Recommended Books

The following is a list of secondary publications (THE BIBLE being primary--God's inerrant autograph) which should be on the shelf of every new creation believer who is serious about their Christian faith.  We have developed the following ranking system to help readers evaluate and understand our reviews.

  Monumental - Theological or biblical works having both profound significance as well as historical consequence.

  Critically Important - Works of great value which are vital to safe and sound spiritual growth for Christians.

  Noteworthy - These items are more contemporary in nature, but are great values--both intellectually and spiritually. 


  THE COMPLETE GREEN LETTERS,  Miles J. Stanford, Zondervan.  In spite of the Reformation's gains at pushing back the spiritual darkness, its overall soteriological (redemptive) message was not comprehensive.  It largely focused on the Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans chapters 1-5; with little to no genuine understanding or emphasis on chapters 6-8.  Unfortunately, the legacy of this truncated and emasculated Reformation message would be a fleshly and hypocritical religious experience--an inability to enter into genuine sanctification and "walk in the Spirit".  Drawing largely upon the prolific works of nineteenth century evangelical devotional scholars in the British Isles (Plymouth Brethren), Miles Stanford provides comprehensive discussion regarding spiritual growth for new creation Christians as revealed by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul's Epistles.  The Complete Green Letters is a collection of five previously published works:  The Green Letters (green cover), The Principle of Position (blue cover), The Ground of Growth (gray cover), The Reckoning that Counts (yellow cover), and Abide Above (red cover). 

  THE NEW BIRTH EXPLAINED, Miles J. Stanford, This work consists of 12 chapters, is the most condensed & comprehensive presentation of the Gospel ever written.  A majority of problems experienced by Christians results from a weak and faulty understanding of their new spiritual birth.  By giving young, or even older, believers a solid doctrine start to their Christian life, future errors and detours are thereby avoided.  Chapters include: The Issue, The First Adam, Satan, The Sinner, The Last Adam, The Mediator, Liberty and Life, The Lord Jesus Christ, The Principle of Grace, Acceptance With God, Assurance of Salvation, and Eternal Security.  These are all vital subjects for establishing a safe and sound foundation and to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


  POSITION PAPERS, A Spiritual Anthology,  Miles J. Stanford, The Position Papers consist of 750 choice "gleanings" from thousands of Christian books (the original Plymouth Brethren and other dispensational writers) compiled by Miles Stanford's over his 50+ years of ministry.  As a personal devotional theology, Miles organized them into various topics and before his 'home-going', published his Position Papers in a three volume--Spiritual Anthology.


  THE BONDAGE OF THE WILL, Martin Luther, Baker Book House.  This is a deep theological work intended for those mature in the faith.  In his own opinion, De Servo Arbitrio (On the Enslaved Will) was Dr. Luther's magnum opus--the greatest piece of theological writing ever to come from the Reformer's hand.  Originally written in Latin, we strongly recommend the Packer & Johnston translation (Revell, 1957) rather than Atherton (1931) or Cole (1823).  Luther's work, together with other Reformation leaders, broke the shroud of spiritual darkness and theological error which had enveloped medieval Europe.  He effectively refuted the Pelagian and semi-Pelagian heresies of Roman Catholicism--heresies which remain to this very day.  In short, Luther resurrected a critical presupposition of biblical Christianity (the affect of the Fall [original sin] upon mankind's will)--that the Magisterium and Catholic theologians had so effectively blurred or buried.  According to Luther, man is lost and cannot save himself; thus the necessity of sovereign grace and God's election.  Further, the Reformation reestablished the biblical truth that Scripture (the Written Word) combined with the Living Word (God the Holy Spirit) formed the basis for genuine interpretation, particularly so when any established church looses connection with the Head of the Body (Colossians 2:19).  Luther's Bondage of the Will  established the foundation for the Protestant Reformation, which in turn brought forth beneficial shifts in life, liberty, culture, and Christian spiritual vitality.  For further information, read THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE PS. Martin Luther was a product of his time and must be understood in that context.  My laudatory review of Bondage should not be taken as an endorsement of all that he said or wrote.


  ROMANS: Verse by Verse, William R. Newell, Kregel Publications.  The book is available electronically online -> here.  Currently labeled a "classic evangelical commentary," this work is very un-classic and unique.  Newell (1868-1956) was a Pauline dispensationalist who drew upon the works of the original 19th Plymouth Brethren of England and Ireland.  Contrary to irreligious opinion, Christianity is Christ Risen, not Jesus of Nazareth engaging the nation of Israel in the Synoptic Gospels.  "It is absolutely essential for the believer to learn the scriptural difference between: 1) his relationship to earth and heaven, 2) the flesh and the Spirit, 3) Judaism and Christianity.  Only from the Pauline epistles will the Holy Spirit minister these Christian truths to him"  MJS.  And Newell's Romans  will certainly assist its reader in fully grasping "Christian truths."  "The only hope of Christianity is in the rehabilitating of the Pauline theology.  It is back, back, back, to an incarnate Christ and the atoning blood, or it is on, on, on, to atheism and despair."  So reads the inside cover written by former Princeton University president, the late Francis L. Patton.   


  GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY AND GLORY IN THE ELECTION AND SALVATION OF LOST MEN, Roy A. Huebner, Present Truth Publishers.  R. A. Huebner is a Pauline dispensational writer in the tradition of J. N. Darby.  As a ex-engineer, his analytical treatment of theological subjects is both technical and superb.  This 314 page book is aimed at Christians who accept "...the truth of eternal security, [but] also hold that man has free moral will towards God and who claim that faith is of human origin, not divinely implanted faith."  The most popular examples are: Norman Geisler, Dave Hunt, William MacDonald, Henry Thiessen, and Robert Zins, to mention just a few.  Of course, the audience would be a majority of so-called evangelicals worldwide.  Huebner skillfully reconciles God's sovereignty with man's responsibility within the dispensational context of the testing of lost mankind--misunderstood by both Arminian and Calvinist alike.  He examines God's sovereignty in the Gospel of John, Book of Acts, Romans, and Ephesians.  This is a great resource and includes 28 pages of both Subject and Scripture Index.


SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, (unabridged only!)  Lewis Sperry Chafer, D.D., Litt.D., Th.D., Kregel Publications.  Dr. Chafer, founder of Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, served as the school's Founder, President, and Professor of Systematic Theology for many years.  His Systematic Theology is considered by thousands to be a standard for premillennial and dispensational thought.  No real student of the Word of God should be without a copy of this comprehensive work.  The original eight volume set contained 2,752 pages of Professor Chafer's expositions on a variety of biblical, theological, and philosophical subjects.  While Dr. Chafer did suffer from a misplaced emphasis upon "instant spirituality", and he incorporates too much of C.I. Scofield's system of ageism, this theology contains a wealth of knowledge as well as practical information.


Basic Bible Interpretation Basic Bible INTERPRETATION: A Practical Guide to Discovering Biblical Truth, Dr. Roy B. Zuck, Victor Books, 1991.  Interpreting the Bible has been a controversial matter down through 2,000 years of church history.  the issue is even more critical today as any knowledge not based on evidential science is immediately subject to extreme skepticism.  The science of interpretation (hermeneutics) is one of six (6) vital links in the chain of God's efficacious effort to communicate His mind to humans.  Given the contemporary harm to both society and the Church caused by postmodernism, this book is fundamentally important in building a strong foundation for one's Christian life and worldview.  Dr. Zuck is Senior Professor Emeritus of Biblical Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas,  with years of experience in education.  The book was likely required reading for all seminary students and should be for you as well.



Over the past 50+ years, the philosophies of both modernism and postmodernism have taken an enormous, destructive toll upon Western society, denominations, and even the most conservative of Christian churches.  Truth has been destroyed--often in the name of so-called love, forgiveness, and tolerance.  Like Europe, spiritual darkness now rules the day and a resurgence of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian attitudes and actions are becoming widespread and commonplace.  The next five recommendations below each analyze this mega-cultural shift from slightly different perspectives.  We hope our readers will awaken to the seriousness of the struggle Western society now find itself immersed in.

TOTAL TRUTH - Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity, Nancy Pearcey, Crossway Books, 2004.  The focus of this book is primarily on "worldview"--the various cognitive lens through which we and those around us view reality.  Its value to believers lies in gaining an understanding of how the mind thinks (both the historic and contemporary)--and to what degree our own thinking has, or has not been renewed according to the mind of Christ.  While largely philosophic, apologetic, cultural, and historic in sweep, Ms. Pearcey does document her theological commitments, which are generally Reformed and Lordship-centered.  The book contains copious endnotes.  Nancy Pearcey claims to be indebted to the late Dr. Francis A. Schaffer, with his Reformed theology and unique blend of Scottish Common Sense realism and Dutch neo-Calvinism philosophy.  She spent time back in the '70s at his retreat in L'Abri, Switzerland.  The book also presents the Reformed concept of "cultural mandate."  Click here is read about this weakness.  Finally, Ms. Pearcey is an accomplished author and her clear style makes the job of working through some fairly complex subjects easy work.  Sadly, her understanding and presentation of Christian "spirituality" falls short and cannot be recommended.

The Harsh Truth About PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Bruce N. Shortt, Chalcedon Foundation, 2004.  The perennial dilemma facing Christian parents is whether to cloister their children in home and parochial schools, or to send them to public schools in preparation for having to live "in the world" but not of it.  Basis on the arguments and evidence of this author (and the experience of this reviewer), the answer is absolutely clear.  Today's public schools are simply "the parochial education for scientific humanism" and this influence (literal brainwashing) cannot easily be countered by home study and exposure to Sunday school.  Daily, Christian parents face the heart-rending fact that the children they love and carefully sought to nurture are abandoning the Christian worldview and traditions while replacing them with modernism and postmodern frameworks.  This 466 page thesis includes 97 pages of copious endnotes to support each and every argument.  On a personal note, this was a very difficult book for me to read since it focuses in on how even good intentions aren't good enough and the cost of failure in this realm.

THE NEW TOLERANCE - How a cultural movement threatens to destroy you, your faith, and your children,  Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler, Tyndale House Publishers.  The authors have done a superb job in making a difficult subject (postmodern views) understandable to the average Christian reader.  A subtle reign of terror has descended upon America and America's conservative Christians and few are prepared to endure, much less counter ("salt") the hate and intolerance sweeping our society.  In addition to their thorough analysis of the problem of the new tolerance (brought on by postmodernist thinking), McDowell and Hostetler offer in chapters 6 & 11 advice on how to attempt a lovingly respond to the growing hostility.  However, a fundamental, subtle weakness of the authors' theology is their failure to grasp the full consequence of the Fall (p.42, 87); for them mankind is, not was, created in the image of God.  In their desire to establish a basis for genuine tolerance (self-esteem), they crack open the door to the serious error of Christian humanism.  This is further seen in their total emphasis upon sins and forgiveness, with no discussion of man's history in the First Adam (sin) and the Cross.  A point the authors fail to make in their work is that the new tolerance has and continues to lay claim to being representative of “Christian love and forgiveness.”  This pseudo "love" has been widespread throughout denominations (particularly the Anglo-Catholic group) for several decades prior to the manifestation of postmodernism.  Consequently, the authors remain committed to the unbiblical tenets of neo-evangelicalism (p. 183) which, can be argued, made conservative churches unnecessarily vulnerable to the postmodernist tidal wave in the first place.  The answer to the psychological "needs" listed on page 184 cannot exclude dealing with them via the Cross.  Nevertheless, the book is powerful in its diagnoses and written at a level which will earn it wide acceptance in conservative Christian circles over time.  While there is no guarantee that Christian "love" will stem the cultural collapse, their advice should help the Christian reader to better face the growing persecution with integrity.


  REASON IN THE BALANCE, Phillip E. Johnson, InterVarsity Press.  Phillip E. Johnson is a tenured law professor(30+ years) at the University of California at Berkeley.  Johnson, now a theist and conservative Christian, didn't begin his career at this academic bastion of secular liberalism with his current views.  No, his later-in-life change, spared him a trip off the Golden Gate Bridge in concrete shoes at the hands of the educational community.  REASON IN THE BALANCE, The Case Against NATURALISM in Science, Law & Education is a contemporary masterpiece.  Similar to Martin Luther, Johnson's legal mind goes to the heart of the liberal vs. conservative conflict--exposing the philosophical ramifications of Darwinian theory as it has pervaded society.  He seeks to expose the secularist's "hinge upon which all turns"--naturalism, Darwinism, and scientific materialism.  Here's some of Dr. Johnson's articles to wet your appetite for Dr. Johnson's website.


  THE DEATH OF TRUTH, Dennis McCallum - General Editor, Bethany House Publishers.  THE DEATH OF TRUTH, What's Wrong with Multiculturalism, The Rejection of Reason, and the New Postmodern Diversity is both a primer and overview of modernist and postmodernist philosophy written for the college-level reader.  McCallum and a host of contributors explain in detail the radical shifts in "worldview" that have taken place in contemporary society.  This book is vitally important for understanding the what and why behind the current "culture wars" that have descended upon Europe and America.



  AMERICA'S REAL WAR, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Multnomah Publishers.  Mr. Lapin is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi who has chosen to be an outspoken voice against the anti-Christian and anti-theist bigotry sweeping America.  As an Orthodox Jew, Rabbi Lapin understands that he cannot remain silent.  The forces of secularism are allied against him as well.  He sees America deeply divided (secular liberal vs. traditionalist) and understands the implications of secular fundamentalist's ideology.  What caught my attention was Rabbi Lapin's attempt to understand and explain why his own Jewish people are so radically liberal.  The last section of the book candidly explores the state of contemporary Jewish culture.  Chapter 42 is entitled "Why Are Jews So Liberal?"  and contains author's answer.  Given the importance of this subject, we have created a separate review of that chapter-->HERE.  Overall, the book is a penetrating look at America's culture war, the secular Left, the so-called Religious Right.  Rabbi Lapin faithful adheres to the tenets of Judaism.  While respectful of Christians, he never claims to understand central Christian realities--e.g., Acts 15:10; Matthew 16:15-17.  The "veil" mentioned in 2 Corinthians 3:14-16 remains firmly in place.

  THE DIVERSITY HOAX, Law Students Report from Berkeley, Edited by David Wienir and Marc Berley.  This book is about so-called diversity on campus, written by those who know it best--students.  Today's college campus is a brutal environment and at the core of "multiculturalism" is postmodern intolerance.  While liberal and left-wing students talk "tolerance", their actions speak the very opposite--vicious and intolerant hate.  Gone are the days of respect for freedom of speech.  Gone are the days when one could "agree to disagree."  Today's 'political-correctness' crowd seeks to absolutely silence those who disagree with them, and they self-righteously operate under the banner that the "end justifies the means."  The book, written by UC Berkeley law students from across the political spectrum, seeks to motivate students nationwide to "exercise their right to free speech and to express their diverse opinions on various subject, including what 'diversity' really means."


  JOHN NELSON DARBY, Precious Truths Revived and Defended, Volume One, 1826-1845, Roy A. Huebner, Present Truth Publishers (PTP), Jackson, NJ, June 2004.  This is the revised, 288 page, second edition of Roy Huebner's three-volume, detailed account (apologetic defense) of the life of John Nelson Darby, the early Plymouth Brethren, and roots of dispensational theology.  A 'must own' for mature Christians seriously interested in dispensational theological history.  The book is extensively documented with copious footnotes and appendices.  This biographical history can be considered a companion to Huebner's equally detailed Dispensational Truth, Volume 1.     The Table of Content can be viewed at this link.  The author heralds from the 'closed' Tunbridge Wells branch of the Brethren.   This review does not imply endorsement for all the views expressed or published by PTP or the various listed authors.  Please exercise discernment when surveying and ordering literature.


  Never Before in History, America's Inspired Birth, Gary Amos and Richard Gardiner, 1998, Haughton Publishing, Dallas, TX.  This book chronicles the founding of the Nation and all within an essential theological framework so often excluded from secular accounts.  In the Forward, Thomas G. West accurately remarks, "...this book demonstrates that if religion is banned from the public life of the nation, America's history and traditions are unintelligible."  And this is precisely what has happened in the educational life of the Nation.  Tens of millions of public school graduates, as well as and immigrants, are grossly illiterate regarding our Nation's great history and traditions.  Explanations of history by public educators often focus on economics and thus the flow of historical events becomes disjointed and nonsensical.  While written by men sympathetic to the Reformed tradition, the account does not whitewash the shortcomings of Puritanism.  Buy this book!!!


  ARE BAPTISTS REFORMED?, Kenneth H. Good, Regular Baptist Heritage Fellowship, available from Backus Books.  This book is worth every penny.  Given the rise and proliferation of Covenant Theology, it's loaded with both timely and historical information.  The late Dr. Good was a leader during the second half of the twentieth century in the Sovereign Grace Movement among Baptists in the United States.  Having been reared in an Arminian background, Dr. Good became convinced of the Scriptural foundational truths of moderate Calvinism.  His first book on the subject, ARE BAPTISTS CALVINISTS?, 1975, (300+pages), thoroughly answered that question in the affirmative.  In this sequel, he surveys the broad and diverse Reformed landscape and concludes that Baptists of the moderate Calvinistic persuasion have less in common with the Reformed tradition than they may think.  An indictment upon "confessional" Christianity, Dr. Good asserts "...every Baptist is a Dispensationalist."  While more traditional than Pauline in his dispensationalism, Dr. Good understood some of the dangers of Reformation theology and the various manifestations of Puritanism.  In the end, Dr. Good provides overwhelming evidence that the term "Reformed Baptist" is a genuine oxymoron.  Amongst the Reformed and Reformed Baptists, Dr. Good became more or less persona non grata.


Love & Respect LOVE & RESPECT, The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Thomas Nelson, 2004.  "A wife has one driving need--to feel loved.  When that need is met, she is happy.  A husband has one driving need--to feel respected.  When that need is met, he is happy."  "You're on to something huge here."  Huge?  It's rather shocking that the duel truth of love and respect contained in Ephesians 5:33 could be so 'revolutionary'.  And yet, to late 20th and early 21st century Christians, the message is stunning.  Why?  The answer is complex.  Nearly a century of pervasive religious liberalism has brought about a social/identity crisis in gender and sexuality in Western civilization--e.g., feminism, homosexuality, etc.  The role of men as fathers and husbands has been challenged on every level, as the basis for all authority, the Bible, has largely been discounted.  Into this void, Dr. Eggerichs brings a very practical message of "love and respect."  Overall, the book might strike some as a bit gimmicky.  However, Dr. Eggerichs' goal is to bring relief to widespread troubled marriages from what he calls the "Crazy Cycle,"--a negative feedback loop in which the wife increasingly feels unloved and reciprocally the husband feels disrespected.  From there, the author seeks to move the marriage relationship from "bad to good" and from "good to better" by advancing what he calls the "Energizing Cycle."  Chapters 8 through 22 explore in detail the love/respect dynamic.  Unfortunately, Eggerichs anchors much of his advice in the over-emphasized concept of unconditional love, as well as a newer emphasis upon unconditional respect (p.284).  Much of the book is given to resurrecting the long-forgotten idea of respecting men.  He cites one woman who asked, “‘What’s that word again?’  I said, ‘It's respect’.  She said, ‘Oh, yeah, that's it.’"   It is not that the unconditional aspect of love and respect cannot be found in Scripture, but it is important to balance this emphasis with those portions of the Word which speak to conditionality and accountability.  For example, God's love is unconditional in that nothing was required on man's part for the Father to send the Son to die on Calvary's Cross.  By grace, He initiates from beginning to end.  However, our participation in the benefits of redemption is conditional upon our personal repentance and belief in the truth.  God does not save us without some acknowledgement on our part of being lost sinners.  He doesn't restore us to fellowship with Himself without our acknowledgement of specific sins committed.  Both the unconditional and conditional aspects must be held in balance. I'm sure the author would agree with the importance of this balance.  It is likely the influence of religious liberalism, with its humanistic understanding of God's love, has created the current imbalance within evangelical and fundamentalist circles.  Despite the fact that Part One and Part Two of the book are absolutely chock full of practical wisdom regarding marriage dynamics, Part Three is a disappointment.  He writes, "Throughout this book I have emphasized that if the husband and wife are both people of basic goodwill, they can use Love and Respect principles to make a bad marriage into a good one and a good marriage into a great one" (underline emphasis mine).  But what if this "basic goodwill" doesn't exist with one or the other spouse, or even both?  What then is his answer?  Chapters 23 and 24 introduce readers to several generic concepts of Christian living.  First, "Unconditional love and unconditional respect will be rewarded.  I call this the Rewarded Cycle" (p.271).  Practicing these principles generates "incredible" rewards (The Eternal "Ahhh!" and "Cha-ching!," the celestial slot machine) in heaven and "some of them on earth" (p.272).  Second, he briefly touches upon "obedience toward Christ" (p.272) and Lordship (p.276).  "The whole point is that you really can't do Love and Respect unless you do it unto Jesus Christ.  And if you doubt the reality of Christ, if He is not truly Lord of your life, it won't work."  Eggerichs frames the difficulties in marriage as "a test to deepen and demonstrate your love and your reverence for your Lord" (p.280, cf.281).  But is that really biblical?  Absolutely nothing is ever said regarding God's representative tests of Israel or Calvary's final judgment upon all things Adamic.  Apparently, these truths are nonexistent to his brand of evangelicalism.  At the end of Chapter 23 and into 24, readers are introduced to the author's concepts of "true inner freedom in Christ" and "spiritual maturity."  These subjects are more of an addendum rather than the theme of the book.  Central to these is one's ability to practice unconditional love and respect; respond in a "godly way", not react in a "negative" or "sinful way"; "get rid of the victim mind-set"; be free "if you want to be"; live "independent of your circumstances"; "ask Christ for help"; as well as living with commitment and prayer.  While Dr. Eggerichs provides Christian couples with profound insights regarding the vital needs of love and respect in marriage, his advice for Christian living falls fundamentally short and has a track record of historically producing chronic failure.  Despite its limitations, I wholeheartedly recommend reading this book.

Dr. David Instone-Brewer has made a major contribution to the Christian church.  Based on sound hermeneutics and scholarship, he has broken through the various erroneous interpretations of what the Bible teaches regarding the subjects of marriage, divorce, and remarriage.  Liberals see the author as too conservative.  Conservatives, who blame high divorce rates on "no-fault" divorce laws, see the author as too liberal.  Before attempting to read Instone-Brewer, I recommend that readers be established in the principles of basic Bible interpretation.  A copy of Roy B. Zuck's Basic Bible INTERPRETATION, A Practical Guide To Discovering Biblical Truth (highlighted above) should be in every serious Christian's library.   

  DIVORCE and REMARRIAGE in the 1st and 21st Century, Dr. David Instone-Brewer, Grove Books Limited, Cambridge, UK, 2001.  Rightfully, these subjects touch a deep cord within the conservative, evangelical Christian Church.  Not only are they intellectually challenging, but heavily emotional, and subject to a full gamut of presuppositions.  Sadly, emotional dogmatism has too often carried the day among conservatives.  "New insights into the world of the first century suggest that both Jesus and Paul affirmed four Old Testament grounds for divorce and allowed remarriage, though they rejected no-fault divorce and emphasized that divorce should be avoided if at all possible."  This 24 page pamphlet covers common, and not-so-common, questions about marriage, divorce, and remarriage as understood by those living in the 1st century.  Read online by clicking on the book's picture at the right.



Divorce and Remarriage in the Church  DIVORCE and REMARRIAGE in the CHURCH: Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities, David Instone-Brewer, Inter-Varsity Press, Nottingham , UK, 2006.  Probably the most useful of the author's publications.  This book is addressed to church leaders beset by the seeming epidemic of divorce.  Divorce and remarriage are major pastoral issues in every church, fellowship, or meeting, etc.  However, confusion and incoherence typically reign, which undermines the pastor's or elders' authority.  Some say divorce is never allowed, while others say it is permitted under certain circumstances. Some say remarriage is never allowed, while others hold that it is permitted under certain circumstances. If divorce is allowed and remarriage is forbidden, then many are consigned to potentially lonely and painful existence.  What does the Bible really teach  Dr. David Instone-Brewer shows that biblical teaching is actually consistent and humane, and not subject to conflicting and sometimes bizarre interpretations.  Read online by clicking on the book's picture at the right.


  DIVORCE and REMARRIAGE in the BIBLE - The Social and Literary Context, David Instone-Brewer, Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002.  This book is Dr. Instone-Brewer's fruit of numerous years of scholarly research into the subjects at hand.  As one conservative brother remarks, "His work proves an interesting challenge and embarrassment to those defending a "conservative/Biblical" view of divorce and remarriage by REALLY applying a rigorous, literal, historical, grammatical hermeneutic...a truly conservative approach to Scripture.  The reinsertion of historical analysis back into interpreting the texts is the key Instone-Brewer uses to unlock what the Bible teaches on these emotionally difficult subjects."  The book should be required reading for any pastor, pastoral student, counselor, or anyone who has had to face the trauma of divorce and the questions surrounding remarriage.  Read online by clicking on the book's picture at the right.



Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad  ISLAMIC ECONOMICS and the FINAL JIHAD, The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist - Islamist Alliance, David J. Jonsson, Xulon Press, 617 pages, 2006. Often authors are either unqualified or premature in writing upon a subject.  Not so for David Jonsson.  The book combines copious amounts of research into political, economic, and religious systems, together with the author's first hand interaction with Islam on six continents.  Jonsson's gained a proficient understanding of Islamic law (Shariah) through his career as a business consultant to major international corporations.  In this book, Mr. Jonsson succeeds in giving readers an education in both business/economics and Islam's view and plan for the world.  The author surveys the entire battlefield, not just the "war on terror."  I say this based on my educational background (accounting, CPA, finance) and over thirty years in banking and bank supervision.  A summary of the book from the publisher states: "David Jonsson's book provides the history and the role of Islamic Economics in the Islamic plan for world domination. This economic plan provides a means through political and economic incentives (not terrorism) resulting in the gradual Islamization of the West. Strategies include control of currency, oil resources, free trade zones, transportation, media, and financial markets. Islamic banking, now the fastest growing banking sector worldwide, is based on Shariah Law. Islamic Economics, after its resurgence during the formative years of the Muslim brotherhood, recently played a key role in the creation of the Leftist/Marxist - Islamist Alliance. Its common ground is in anti-Semitism, anti-globalization, and anti-Americanism. From Asia to Spain to Latin America, Islamic Economics is changing the world political landscape. The goal is to create a totalitarian counter force to the dominant position of the West, particularly the United States. The Islamist Alliance's hope is to eliminate the concepts of liberty, freedom, and democracy, as we know it."  A self-described Protestant, Mr. Jonsson appears to write from an Anglican/Wesleyan, rather than Reformed perspective.  In an October 2007 article, he has become aware of the teachings of premillennial eschatology (Christian End Times).


   THE NEW WORLD WAR - A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Why and How Militant Muslims Plan to Destroy Western Civilization, John Clark Mead, Xulon Press, 2002.  This book, probably the most masterfully written we've read since the attack and tragedy of September 11th, earns our highest endorsement.  Mr. Mead, an educated anthropologist and evangelical Christian, shares the unvarnished truth regarding the contemporary nature of the millennial struggle between Islam and Western civilization--the Judeo-Christian tradition.  His style is easy to read and he largely writes from a sociological perspective being sensitive to largely keep his own religious views in the background.  While not a theologian, Mr. Mead supplies the reader with just enough Islamic theology and philosophy to answer fundamental and critical questions, while not overwhelming the reader.  However, we do wish he would have drawn the distinction between Islam's pseudo-deity "Allah" and the Almighty Jehovah of the Bible.  Theologically, Islam is nothing short of hyper-heretical.  New World War complements our Contemporary recommendations above.  Due to Western society's crisis of knowledge, Islam has conveniently stepped in to fill the epistemological void.  While the situation seems bleak, Mead's short account of the military Battle of Tours (France) in his Epilogue was both stunning and deeply inspiring.  However, our battle is the Apostle Paul wrote, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the [unseen] rulers, against the [false] authorities, against the [hidden] powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  Ephesians 6:12.

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