The Theological Landscape


As in John Bunyan's allegory Pilgrim's Progress, the Christian life can be viewed as a journey and the road signs may not be all that clear to those just getting started...or even to those who've been at it awhile.

Here we have divided the "Christian" landscape into four quadrants.  The various hues of color are meant to convey the fact that theological positions are often never black or white, nor one color.  Variations exist in the real world.

On the left are those Christians and denominations who hold to the Sovereignty of God in contrast to those on the right whose axiom is the Sovereignty of Man - Christian "humanism" with its doctrine of "free will".  As a general rule and over time, the sovereignty of man doctrine undermines the chain of communication from God to man as well as all basis for knowledge.  Thus, on the far right would be most of "Christendom", theological liberals, neo-orthodox, open theists, etc., who reject the truth of an inerrant Bible and wander the religious wasteland.

The landscape can also be mapped (top to bottom) into those who acknowledge the normal distinctions found in the Bible (dispensational) and those who seek to obscure them for the cause of continuity and a so-called "unified purpose" (covenantal).

This site,, generally inhabits the upper, left, blue quadrant.  However, our Pauline dispensationalism does not disallow the application of 'covenantal structure'.  The Church, while positioned above, also sojourns upon the earth--the realm of covenant.  For example, the Noahic Covenant was made with all living creatures and is still binding upon mankind--including those current living members of the Church.  Likewise, the earthly institution of marriage has covenantal structure as well.

Also see, Jewish Covenants vs. The Church 

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