Why ARE Jews and Catholics so Liberal?

"Catholicism in America is as divergent to biblical Christianity as Reform Jewry is to historical Judaism."

This article is a brief evaluation and extension upon "Why Are Jew So Liberal"--Chapter 42 of Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s excellent book, America’s Real War.  Lapin writes, "Well-intentioned and philo-Semitic Americans, decent folk without an anti-Semitic bone in their bodies, are genuinely puzzled by this question."  "...the question baffles people."  Given the widespread level of liberalism amongst a majority of Catholics in America, the same question should be on the minds of thinking Christians as well.

For his Jewish brethren, Rabbi Lapin's answer is, in part, very biblical.  Their motive, he asserts, is "the eternal search for 'liberation' from God's seemingly(1) restrictive rules" and that rebellion from Divine authority "fuels all of secular liberalism's adherents."  Rabbi Lapin appropriately credits his understanding as "years spent in detailed analysis of countless ancient Jewish text", i.e., familiarity with the Old Testament and the recorded history of the nation--Israel.

Given the heavy "authority" structure of Roman Catholicism, the same holds true for Catholics.  Catholicism is a 'baptized" form of Judaism.  Old Testament Law theoretically assumes a central role in Catholic living.  While claiming to be "Christian", it has adopted a number of Judaistic tenets.  Catholic dogma asserts that God transferred his dealings with the Jewish people (Israel) to the true "Church"--i.e. Catholicism.  Many erroneously believe that Christianity is simply an extension of Old Testament Judaism.

Concurrent with the liberal views of both Reform Jews and Catholics is their widespread assimilation of postmodernism.  See our RECOMMENDED page for books addressing this problem.

1 - As an ardent and self-proclaimed "disciple of Moses", the Rabbi has carefully used the adjective "seemingly."  While he has come to biblically understand the effect of the Law upon human nature, he really doesn't fully understand human nature--the divinely-engineered bane of Judaism. 

*  Several large Protestant denominations should be included as well.  The most liberal are those of the Anglo-Catholic tradition—Anglican, Episcopal, Methodist.  While these denominations have their genesis in Europe and with the Reformation, Theologically, they are the offspring of Catholicism.  See the article, THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE.



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