to remember that fellowship with the Father necessitates separation from those who fail to fulfill the responsibility of fellowship in light. We are not only to yield to love; we are to guard holiness. It is possible to be led astray from the activity of true love by yielding to a false charity. At the very center of love is light. That is not true love which sacrifices doctrine and principle. God has never acted in love at the expense of light."

William Graham Scroggie.


The medical-psychiatric profession has done a fair job in identifying mental "disorders"--behaviors which lie outside those considered normative for the times.  However, when tasked with explaining either the nature (diagnosis) or cure (solution) for such disorders, the profession's track record is less than stellar.  Some may be unfamiliar with the term "psychopathic" as I used in yesterday's Journal post, or exactly what constitutes a psychopathic mental disorder.  The following summary description is selectively taken from a website for a psychological counseling center.

The Psychopathic Personality

The psychopath is one of the most fascinating and distressing problems of human experience.  For the most part, a psychopath never remains attached to anyone or anything. They live a "predatory" lifestyle. They feel little or no regret, and little or no remorse - except when they are caught. They need relationships, but see people as obstacles to overcome and be eliminated.   If not,  they see people in terms of how they can be used. They use people for stimulation, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (money, property, etc.).  A key manipulative ploy used by psychopaths is to assault or attack others, and then feign the role of “victim.”  If successful, this is a powerful tool to control others.

A psychopath can have high verbal intelligence, but they typically lack "emotional intelligence". They can be expert in manipulating others by playing to their emotions. There is a shallow quality to the emotional aspect of their stories (i.e., how they felt, why they felt that way, or how others may have felt and why). The lack of emotional intelligence is the first good sign you may be dealing with a psychopath.  A history of criminal behavior in which they do not seem to learn from their experience, but merely think about ways to not get caught is the second best sign.

These are the most highly researched and recognized characteristics of psychopathic personality and behavior disorder.

  • glibness/superficial charm

  • need for stimulation/prone to boredom

  • conning/manipulative (lying)

  • shallow emotional response

  • parasitic lifestyle (attempt to live off others)

  • promiscuous sexual behavior

  • lack of realistic long term goals

  • irresponsibility

  • many short term relationships

  • "victim" mentality

  • abuser/abusee

  • grandiose sense of self worth

  • pathological lying

  • lack of remorse or guilt

  • callous/lack of empathy

  • poor behavioral controls

  • violent outbursts

  • early behavioral problems

  • impulsivity

  • failure to accept responsibility for their own actions

  • juvenile delinquency

  • criminal versatility

psychopath is not the same as an antisocial personality. Antisocial personalities

A psychopath is not the same as an antisocial personality. Antisocial personalities may or may not be psychopathic. The antisocial personality is primarily a problem involving a failure to respect the right of individuals, the law and rules of society. Psychopathy involves poor emotional intelligence, the lack of conscience, and an inability to feel attached to people except in terms of their value as a source of stimulation or new possessions. There are many expressions and forms of psychopathy. For instance, a sexual psychopath is one form of a psychopath.

There is a significant amount of evidence to suggest that:

  • adult psychopaths do not benefit from traditional counseling therapy and may in fact offend again and sooner because of it

  • the brain of a psychopath may function and process information differently from those of non-psychopaths

  • less intelligent psychopaths end up in prisons (highly intelligent psychopaths can run companies)

  • psychopathic personalities are much more common than most of us realize

Warning!  The psychopathic personality has frequently identified Christians and Christian churches, because of their reputation for being loving and big-hearted, as vulnerable to their subtle forms of deception--i.e., 'soft targets'.  If you believe you or your church is being exploited, do not hesitate to speak to the pastor or elders, and the elders should not rule out picking up the phone and contacting local law enforcement.  The individual in question may have either a criminal or mental record.  Psychopathic manipulation often includes the genuine Christian being accused of being "unloving" or "hard of heart."  Because the psychopath is devoid of normal conscience, the so-called Christian with a psychopathic disorder will typically be incapable of experiencing biblical repentance.  Again, beware!


You've got to admire Israel's courage in the face of such hideous, psychopathic hatred (killers) and worldwide opposition.  Their backs are to the wall and they are absolutely surrounded by the worst of the worst of wickedness.  Hezbollah and Hamas are the puppets of the hate-filled regimes of both Iran and Syria--all participants in the End Times alliance.  Hopefully, the current American administration can continue to find 'spine' and not cave to the cowardly and political madness of liberals progressives and the Left.


Little does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad know what awaits him and his should he seek to put substance to his crude, arrogant, and inflamatory talk.  Over the long haul, America's weakness will prove nothing short of a Divine trap.  This modern-day mini-Pharaoh will be as shocked to learn of the Almighty God's purpose for Israel and the True Bride as the liberal church will be shocked to learn that their pacifistic "Jesus" will rule this world with a "rod of iron," laying total waste to their effeminate, reprobate, and vain thinking.  Given the current state of the "West" and the belligerence of the Islamic world, I find it difficult to believe that anyone other than those suffering some extreme form of myopia could continue to hold to amillennial or postmillennial prophetic theology.  Talk of Christian "kingdomization," both internal or external, is now about as hollow as it gets.


It's sort of refreshing, in an odd sense, when some "Pulitzer Prize-winning" journalist awakens to reality and incorporates some of it in their daily column.  Such is the case with Michael Goodwin of the New York Daily News.  His It's WWIII, and U.S. is out of ideas assembles several insights that have been around elsewhere for the past several years.  While Goodwin often writes about issues germane to New Yorkers, the thought of drowning in his car and being buried alive in the Holland tunnel (nasty exhaust fumes) must have pushed all the right buttons.


Over the past 50 years, the Judeo-Christian framework of American culture has been largely shredded.  This was accomplished by a set of complex forces--e.g., late 18th century attacks upon the veracity of Scripture in Germany which then spread through Protestantism (this is why today's liberal denominations bear only a vague resemblance to biblical truth) and then a broad-based secular revolution in the institutions of law, education, science, medicine, and mass media, etc.  Consequently, modern secular America has become polarized.

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.  2 Timothy 3:12-13

Both religious liberals and secularists have been in a no-holds-barred war against biblical Christians.

For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God...  Romans 8:7

...alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds.  Colossians 1:21

Despite a culture of deception and the fact biblical Christianity has been marginalized and embattled, biblicism is also thriving for the very same reasons.


600+ doctoral-degree scientists signed the following statement.  Click below to see the document.


“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

Also, see the George Gilder's article, “Evolution and Me: Darwinian Theory has Become an All-Purpose Obstacle to Thought Rather than an Enabler of Scientific Advance.”

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