A Thirst for Justice

"The homes of our land have become battlefields for domestic power struggles."

Today, many men are attempting to free themselves from the shackles of our feminized culture.  In the minds of various liberals and postmodernists, this is political incorrectness at its worst.

One expression of this struggle is the male’s thirst for justice.  The following excerpts are taken from the book, MISSING FROM ACTION, A Powerful Historical Response to the Crisis Among American Men.

Part of the incredible power that draws millions of men and boys to embrace the celluloid superhero of today, the latest crop of macho men, is their thirst for justice.  Wanting to see offenders punished and the enemy destroyed is a basic orientation put into men by God.  Fathers want this justice.

The biblical prophet Job covered himself with this kind of justice as with a suit of clothes, and took it with him in every encounter of life.  "My justice was like a robe and a turban" (v.14), he said.  Always wanting to be fair, never making a judgment without listening to both sides, knowing that condemnation without investigation is foolish, Job said, "I searched out the case that I did not know" (v. 16).  But when he found injustice—watch out!  If he saw evil ones preying upon the innocent, he took aggressive action: he "broke the fangs of the wicked, and plucked the victim from his teeth" (v. 17).

"Cruel, harsh words!" comes the cry from our nice-guy society.  "This Job person is uncivilized.  Such a barbaric and aggressive orientation within men must go.  It does not belong in politically-correct modern America."

Hostile charges against men’s natural inclination to aggressively seek justice involve a play on feminized emotions.  They are a sneaky, disarming attempt to strip males of their manhood—to make them feel guilty over something innately masculine.  Real men get angry over injustice.   The Son of God Himself ran the moneychangers out of the temple.  It is essential that today’s men resist guilt for thinking, acting, and feeling the way real men think, act, and feel.

Most women probably would not act as Job did.   They would not "feel right" about it.  And naturally so.  They would be more likely to pray for mercy, because that is a basic orientation given to women from God.  [In place of prayer, many women and men have adopted erroneous concepts of "forgiveness."  See the article – Forgive and Remember].  Please understand that I am not saying that [all] women have no desire for justice or that [all] men lack compassion.  I'll show in a moment that Job was also a man of mercy.  But when speaking about men as a whole, one must speak of the norm and not the exception.  Usually a father’s desire for justice is stronger than his propensity to give mercy, and the opposite is true of moms.   That’s why when little Johnny comes home bruised and bloody from an encounter with the neighborhood bully, it is usually Mom who seeks to comfort Johnny, while Dad is already thinking of how to see that the bully gets dealt with.  When a mother’s feelings of mercy become the rule of practice and dominate a father’s innate sense of justice, society will lose its sharp cutting edge for what is right and wrong.

Let me ask you this question: Would a mother have cleansed the temple of God with a whip and turned over the tables of the moneychangers?   Today, the answer would probably be yes.  But only because the father of today would be too "nice" to kick corruption in the seat of the pants.  The fact is, we need both justice and mercy.  Like Job, we fathers were created to seek justice in all things.

In the Scriptures, we are told to be angry and sin not (Ephesians 4:26)—that is, to be angry without evil passion at the things that are destroying our faith, our homes, and our children.  The fact that men were created to desire and aggressively seek justice, to want to see offenders punished and the enemy destroyed, is an essential part of the manly courage needed to take action in the world in which we live.

The search for justice is a tremendous challenge and frustration today, particularly for those trying to operate within the walls of the feminized local church.  Women are typically found pulling political strings to undermine the leadership of real men while supporting those men more to their feminist liking—i.e. the effeminates.   Typically, women seek to minimize or avoid group conflict at any cost.  Behind many a doctrinal disagreement lies the added dimension of clashing gender orientations.  Often, women are subtly yet ruthlessly striving to consolidate and maintain control based on their Victorian 'moral high ground', so-called.  Look around.  Does your church or minister peddle a "feminist-friendly" theology?  Do the women in the congregation adore and adulate the pastor, minister, or priest?  Beware!

Pity the poor Promise Keeper.  Having abrogated his leadership role in spiritual things, he is now granted permission by his wife or significant other to attend the next PK rally and then follow her lead to her church!   Because of his Biblical illiteracy, he is impotent to do otherwise.  Possibly hoping to escape or recover, the movement's ecumenical humanistic theology dooms him to the realm of matriarchy.  If that's not enough, he may soon hear of the fledgling, ultra-liberal, feminist organization Truth Keepers.   Founder and lifelong Catholic Ave Maria Dover has combined a dose of Mariolatry with postmodernist relativism to establish and maintain women as the "real spiritual heads of the household."

Finally consider the following.  The recent string of school yard shootings by adolescent boys are driven by 1) the morally bankrupt and postmodernist environment of the public school system which feeds back on the home, 2) the children's consequential inability to understand genuine justice and cope with the rising tide of injustice on a spiritual, psychological, and emotional level, and 3) an innate male resentment toward the feminization process.  These tragedies reflect a society which can no longer tell right from wrong.  Thus, the exercise of raw power is becoming the arbitrator in all things.  Will the culture/gender war become a shooting war?


I would agree that men are motivated more by justice than women.  A couple of years ago I wrote a book, COMING HOME--Families Can Stop the Unraveling of America, in which I pointed out that while women talk incessantly about not being understood, what has happened in late 20th century America is that women simply do no understand men.  And, it is men, not women, in today's culture who are being destroyed.  I think there is a glimmer of hope, however.   More and more men seem to be reasserting their masculine role.

It was the men in Congress, not women, who began and who are leading the fight against partial birth abortion, for example. I point out in the book that family abandonment is the male equivalent to abortion.  We live in a society which is saying that only the woman has the right to decide whether or not to kill the unborn.  But, once she decides to have the baby, the male side of the equation has no legal right to change HIS mind.  A lot of men silently vote with their feet to say, "You say it's YOUR right to decide and it's YOUR baby. O.K. YOU take care of it!  This is a logical position -- and one which totally escapes most women.  Justice demands that there cannot be a "right" for women to change their mind after the baby is on the way, but no "right" for men to change their mind after the baby is on the way.  That's why God joined Adam and Eve and gave them, together, the responsibility for committing to the upbringing of their young.

Mary Mostert

Hello, I just wanted to thank you for the excellent articles.  The articles "Feminist Legacy" and "Thirst for Justice" are excellent to name a few.  This phenomena is exactly what I have been seeing for some time.  Occasionally a writer will touch on the subject.   John Leo wrote an article for the Washington Post some time ago titled "Gender-Bent Discord."  The article covered the rise of female spousal abuse toward men and how the feminist were not so quick to embrace this reality having made spousal abuse a political issue.  There were also several articles written on child abuse and how the majority of this abuse is by women, but never reported this way due to the fact the newsrooms are very supportive of feminism even to the point of deception.

I believe there is much truth to the statements of households being "battlefields for domestic power struggles."  As insubordination and arrogance rises among women, so does the ratio of broken homes, lesbianism and domestic violence.  I'm an African-American man and lesbianism is definitely on the rise in my community among married and single women.  I often get into conversations about why this is.  It always comes down to the arrogance and disrespect in the homes; the casting off of all restraint.  Arrogance and insubordination are often confused with strength.  [Romans 1:28 speaks of being given over to a reprobate mind.  My point in this statement is when all restraint is cast off and God judicially gives us over to certain things, this is not good, unknowingly we inherit much harm and evil.]

Back to my original point, this is the reason many African-American men are not in there homes... the ongoing domestic power struggles and not wanting to be feminized.  I am not saying this to take away anyone's responsibility, just pointing out a fact.  America talks about a race war; however, there is a serious gender war going on in Christian and non-Christian homes.  In [public] schools, young boys are told to sit down, be quiet, and stop acting aggressive.   Little girls are told to be aggressive and express themselves.  This is the makings for wimps.

When men and women get sick and tired of being sick and tired in their own homes and return to the biblical guidelines laid down for homes, then change will occur.  The key is men and women.  We should take note of   Isaiah 3:12:

Youths oppress My people,

Women rule over them.

O My people, your guides lead you astray;

They turn you from the [My] path.


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One Feminist Legacy


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