TENETS of the


  1. Inclusivism rules, so...
  2. If you disagree with us, you're intolerant and hateful...
  3. God is Whatever or Whoever…
  4. There are many paths to 'God'…
  5. There is no such thing as Divine revelation, truth is what science or reason says it is at the moment or what works for you...
  6. The Bible is outdated, of limited value, and in most areas simply wrong…unless interpreted to support what we believe...
  7. Science is infallible, not the Bible...
  8. The Creation account is myth; evolution is fact...
  9. No human life is sacred; in or out of the womb...
  10. Mankind is basically good and self-redemption is possible…
  11. I'm OK, you're O.K…, unless you're a member of the religious right or a social conservative...
  12. Accountability is harmful to our self-esteem...
  13. All morals and cultural norms are 'social constructs,' none is superior to another...
  14. Lust, love, and sentimentality are all one and the same…
  15. Private behavior has no public consequence...
  16. Our set of social good works are the highest virtue...
  17. Our involvement in politics is perfectly ok; but the religious right violates 'separation of church and state'.
  18. You can't impose your values on us, but we can legislate and shove ours down your throat...
  19. Public schools are great; they advance OUR enlightened liberal agenda under the guise of religious 'neutrality'...
  20. We are never guilty of hypocrisy...

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The Betrayal of the Church ~ Edmund W. Robb and Julia Robb


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