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The Journal
NOTE: If you are a regular visitor, loyal supporter, or consider yourself a
Classic Pauline Dispensationalist
pursuant to the definition found at
"Classic Pauline Dispensationalism" Explained, drop me an email indicating your city, state,
province, and country, etc. We have created a 'non-public' fellowship
registry. We'll put you on the map and provide details. If you've never corresponded or its
been a while since we've heard from you, please provide some background (brief
id) info. Also, please read question #14 on our
are journal entries, eclectic commentary, and information bulletins for site
additions in 2006.
Kind thanks to my dear wife for proof reading these comments from time-to-time. Most recent
posts are shown first:
July through December 2006
is being published as a separate page due to the
large file sizes for this year.
Exactly one month ago, 5/30/2006,
I called readers' attention to a 'power ploy' being used by liberals
"progressives", both secular and religious, to seduce and neutralize
conservative Christians...if possible. Given repeated election
defeats, these progressives have been forced to acknowledge the reality of
America's conservative mainstream and readjust their stratagem in the
attempt to regain
This past week, the eloquent Illinois Senator Barack
Obama provided a classic example of this seduction. Obama was the
keynote speaker at the Call to Renewal's Pentecost 2006: Building a
Covenant for a New America conference sponsored by
Jim Wallis and his Sojourners
organization. Wallis was raised in the Open PB Assemblies,
rejected the orthodoxy of his youth, embraced religious
liberalism, and became a '60's "evangelical" radical. A real
man's man...from the liberal perspective.
Senator Obama's speech was on the "connection between
religion and politics," and the "mutual suspicion that sometimes exists
between religious America and secular America." Gee...who would
have thought! Having spent time with
some religious "friends," (leftist Jim Wallis, syncretic Tony Campolo,
globalist Rick Warren, and T. D. Jakes), he chided fellow Democrats for
failing to "acknowledge the power of faith in the lives of the American
people." The Democrat Senator perceptively sees that unless liberal
hate and contempt "suspicion" is hidden from view
reigned in and moderated, he and his party may continue to loose elections.
The following are quotes from his speech. My comments are in brackets.
"I am not suggesting that every progressive
suddenly latch on to religious terminology - that can be dangerous.
Nothing is more transparent that inauthentic expressions of faith.
As Jim [Wallis] has mentioned, some politicians come and clap--off rhythm--to the
choir. We don't need that." [Moral: when attempting to
fool the religious right, use inauthentic
expressions of faith sparingly.]
"...I do not believe that religious people have a
monopoly on morality, I would rather have someone who is grounded in
morality and ethics [how grounded? who's morality?, and which ethics?], and who is also
secular, affirm their morality and ethics and values without pretending
that they're something they're not." [Moral
relativism has proven that all tertiary morality is transient. The truth is,
the Bible exclusively has a monopoly on morality.]
"...secularists are wrong when they ask
believers to leave their religion at the door before entering into the
public square. Frederick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, Williams
Jennings Bryant, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King - indeed, the majority
of great reformers in American history - were not only motivated by
faith, but repeatedly used religious language to argue for their cause.
So to say that men and women should not inject their "personal morality"
into public policy debates is a practical absurdity. Our law, by
definition, is a codification of morality, much of it grounded in the
Judeo-Christian tradition." [As mentioned later in his
speech, Obama believes that conservative believers should leave their
Bibles at the door. Liberals arrogantly believe they own
the public square.]
"...we [progressives] have the ability to reach out
to the evangelical community and engage millions of religious Americans
in the large project of American renewal." [His so-called renewal
project is the decades-old "social gospel."]
Obama then began to establish his liberal terms
of dialogue.
"...each side will need to accept some ground
rules for collaboration. While I've already laid out some of the
work that progressive leaders need to do, I want to talk a little bit
about what conservative leaders need to do--some truths they need to
acknowledge." [Behold the liberal arrogance.]
"Moreover, given the increasing diversity of
America's population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been
greater. Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian
nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation,
a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers." [This is
postmodernism's multicultural disaster. And the so-called "dangers
of sectarianism" led to the total secularization of America's public
"Democracy demands that the religiously motivated
translate their concepts into universal, rather than religion-specific,
values. It requires that their proposals be subject to argument,
and amenable to reason [i.e., defeat]. I may be opposed to abortion for religious
reasons, but if I seek to pass a law banning the practice, I cannot
simply point to the teachings of my church or evoke God's will. I
have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible
to people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all."
[Genuine democracy makes no such demands! He fails to see and understand
the philosophic absurdity of this statement. The so-called
"democracy" Obama has in mind is the
principle of the lowest common
denominator, which led America's public schools into atheistic
"And even if we did have only
Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the
United States of America [no need to "expel," they are free to stay,
live under, and be assimilated into our Judeo-Christian culture], whose Christianity would
we teach in the schools? Would we go with James Dobson's, or Al Sharpton's? Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy?
Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is ok and that
eating shellfish is abomination? How about Deuteronomy, which
suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should
we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount - a passage that is so radical
that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its
application? So before we get carried away, let's read our bibles.
Folks haven't been reading their bibles." [Barack Obama hasn't
read his Bible; if they own one, Democrats haven't read their Bibles. Barack is
illiterate regarding the principles of sound government found in the
Bible when viewed dispensationally and interpreted with commonly-accepted principles
of hermeneutics.]
Barack Obama advocates the identical path taken by America's
educators in the past (particularly 1870 to 1890), which led to the absolute secularization of public
education. See Kraig Beyerlein's superb and scholarly treatment
entitled, Educational Elites and the Movement to Secularize Public
Education, in THE SECULAR REVOLUTION mentioned in my
6/17/2006 Journal comment.
As I mentioned on 5/30/2006, "They are quick to set
the agenda according to their own concerns and priorities. This is
soon followed by the subtle, or not so subtle, demand that any and all
discussion exclude mention or reference to 'divine revelation'"--i.e.,
reference to the Bible.
According to Obama, it is "democracy" which demands
that reference to Bible be excluded from the public square,
while religionists holding flexible humanistic tenets will be permitted.
"Now this is going to be difficult for some who
believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, as many evangelicals do.
But in a pluralistic democracy, we have no choice." [ "No choice"
but to bar you from the public square and national dialogue.]
Obama's vision for America is one where religious
liberals and secularists are in control. Despite the religious rhetoric, liberals
of all stripes continue to push America toward a radical secularism.
contains biblical teaching which can be categorized as "milk,"
"meat," and much in between. Since an important dimension of this
ministry is one-on-one, personal correspondence, we seek to tailor the
truths we share to the level of those who reach out in need. However,
I recently discovered a valuable resource to pass along to readers.
Theology Question and Answers is an impressive collection of
online video 'snipets',
on a variety of apologetic, biblical, and
theological subjects, extracted
from various classroom lectures held by
Theology Program.
You'll need a media player which can handle
the .wma file format. The questions are classic in nature and the
answers are generally evangelical/dispensational in perspective. Some
questions are also designated “essential,” “controversial,” and “essential
and controversial.” The speaker/facilitators are C. Michael
Patton and Rhome Dyck. See their bios
Consider setting a bookmark for easy reference. PS. I have only
listened to half a dozen and so my 'bump' is understandably not an
endorsement of every comment you might encounter with this group.
WithChrist.org sets forth its own doctrinal positions.
Dear Dan:
I have been reading the stuff on your website as well as some other
material and have come to realize the error of my previous Arminian,
humanist logic--my standing in judgment of God's justice and
sovereignty. I want to thank you for that; your website has some
of the best apologetics I have ever read and does a very good job of
destroying the Arminian arguments, without overreacting and heading into
Excerpts from Albert Mohler's
Theological liberalism became evident in the mainline Protestant
denominations by the early 1920s. Historian William R. Hutchison of the
Harvard Divinity School has traced the erosion of mainline Protestant
denominations throughout the twentieth century(1). Hutchison
notes that the denominations affiliated with the liberal National
Council of Churches have all experienced steady decline. Accommodating
themselves to the spirit of the age, these churches embrace theological
and moral relativism in an effort to remain "relevant" to a pluralistic
Several years ago, sociologists Dean R. Hoge, Benton Johnson, and
Donald A. Luidens described the result of this process as "lay
liberalism" that constitutes the belief system held by Protestant baby
boomers. This "lay liberalism" rejects orthodox Christian doctrines such
as belief that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation, and
renegotiates Christian moral principles in line with permissive
In Vanishing Boundaries: The Religion of Mainline Protestant Baby
Boomers, Hoge, Johnson, and Luidens explain that lay liberalism
erases clear boundaries separating believers from unbelievers. Without a
clear "faith boundary," identification with Protestantism--and
Christianity itself--becomes socially meaningless.
The Vanishing Boundaries study, along with the NORC report,
acknowledges the continued growth of conservative Protestant groups,
commonly designated as evangelical. These evangelical denominations and
churches continue to grow [actually embattled and thriving in a relative
sense], even as they maintain clear boundaries between belief and
unbelief. The existence of these boundaries explains the strong sense of
membership and the high rate of participation commonly found in
evangelical congregations. As Hoge, Johnson, and Luidens observed: "Our
findings show that belief is the single best predictor of church
participation, but it is orthodox Christian belief, and not the tenets
of lay liberalism, that impels people to be involved in church."
This is just common sense, of course. But it is precisely the kind of
common sense that is commonly ignored or discarded by those who would
rather believe otherwise. The churches that are most insistent on being
relevant are those most willing to sacrifice biblical truth and the
structure of Christian doctrine in order to prove their commitment to
cultural expectations. Eventually, these churches become so identified
with the culture that all distinctiveness disappears.
The sacrifice of truth for a constantly changing concept of relevance
leads necessarily to the relativizing of the Gospel itself, and the
undermining of biblical authority. Once these are sacrificed, authentic
Christianity is abandoned and all motivation for membership disappears.
If beliefs do not matter, the churches themselves do not matter.
Bracketed comments mine.
(1) This "erosion" was brought about by a
combination of internal and external forces. For an introduction
to the internal, read my brief article,
ALLIANCE. For an in-depth, comprehensive, and
scholarly analysis of the immediate external forces, see Christian
THE SECULAR REVOLUTION, University of California Press,
the heart of the clash between Islamic and current Western culture lies the
failure of both to understand biblical anthropology and its related concepts
of human “freedom” and genuine obedience to God. Referring to
Himself, Jesus
said "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." Neither
Islam nor the West possess this variety of freedom. With links to the
humanistic Enlightenment, the West thinks of freedom in the sense of absolute
autonomy. Islam and Islamic cultures put forth a legalistic
theonomic order and slavish obeisance as a matter of religious duty.
Neither concept is capable of sustaining the related values of
responsibility and self-government which exclusively flow from biblical
Christianity and the
Protestant/evangelical tradition.
President Bush and his Cabinet have spoken with passion regarding the
so-called “universality of freedom.” "I believe in the universality of
freedom. I believe deep in everybody's soul is the desire to be free,"
states the American President. Of course, one must assume that the context in which
he speaks is the political, specifically freedom from political oppression.
Also, it is [erroneously?] assumed that this freedom can be implemented
through a top-down application of democracy. By
contrast, America's Founders held no such assumptions.
politicians have failed to learn the most fundamental lessons of history.
The long slog of Western civilization testifies to the fact that freedom
from oppression is rooted is the concept of a biblical freedom which includes
responsibility and self-government. The establishment of the original
American Republic was an experiment in the application of the biblical concept of
"freedom." As seen by the chaos in both Islamic and Western
societies, cultures
in bondage to sin cannot act responsibly nor exercise self-government in the
political realm.
All of these truths are to be found on display with Israel’s history as a
nation, documented in the OT. Multiculturalism is not true. It
is radically false. Materialistic secularism, Buddhism, Catholicism,
Judaism, or Islam are not, nor will they ever be, the spiritual or moral
equivalent of biblical Christianity. “Live as people who are free, not
using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.” 1 Peter 2:16
Father's Day is not a
happy event for tens of millions of American men. For nearly a half
century, males in Western culture have been under vicious and relentless
attack from feminist, lesbians, and 'gender-equality' women and their
so-called "empowerment" movement." The wounds run deep. There are even 'evangelical'
versions of these perversions. With some there is a self-destructive
pathology not dissimilar to that found among Islamists who are willing to
immolate themselves and others to prove a point and supposedly advance their
cause. The social carnage is huge; a sizeable
percentage of families have been left in ruin. The cause of this
phenomena is complex--a "secular revolution" in higher education, an
ill-designed system of public education--doomed before it even began, a
legalistic/worldly* and impotent Christian church, and the list goes on.
Yet amid the ash and rubble there is a cultural revolt in the making...and
it's gaining ground. Increasing numbers of younger women are seeing
the social devastation for what it is and are making progress to unshackle
themselves from the destructive legacy of modern feminism. For
example, using large doses of 'common-sense realism,' Alison Armstrong** has
designed the
PAX PROGRAMS: e.g., Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women®.
In 1995, after four years of studying men for her personal benefit, she
began creating workshops to share her extraordinary findings (about men)
with women across the nation. Originally with a burden for homeless
children, Armstrong shifted her focus to a deeper cause of dysfunctional
families and subsequently established the grand PAX*** mission of “altering
society’s culture by transforming the way women relate to men.” These
seminars are not religious-based, rather they speak to the very broad
audience of women, both young and less-young, who have traditionally been
the most vulnerable to the radical ideology of feminism.
* Apart from the Cross for the self-life
and Christ in you for daily living, one’s options are either legalism or
worldliness—or both held simultaneously in schizophrenic tension.
** Alison Armstrong can be frequently
heard in talk-radio interviews, e.g., The Dennis Prager Show.
*** PAX, the Latin
word for “peace” and an acronym for Partnership, Adoration and Xtasy.
PAX seeks to create peace between the sexes by providing unique and
immediately useful information to women.

How to know when
Howard Dean is lying? Answer: When he moves his lips.
Today's headline at
INSIGHT On The News reads:
strategy calls for courting Christian conservatives. I told
you this was coming.
The Democratic Party has decided to
exploit conservative dissatisfaction with the Bush administration for
the midterm congressional elections in November. The Democrats have been
running ads that reach out to voters in the Bible belt and Midwest,
which warn of the Republican Party’s policy on Social Security reform.
The ads warn that the GOP-proposed revisions would destabilize the
system and result in a massive increase in the federal debt. "One of the
misconceptions about the Democratic Party is that we're godless and that
we don't have any values," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard
Dean said. "The truth is we have an enormous amount in common with the
Christian community, and particularly with the evangelical Christian
PS. So does Dean
feel the evangelical Christian community share the Democrat belief below?
WASHINGTON, July 6 /U.S. Newswire/ --
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the
following statement in response to the decision by the New York Court of
Appeals that the state constitution does not guarantee the right to
marriage for same-sex couples, but that the state legislature could
provide this:
"As Democrats, we believe that every American has a right to equal
protection under the law and to live in dignity. And we must respect the
right of every family to live in dignity with equal rights,
responsibilities and protections under the law. Today's decision by the
New York Court of Appeals, which relies on outdated and bigoted notions
about families, is deeply disappointing, but it does not end the effort
to achieve this goal."
"...evil people and impostors will go on from bad to
worse, deceiving and being deceived." 2 Timothy 3:13
Diane recently came across a series
of articles written by Dr. Benjamin Wiker on the subject of secularism.
The series leverages off the book,
The Secular Revolution, written by Dr. Christian Smith.
While I haven't yet read the book...yet, I like Wiker's reviews and the
summary of the content/reviews shown at Amazon.com. We have linked to the several of the
Wiker articles on our Contemporary Issues page under
In America, no-fault divorce is a
legal product of 1970s. Well-known president of the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary, Dr. Albert Molher, in his June 9th
post cites an article by Stephen Baskerville, political scientist at Howard
University, who has researched the subject in depth.
Based on Baskerville’s study,
divorce laws emerged in the United States during the 1970s and quickly
spread across the nation. Even though only nine states had no-fault
divorce laws in 1977, by 1995, every state had legalized no-fault
But what caused the legal phenomena
of easy divorce? Molher writes:
Behind all this is an ideological revolution driven by
feminism and facilitated by this society's embrace of autonomous
individualism(1). Baskerville argues that divorce "became the most
devastating weapon in the arsenal of feminism, because it creates millions
of gender battles on the most personal level." As far back as 1947, the
National Association of Women Lawyers [NAWL] was pushing for what we now
know as no-fault divorce. More recently, NAWL claims credit for the divorce
revolution, describing it as "the greatest project NAWL has ever undertaken."
Further, Molher cites:
Researcher Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, author of the
influential book, The Divorce Culture, points to the therapeutic
seduction of the culture as a contributing factor. "According to therapeutic
precepts," she explains, "the fault for marital breakup must be shared, even
when one spouse unilaterally seeks a divorce [or abandons the marriage]."
In other words, no-fault divorce laws actually assume
that both parties are equally at fault, since no party could be innocent.
The perverse assumption inherent in this argument is that if any individual
is unhappy, someone else must necessarily be at fault. Once no-fault divorce
became a reality, spouses found themselves simply informed of the fact that
their marriage was effectively over. Many of these spouses were not even
aware that the marriage was in trouble--and trouble is not even necessary.
What is further interesting, or disturbing,
is how many conservative church leaders (pastors and elders) accepted
the rhetoric that “both parties are equally at fault” and that “no party
could be innocent,” fully knowing that the NT contains calls for integrity,
accountability, and
justice within the community of believers. Church leaders should not
accept any 50/50 blame game, but should seek to identify which party is
morally in the wrong and make it known to the congregation.
(1) The roots and history of American
feminism are a vast subject. However, the Supreme Court's disastrous 1973
decision of Roe vs. Wade did far more than invent a woman's so-called "right
to privacy", it fundamentally changed the way in which women--and
subsequently the 'public' think. In a primal and mind-altering way,
the ruling reinforced an ancient heretical lie--that humans are autonomous
and sovereign beings--even over the issues of life and death. drs
Today, having engaged in several hours of research, we
came upon the writings of Wesley J. Smith, who is a senior fellow at the
Discovery Institute,
Seattle, WA, and a special consultant to their Center for Bioethics and
Culture. Mr. Smith is an attorney and has been a leading voice
(author, speaker, and advocacy consultant) in the various fields of
bioethics for more than 10 years.
While not evangelical or even religious, Wesley Smith does share the
widely-held view of the intrinsic value for human life, what he labels “the
philosophy of human exceptionalism. He writes on subjects of medical
ethics, assisted suicide/euthanasia, cloning and genetic engineering,
stem-cell research, and the anti-human values of the animal
rights/liberation movement. I found his review of Pamela Winnick's
A Jealous God: Science’s Crusade Against Religion and his article,
Do U.S. Scientists Have a Right to Perform Human Cloning? extremely
engaging, since I seldom spend intellectual time in these areas. I
highly recommend his blog,
Secondhand Smoke,
as an excellent source of up-to-date information of the scienceXmedical
world. Given my own condition, I also ordered his book,
Power Over Pain: How
To Get The Pain Control You Need.
In addition to his safe and sound teaching on the
subjects of spiritual growth and Pauline dispensationalism, Miles Stanford
had the ability to craft tightly-worded viewpoints--masterful communication.
In reviewing one of his polemic papers, I came across these zingers.
NO COMPROMISE! -- A Dispensationalism that includes ground for the
charismatic, is a danger to the Church. There may be the claim of
"complete separation" of Israel and the Church, while at the same time
including charismatic ground, i.e., secondary application of the Sermon
on the Mount, the "spiritual" blessings of Israel's New Covenant, plus
aspects of the "present/future" millennial kingdom.
A Dispensationalism that provides ground for Covenantism, is a danger
to the Church. There may be the claim of "complete separation" of Israel
and the Church, while at the same time including Covenant ground, i.e.,
secondary application of the Sermon on the Mount, the "spiritual
blessings" of Israel's New Covenant, plus aspects of the "present/
future" millennial kingdom. Such compromised, inclusive
Dispensationalism is the spawning ground for charismatic craziness,
Lordship salvation, Covenant legalism, Reconstructionism, etc.
[bold emphasis mine]
A Dispensationalism that does not include ground for the
charismatics, or Covenantism, is a blessing to the Church. The home
ground of the Body, her growth ground is in the glorified, heavenly Lord
Jesus Christ, who is her Head and her Life. Her doctrinal ground is
centered in the Pauline Church Epistles. Carefully note Ephesians
3:9-11. I would a thousand times rather be accused of making the
Synoptic Gospels secondary to the Pauline Church Epistles, than to make
Paul secondary to anything!

I have scanned and added Chapters 2 & 3 to Miles
Stanford's polemic paper compellation entitled--MacArthurism.
One dispensational pastor recently confessed:
What is hard for me to understand is MacArthur's
writings on this [sanctification] because on the one hand he
preaches freedom from the Law and on the other hand he mingles in the
Law. I believe he is not clear in his writings because he is not
clear in his own thinking on this. But at Master's Seminary the
leaders and professors take a stronger stand on dispensationalism than
Mac does. This is what confuses me. I would agree with you
that Mac has been too influenced by Reformed thinking. I went to
his Shepherd's Conference in 2005 (which was very good) but the main
speakers were Covenantal. This truly bothers me and I did not go
back this year because he had the same speakers.
Sadly, this pastor is not a young man (sorry, but we
can commiserate together) nor new to the
ministry. The real truth is that John MacArthur will likely
never be "clear in his own thinking," largely because the
Reformed/Puritan traditions MacArthur so
reveres have been unable to find theological clarity in the nearly 500 years
they've been working on the subject. This claim is fairly well
documented in the late Kenneth Good's book, Are Baptists Reformed? Read Chapter 2 of the above
mentioned book,
MacArthur, Jr. - Dispensationalist?
Given prior election wins by middle-class
conservatives, both secular and religious liberals oscillate between contempt/ridicule of the "religious right" and disingenuous calls for "dialogue"
on various issues of both global and personal consequence. I say
"disingenuous" because the calls most often include their a priori
assumption of having tight control over the terms of dialogue.
This is identical behavior to the college activists of the '60s. They
are quick to set the agenda according to their own concerns and priorities.
This is soon followed by the subtle or not so subtle demand that any and all
discussion exclude mention or reference to "divine revelation."
Consequently, the cosmos and all of life must be viewed, according to them,
through the lens of secularism and its materialistic foundational
philosophy. Logically, only humanistic solutions will integrate and
thus be found acceptable. Of course, this effectively marginalizes all
who have a theistic worldview and denies them a 'place at the table'.
For both secular and religious liberals, this is the way the modern world
should work. If fundamentalist and evangelical Christians detect the
'stacked deck' and object to the prejudicial framework, the liberal crowd
will simply withdraw invitations and redirect them to so-called "spiritual"
leaders (e.g., Dali Lama, and even some so-called evangelicals) willing to
accept the limitations in exchange for the worldly prestige of getting a
seat at the table. Beware of this ploy!
Diane and I are taking some long-overdue vacation and
will return May 30th. Upon return, I will respond to all the email
The libertarian and Democrat protest over the NSA's
analysis of phone call data is utter nonsense. The computer analysis
seeks to identify statistical correlations between known and potential
terrorists outside the United States as they repetitively make connections
to domestic phone numbers. What's the problem! For libertarians
and their spirit of anarchy, the problem is government in any form.
Romans 13:3 reads, "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but
for those who do wrong." For Democrats and a few moderate Republicans,
the problem is their utter inability to discern between "right" and "wrong,"
the fruit of decades of moral relativism.
Both the author of the book and the film producer for
The Da Vinci Code are loving the religious opposition. All the
"free" publicity contributes to the success of the film and their financial
profit. Apocryphal accounts of Jesus Christ and attempted refutations
of both the crucifixion and resurrection are nothing new, e.g., The
Koran, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, The Gnostic Gospels,
The Urantia Book, The Book of Mormon, Who Moved the Stone, etc., just to
name a few. What's new is the power over the masses of today's
cinematography. Without an anchor on reality (the Bible), film has the
ability to "create reality" in our postmodernist world. Rather than
pay for theater tickets, we'll wait to see and review the movie via
disintegration was again driven home to me this past week. I had an
opportunity to review a critical portion of the doctrinal statement of
Chafer Theological Seminary, (CTS) Orange, California. CTS was founded
by former graduates of Dallas Theological Seminary, the institution
established by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer. Today, both of these
institutions and their professors are far from the original theological and
dispensational perspectives of Dr. Chafer. Dr. Chafer would be sadly
disappointed to find his name associated with a seminary which rejects the doctrine of
unconditional election and is promoting the humanistic doctrine of
philosophic indeterminism.
Under CTS's section heading,
Soteriology (The Study of Salvation), is
printed the following:
Genuine Offer of Salvation. Since it
is impossible for God to be unfair to any person, and since He loves all
men equally, desires all men to be saved, is not willing that any should
perish, and invites all men to be saved, He freely and graciously offers
salvation to all men. The drawing ministries of the Father and the Son
and the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit make it genuinely
possible for any member of the human race to receive the Lord Jesus
Election. We believe Scripture
reveals two clear and indisputable lines of evidence. One line shows God
sovereignly choosing His own in Christ; the other shows man possessing
the function of volition, able to receive or reject God’s uniquely born
Means of Salvation. God neither overrules nor implants mankind’s
volition in accepting or rejecting His provision of salvation.
Similar to
varieties of Wesleyan/Arminianism, CTS does not acknowledge the traditional
and limited use of the term "volition," rather they mean
libertarian/autonomous free will. Hear and take note of a few of Dr.
Chafer's remarks on the above subjects.
"That some of His creation serve one purpose and some another is itself
a matter of divine [His] choice. Human resentment*
arises only when it is indicated that some are more favored than others
respecting destiny. Were God thought to be an ungoverned tyrant,
it could be allowed that He might do as He pleases with His own, whether
this prove right or wrong; but when it has been disclosed [in the Word]
that He is infinitely righteous and holy and that He is actuated by
infinite love, difficulty will arise in the natural mind over how God
can have elect people for whom He achieves more than He does for others
or how some can be blessed while others are not. There is no doubt
whatever about the Bible teaching that God has chosen an elect
Systematic Theology, Vol. VII, p. 133
"In the first instance, it is well to observe that God did not create
the human will as an instrument to defeat Himself; it was created rather
as a means by which He might realize His own worthy purposes. Through as
Sovereign He could do so, God does not coerce the human will; He rather
works within the individual both to will and to do of His good pleasure
(cf. Phil. 2:13). An efficacious call to salvation, then, is a call
which none ever finally resists (cf. Rom. 8:30). Everyone whom God
predestinates He calls, and everyone whom He calls He justifies and
glorifies. There could not be failure in one instance among the millions
who are called. The vision which He creates in the heart and the
limitless persuasion He exercises induce a favorable reaction on the
part of all thus called, which reaction is rendered infinitely certain.
The important truth to be observed in all of this is that, though divine
persuasion be limitless, it still remains persuasion, and so when a
decision is secured for Christ in the individual he exercises his own
will apart from even a shadow of constraint. The divine invitation still
is true that "whoever will may come." However, it also is true that none
will ever come apart from this divine call, and that the call is
extended only to His elect. What God's righteous relation is to those
whom He does not call is another doctrine quite removed from the
teaching of election."
Systematic Theology, Vol. VII, p. 136
Read Matthew 20:1-16.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of
Atomic Iran and
Black Gold Stranglehold, was interviewed by
Coast To Coast
George Noory on several critical subjects surrounding Iran and its
'prophetic' President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (mentioned below at
4/16.1/2006, 1/22/2006,
and 1/8/2006), Iran's move this past Friday to
establish a euro-denominated oil
bourse, and international finance. A euro-denominated oil bourse
could likely have an adverse affect, over time, on the already declining
value of the US dollar. However, market analysts are
skeptical of Iran's oil bourse plan as well as its overall effect on the
global market. There has been a great amount of speculation that a
similar move (euro-petro) by Iraq's former leader, Saddam Hussein, was the
tripwire for the U.S. led invasion and that the situation is looking to
repeat itself.
Those who are regular readers know that I will
occasionally do a brief movie review if the subject matter and acting is
worth mentioning. This weekend's movie of note was
MY DOG SKIP, based on the book and real life accounts of
author, William ("Willie") Morris. This is a heart-warming book
(1995) and movie (2000) of a 9-year-old boy (only child) bonding and
coming-of-age with his dog, while living in 1942 Yazzo, Mississippi.
Excellent cinematography. The cast includes Willie (Frankie Muniz),
Willie's mother Ellen (a younger Diane Lane), father Jack (a younger Kevin
Bacon), and a wonderful terrier by the name of "Skip". This movie
triggered a similar fond memory from my own childhood--circa 1952.

I have updated my comments at 4/22.1/2006 to include
Miles Stanford's critique of Dr. Woodrow Kroll's book, The Joy of
Belonging. The fact that Back to the Bible Broadcast's founder,
Theodore Epp, had a deep appreciation for The Green Letters and his
broadcast printed and sold thousands of them under the title, The Principles of
Spiritual Growth, the organization's movement away from dispensational
distinctives surely would be a heartbreak to its founder.
See Back to the Bible &
One-Naturism. In the critique, Miles deals with the often
misunderstood terms, the "flesh" (p.5), condition vs. position (p.5,
6), "death" (p.6, 7), and "body of sin" (p.7).
Given the rising tensions with Iran and it leaders, my
mailbox is filling up with questions about End Times Prophecy.
As I've mentioned through the years, this is not an area in which I'm well
versed. There is a diversity of reasonable opinions in the field of
premillennial and pretribulational eschatology.* Nevertheless, I'm dusting off several books and pamphlets in
my library and finding renewed interest in what they have to say. I
highly recommend readers obtain a copy of Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy's
short and concise overview of the subject of Armageddon.
Interestingly, the authors identify the "kings of the east" and the
"Antichrist" as arising from the area which is today--IRAN!
"Why does the Bible speak of Armageddon?
Because it affirms God's sovereignty over history and reminds us that
there is a divine purpose and plan that will not be thwarted. God
will one day right all wrongs, judge all evil, and establish a universal
reign of righteousness (The
Millennium). The hope of Christians throughout the centuries
will be realized with the second coming of Jesus Christ and the defeat
of those who oppose Him at Armageddon. It is because of this hope
that we study prophecy, waiting for the fulfillment of God's promises."
* Numerous articles are
available at the
Pre-Trib Research Center.
One correspondent recently sent me a copy of, A
Critique of the "Exchanged Life" from the April-June edition of
Bibliotheca Sacra, the 72 year-old theological journal of Dallas
Theological Seminary* (DTS), Dallas, TX. The
lead article is written by Dr. Robert A. Pyne, Professor of Theological
Studies at DTS, along with doctoral candidate, Matthew L. Blackmon.
The correspondent had hoped for me to write a formal response and to address
the various errors, confusion, and most specifically, the authors' inclusion
of Miles Stanford's writings in their critique of the Exchanged Life
movement. For now, my comments will be most brief.
The article is an attempt to document, understand, and
refute the crazy-quilt, theological landscape of the Exchanged Life
movement. The authors' critique wrestles largely with the
eradicationist and one nature teachings of Charles Solomon, Bill
Gillham, Neil Anderson, Steve McVey, Tony Evans, Charles Stanley, Dwight
Edwards, Richard Hall, David Needham, John Best, June Hunt, and their
respective publications. As mentioned above, they unintentionally or
intentionally scoop up Miles Stanford into the camp of "Exchanged Life" by
referencing The Complete Green Letters and one of Miles polemic
papers epublished here, without making any critical distinctions. Many
of the "exchanged life" doctrinal teachings/errors and their proponents are
reviewed in the Miles Stanford's
Polemic Paper library. For example, read
Back to the Bible & One-Naturism.
In short, the article is not a survey of the
history of identification
teaching and teachers; rather, its focus is upon the more contemporary
errant expressions of this doctrinal emphasis--e.g., The Association of
Exchanged Life Ministries. For example they write, "The language
of the Exchanged Life is often traced to J. Hudson Taylor" but later
add, "It is unclear whether Taylor actually advocated the ideas now
associated with Exchanged Life theology." In footnote 20 of 85, they
comment, "Though Exchanged Life theology has no "founder," [Charles] Solomon
is as likely a candidate as any." However, had they done more
homework, the authors might have discovered that eradication and one
naturism errors pre-date Solomon and have roots deep in both
Wesleyan/Arminian and Reformed/Covenant traditions. See MJS's two-part
exposé on One Naturism.
The authors' list several concerns, but summarize as
follows: "...this article has been written because of pastoral concern that
those believers will be left ill equipped by a shortsighted approach to
spirituality that cannot withstand sustained examination. The authors
are convinced that a perspective other than that of the Exchanged Life is
significantly more encouraging, more helpful, and more deeply refreshing."
The authors' understanding of alternative spirituality is LifeSpace--a
communal rather than "individualistic" approach to the Christian life.
Dr. Pyne is co-founder of
together with ordained minister Joni Powers, "LifeSpace promotes
a life with God that abandons the box for an unbounded, expansive experience
of God’s glory. The LifeSpace community is an organic conversation."
Bob and Joni host both a
and a blog
(caveat emptor), and Dr. Pyne is also associated with the
'progressives' over at Bible.org, see
here and
Despite the authors' desire to encourage "a fruitful
and continuing conversation," their poorly researched scholarship and
'broad-brush' approach have done a disservice to the truth and the Body of
Christ. The article is clearly oblivious to the historical theological
tradition of the doctrine of identification, as well as the extensive labors of Miles
Stanford to craft clear and concise presentations of these Scriptural truths.
Miles Stanford's works also take account of the experiential side of Pauline identification, including
refutations of the eradication and one nature errors mentioned above.
* - Both
DTS (1924) and its journal (1934) have moved far, far away, theologically
speaking, from the dispensational perspective of its founder,
Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, and
Dr. Chafer's link to
Susan, a long-time reader, made sure we didn't miss
the opportunity to repost this fine piece of satirical humor. Headline
news from the Sacred Sandwich....PURPOSE-DRIVEN
Alliance for
Separation of School and State has a new website. Check it

J.W. over at
Red Giants
blogspot, has a solemn thesis (Rome is Burning) about the current U.S.
illegal immigrant problem.
On the world stage, things are more than tense.
The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has made his intentions rather
clear. He will wipe Israel off the face of the map and...
...he boasts that the [Hidden] Imam* gave him the
presidency for a single task: provoking a "clash of civilizations" in
which the Muslim world, led by Iran, takes on the "infidel" West, led by
the United States, and defeats it in a slow but prolonged contest that,
in military jargon, sounds like a low intensity, asymmetrical war.
In Ahmadinejad's analysis, the rising Islamic
"superpower" has decisive advantages over the infidel. Islam has four
times as many young men of fighting age as the West, with its ageing
populations. Hundreds of millions of Muslim "ghazis" (holy raiders) are
keen to become martyrs while the infidel youths, loving life and fearing
death, hate to fight. Islam also has four-fifths of the world's oil
reserves, and so controls the lifeblood of the infidel. More
importantly, the US, the only infidel power still capable of fighting,
is hated by most other nations.
The frightening truth of why Iran wants a bomb, Amir Taheri,
4/16/2006, telegraph.co.uk.

* The 12th and last of the imams--Mahdi,
is Islam's messianic figure who went into "grand occultation" (mystical
displacement) in 941 A.D., but who has now returned and supposedly
communicates directly and in private with Mahmoud. According to Islam,
Madhi is the true [theonomic] Sovereign of the Universe and savior of
mankind. Islamic eschatology borrows from the Judeo-Christian
prophetic tradition, but then spins it tp cast Islam and Muslims in a good
Limelight Christians are late to the party. Back
in February, the evangelical crowd split over the issue of so-called "global
warming." According to the NYT, "...86 evangelical Christian leaders
have decided to back a major initiative to fight global warming, saying
'millions of people could die in this century because of climate change,
most of them our poorest global neighbors.' Among signers of the
[Evangelical Climate Initiative] statement..." was "...the presidents of 39
evangelical colleges, leaders of aid groups and churches, like the Salvation
Army, and pastors of megachurches, including Rick Warren, author of the best
seller The Purpose-Driven Life." Everyone wants a piece of the
action. Apparently, other leader in the evangelical community weren't
ready to follow Rick Warren's impersonation of Al Gore* on the environment.
The article further states that "Twenty-two of them signed a letter in
January declaring, 'Global warming is not a consensus issue.'" The
letter was addressed to the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and
asked the organization to not issue any statement on global warming nor
allow its officers or staff members to take a position. "E. Calvin
Beisner, associate professor of historical theology at Knox Theological
Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., helped organize the opposition into a
group called the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance. He said Tuesday that 'the
science is not settled' on whether global warming was actually a problem or
even that human beings were causing it. And he said that the solutions
advocated by global warming opponents would only cause the cost of energy to
rise, with the burden falling most heavily on the poor."
The following insightful article and exposé was
published Wednesday, April 12th, in the Wall Street Journal. CLIMATE
OF FEAR - Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into
silence by Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric
Science at MIT.
* Why is it when I hear Gore speak I think of
Foghorn Leghorn?
With some time for play, I recently stumbled across a
feature of the Windows XP operating system that I want to share with
readers. It is the font rendering technology called
ClearType. ClearType is a software technology
developed by Microsoft that improves the readability of text on existing
LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays), such as laptop screens, Pocket PC screens
and flat panel monitors. (It also improves the look of fonts on
older-type CRT monitors as well.) With ClearType font
technology, the words on your computer screen look almost as sharp and clear
as those printed on a piece of paper.
How to turn on ClearType font rendering
- On the Windows desktop, right click the mouse. Select
"Properties," "Appearance" tab, and then the "Effects" button. Make
sure a checkmark (
) appears
before the sentence "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen
fonts," then using the drop down menu, select "ClearType." The default
is "Standard." Click the "OK" button in the "Effects" window, then the
"OK" button for the "Display Properties" window. That's it! You
should immediately see the difference in the clarity of the fonts.
More proof (as if any more was needed) regarding the
liberal bias of mainstream media.
"Jill Carroll, a freelance reporter for the Christian Science Monitor who
spent 82 days held hostage by terrorists in Iraq before being set free
Thursday, yesterday disavowed remarks she had made in captivity and shortly
after her release." This news was carried widely in new media, but
buried in the Washington Post, New York Times, etc.
Consider the following spiritual principle, little understood and even less
experienced by Christians today...
"... wherever and whenever the
identification truth of the Cross is not central, the emphasis shifts to
the filling [and gifts] of the Spirit. Important as is His fullness and
control, He does not fill the new life until the old is firmly
established in the death of the Cross. This principle of life
out of death is inviolate! “Except a grain of wheat fall into the
ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much
fruit” (John 12:24)." MJS
Contrary to charismatics who claim to "work the power" and "do the stuff"
[God does not grant "power" for power's sake] or those who advocate the
Puritan spiritual disciplines of past centuries, the Holy
Spirit does not energize our life and work apart from His
life-out-of-death principle. Nothing of lasting value comes cheap!
Having toured a bit
this past week at Bible.org's "progressive" forum, the point is again driven
home to me how utterly confused the evangelical world has become regarding the question, "What is the
Gospel?" With the drift away from dispensationalism comes doubt,
uncertainty, increased questions, and apparent conundrums. More and more, these evangelicals cannot formulate a
consistent and coherent answer that brings spiritual, intellectual, and
psychological resolution. The confusion and lack of salvation
assurance isn't new when view in the context of 2,000 years of church history.
The backdrop is one of general darkness, interrupted by the light of
occasional awakenings. Nevertheless,
the recent confusion in dispensational circles can be traced to the middle
of the 20th century and the downgrade influence of Dallas Theological
Seminary. If you're unclear on the NT Gospel messages, then please
Distinctive Gospels.
Many Christians and
political conservatives have long suspected that gays and lesbians are
disingenuous in their legal bid for same-sex marriage. Their
agenda is much larger than obtaining "equal benefits" (e.g., hospital
visitation or inheritance rights) for so-called "loving couples." This
smoke-screen is being exposed by
proposed legislation in Colorado, which homosexuals are fighting.
The homosexual agenda secretly believes that everything negative in their
lives, including any and all mental angst, is attributable to so-called
Bible-believing Christians and Judeo-Christian culture. In their bid
for psychological relief, their goal is to destroy, as best as possible, the
source of their mental torment--i.e., both Christians and Judeo-Christian
I've added the
BabelFish foreign language translation link to our
Search this Site
Click on the text to bring up BabelFish, then input the webpage URL and select the language. Of course, since
I'm not fluent in any language other than English, I'll depend on others to
inform me about the quality of the translation engine. My youngest son
(USAF), who currently lives and works in France, says it's fairly accurate.
A handful of posts at
Bible.org's forum have proved interesting and insightful into the ongoing
trends in the dispensational downgrade. Another theological tent has
been erected--Progressive Covenantalism. I'm not yet clear on how this
"new" theological model (supposedly originating at Dallas Theological
Seminary) differs from mainline Reformed Covenantism or how it will affect
either the Reformed or Dispensational realms. Here's the downgrade
Scofieldian Dispensationalism
Progressive Covenantalism
For those with appreciation of Dallas Theological
Seminary (Old School), you'll be happy to hear your alma mater referred to
as the "... academic institution long known for its dispensational
leanings." How incredibly sad. What would DTS founder Lewis
Sperry Chafer think today?
PS. Just received notice from one of the admin at
the Bible.org forum informing me that my
posts will be censored on account of "self-promotion." I wondered
how long it would take before these Progressives became uncomfortable.
I guess they didn't appreciate my Dennis Prager quote, "Clarity, not
agreement." Of course, the Bible.org (Hampton Keathley IV)
suffers from a bit of schizophrenia. IV makes money from Miles
Stanford's CD (long story), includes the
Green Letters at his website, but is an ardent Progressive, and thus
foe of Pauline Dispensationalism. Go figure.
A note to the
forum-junkies. I posted a response to questions raised regarding Miles
Stanford on the Bible.org forum. See
While we acknowledge use of figurative language as an acceptable literary
form used by authors of the Bible, Christians who adhere to normal
principles of interpretation (hermeneutics)
embrace the fact that the Bible typically speaks about reality in a
literal fashion. Literary discernment on the part of the reader is
typically necessary to determine the writer's mode of expression. The
universal rule used by authors and readers is to assume literal, unless told
otherwise. The Bible begins with a literal description of creation,
and at no point does the author suggest we interpret the words otherwise.
In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless
and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of
God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be
light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and
he separated the light from the darkness. And there was evening,
and there was morning--the first day. Genesis 1:1-5
Since the Bible is not
a science textbook, readers are not provided technical explanations for:
heavens, formless, empty, darkness, surface of the deep, waters, and light.
However, much has been written seeking to show the correlation between these
first five verses of Scripture and the so-called "facts" of past and
present-day scientific cosmology. It is very important to keep in mind
that 1) the so-called scientific "facts" have radically changed over the
past few centuries, and 2) there is much, by self-admission, the scientific
community doesn't understand about the universe. For example,
"...about 4 percent of it [the universe] is ordinary matter, with 22 percent
composed of so-called dark matter and 74 percent made up of a mysterious
dark energy..." Think about it. Only 4 percent of the universe
is made from atomic "stuff" we think we understand, the rest is a scientific
mystery. See, scientists aren't so smart after all. However,
what scientists have discovered in the past few decades is astonishing.
SCIENCE: I highly recommend
PLANET. While the book, written by two scientists, is
likely more technical than most will enjoy, the DVD video is professional
quality and an excellent introduction to the subject of cosmology from an
intelligent design perspective.
This past week, NASA
released information regarding recent findings from its Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission. Some of these findings are
WMAP Project involves a robotic space probe, launched from Earth on
June 30, 2001, which is able to look at the afterglow (background light)
from the Big Bang and assists scientists in forming theories over
"unprecedented detail about the earliest moments of the cosmos."
Keep in mind that when
scientists say (and the media echoes) that our universe is "13.7 billion
years" old, they are using a simple mathematical formula and employing the
physical distance measurement together with the speed of light (assumed
fixed at 186,282.4 miles per second) to obtain the time variable*.
Solving for time using the mathematical formula is based upon the assumption
that the speed of light is fixed--an assumption which is uncertain and thus
also subject to change.
"We have new
evidence that the universe suddenly grew from sub-microscopic [possibly
nothing?] to astronomical size in less than the blink of an eye," said
Dr. Charles Bennett, principle investigator for the WMAP Project.
tremendous inflation of the universe happened in much less than a
trillionth of a second."
When the "tremendous
inflation" occurred, the speed of expansion was near infinite, and thus this
data seems to hinder our ability to measure time with any precision.
* Time remains a
profound mystery, yet some very interesting theories are forming and
evolving. For example, see
STARLIGHT AND TIME, Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young
Universe. Dr. Humphreys, following Einstein's theories,
believes that gravity distorts time--time dilation.
It's hard to know what
to write about. Too many choices! The world, while never
"stable," seems to have come really unhinged. The same can be
said for the West, Christendom, and even the so-called evangelical churches.
It's hard to know from which direction the hate will pour forth
next--orthodox Islam, homosexuals, or others. These groups
unconsciously wrestle with the well-defined effects of being under the wrath
of God. Both Muslims and homosexuals have consciously targeted
Christianity as their object of hate--so-called "love and tolerance" in this
Orwellian-doublespeak 21st century.
Believers often fail to
understand that the worldly "church" is subject to various fads...but
typically 5-25 years behind the rest of the crowd. For those churches
peddling entertainment, the material can't become too stale. So, these
pastors and their flocks are always in search of something "new and
exciting." Believe it or not, the Purpose-Driven and
Emergent movements will crest and fall by the wayside, to be replaced
with some new gimmicky program. Such has been the case for Promise
Keepers (PK), the evangelical men's group founded in 1990 by football coach,
Bill McCartney.
A local newspaper
reporter did some backtracking and caught up with the current spokesman for
PK--Steve Chavis. Here are some comments by Chavis.
"The mythology was,
by going great guns that way it was going, we'd reach every man in the
country and we'd finish the job. The fact is, encouraging men
spiritually was a much bigger systemic cultural nut to crack."
Duh.... Has he
broken free of myths?
"Now that we're
smaller, what kind of impact can we make? I think we're going
after a deeper conference experience so that Friday night, all-day
Saturday experience is hopefully more profound and has more impact."
These experience-based
(non-doctrinal) meetings, whether widely attended in the '90s or more modest
today, are a total joke and failure--spiritually speaking. They fail
to rise above the level of a high school pep rally and can only appeal to
the lowest, common denominator among American men.
Folks, do not look to
sports figures, rock stars, or entertainment types for spiritual leadership!
I recently came across
an online version of Paul Wilson's
This short booklet (first appeared in Christian Truth magazine; later
reprinted by Bible Truth Publishers) is an introduction to J. N. Darby's
biblical views. He was neither Arminian nor Calvinist. Back
before the great inflation of the '70s, Miles Stanford mailed this booklet
(then 35¢) to many of his correspondents. Of those Arminian-bent
believers who claim to have known and appreciate Miles Stanford, I often
wonder if they failed to receive a copy.
For a glimpse at the
global reach of the PBs, click on the "Languages" tab in the menu bar of
The PBs also have a rich tradition of hymnody. I also discovered the
wonderful collection of MP3 music recordings, 500+ simple piano melodies
from the 1978 edition of the Spiritual Songs (American-Canadian) hymn
book. This site also features French, German, and Russian. See
Someone put in a lot of hours here!! Here's how you can use this
resource for home worship. If you have a copy of Spiritual Songs,
you're set. If not, open your hymn book to your favorite, identify the
hymn tune (typically listed under the title) then do a search to find the
MP3 audio. Click on the 'rabbit' or 'turtle' for fast or slow
connection speed, respectively. Note: the library is large, but not
For withChrist.org,
2006 marks our ten-year anniversary of the website's Internet ministry.
We extend a "Thank You!" to each and every 'grassroots' supporter. We
fully believe we have and continue to make a difference in this very dark
hour. The condition of evangelical-fundamentalist churches in the
Western world remains shockingly low due to the cultural affects of
postmodern relativism and political correctness. The willingness of
Christians to support the cultural cancer of government-funded,
taxpayer-financed (public) education is much to blame. The modern
Christian church is much like the city of Nineveh mentioned in the OT, in
which lived inhabitants who could not "discern between their right hand and
their left..." (Jonah 4:11). Many so-called born-again Christians are
still uncertain as to whether it is morally permissible to exercise
discernment and "judge" in doctrinal and moral matters. Those who do
are still erroneously viewed as "unloving." Again, we call attention
to our response--Our
View of "Love" in Relation to Doctrinal Error and Those Who Hold It
Due to some of those
"details of ordinary life," Journal entries have been sparse. I have
responsibility for several large projects connected with my day job, but
hope to resume commentary in the third week of March. See you then.
"Divine truth ever
connects the commonest details of ordinary life with the highest privileges.
That which loosens the bonds of common life is not the testimony of God, but
strange doctrine which none should heed. Whatever are the privileges
of the saints, they are brought to the light; and it is by the light
everything is tested. Those who have the Lord Jesus can afford to have
it so."
"Truth always justifies
the conscience in a man in his commonplace responsibilities. The truth
ever would lend to the fulfillment of those common duties which all own to
be duties; and this is the grace of Christ."
My grandson, Caleb,
came to visit this weekend...and yesterday, it was very cold outside.
To keep this six year old engaged, my oldest son (Jeremiah) allows him to
listen to select programs on
The source of these broadcasts are Cornerstone University and Grand Rapids
Theological Seminary. Here you will find a mixture of Reformation
confessions with dispensational Baptist tradition. When it warmed up,
it was time for sledding fun!

Spam email
advertisements can truly be annoying. I get as many as two dozen
weekly. Some online retailers use automatic programs to harvest email
addresses from across the Internet, while others pay individuals (pennies in
the Third World) to search and build lists. These lists are then sold
and resold. I even suspect that malicious individuals are supplying
Christian website addresses to these spam lists as a form of harassment and
attack. The spam email advertisements can contain stealth features
which makes them difficult to filter. But, here's an effective and simple way to
fight back.
If you use Microsoft
Outlook or Outlook Express mail program, employ the "Rules" feature and
build custom rules. Despite all the stealth, the email typically
contains a legitimate link (domain address) back to the online merchant.
Identify this link, right click the email, and select "Create Rule."
Choose "Advanced Options," scroll down and check "with specific words
in subject or body," and then click on "specific words." Paste in the
merchant's root web address, click the "Add" button, and then "OK."
(You can also paste in any obnoxious words that appear in the subject or
body of the email.) Outlook will now identify this garbage when it
arrives. Click the "Next>" button to move to the selections which instruct
Outlook how to handle the pesky solicitation.
First, check "forward
it to people or distribution list," and then click on "people or
distribution list." Using the merchant's domain name (e.g. "ompoun.com"
an offshore Rx pusher located in the British Virgin Islands that sends out
millions of spam emails), type in "mail@ompoun.com."
This will forward their spam back to their own email account, were their
email server will hopefully, in time, choke to death. Another
variation here is use Whois to look up the owner of the domain name.
Often the registrar requires an email address from the domain owner, so use
that email address for the forward. Check
"permanently delete it," which fully delete's the spam from Outlook.
You will need to repeat this process for each spam your receive. In
summary, when the spam arrives, Outlook will autoforward the email back to the
source and delete the spam, all in the background without you having to do
any thing more. Out of sight; out of mind!!!
Hamas wasted no time in
issuing edicts to Western governments as part of its information war,
efforts at intimidation, and gradualist plan to impose sharia law and Islam
on all Western societies.
"Hamas’ political
chief laid out conditions today under which it would work to calm anger
in ‘‘the Muslim street’’ over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published
in western media.
"Hamas would try to
soothe the outrage only if western governments apologies to Muslims and
begin drafting laws and other measures to make sure such ‘‘attacks’’
will not be printed again."
This will certainly
prove to be one or many tests to see how deep the multi-culturist rot has
penetrated the West.
Of late, the Internet
(one of the last bastions of free speech) seems besieged with various forms
of spam and viruses. It wouldn't surprise me if the so-called Muslims
'warriors' continue their effort to cripple this communication media or shut
it down.
That Western
secularists and liberals remain concerned about the influence of Christian
fundamentalism, in the face of spreading Islamic theocracy, is a
mind-boggling irony that can only be explained by their extraordinary degree
of illiteracy and bigotry in matters of religion.
Whether it's understood, the two seemingly unrelated posts of yesterday and
very much related. Every genuine Christian leader should be working to
establish the veracity of the Word of God.
Recent public
accusations of "Islamophobia", similar to those of "homophobia",
are most often efforts to besmirch any and all who oppose either Islam or
homosexuality. Muslims, with their
Islamic theocratic agenda*, are
simply borrowing a political maneuver from the gay and lesbian war-of-words
(postmodern) playbook.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines phobia as an
"...inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of
objects, or situation." The Western world's traditional opposition to both Islam
and homosexuality is not inexplicable (incapable of being explained,
interpreted, or accounted for) nor illogical. Judged by the
Word of God--the Bible, Islam is religious fallacy, and homosexuality is
sexual perversion proceeding from reprobate minds. Over
six thousand years of Western cultural history is rationally built upon this
foundation--that the Bible is knowledge.
* "...Rumsfeld warned that radical Islamists 'have designed and
distributed a map where national borders are erased and replaced by a
global extremist Islamic empire.'
"He cautioned 'that this is not war between the West and the Muslim
world' but instead primarily 'a struggle between the relatively small
fringe groups of extremists -- violent extremists -- who seek to hijack
an ancient religion against the overwhelming majority of Muslims'."
If only this "hijack" theory were true, there would
reason for hope. But the rhetoric from leaders in the Western world
simply doesn't fit with history--particularly the broader history of Islam.
If the West is in the process of loosing its mind (rational thought) due to
the effects of postmodernism, it is only a matter of time, and not much of
that, until it looses its will.
There are some isolated re-evaluations taking place in
the West regarding the nature of Islam and its view of the Koran. See
the interesting set of articles and comments by Daniel Pipes,
The Pope
and the Koran, and related links.
Islam has a total organization of life that is completely different
from ours; it embraces simply everything. There is a very marked
subordination of woman to man; there is a very tightly knit criminal
law, indeed, a law regulating all areas of life, that is opposed to our
modern ideas about society. One has to have a clear understanding that
it is not simply a denomination that can be included in the free realm
of a pluralistic society. When one represents the situation in those
terms, as often happens today, Islam is defined according to the
Christian model and is not seen as it really is in itself. In this
sense, the question of dialogue with Islam is naturally much more
complicated than, for example, an internal dialogue among Christians.
The Church at the End of the Millennium, an interview with Peter
Seewald (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1997)
At the other end of the
very long religious spectrum exists the New Age interspirituality
movement. Dubbed the "living
spiritual teachers project," these gurus speak the mantra of pure
religious syncretism.
We are open to all points of view on spiritual questions, drawing on
the world's wisdom traditions as well as science, psychology, sociology
and medicine.
Perhaps the simplest way to make the distinction is to
say we're talking about experience, not doctrine. Though spirituality is
a part of all religions, no religion can own it, and those who aren't
comfortable with organized religion are no less involved in the journey.
This approach honors questions, mysteries, and journeys of discovery
over dogmatic answers, closed systems, and now-you've-made-it
destinations. Respecting and drawing upon the world's great wisdom
traditions (religions) as well as the latest insights from medicine,
psychology, sociology, ecology, and the natural sciences, we speak to
people from various religious traditions or no religious tradition at
Project leaders
include: Marcus Borg, Joan Chittister, Pema Chödrön, William Sloane Coffin,
Barbara Crafton, Frederick Franck, Thich Nhat Hanh, Andrew Harvey, Edward
Hays, Alan Jones, Thomas Keating, Harold Kushner, Lawrence Kushner, Ram Dass,
Joyce Rupp, Sharon Salzberg, Rami Shapiro, David Steindl-Rast, Robert
Thurman, Jim Wallis, Macrina Wiederkehr, and Marianne Williamson.
Syncretism, a long
standing principle in liberal Christian churches, has been spreading among
evangelicals for several decades and is at the core of the newer, postmodern
emergent church movement.
With all the serious
trouble building in the Middle East, believers need to be clear on some
important, "big picture" chronological events. The following is from
R. A. Huebner's Elements of Dispensational Truth, Volume 2.
Click on the title just below to see his chart.
Interposed Heavenly Calling
"Israel is God's
nationally recognized people - Ammi - only while they have both
Calling [active election] and Government given to them. The reason why
God continued working with the people of Israel after declaring them Lo-ammi
is because they still had Calling. This Earthly Calling is restored in
the 70th week, when Jehovah works with the Jewish remnant to form them to
receive Messiah. And when He reigns, Israel, as his nationally
recognized people - Ammi - will again be the center of His earthly
seat of government."
Without control of the White House,
the House, or the Senate, the Left looks to liberal activist judges
rather than to the American voters or their elected representatives to
create "new rights."
The SCOTUS confirmation
of Roberts and nomination of Alito, two white males, has Democrats frothing
at the mouth. Despite current commitments by Senators to vote in favor
of confirmation, I have a hard time believing Democrats won't attempt a
filibuster and fight cloture next Tuesday for the opportunity to expel more hot air.
They must make a passionate showing for their radical supporters. Their
decades-long tool for cramming a liberal social agenda down the throat of
American society (the "Activist Court") is threatened with hiatus.
Well...maybe. Both Roberts and Alito may prove a disappointment to
both Republicans, Democrats, and others as well. Given the various
philosphies that originally went into creating the American Constitution and
Bill of Rights, together with the judiciary's principle of stare
decisis, more confusing opinions are guaranteed. While all of the
Founders shared a Judeo-Christian worldview, more-or-less; several were
adherents to the notion of "libertarian freedom"--a philosophic and
theological cancer.
question-and-answer below was generated by Charles Pickering's new book,
SUPREME CHAOS, The Politics of Judicial Confirmation and the Culture War,
and can currently be found
Fort Myers, Fla.: If the President selects
nominees on the basis of their judicial philosophy
(how they will vote in certain cases), why can't the
Senate, under its constitutional power to offer
"advice and consent," reject nominees for the same
reason? And please, do not insult my intelligence
by suggesting that the president does not have an
ideological litmus test for choosing his judicial
nominees. We know better.
Charles W. Pickering Sr.: The Constitution
says the President will nominate. The Senate is
given no role under the Constitution in the
nomination of nominees. The Senate only has a role
in "advice and consent". From the earliest writings
of our founders, it is obvious that this was
intended as a check on the appointment of
unqualified individuals and the President having won
the popular vote was given wide discretion so long
as he nominated qualified persons of integrity.
Throughout most of our history, this was the
process. Only since the concept of a living,
changing, Mystery Constitution emerged full-blown
were all of the hot-button social issues like
abortion, definition of marriage, reference to God
in the public arena, and pornography moved from the
political arena-- the election of state legislators,
congressmen, and senators to the confirmation of
judges. The special interest groups opposing the
Bush nominees and some Democrat Senators say that
judicial philosophy should enter into the evaluation
by the Senate, but then rather than rest their case
on this argument, they try to destroy the reputation
and character of the nominees as they did in
accusing Judge Alito of ethical lapses and bigotry.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday, Palestine [Israel] is the
center of the final stages of the battle between Islam and arrogance
[Western nations personified in the Muslim mind], saying the Palestinian Intifada is
And the Angel of the LORD said to her:
"Behold, you [are] with child, And you shall bear a son. You shall call his
name Ishmael, Because the LORD has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild
man; His hand [shall be] against every man, And every man's hand against
him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." Then she
called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for
she said, "Have I also here seen Him who sees me?" Therefore the well was
called Beer Lahai Roi; observe, [it is] between Kadesh and Bered. So Hagar
bore Abram a son; and Abram named his son, whom Hagar bore, Ishmael.
Genesis 16:11-15.
For us, Iran's nuclear chess game with Western powers
signals a pending cataclysm for Israel, the Middle East, as well as the rest
of world. Many are emailing us with questions about End Times prophecy
(eschatology). Most often we recommend J. Dwight Pentecost's classic,
Things To Come, as a good starting point. Come Lord
key distinction must be made when viewing the table below. The
statistics represent different things to different groups of Christians and
religious bodies. Some, like myself, see the Internet as a
communications tool similar to the printing press (see 1/2/2006 comment
below); others, a sophisticated marketing tool capable of selling
"ice to the Eskimos." Like all media, the Internet serves both ends.
For religious marketers, application of marketing techniques is basic to
their "outreach." Fundamental to these techniques is the "principle of
accommodation." The method is to "descend to the level of those whom
they attempt to reach in order to gain rapport and thus a response."
In using the world's [marketing] methods, the Christian is "inevitably
pulled down to the world's level instead of drawing the worldling to a
spiritual level. The price paid is infinitely too high for what little
is gained."
a list of the
50 Top "Christian" Marketers.
As mentioned on our
AboutUs page, we rely upon the Holy Spirit's work to move hungry hearts
to search and find us. We don't identify "target markets" or "target
demographics" because our interest is in making contact with those believers
who the Spirit has prepared to hear and embrace our message.
The table below shows Internet penetration as a percentage of Earth's 6.4+
billion population. What's not shown is the same statistics based on
language, English vs. other, etc. Any way you look at it, the
potential reach is huge. Assuming that a least half of all Internet
users speak English as a first language, potential coverage approaches 500
million households. Thanks again to those who support withChrist.org.

This week's Senate
confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito on CSPAN provided a good look
at the heart of America's anti-theist Democrat Party and the intense
cultural polarization. Of course, many of us experience this form of
hostility, up front and personal, on a daily basis due to working in secular
careers. Alito's pending confirmation is making my liberal colleagues
absolutely sick to their stomach. How do I know? Their
foreboding silence. Also read Hugh Hewitt's analysis,
Alito-Induced Panic
Disorder-1/13/2006, of how the left sees the situation.
This morning, Diane
and I added some MP3 audio to withChrist.org. Now you can hear the
voices associated with the picture! See the controller
buttons on the
AboutUs page. Am I ready to begin narration of THE
NEW BIRTH EXPLAINED or other portions of the websites? Let us
Much of the content of
Islam is a twisting or perversion of basic truths found in either Judaism or
Christianity. In fact, Islamic tradition has crafted its own versions
of so-called "last days prophecy" (Qiyamah). For example, see
Identification of the Promised Messiah. It is
estimated that 20 percent of Iran's Shiite Muslim population are looking for
the return of
Imam Mahdi, the "hidden" 12th Imam who disappeared as a child in
the year 941 and is expected to return to impose justice, spread peace, and
salvation for a
duration of 7 years. A Google search for Mahdi brings up
several Islamic explanations of Qiyamah. Is Mahdi either the
Antichrist or the False Prophet (the first and second "beasts")
of Christian eschatology?
A young chaplain
recently ended his protest hunger strike over a 1998 internal Navy policy
which favors "inclusive" religious expression, and thus is hostile
evangelical Christianity's more exclusivistic messages. Per a search of
Google, the Evangelical Episcopal priest, Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt, has to
his credit a history of getting sideways with his military commanders who
are increasingly postmodern in their views. (To
understand the dynamics, see and read
The New Tolerance.)
These situations continue to be exacerbated by George Bush's
less-than-evangelical "faith" and his ecumenical efforts
to legitimatize the religion of Islam. Current, White House policies favor
emphasizing the value of all "faiths," and thus must undermine the exclusive
claims of "fundamentalists" no matter in which religious tradition
they may be found. This, along with
the remainder of liberal insanity, appears to render the West impotent
against the building storm of hatred toward secular Israel and America.
For example, Iran's leaders represent a serious and pending holocaust
directly and indirectly against both nations, respectively.
Events this week
bought to my attention the book, The Trouble With Islam, authored
by Irshad Manji. Ms. Manji is a Canadian feminist-lesbian journalist,
who not surprisingly was raised in a liberal "Western Muslim household"
and who struggles to reconcile her non-traditional understanding of Islam with historic
and contemporary expressions of that religion. Like "Christian"
liberals, she seek to encourage "reform," i.e., create her own version of
Islam to her own liking. However, she does understand an important
fundamental. An Amazon reviewer writes, "...she rejects the notion,
popular since 9/11, that the problem isn't Islam but that Islam has been 'highjacked'
by murderous psychopaths. No, she says: Mainstream Islam IS the
culprit; it is cruel and even brutal toward women, toward Jews, toward
Christians, toward all other infidels--even toward other Muslims.
Dissident Muslims can be and have been beaten, imprisoned, killed.
Muslims who aren't religious enough (e.g., those impious, kite-flying
Afghanis) have been crushed."
Why Pat Robertson
is Wrong—In Simple Terms
God does not recognize
secularist Ariel Sharon’s actions relative to Israel’s prior covenant land
In the past, God chose
Israel and gave them the title, “Ammi” – “my people.” Then, earthly
governmental power was given to that Nation. At that time,
Israel along with its priests, kings, and prophets, had status or legal
standing with God. Because of the Jew’s rebellion and spiritual adultery,
God has set Israel aside for a time (temporary divorce); the time is called
“the time of the Gentiles,” and earthly governmental power was
temporarily transferred to the Gentiles nations. "Gentiles" simply means
non Jews. Further, the Gentile nations have not and never will
assume Israel's "Ammi" status. At the present time, God is NOT dealing with
Israel (or Israel’s leaders) as a Nation—they are “Lo-ammi,”—“not my
people.” In short, Robertson
(a Southern Baptist charismatic amillennialist) is oblivious to this
important dispensational distinction.
See Graphic Chart
Based on the nature of quite a few emails received in 2005, a brief comment
regarding online "discernment ministries" is in order. First,
we believe that discernment is the progressive and logical result of
spiritual growth...
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in
knowledge and all discernment; so that ye may distinguish the things
that differ" (Philippians 1:9,10, marg., ASV).
...and that the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 were
of a temporal nature, being confined to the Church prior to 100 A.D.
Signs Retired.
This view immediately places us at odds with a number
of so-called ministries or individuals who lay claim to "special powers of
discernment." Typically, these sites have former charismatic or even
occult/New Age connections, are conspiratorial in tone, and women
outnumber men by a large margin.
Many of the current crop of anti-cult and discernment
ministries are run by individuals who were once adherents to
Pentecostal/charismatic craziness, or occult and New Age. Burned by
the bizarre emotional and psychological excesses, upon departure they mount
crusades to expose both the inner and outer workings of the religious
deception. This is good as far as it goes; but it doesn't go far
enough. For many, their objections are simply limited to the former excesses, not suspecting any fundamental problem with their overall
doctrinal or religious framework. For example, a recently-formed association,
Coordination Team (ACT), is an eclectic group containing several ex
Pentecostal/charismatics, a majority still retaining belief in active
"spiritual warfare" and the "demonization" of believers.
PS. In doing research for the comments above, I
spent several hours following the enormous labyrinth of Internet linkage
among religious/Christian sites. Like the cults' marketing efforts
decades ago, the Pentecostal/charismatics have gone to great lengths to
cloak their doctrinal identities. Gone are the denominational
monikers. For the past several decades, "non-denominational" and
"community church" labels have become widespread, all in step with our
postmodern society and non-doctrinal emphasis in the churches.
As we all now realize, "new media" and the Internet
are powerful communication tools. Society is undergoing a major
transformation with this near real-time delivery of knowledge, the
consequences of which are not clearly understood. For perspective,
consider that in the year 1455, Johann Gutenberg sold "copies of a
two-volume Bible (Biblia Sacra) for 300 florins each. This was the
equivalent of approximately three years' wages for an average clerk, but it
was significantly cheaper than a handwritten Bible that could take a single
monk 20 years to transcribe." Wikipedia

Click on the book image to jump to the
Gutenberg Bible Exposition at the British Library, UK
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