The Journal


Below are Journal entries, eclectic commentary, and information bulletins for site additions in 2007.  Kind thanks to my dear wife for proof reading these comments from time-to-time.  Most recent posts are shown first:


July through December 2007 is being published as a separate page due to the large file sizes for this year.


The sarcophagus containing the bones of the Apostle Paul?  As an former Catholic and secularist, I always viewed the Catholic Church's interest in the bones of the "saints" as rather weird, until I was old enough to understand the meaning of fetishism.  From Wikipedia, "a fetish (from French fétiche; from Portuguese feitiço; from Latin facticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular a man-made object that has power over others."  Fetishism is widespread among Catholics worldwide, albeit less so in the United States, and forms an important component of so-called Catholic spirituality.  I can vividly remember a nun, during parochial elementary school, who wore a transparent pendant (aka amulet) around her neck which was said to display a bone fragment from some "saint."  With the popularity of alternative forms of spirituality in the evangelical community, is not evangelical fetishism on the horizon? 


If you haven't paid attention to the culture clash in the U.S. Senate, you should have.  Key liberal senators along with a bungling and bone-headed White House attempted to abdicate their responsibility in securing America's borders and pass unworkable legislation.  Enough pressure was brought to bear by the citizen constituencies upon their representatives, that this poorly-written Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (S. 2611) went down in defeat...twice!  Maybe only impeachment efforts will send clarity to the diehards.

Large numbers of loony Democrats and liberals believe that a relative handful of so-called "right-wing" extremists were able to manipulate the masses* using the medium of "talk radio" and the Internet (and their representatives) and thus defeating the legislation.  So now the Democrats want to censor** political/religious speech (think China), by bring back the ill-conceived Fairness Doctrine regulation, which was progressively rolled back from 1987 to 2000.  With the convergence of radio, television, and the Internet, a resurrected so-called Fairness Doctrine would effective bring censorship to the entire realm of New Media.

Hundreds of Christian websites, including this one, would likely be banded from the Internet based on their lack of "tolerance," "fairness," and "balance"--i.e., too much truth and not enough errors, lies, and deception.  Individuals and special interest groups would be able to silence whatever speech they found "offensive."  While this may sound like hyperbole,  liberalism's epistemological relativism demand nothing less.

The time has come when the nose of liberalism and liberal representatives must be bloodied (figuratively speaking).  Call, write, or email your representative to express objection to any public censorship of either political or religious speech.  Hopefully, America has not become like China, Venezuela, or any other so-called workers' "paradise."

* Liberals view the "masses" as largely ignorant and vulnerable to manipulation.  Their greatest fear is a genuinely educated (sans the public system) and informed electorate.  

** Based on principle of the supremacy of the lowest common denominator, censorship is the status-quo in America's public school.  Based on their pride and lust for power, liberals believe this principle should be extend to all spheres of society.


When evaluating qualifications for the U.S. Presidency, the fundamental flaw in objections to citizen voters taking Mitt Romney's Mormonism into consideration is that a person's religion CAN and DOES influence their worldview, as well as the outcome of their decision-making.  If voters are supposed to put aside Romney's religion, then why not put aside the religious tenets of Islam, Scientology, or any other bizarre system?  And what of the potential aftermath if these individuals succeed in their bid to seize political power in America?  Under girding the left-wing views for liberals of all stripes is a debased version of biblical Christianity, or passionate atheistic secularism, or materialistic naturalism.  For us, these views are an automatic disqualification of any individual's bid to wield the power of a political office.


Some of the weekly email is truly amazing.  We live in a very diverse 'global village'.  Since email comes in from all over, my burden (to the best of my ability) is to take into consideration the sender's religious status and background, IQ, culture, and social/political orientation before crafting an appropriate response.  Most novel are the occasional effort to upend the right of free speech and intimidate.  Some folks are just uncomfortable with the concept of a free marketplace of ideas.  I understand that free speech is largely a Western phenomena and is at odds with the tenets of Islam and many segments of Middle Eastern culture.  Many American and European newspapers (Old Media) have crumpled under such intimidation, and so it falls to those who publish on the Internet to stand against such intimidation.  However, what's truly odd is email from those born and raised in America who hold an attitude more in line with the Taliban of Afghanistan, than the tenets of this Nation.  How does that happen?  How do people living in America come to believe they can silence (even take legal action against) points of view they find offensive or disagree with?  I guess freedom, both religious and political, always comes at a price.  The best I can come up with is that the principle of the supremacy of the lowest common denominator, which they likely learned in public school, is their modus operandi.  Readers need to meditate upon the wisdom of Paul's words found in his epistle to Titus.  "Warn a divisive person (heretic) once, and then warn him a second time.  After that, have nothing do to with him."


Raising sons?  Then, Conn & Hal Iggulden's The Dangerous Book for Boys is a great resource for discoverying some necessary Father-Son "projects" and making time together.  So-called "dangerous" adventure during a normal boy's childhood may be an effective antidote to reckless behavior later in life.


Is "Union with Christ" Slavery?  Read the answer here.


Sound doctrine is important because it forms the framework for a genuine biblical experience.  Few understand this all important principle.  Miles Stanford's writings are replete with discussion regarding the balance between the objective and subjective, as well as warnings of the danger of making subjective experience, rather than objective truth, one's final authority.

Objectivism concerns the realities of that which is observed, rather than the thoughts or feelings of the observer.

  • All true believers are objective in their faith regarding the foundational truths of the Word of God.  They believe the objective facts concerning the Saviour’s finished work of justification, and as a result are born again.

  • All growing believers have become aware of the objective truths concerning their identification with and position in the Lord Jesus Christ.  They reckon upon those facts, and in the process of time and growth the Holy Spirit makes experiential in them the truths that they believe.

Subjectivism concerns the thoughts or feelings of the observer, rather than the realities of that which is observed.

  • Up to the present time, for one reason or another, the majority of Christians remain in the childhood stages of the birth truths that they know and count upon.  They neither know nor understand as yet the identification and positional truths that are the source of spiritual growth and maturity.

  • Many in this immature condition resort to subjectivism in an effort to gain satisfaction, or to make spiritual progress.  They try to attain by subjective experience what they can obtain only by objective faith in the Scriptures.  mjs

Within today's American churches, the quest for and popularity of "spirituality" and "spiritual experiences" is akin to the magnetism of hallucinogenic drugs and Eastern mysticism of the late '50s and '60s.  Sound Christian doctrine is viewed as boring and inconsequential.  Numerous "discernment" ministries are tracking this high-growth phenomena.  Four decades later, various forms of mysticism are again gaining popularity, sans hallucinogens.  However, I have it on good report that many are opting for "enhancments" (i.e., an expanded pharmacy of psychoactives) when such "spirituality" doesn't live up to their expectations.

Like Transcendental Mediation which marketed itself during the '60s as a secular technique, the most popular 'gateway' to Eastern thought and mysticism today is Yoga,  which is billed as a simple form of exercise, breathing technique, etc.  "Once viewed by Christians as a pagan import from the East, yoga has now become mainstream in the church through 'Christ-centered yoga classes' designed to help improve spirituality and experience 'the presence of God'."  See Yoga Uncoiled: from East to West.


All of the Democrat presidential candidates and many of the Republicans are unqualified to hold the highest office of the Land.  Only Newt Gingrich has so far publicly dared to challenge the status quo in the area of education.  He has indicated that he would "shut down public schools that aren't performing."  That's a wonderful position in theory, since by any reasonable standard 95% of the public system is not performing.  It is public education that has and continues to corrupt this Nation.  Government-funded education is a socialistic failure.  The workers' "paradise" of socialism and communism is illusion.  Similarly, the educational elite's "paradise" is also myth...also illusion.  Today's true heroes (combining sacrifice and courage) are the parents who either earnestly homeschool or send their children to non government-funded schools.


It should come as no surprise to readers here that many on the political left (including prominent figures in the Democrat Party) are tightly aligned with New Age spiritualitiesWhat may be something of a shock is how these new age concepts have become pervasive in once evangelical churches.  The so-called leaders should have been shown the door long, long ago.  Charity is no virtue when heresy is involved.  The errors were invited in by a combination of neo-evangelicalism and the charismatic movement.  This apostasy is being tracked by many of the ministries listed on our Discernment and Counter-Cult Ministries page.


Either the candidate’s political and social views (which typically translate into public policy) are informed by his philosophical and religious worldview, or they are not.  Of course, they do...and thus America is in the midst of a polarizing culture war.  The liberals and pagans want public policies to reflect their secular/naturalistic view of the world; conservatives and Christians want public policies to reflect traditional values and moral truth.

With regard to the candidacy of Mitt Romney (Mormon), radio host Hugh Hewitt (Catholic) and his supporters want it both ways.  Include reference to the candidate's religion if it reflects favorably; exclude religion if it raises issues of integrity.  Mormonism's cultic beliefs supposedly result in wholesome "family values."  So Hewitt has publicly adopted the leftist/liberal tactic of smearing any and all, who might have issues with the possible negative effect of Mitt Romney's religion upon his candidacy, with the label of "bigot." 

Sure, there may be the separation or disconnect in the case of the hypocrite, but who would intentionally want a hypocrite as their leader?  Generally speaking, a democratic electorate does not want to be deceived by elected officials.  If they vote for someone who espouses conservative or traditional values, they don't want them to 'flip-flop' once they're in office.  During these tumultuous times, we do not need public or private leaders acting like windsocks.

To avoid prejudice, the same test should be applied equally to EVERY candidate for public office.


It is no coincidence that the tyranny of political correctness rages in colleges and universities throughout America, as well as further seeks to enter and police all realms of life.  The origin of this contagion is public education’s classroom principle of the supremacy of the lowest common denominator.

It all began in the 1870s under the guise of pursuing an administrative policy of “neutrality” regarding the competing influence of Christian denominations in the classroom1.  Princeton professor A. A. Hodge saw and understood all quite well.

I am as sure as I am of Christ's reign that a comprehensive and centralized system of national education, separated from religion, as is now commonly proposed, will prove the most appalling enginery for the propagation of anti-Christian and atheistic unbelief, and of anti-social nihilistic ethics, individual, social and political, which this sin-rent world has ever seen.

The tendency [of those who promote public education] is to hold that this system must be altogether secular.  The atheistic doctrine is gaining currency, even among professed Christians and even among some bewildered Christian ministers, that an education provided by the common government should be entirely emptied of all religious character.  The Protestants object to the government schools being used for the purpose of inculcating the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and the Romanists object to the use of the Protestant version of the Bible and to the inculcation of the peculiar doctrines of the Protestant churches.  The Jews protest against the schools being used to inculcate Christianity in any form, and the atheists and agnostics protest against any teaching that implies the existence and moral government of God.

It is capable of exact demonstration that if every party in the State has the right of excluding from the public schools whatever he does not believe to be true [or considers offensive], then he that believes most must give way to him that believes least, and then he that believes least must give way to him that believes absolutely nothing, no matter in how small a minority the atheists or the agnostics [or the offended parties] may be.  It is self-evident that on this scheme, if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States system of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen.

Hodge described a tyranny…a tyranny in which maximum power flows from either being secular or an "offended" party.  Although the astute Hodge foresaw the outcome of American public education, he would have been stunned to witness the obliteration of all vestiges of Christian culture as the principle of the supremacy of the lowest common denominator became America's, even Western civilization's, law-of-the-land.

1  Christian Smith's THE SECULAR REVOLUTION: Power, Interests, and Conflict in the Secularization of American Public Life


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a potential 2008 Presidential candidate and Southern Baptist as well, is certainly touching a different nerve.  He told the Liberty University's graduating class yesterday to honor the spirit of school founder Jerry Falwell, by confronting "the growing culture of radical secularism" with Christian ideals.  "A growing culture of radical secularism declares that the nation cannot profess the truths on which it was founded," Gingrich said.  "In hostility to American history, the radical secularists insist that religious belief is inherently divisive and that public debate can only proceed on secular terms."  "Too often, the courts have been biased against religious believers. This anti-religious bias must end," he said.  He seems to clearly see the problem, or is it astute political rhetoric?  Does he even have a remote grasp of the cause of the "growing culture of radical secularism?"

Prior to his death, Falwell (also a Southern Baptist) published Why I Asked Newt Gingrich to Speak at Liberty's Graduation.  Some question whether Gingrich's past marital problems represent insurmountable political baggage among evangelical constituents?  However, these same evangelicals are facing a worldview dilemma seeing that Mitt Romney, a Mormon, is building substantial political momentum among conservatives.

Who's in the race?  Click here.  Without a snowball's chance, it's time for McCain, Giuliani, Hagel, and Paul to stop wasting money and the voter's time.


Ex-President Jimmy Carter is the most stunning example of the fact that bad theology results in even worse public and international policy.  As a liberal Southern Baptist who has never given more than lip service to the Bible, Carter temporarily embraced enough evangelical speak to mislead the Dixie electorate and passed himself off as a "born-again" Christian.  Nasty.  He was a fraud in 1976; he's a worse fraud today.  He has become a bitter narcissist with the Left-wing agenda.  His goal is to besmirch the current Republican administration so as to help ensure a Democrat victory in 2008.  Shameful.


Miles Stanford's typical method of ministry toward dispensational leaders was to correspond in private in hopes that the discrete dialogue might bring about reconsideration of doctrinal views and possibly modification in teachings.  His approach was modeled around the dynamic contained in Matthew 18:15 and 17, but without the element of any personal offense or sin.  As a true under-shepherd, concern for the Body and members in particular.

Fourteen years ago, on March 15, 1993, Miles Stanford wrote an open letter to John F. MacArthur Jr. in response to various misleading and erroneous statements included by MacArthur in his book, Faith Works, about Miles and his Pauline dispensational teachings.  In an effort to clarify exactly what was and what was not being taught, Stanford was forced to go public with his letter because MacArthur had gone public with inaccurate information in his book about Miles Stanford.  Fourteen years later, the value of this past exchange lies in the clarity it brings to bear upon the subject of biblical salvation.

Despite this history, the inaccurate information is recycled from time-to-time.  Such is the case regarding the subject of whether Miles taught "two ways of salvation" as opposed to two kinds of salvation.  The misunderstanding is compounded by the fact that certain ultradispensationalists, with whom Miles Stanford had no association, erroneously teach that Jews were in fact saved by keeping the law rather than by grace during the Mosaic dispensation.

It cannot be stressed loudly enough that God's provisions of salvation, during whatever age and for which ever group of elect, has always been by grace through faith in Christ.  For the elect of Israel prior to Calvary, it was faith in a coming Jewish Messiah.  For the post-Resurrection Church, it was faith in a Risen and Ascended Lord and Savior.  One Christ, but with different roles for different elect people.

The dispensational distinction between the Gospel of Kingdom (earthly) and the Gospel of the Glory of God (heavenly) continues to confound those mentally welded to the assumption that there can only be a unitary "people of God" with NO distinction between the earthly and heavenly spheres.

But the essence of Paul's revelation of the "mystery," is summed up in Ephesians 1:9,10.

And He (the Triune God) made known to us (the Church) the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment--to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one Head, even (the Cornerstone of a New Creation) Christ.  NIV, bracketed adds mine.

While God has one purpose--to glorify Himself in Christ, His plan involves two spheres--the earthly and the heavenly.  Is this teaching of Scripture that hard to understand?  Or, is it simply hard to accept for those enamored in religious tradition?


Well, you know, what I wonder when you talk about his father’s run, especially in 1968, is whether what happened in 1960, the fact that the country had an intense discussion about the relevance of Kennedy’s Catholicism, and essentially concluded that the substance of private religious faith is really not relevant to the discussion of qualification for public office. I wonder whether the residue of that conversation was still fresh in people’s minds when Mitt Romney’s father was running, and it has somehow faded, and so now we are, all these years later, having the conversation again, and much more intensely Time Magazine reporter Nancy Gibbs in an interview with radio talk host Hugh Hewitt.

What these two fail to grasp and what Roe vs. Wade made abundantly clear to a majority of Americans, is that an individual's worldview logically and rightly informs one's political policy views.  Kennedy won the Presidency by convincing an adequate number of voters that his Catholicism was only skin deep and that it did not fundamentally affect his view of the world.  It was basically at this point in American history that the current nonsense and misunderstanding of separation of church and state took root.  If one is genuinely religious and your religion makes a difference in the way you both live and view the world, then a "private religious faith" is an oxymoron.

Despite the Democrat Party's best efforts, candidates today can't have it both ways.  Too many people view religion like a pair of shoes which can be left at the door before entering the house.  In fact, the liberal left hypocritically makes this a litmus test for conservatives candidates for public office, all the while giving themselves a giant exemption.

So the real question about Mitt Romney, or any other candidate for public office, is not whether, but how their "worldview" (aka religion or lack of this same) informs their view on public policy.  And that's a legitimate question.

Slate editor Jacob Weisberg threw down the challenge after reviewing some of Joseph Smith's more extravagant assertions. "He was an obvious con man," Weisberg wrote. "Romney has every right to believe in con men, but I want to know if he does, and if so, I don't want him running the country." That argument, counters author and radio host Hugh Hewitt, amounts to unashamed bigotry and opens the door to any person of any faith who runs for office being called to account for the mysteries of personal belief. He has published A Mormon in the White House?, a chronicle of Romney's rise as business genius, Olympic savior, political star. But Hewitt has a religious mission as well when he cites a survey in which a majority of Evangelicals said voting for a Mormon was out of the question. If that general objection means they would not consider Romney in 2008, Hewitt warns, then prejudice is legitimized, and "it will prove a disastrous turning point for all people of faith in public life."  Nancy Gibbs in Romney's Mormon Question.

"Mysteries of personal belief"?  "What nonsense!!," as Michael Medved would exclaim.  Mormon beliefs may be a mystery to the religiously-illiterate Hugh Hewitt, but not to millions of born-again Evangelicals.  All people--even atheists--have faith.  But what truly makes the defining difference is the object of that faith!  The public is not so easily fooled today.  Most understand that Rudy Giuliani can't really have it both ways on the issue of abortion.  He's simply being a pragmatic, 'windsock' politician. 

Hewitt obfuscates the difference between bigotry and a person's God-given right to exercise discernment and to hold opinions.  By attempting to make religious beliefs an entirely private matter, he reinforces the current error that religion, as held on the personal level, has no rightful place in the public square--a widespread prejudice Evangelicals have been battling for decades.


As I had expected, Mr. Sanders did respond but sadly was unwilling to discuss or examine any evidence contrary to his current misunderstandings.  His mind and heart are closed.  Of course, he is not the original source of these falsehoods, rather he is simply repeating earlier erroneous and irresponsible statements made by John MacArthur (read here) and the more rabid anti-dispensationalist John Gerstner (read here).

PS.  In another article, Ed Sanders writes, "When I was a young Christian I was throughly (sic) indoctrinated in dispensational theology and the teachings of the Scofield Bible."  Do we sense a note of bitterness?  He is not alone in having the system of Scofieldian Age-ism lead him down the path into Covenant theology.

PS. 6/17/2007 update: While the subject remains, Mr. Sanders has temporarily removed his grossly inaccurate, draft critique of Pauline Dispensationalism and Miles Stanford.


During the past couple of weeks, the media has been a battle field for charges of religious "bigotry" toward Mitt Romney, Mormons, and Mormonism.  Some of it is true, some not.  The liberal left has abused the word "bigotry" to such a point that objection or opposition toward anyone and anything is erroneously labeled bigotry.  And of course, every minority group in existence seeks to leverage this fundamental misunderstand for political gain.  Many years ago, when I found myself in the midst of intense bigotry, I coined these definitions.

BIGOTRY:  an adverse judgment formed prematurely without knowledge or examination of the evidence or fact.  Bigotry is generally the obstinate, unreasonable, emotionally-controlled attachment to a prejudice.  Bigotry can masquerade as opinion and typically seeks to justify itself.  Because God is reasonable, just, and fair, both prejudice and bigotry are ungodly; they are sin.  Bigotry needs to be contrasted with holding an opinion on important matters.

OPINION:  Opinion is a point of view regarding any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by evidence.  This evidence renders the viewpoint probable, but does not produce absolute certainty.  Opinions can and most often do contain some degree of bias (perspective) and to a degree are speculative.  Because men and women originally were created in the image of God, they possess a God-given right to form opinions, but only in those areas in which the Bible is silent.  To assert a differing opinion where God has already spoken is pride and arrogance.

How To Deal With Potential Bigotry in the Religious Realm

Here is a recent response to a less-than-acceptable attitude in the "incubator" stage.

Ed F. Sanders

Dear Brother Ed:

It has been brought to my attention that you are working on a presentation and attempted refutation of Pauline Dispensationalism (12-6-2006 draft) as part of your overall collection of anti-dispensational articles.  My intent is not to dissuade you in this endeavor, rather I would like to assist you to the end that you get the facts correct, at least regarding the Pauline Dispensationalism of Miles J. Stanford and

As it stands, the current draft contains numerous factual errors.  I would propose that we begin with a discussion of the most egregious, and discover whether a level of fair and balanced treatment can be secured.  Understanding your appreciation for the Mosaic Decalogue as an object of Christian sanctification, I know you would want to avoid violating #9 in your effort to minister to Christ’s own.

I believe many of the errors currently contained in the draft article have already been addressed here-or-there on either Miles Stanford’s site or at  If you would so kindly grant me the opportunity to specifically point these out, I would be grateful.

Can we get started?  I look forward to hearing from you.

By His sovereign love, grace, and mercy 

Dan R. Smedra


I haven't heard back from Ed.  I hope that he responds to my invitation to talk.  However, I'll understand if he ignores me.  The effects of law make for hard heartedness, as well as transgressions of the law.


!! LOOMING DISASTERS !!…seem to be all the vogue with the today’s high-profile liberal’s (e.g, Gore and Clinton).  They bring to mind Christ’s words to the Pharisees in Matthew 16,  

“When evening comes you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’  You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”

Later in Matthew 24, Christ said,   “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars…Nation will rise against nation…There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

How will the modern day Pharisees interpret and spin the future events mentioned in Revelation chapter 6?  Aggressors (vs. 2).  Withdrawn peace (vs. 4).  Economic turmoil (vs. 6).  And death by “sword, famine, plague, and wild animals.”

What theories will they spin to explain the events mentioned in Revelation chapter 8?  A strange cosmic firestorm (vs. 7).  A gigantic meteor (vs. 8).  A poisonous meteor shower which pollutes a third of Earth’s waters (vs.10,11).  Cosmic darkness (vs. 12).  And in Chapter 9: stinging locust (vs. 3-6).  And these events continue...


Beware of Senator Barack Obama's so-called "conversion story" to Christianity and "spiritual bona fides."  This is a ruse similar to former Democrat President Jimmy Carter.  The more-conservative religious public is being duped again by highly-sophisticated, religiously-liberal, political spin artists (e.g., Jim Wallis).


Based on his prolific career and authority on the subject of premillenial End Times prophecy, the former President of Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. John F. Walvoord, together with Dr. Mark Hitchcock, have launched a professionally-designed website entitled Prophecy Hotline.


Believers should beware of those who claim that a great spiritual "revival" is currently taking place.  It's simply not true.  The proof?  The great Holy Spirit revivals of history were accompanied by deep conviction of both SINS and SIN.  Today, the world is oblivious to SINS and SIN and the Church is oblivious to SIN.  This is an hour of spiritual darkness.  Annually, tens of millions of dollars line the pockets of growing cults and heretical sects.  Little money, if any, is directed to safe and sound, biblical ministries.  Independent bible churches and fellowships struggle to provide a living wage for their pastor and his family, while new-age and liberal denominations are awash in funds and endowments.  Despite the darkness, God has always maintained a remnant throughout history.  


Ever since the '60s, New Age religion and New Age religionists have proliferated throughout Europe, America, and elsewhere.  This is largely associated with the demise of biblical authority (based on an lack of or misunderstanding of specific revelation) and the rise of secular science.  Genuine science is a methodology of discovery and should be philosophically neutral, whereas today's so-called science is often under girded with secular and naturalistic presuppositions--a rather sterile realm.  New Age religion appeals to the inherent need for the spiritual (mystical) dimension to human experience.

Current global warming proponents (e.g., Al Gore and Goreism) are more New Age cultists than individuals with genuine science-based concerns.  Gore's first book, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, established this fact. 

Of interest is The Great Global Warming Swindle, now available on the Internet.  


I put together some brief comments regarding Classic Pauline Dispensationalism.  Follow this link.

During the later half of the 20th century, two writers have advanced explanations for the decline in dispensational theology in dispensational circles.  Pauline dispensationalist Miles Stanford identified the theological breach of failing to keep Israel and the Church separate—i.e., the erroneous application of Israel’s New Covenant to New Creation believers, while Christian author Roy Huebner has written regarding Isaac Watts' Covenant theological influence upon C. I. Scofield—i.e., the substitution of premillennial age-ism for genuine dispensational truth.  Add to this the widespread effect of Enlightenment humanism upon all biblical truth, and it's no wonder that America is awash in heresy and cults.


A tragic week indeed.  How truly heart-breaking to loose loved ones to such apparently, indiscriminate acts of violence.  However, by demonizing the shooter, the liberal, politically-correct media obscures the root of a serious widespread cultural problem.  Our analysis of of the Columbine massacre remains relevant and on point.


Coming To Your State?  Here is what American's can expect if liberals, Democrats, and so-called moderate Republicans continue to win elections.  'Thought-crime' laws and re-indoctrination legislation is being introduced in Oregon by liberals and homosexual activists.  Read here and also visit FRC's Thought Crime Laws website.  Notice the role public education, America's seemingly "neutral" state-church, is to play in changing "attitudes."  This is very serious and disturbing.  Contrary to the charge that Christians are homophobic (aversion based on fear), it is our lack of acceptance rooted in epistemic moral certainty that drives them to deep-seated rage and political activism.  Understandably, homosexuals are afflicted by a pathology of hate toward any source of moral censure, which they view (postmodern) as entirely bogus.

Clueless...they're all clueless.  Radio commentators Rush and David Limbaugh (Methodists); Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Bennett, Laura Ingrahm, and Hugh Hewitt (Catholics), to name just a few, are verbally scratching their heads over the pervasive political-correctness doctrines sweeping through society.  Not one of these so-called conservatives will mention Ronald Reagan's campaign pledge to eliminate the US Department of Education.  These Anglo-Catholics have failed to lead America's conservatives.

These voices can't seem to grasp the fact that the principle of the supremacy of the lowest common denominator has moved from the public school classroom into the broader public square--which of course includes the public airwaves.  They better wake up soon to what's happening or their own shows will be on the line.  The reason the secular liberal-Left is so powerful in this country is due to the fact that they control, by default*, public education.  Will the Internet be next?  One is reminded by all of this of George Orwell's fictional novel, 1984.

It may come as a surprise to some readers, but to defend against threats of litigation, I began paying premiums for legal insurance years ago.  Haven't had to file a far.

* Read my discussion of education and education history here.


Today, some of the most astute analysis of religious fringe and not-so-fringe groups comes from the hard Left.  Their paranoia is only rivaled by that of the Libertarian hard-Right.  Salon pro-gay blogger Richard Bartholomew authors, Bartholomew's notes on religion - Researching religion and current affairs since February 2004The site is a real 'gold mine' of information...of course from the liberal/left perspective.

Bartholomew has written a series of exposés [see here] on the 'edgy' Miami "pastor" Doug Giles.  Giles brand of machismo and efforts to change America's feminist-oriented, effeminate churches really gets under the Left's skin.  [See Giles columns: How Wives Can Kill Their Marriage: Part One and Part Two.]

The pastor's religious roots are charismatic/demonist, but moved toward Covenant amillennial/postmillennial kingdom-building by means of the writings of various theonomists together with Pentecostal charismata.  As a contemporary charismatic reconstructionist, the highly-talented Giles is the voice behind all things "Clash."

Fact: Behaviorally-induced* masculinity or femininity is superficial and does not reach to the essence of being.  Only the life of the Lord Jesus Christ within, expressed through spiritual growth based on the truths of identification, is capable of producing the beauty of God-ordained gender in a fallen and sin-cursed world.

* The concept that genuine "renewing of the mind" (Romans 12:2) will result by simply altering or modifying one's outward behavior or habits.


A worthwhile article written by Raymond Ibrahim entitled: Fighting Faith - Is Judeo-Christian violence the same thing as Islamic violence?

"Islam’s scholars, sheikhs, muftis, imams, and qadis throughout the ages have all reached the consensus — binding on the entire Muslim community — that Islam is to be at perpetual war with the non-Muslim world, until the former subsumes the latter."


While driving to work this past week, a local radio station was interviewing the author of The Prophesied End-Time and 2008-God’s Final Witness, Ronald Weinland.  The latter book is creating a stir in talk radio circles due to Weinland’s various extra-biblical claims that six of seven seals of Revelation 6 have already been opened and the Great Tribulation will begin in the spring of 2008.  Sucking some wind from the sails of global warming alarmists, he says the United States is set to be destroyed about the same time.  Mr. Weinland claims to be a God-ordained “Prophet” (1997), nothing less than one of the two “Witnesses” of Revelation 11--an oft repeated claim by cultic wackos.

Before going any further, readers should know that Ronald Weinland has a long association (some history here) with, and was ordained in, the cult of Armstrongism*.  Apparently, the talk radio market has no qualms over giving cultists a platform and greater voice as long as it boosts ratings.

As his basis for authority, and to ‘one-up’ the charismatics, this pseudo-prophet claims that the revelations of the “seven thunders,” mentioned in Revelation 10:4, were communicated directly to him.  He claims his books are "revelations" about the canonical book of Revelation.

* This cult (Worldwide Church of God-WCG) was originally founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, but has spawned numerous sub-groups, e.g., United Church of God (UCG), Church of God (COG), Living Church of God (LCG), Philadelphia Church of God (Philadelphia), etc.  Armstrong issued similar "prophecies" over six decades until his death in 1986 at the age of 93.  The WCG underwent doctrinal changes that supposedly moved the church in a more evangelical/orthodox (which itself is often non-dispensational and legalistic) direction.  Doctrinal confusion is still the rule within the WCG.  The scope of these changes is both complex and questionable.  It remains non-dispensational and free-will in orientation.  Beware!  Also read the online testimony of the "new" WCG, if you're interested, as well as the Wikipedia entry.


A Mormon in the While House? 10 Things Every American Should Know about Mitt Romney is the title of Hugh Hewitt's most recent political polemic.  Of course, it's difficult to evaluate the book if you haven't read 10 Things Every American Should Know about Hugh Hewitt.

Can a Mormon be President of the United States?  Why not a Muslim as President?  Or, an atheist or homosexual?  So it appears the question in our postmodern, multicultural, and hyper-tolerant society has come down to, “What disqualifies an individual from gaining the highest office in the land--the Presidency of the United States?”  Unfortunately, the answer for this lost and post-Christian world may be, “Very little!”

In his book and on his radio show, Hewitt asserts that to make a person’s religion, like John Kennedy's Catholicism or now Mitt Romney's Mormonism, some sort of litmus test for being President of the United States is wrong and will ultimately result in unleashing bigotry against evangelicals.  So, why not a Muslim?  To which, the hyper-pragmatic Hugh would likely respond, "No problem!", as long as the individual has the necessary administrative skills and charisma to navigate the legal and political landscape. 

Of course, Hewitt is clueless regarding the already extant anti-Christian bigotry, which began back in the 1960’s, and has progressively grown worse.  As a left-of-center conservative and Catholic, Hugh Hewitt is simply illiterate on most religious subjects—particularly genuine, biblical, born-again Christianity.  He erroneously believes Mormonism to be a Christian sect and, like George Bush, Islam a "religion of peace."  He does realize that evangelicals can be a political force to be reckoned with and thus his book takes direct aim at the politically-active believer.  On a side note, check out Islamic And Mormonism Similarities.  This link is not an endorsement of this particular website.

A key reason religion and spirituality are important to the realm of politics is the fact of deception/spiritual blindness and its ramifications.  Those vulnerable to deception are spiritual blind; those spiritually blind are vulnerable to deception.  Political leaders who are spiritually blind are vulnerable to deception on a number of levels.  Being led by blind leaders ensure that leader and those led both fall into a ditch.  As I’ve maintained for some time, George Bush’s spiritual blindness (rooted in his Methodist affiliation) made him vulnerable to the deception that Islam is similar to Judaism and Christianity and a “religion of peace.”  This is grossly misleading and very far from the truth!  Erroneous statements like these lead to the ignoramus comments made by Rear Admiral Bill Sullivan, Vice Director for Strategic Plans & Policy, The Joint Chiefs of Staff.  “We cannot discredit all of Islam as we did with communism, it is a divine religion.  We can only discredit the violent extremist.”  Neither Islam nor Mormonism are divine religions!  They are cultic perversions of biblical truth.


My current Journal postings will likely be brief.  Upon returning to work, I found that my office had further deteriorated.  There is greater pressure and more time demands being placed upon me to compensate for this organizational failure.  Processes that once worked, albeit with fairly good efficiency, have been replaced with ones that are broken and don't really work at all.  This is the result of change for the sake of change.  Further, due to high-level personnel policy changes, our division struggles to attract, develop, and retain new staff.  The younger generations are simply less tolerant of mediocre employers and the market is efficient in matching the best talent with the best opportunity.  The phenomena of men with family responsibilities and thus with cause to stay with this or that employer to gain benefits has drastically declined.  Thus, tenured employees (with brass handcuffs) are being asked to do the work of two or even three people.  The problem?  Lack of genuine leadership, which over time will have adverse economic and cultural effects.  Semi-retirement (two jobs, rather than three) sitting on the horizon never looked so good.


Discovery Channel HD Theatre is presenting Planet Earth.  This is a must see!  An irony is as work here.  This secular filming production is supercharging the truth of Romans 1:20 to a previously un-experienced level.  See this if you can.  These are before unseen pictures of the planet and its life and are stunningly breath-taking!  Consider a high-definition TV if you can.


Czech President Vaclav Klaus hit the 'nail on the head'.  "Environmentalism should belong in the social sciences," and current "environmentalism is a religion."  Like many religionists, environmentalists have a view of cosmic origins and beginnings, seek to reorganize the world order, social behavior, as well as value systems worldwide.  They play fast and loose with the scientific data, but are dogmatic regarding both their hypotheses and solutions.  Their overall attitude is highly suggestive of a political agenda.


This weekend, well-known political conservatives and several Republican presidential candidates spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC.  Firebrand Ann Coulter whacked a nest of politically-correct hornets when, in an attempt at humor, she ended her speech with, “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot*,’ so… I’m… kind of at an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.”  See  The Left-wing media, liberal blogs, and Democrats went wild with denunciations and politically-correct, moderate Republicans echoed with their own criticisms.  Of course there's a double standard here.  Talking heads on the left regularly make "jokes" and outrageous public statements without even a ripple in the media.  The non-level playing field is for the purpose of intimidating opponents.

For readers who don’t keep up with the news, Ann Coulter’s statement requires a bit of unpacking.  While various conservatives have from time-to-time poked fun at John Edwards’ effeminacy and predilection to preen in public, her “rehab” comment referenced an October 2006 on-set conversation between actors Isaiah Washington (black) and co-star Patrick Dempsey of the TV show, Grey’s Anatomy.  Media reported that Washington, in a moment of anger, used the word “faggot” in reference to co-star T. R. Knight, who was late for a shoot.  During an interview with lesbian Ellen DeGeneres, Knight claimed he overheard Washington and subsequently felt compelled to go public with his homosexuality.  Washington denied using the term, but gay rights groups demanded he be fired or apologize and enter “rehabilitation” for lack of politically-correct sensitivity.  Under pressure, Washington capitulated, reversed his position, and check into a treatment center for “psychological evaluation” in January of this year.  He thus joined a long train of public celebrities who have entered rehab centers as the result of bad or unacceptable public behaviors.  Gay activists are still calling for Washington's head.
Coulter’s original joke was a double lampoon toward both this political correctness as well as John Edwards.  While Edwards is likely not homosexual, he is 'gender-inverted'--a common problem in today's world.  Later, in response to Republican criticism, she wittily remarked, “C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.”
Like orthodox Islam, the homosexual community blames Judeo-Christian culture for their mental anguish and related problems.  Like militant Islam, many in the homosexual community are a caldron of hate toward Bible-believing Christians and conservative Christianity.  Gay activists have been working hard to introduce broad legislation around the globe which would criminalize any and all forms of so-called “anti-gay rhetoric” (aka “hate speech”).  Such legislation has already resulted in a change to Sweden’s constitution and C-250 in Canada.  The ultimate intent is to include mention of any and all biblical references to homosexuality as being immoral, unnatural, and the product of a reprobate mind (e.g., Romans 1:18-28).  While currently falling short in Canada, a Swedish pastor was convicted and sentenced to prison.  After a very long battle, Sweden’s Supreme Court cleared the pastor of the charge.  However, Sweden’s liberals and gays were angry with the ruling and pledged to seek tougher laws.  The gay activists' vision of justice is to have those who are disapproving of their lifestyle incarcerated into mental hospitals or ultimately jailed.  Expressing politically-correct outrage and demanding “rehabilitation” is the first step toward accomplishing this goal.

 * Despite its frequent use inside the homosexual community, the use of the term faggot by heterosexuals is considered, ipso facto, an anti-gay slur or epithet.  The term is said to have emerged from the shadows with the 1978 publication of The Faggots, by gay activist Larry Kramer.  The book, a hideous look into sexual decadence and depravity, initially labeled satirical fiction, was re-released in 1987 and became a so-called “bestseller” (?), being “hailed as a work of historic importance for its unsparingly honest portrayal of the gay community.”  In preparation for his article, Homosex and the Christian, The Making and Breaking of Homosexuality, Miles Stanford lamented of being “sick for days” after reading the book.


I do apologize for the juxtaposition of diverse Journal entries; however, the flow (or lack thereof) often reflects something of the weekly email received, together with my related journeys across cyberspace.

Some may say, "There are some things where ignorance is a virtue," and therein quote Romans 16:18,19 in support.

18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.  19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all [men].  I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.  King James Version

Sadly, some have interpreted the KJV translators use of "simple" to mean simple-minded or ignorant.  Such are the limitations of not being familiar with 16th century English.  The ESV translation is better, but still falls short. 

18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.  19 For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.  English Standard Version   

The Greek word in verse 18, translated simple in the KJV and naive in the ESV, is akakos.  Both Strong's Exhaustive Concordence and W. E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words say, "unsuspecting."  The word in verse 19, again translated simple in the KJV and innocent in the ESV, is akeraios.  The more precise meaning here is "free from admixture" with evil.

Thus, there is no basis for Christians to see virtue in being "clueless" regarding evil, unrighteousness, sin, or even the methods of the Devil.

...I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us.  For we are not unaware of his schemes.  2 Cor. 2:10b,11.  New Int'l Version


Another writes:


Thank you for posting the email of 3/2.1/2007.  What a great joy to see another set free from self and sin.  His story, as you already know through my previous emails, is much like my own.  Heart preparation by the Holy Spirit is the key.  It was 30 years for me, enshrouded in the cloud of Covenant Theology, which almost destroyed my life!  I'm just so thankful that you and Miles were there when I was at my lowest point.  Emails such as the one posted have become an important source of encouragement to me.  Again, I thank you for all you and Miles have done for me over the last 8 years. 
Continuing to pray for your ministry,



Al Gore is to environmentalism, what Benny Hinn is to faith healing.  Gore has described the high-volume energy use lifestyle he and his wife Tipper live as "carbon neutral," meaning he claims to offset such extravangance, including plane flights and car trips, by "purchasing verifiable reductions in CO2 elsewhere."  But recent investigative journalists have uncovered that the former Vice President is engaged in various forms of subterfuge.  According to an article at, Gore purchases these offset from companies in which he controls and has heavy financial interest.  Thus, he is simply transfer cash from one pocket to the other, while trumpeting his "moral and spiritual" New Age crusade.  What a Convenient Truth!  Anyone out there interested in miraculously having their leg lengthened or teeth filled? 


I take the liberty in posting a recent email, not to draw attention to us, but to give feedback to those who are faithful supporters (in prayer, in words, as well as in deeds) of  We actually receive a number of positive letters, but the following is particularly poignant and heart-warming.

Dear Dan,
I am writing this note during a break from reading brother Miles' Hungry Heart series.  To say that what I am learning about my position in Christ, and the need to replace my old self with Him and only Him, is absolutely life transforming, might still be an understatement.  After all these years of futile toiling under my own supposed strength, and following my own desires to somehow please God, the shroud has been lifted. I now see so clearly the source of my failures and, more importantly, the path to peace and victory in Him.  Thank you for your devotion to these truths through your website and for maintaining access to Mr. Stanford's writings. 
I have been a frequent visitor to your site for over three years now.  Little by little, the Lord has opened my heart to a deeper understanding of Paul's gospel, and the truth of the doctrine therein. Being raised in the Episcopal church, then experiencing the confusion of charismatic fellowship, and finally landing in what I thought was the scripturally-safe haven of a Free Methodist community, I am eternally grateful for this Spiritual awakening brought on by exposure to Classic Pauline dispensationalism. It took many years, along with a lot of confusion and disappointment, for the Lord to prepare my heart for this, but already I sense the peace and joy brought about by humbling myself before the Father and relying solely on the finished work of Jesus at Calvary. 
Please know that all your hard work is making an impact and that my life and the lives of my family have been transformed forever because of it. Please let me know how I can show my thankfulness by making a love offering to your ministry.  May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you and your wife until that glorious day!
In Christ Always,

In genuine ministry, there is the all-important factor of the Holy Spirit's cultivation and heart preparation.  The "stony ground" must be broken up, if the seed of the Word of God is to find root.  We make truth available on this website, then by faith trust in the sovereignty of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to bring about the spiritual and lasting results.  This approach makes all the difference.  Since by God's grace we're both gainfully employed, we have the liberty to be unconcerned about numbers and the level of Sunday attendance.  We're not concerned about the next building expansion, nor how to faithfully meet the church's mortgage payments.  Can Christian leaders have it both ways?  Can pastors and elders comprehensively stand for truth and shepherd the modern mega-congregation, or even a local gathering of 100?  The answer is apparently "No."


I wrote a nice introduction for this, then experienced an application crash and lost it.  I'll attempt to reconstruct it from memory later.  Here are three links to some "must-listen" radio interviews.  Each is about 40 minutes in length.  Listen online or download the podcast.


Andrew Robert's Website with additional information and audio/video links



In response to an email from a so-called, self-described "Zero Point Calvinist" (aka Arminian), I have added Pentecostal/charismatic Chuck Smith/Calvary Chapel (long overdue) to the gallery of Christian humanist--see Where They Stand, Humanistic View tab.


David Jonsson's interesting statements in Using the Oil Weapon and Sanctions to Avert War With Iran. 

The Fantasy Island of a Green Utopian Earth

The vision of the opposition does not merely seek to defeat America, but something much more essential to sustaining the rising tide of freedom across the globe. It seeks the defeat of the American ideal. And it seeks it while perversely claiming that it is here to "rescue" it by facilitating its defeat; an Orwellian apotheosis of stunning assertion, and one that will do more than anything else to advance the level of Global Warming to thermonuclear levels in one brief, shining afternoon than any other philosophy you can recall or imagine. They yearn, from their perches in their perverse cosmopolitan realms, to see their nation defeated and humbled and lowered, because they long ago left that nation and ascended into those ethereal realms of their own private Fantasy Island of a Green Utopian Earth.

Little do the people waging "the war against the war" know that, in exchange for a temporary political advantage, they are gravely endangering America’s security and well-being, ultimately even their own. The Fantasy Island seekers will neither speak nor confront the present existence and inexorable rise of systems of government that do not exactly wish to deliver the higher realms of personal, sexual, and want-less liberty the One Worlders envision. America is the magnet for bright and ambitious people. It also makes America a target. The U.S. is also becoming one of the last holdouts of the traditional Judeo-Christian ideology. America takes it for granted, but it is not as available in other countries of the world. Ultimately, it's an issue of culture. The only people who can hurt America are themselves, by losing their culture and will to win. If they give up their Judeo-Christian culture, they will become just like the Europeans. If they lose it, there isn't another America to pull us out.


Contrary to some, we believe there's a place in the Christian life of adults and children for wholesome entertainment, and with spiritual growth and maturity comes the ability for parents to adequately discern what's wholesome, what's not, and to draw a line between the two.

Several months ago, while in recuperation mode from my surgeries, Diane and I began watching, via NetFlix, the delightful BBC TV series All Creatures, Great and Small.  Based on the books by the late James Herriot (James Alfred Wight), each episode chronicles the semi-pastoral lives of three country veterinarians practicing their trade, prior to and after World War II, in the Yorkshire Dales of northern England.  The series was produced in two segments; first in between 1978-1980, and later 1988-1990, for a total of 90 episodes.  These are wonderful anecdotal and heart-warming narratives from the memories of the author!

Yorkshire Dales


As stated above, Journal entries are eclectic--which means "selections of what appears to be best from various sources, methods, and styles."  This pairs well with both the author--me, and the audience--you.  Of course, some become irritated when the subject matter isn't something they're particularly interested in and a few complain about content being 'over their head', but for the most part, readers enjoy the mix.

The World of the 21st Century.  While on the subject of "over my head," I want to call attention to author and speaker Thomas P.M. Barnett.  Dr. Barnett has a Ph.D in Political Science from Harvard and is an American military geostrategist.  I've listened to a few interviews regarding his books, The Pentagon's New Map, War and Peace in the 21st Century and Blueprint for Action, A Future Worth Creating.  It's simply fascinating, if one follows this stuff, obtains online news, watches TV, or reads a paper, etc.  Dr. Barnett explains why America is involved in military conflicts (his theory) and why that will remain the status quo for the immediate future.  Click on his image below to watch a C-SPAN interview.

Thomas Barnett 

It's on the longer side of an hour, so make sure you have a cup of your favorite beverage.

The thumbnail image below will show you Dr. Barnett's Core-Gap map.  Click the thumbnail to see an enlargement.  These are roughly the same spheres representing The Clash of Ideologies, Judeo-Christian vs. Islam, David J. Jonsson, 2005.

New Map

"The map illustrates his cutting-edge approach to globalization, which combines security, economic, political, and cultural factors to do no less than predict and explain the nature of war and peace in the twenty-first century.  The map divides the world into two parts: 'the functioning core' and the 'non-integrated gap'.  The core consists of economically advanced or growing countries that are linked to the global economy and bound to the rule-sets of international trade.  The rest of the world is the non-integrated gap – outside the global economy, not bound to the rule-sets of international trade."

Hugh Hewitt Audio Interviews with Thomas Barnett


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

PS.  Dr. Barnett is both Democrat and Catholic.  His views on religion and spirituality (which I believe fall short of reality when addressing the problems of Islam) are integrated into his perspectives on economic globalization.


As a follow-up to my 2/9.1/2007 comment, the following presentation should put to rest any nagging questions that might be on readers minds.  Read, Common Grace: Myth vs. Reality.  Also, see The Calvinistic Heritage of Dispensationalism by Thomas Ice.


Ground Zero

Temple Mount

Temple's location found, says Israeli archaeologist

Israeli cabinet approves Jerusalem excavations


“True wisdom is not manifested in trying to see resemblances in things which differ, but in discerning the real difference among those which resemble one another.”

During the early '90s, Miles Stanford (MJS) had a brief exchange of correspondence with Dave Hunt.  Some of that correspondence can be found here.  Of concern to MJS, was Mr. Hunt's doctrinal departure from traditional dispensationalism and his embrace of John MacArthur's minimalist views.  While Miles Stanford did mention Dave Hunt's "seven-year charismatic experience," his 1993 exposé did not explore or discuss why Dave Hunt had wandered into charismatic doctrinal error in the first place (Hunt's detailed charismatic testimony is contained in his book On The Brink, Logos, 1972), nor the root cause of his dispensational breakdown.  What wasn't mentioned, possibly in hopes that recovery might be possible, was the fact that Dave Hunt had fully embraced the multi-faceted errors of Arminianism--i.e., Christian humanism.  Christian humanism is a millennial-old cancer upon the body of Christ.  It begins hidden and quiet, metastasizes, then emerges with deadly finality.

Today, the broad ministry of Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon, together with their newsletter--The Berean Call and radio broadcast, are a prime source of Arminian-humanistic error, an error which has engulfed American evangelicalism.  Their website references Arminians such as A. W. Tozer, E. M. Bounds, Oswald Chambers, William MacDonald (Open Brethren), Roger Oakland (former Calvary Chapel), etc.  Having forged alliances with Charismatics and Pentecostals in the realm of prophecy and commonly-held evangelical views on Catholicism, both are careful to criticize only "abuses" and those deemed "extreme."  In their books and articles, both men bemoan the widespread and rampant "Apostasy," but totally fail to understand its root cause.  In an effort to provide their readers with an explanation, McMahon states, "...the basic glue that essentially holds all of the [apostate] movements together is the propensity for subjective experience over the written Word" (The Berean Call, Feb. 2007).  Mr. McMahon appears unaware of the fact that reliance upon the written Word, while vitally important, is no simple guarantee of either orthodoxy or protection from doctrinal error.  He either fails to understand or rejects the truths surrounding God's Word, as I've summarized in FROM GOD TO US, The Divine Chain of CommunicationThese doctrinal truths regarding the Word of God aren't new, rather they have been around for centuries.

Neither Hunt nor McMahon adequately grasp the doctrinal fact that Adam's, and thus mankind's, "responsibility" ended in Calvary's judgment and condemnation.  True, mankind is held responsible in Adam, but that responsibility does not imply ability to believe (contra Hunt) apart from the non-inclusive, sovereign work of God the Holy Spirit, i.e., grace.  This truth, while fundamentally clarified by dispensationalism for nearly 150 years, is lost on their ministry.  For them, salvation is "by faith alone."  Consequently, Hunt and McMahon descend to embrace a watered-down and distorted doctrine of the Fall and, thus of necessity, join the league of Anglo-Catholic humanists.   


My time at home recuperating from surgeries has come to an end and I return to the work routine Monday.  There is good news in the fact that I am relatively pain free and life appears to be returning to normal after five operations and four years of physical difficulties.  Journal postings will continue, but understandably at a slower pace.  Similarly, email correspondence/responses will again be confined to weekends and days off.  I look forward to what the Lord has in store during the days ahead.


I wish to extend a "thank you" to all who have written and express gratitude for the fact that represents a most unique online Christian resource.  Repeatedly readers tell us, "There's nothing else like it!"  Nevertheless, feedback comes in all shapes and sizes.  A few visitors are dismayed, even shocked at the fact, that we publish doctrinal critiques which identify individual Christian leaders.  For them, such "judgmentalness" is altogether inappropriate.  Little do they realize how their view is both unbiblical as well as un-American.  We gladly endure these periodic matronly scoldings.  At the other end of the spectrum are readers who chide us for not having critiqued and published in-depth reviews of a host of obscure religious whackos, which in America would be an unending task.  One of our goals has always been, and will remain, to impart the resources necessary for Christians to discern and judge for themselves whether a particular doctrine or individual is biblical--i.e., Pauline.    


While I'm on the appears that the Rev. Ted Haggard is now claiming sinless perfection.  Well, not in so many words.  What he did say recently is that after three weeks of psychological counseling he's "completely heterosexual."  It's really amazing what modern counseling is capable of these days--full amelioration or eradication of the sin nature.  Of course, this was John Wesley's doctrinal claim...without having to pay any mental health professional.

Homosexuality remains something of a mystery for many Christians, largely due to their inability to believe and accept what the Word has to say on the subject.  Homosexuality is both sexual orientation and unnatural desire caused by a reprobate mind (Romans 1).  However, great complexity enters the picture when one seeks to definitively understand the various factors which contribute to the making of such a mindset. 

Overseers at New Life Church in Colorado Springs also "urged Haggard to enter a 12-step program for sexual addiction" and to "move out of town."  What the leadership of New Life hasn't told members is that the underlying humanistic theology largely responsibly for their former pastor's dalliance has in fact infected the entire congregation.  This is never a pleasant message.


There is a price to be paid for not understanding and clearly stating the basis of one's cultural values.  When the roots of those values are the Bible (dispensationally interpreted, or not), we can then expect to be challenged by a spectrum of pagans, atheists, gays, cultists, and the like, who envision a far different, eclectic society.  Every born-again Christian should be skilled to counter the progressive or liberal's debased interpretation of "separation of church and state," which simply amounts to a canard designed to marginalize the Christian community, create a second-class citizenry, and repress their democratic power at the voting both.  To put it bluntly, right-wing Christians should be assigned a social and political status similar to American blacks prior to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, in our opponents' passionate opinion.

Such is the case in the state of Washington, where homosexuals are seeking to 'turn the tables' on those who oppose establishing so-called "same-sex marriages" for gays.  Having created ballot Initiative 957, the homosexual minority seek to re-define marriage pursuant to the claim by some social conservatives that "marriage exists solely for the purpose of procreation."  This "sole purpose" argument is frequently found amongst Catholics and some Protestants.  If passed, the initiative would mandate that "marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriage would be subject to annulment."  Underline emphasis mine.

As a retaliative measure, Initiative 957 was recently filed by the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance.  That pro-homosex group was formed last summer after the state Supreme Court upheld Washington's ban on same-sex marriage.  The group seeks to challenge the Washington Supreme Court's ruling.

Despite the views of activist courts and judges who have created the mythical "right to privacy", e.g., Roe vs. Wade and Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558 (2003) [see .pdf page 610 and Scalia's dissenting opinion at p. 638], American society has the constitutional right to define marriage AND sexual mores based on the Bible, and to apply that definition in a constitutional and legislative manner.  While it is a battle, no apology is necessary to the radical minorities who desire life to be otherwise.

In the above cited Lawrence v. Texas, Kennedy on behalf of the majority wrote:

The sweeping references by Chief Justice Burger to the history of Western civilization and to Judeo-Christian moral and ethical standards did not take account of other authorities pointing in an opposite direction.  

Thus, we see the effects and breakdown in knowledge and authority--moral relativism, and its effect legislatively upon society.


The radical Left generally knows that so-called evangelical Christians are naive, gullible, and lack social/political awareness.  Therefore, it was simply a matter of time before political strategists targeted this group in an effort to win elections.  Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press explains how the American Democrat Party is dragging God into the 2008 Election.  Despite the numerous contradictions, have you asked yourself, "Why are evangelicals so easily swayed?"


"Until you have challenged the prevailing wisdom you have no idea how nasty people can be.  Until you have re-examined any issue in an attempt to find out all the information, you cannot know how much misinformation exists in the supposed age of information.


"Sadly, my experience is that universities are the most dogmatic and oppressive places in our society.  This becomes progressively worse as they receive more and more funding from governments that demand a particular viewpoint."

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?, written by Canadian Timothy Ball, Ph.D in Climatology fall on deaf ears.  You guessed right.  His views are unpopular with the "Blame America" and anti-capitalist crowd.


Understandably, readers of are typically individuals with strong opinions of their own.  A small handful (typically older believers who might have some first-hand exposure to the Fundamentalist vs. Modernism/Social Gospel conflict of the first half of the 20th century) are of the opinion that social/political awareness is unnecessary to the doctrinally-sound, "spiritual" Christian.  We feel this view is reactionary, at best.


Because of our efforts to inform and educate, some have accused us of "trying to change the world."  But honestly, that's not our intent and in fact we find the charge a bit humorous.  Our ministry is firmly established upon the principle of the Two Adams.  The race spawned by the First Adam was judged and condemned at Calvary.  In God's judicial eyes (position), it is no more.  Positionally, God established the New Creation under the Headship of the Last Adam--the Lord Jesus Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension to the Father's Right Hand.  Our intent is to impart enough discernment that believers are not mislead into efforts to reform the First Adam, either individually or corporately.


Romans 12: 2a reads, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Here's the problem.  Some believe this "renewing" process is more-or-less automatic.  Not so!  They have falsely assumed that their position is "automatically" transmitted to their condition.  Again, not so.  We often find believers who are more-or-less orthodox doctrinally, but who still cling to the patterns "of this world."  Their minds have not been renewed; their worldview (perspective) has not be exchanged to see things from God's perspective.  Inconsistent?  Yes, of course.  It is often by challenging this inconsistent thinking (or no thinking at all), that the process of renewing the mind occurs.  The second half of the verse reads, "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."  Too few believers are able to "test," and "approve" God's will.


     A healthy spiritual birth results in the falling away of many of the more obvious works of the flesh, often causing the new believer to claim 2 Corinthians 5:17 or Galatians 2:20 as his testimony. However, for the Lord Jesus to be fully manifested, it is going to involve a lifetime of the Holy Spirit’s deep dealing with the more subtle and deadly characteristics of the self-life “always delivered unto death” (2 Cor. 4:11).

     “By the daily ‘supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ’ (Phil. 1:19), the believer united to his Risen Lord ‘grows continually to a more perfect knowledge and likeness of his Creator,’ and grows up ‘after the image of Him that created him, in the sphere where ‘Christ is all, and in all.’

     “The child naturally grows up in the likeness of his father, and the new life communicated to the redeemed grows up in the likeness of Him who is the Creator of the new creation if so be that the death with Christ is unflinchingly recognized, and ‘old things’ are truly allowed to pass away to make room for the growth of the new man ‘which is after God . . . created in righteousness, and holiness of truth’ (Eph. 4:24).”

     “How many earnest and religious people belong to ‘the Old Adam Improvement Society.’ It is the recognition of the Christ-life, it is union with the Risen Christ, that men need instead of the culture of the religious self-life.” -E.H.


Yes, politics!  Zealots with 'heavy-handed' social agendas can seek to exercise power under the guise of something else.  Radical environmentalists have been in search of various 'holy grail' for decades to put the public in a headlock.  So the important questions of the today are, "Does the data support global warming, global cooling, or is it inconclusive?  And even if the it's warming or cooling, are we so arrogant to think we can "fix" the problem.  What if our "fix" has unintended consequences?  Of course that never happens...right?  Is Islam a religion like Judaism and Christianity, or have our leaders grossly mislead us due to "political correctness" codes?


The April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek magazine issued the following dire prediction regarding climate change.  "Food production will fall drastically and the resulting famines will be catastrophic!"  It was a crisis of Global CoolingElsewhere the media reported, "We are about 1/6th of the way towards an Ice Age.  And we should cover the polar caps with soot to promote melting."  "The longer we delay action the more difficult it will be to cope with the climate change before it becomes a chilling grim reality."  Well now it's Global Warming.  Confused?  Skeptical?  Or, both?  Given the politics and money intertwined in the issue, the public is likely to continue to hear much about this subject.  Here's a "sensible science" article written by seasoned research scientist, Mack W. Hunt, to help you sort things out.




While readers are still crewing and digesting FROM GOD TO US, The Divine Chain of Communication, it's probably best that we discuss a vital principle for understanding God's covenant dealings with the nation of Israel.  "Covenant" was God's formal basis of relating to mankind via Noah (Gen. 9) and His earthly people, Israel, via Abraham and Moses.  This includes the large volume of biblical text from Genesis 12 to the Cross of Calvary.


The key to understanding this vast section of Scripture is to understand that God used the Jewish nation of Israel as a "test subject" to demonstrate that the race descended from the fallen First Adam was not recoverable as such.  He already knew this fact; mankind did not.


God's plan was to set aside the First Adam and introduce a second Man the Last Adam (the Lord Jesus Christ) through whom God's purpose to glorify Himself would be carried out.  The zenith of this "test" and demonstration of man's inherent hostility to and enmity against God was the rejection (John 15:23,24) of the Word made flesh (John 1:1-18), the Father manifest in the Son, in which mankind nailed Him to the Cross.  The crucifixion of Christ brought the exposure of the effects of the Fall ("sin in the flesh") to its fullest display and demonstrated in finality that First Adam humanity was ruined beyond recovery.  Nevertheless, during those times God acted in sovereign grace toward individuals and brought about their "by grace through faith" redemption.


During ancient times God also brought about things like government, priesthood, judges, kingship, and the like.  Since Covenant theology sees redemption as the unifying theme of Scripture, they misinterpret the dispensational emphasis and distinction of "heavenly and earthly people" as two different purposes of God.  By contrast, the true unity of Scripture is to be seen in God's one purpose--to glory Himself in Christ in two spheres--the heavenly and the earthly (Eph.1:9,10).  There is no factual basis for those who embrace Covenant theology to say that this equates to two separate purposes and thus undermine the real unity of Scripture. 


The Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ, as the second Man and Last Adam (not the Second Adam!), Head of the New Creation, has set aside the fallen first man, the First Adam. 


David J. Jonsson, author of The Clash of Ideologies –The Making of the Christian and Islamic Worlds, Xulon Press 2005 and Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist-Islamist Alliance, Xulon Press 2006 does not currently have his own website.  However, he does write insightful commentary on world affairs which is carried by various online sources (e.g. Canada Free Press) and posted at  This is the good exposing Islam website of Michael A. Baker, who is Arminian in theological perspective and links heavily to former Calvary Chapel leader Greg Laurie (Harvest Crusades) plus various West Coast so-called "spirit-filled" charismatic churches.  Thus, the spiritual side of the Mr. Baker's website is too far down the road of subjective religious experience and erroneous doctrine to safely recommend.  These dangers were outlined nearly four decades ago in The Line Drawn.  I have gathered and organized links to Mr. Jonsson's select commentaries onto a separate page at  View that page here


     "While the West continues to fight a war on terrorism and violence, the seeds of Islamic economics--the Final Jihad--continue to grow for the Islamization of the world.

      Western leaders believe that they can maintain the Western democratic way of life and its economic system through military might, a fight against terrorism and appeasement.  The leaders of the Islamic movement know that they will not be able to create the global Islamic state though the sword and guns, bombs and violence.  This will be jihad fought only in the battlefield of the mind with a weapon far more powerful than any sword or bomb.  The weapon in this jihad must include knowledge, but the Islamic leaders do not believe this can be accomplished solely as an education jihad.  However, utilizing economic jihad for control of the world's economic system provides the ultimate answer.  Knowledge combined with economic control can be wielded with the precision of a sharp sword to effect any desired social/political change necessary for the fulfillment of Islam's goal.


     "Christianity began, more or less, as a persecuted church within a political framework (the Roman Empire), which it did not control; Islam began as a community of belief determined to constitute itself into an independent polity, did so quickly, and then expanded at enormous speed, absorbing surrounding territories and populations into its framework of law and governance, as well as belief.  The dichotomy between God and Caesar, fundamental to Christianity's attitude to politics throughout the formative first three centuries of its existence, was wholly absent from the Muslim experience from the very outset.

     Following the horrific events of September 11, 2001, many Western politicians, writers and even theologians have tended to label these events as "political Islam" or "Islamic fundamentalism," [or Islamofascism] and therefore came the concept that Islam was "hijacked" by a group of militant Muslims.  To a large extent, this was and is understandable in the wake of the numerous attacks that struck Madrid, London, Asia, and even the Middle East.  But this concept* is erroneous in its assumption and misleading in its policy prescriptions.

     A notable case in point is the dichotomy, often taken for granted by Western leaders, between on the one hand, Islam qua religion and its adherents--ordinary, decent Muslims for whom Islam is a matter of personal piety, not political commitment--and on the other hand, "Islamism" or "political Islam"--by implication, an affair of a minority of agitators exploiting the faith of their fellow Muslims for political ends and stirring up resentment, constituting a problem for Western interests and friendly Muslim states alike.

     President George W. Bush [another misguided Methodist], in his speech on "The War on Terror" at the National Endowment for Democracy on October 8, 2005, is quoted as saying, "The time has come for all responsible Islamic leaders to join in denouncing an ideology that exploits Islam for political ends and defiles a noble faith."

     To call on responsible Islamic leaders to teach that Islam is apolitical would be inconsistent with the basic teaching of Islam."  Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad, David J. Jonsson.

* "What is the origin of this concept", you might ask?  This perspective had actually been in circulation in the West for some time.  This is the manner in which Western secularists, progressives, liberal Christians, and the media had been categorizing and portraying "Religious Right" activists for decades.  Thus, we have the case of dual misinterpretation, the first an annoyance, the second extremely deadly!  Bracket comment above mine.


Confused about the "war" in Iraq?  Confused about the role of the U.S. and multi-national forces?  Well, you're certainly not alone.  As I see it, there is a similarity between how our liberal nation treats murders and rapes at home and the strategy we adopt on today's so-called "battlefield."  Are we out to kill terrorists, or reform and convert them to the religion of democracy?

Things have drastically changed since the two great World Wars--I & II.  Back then we sought to kill the enemy.  In response to Japanese suicide bombers, America dropped A-bombs on the island of Japan and effectively crushed the enemy's will to fight.  World War II infantry used .308 (7.62mm) caliber rifles which were rather effective in killing the enemy.  Today, the U.S. military and its allies use the lighter .223 caliber (M16) or NATO equivalent 5.56mm.  Unless the bullet hits a primary vital spot, the .223 simply inflicts wounds, albeit serious.  It was thought back in the '60s that wounding the enemy would then consume more resources as other fighters paused in combat to care for their fallen comrades.  But sorry, the current enemy doesn't think in those terms.

Further, today's multinational forces in Iraq will likely be told to 'round them up, confiscate their weapons, and detain the enemy'.  After a time, they're released (possibly in exchange for POWs) and back they go to re-engage in battle.  If the Iraq, U.S. and other multi-national forces wanted a real change in military tactic, one which might actually led to cessation in violence, then here it is: TAKE NO PRISONERS Romans 13:4.  Stop the nonsense of trying to fight a "politically-correct" war--a conflict which pays homage to the ideology of "multiculturalism."  The Islamist terrorists are laughing.

[My deepest apology to any reader serving in the military if my logic seems to them either shortsighted or inadequate.]


Of course, then there are those for whom the Gospel is and has been entirely negotiable, and prefer warm, fuzzy, ecumenical "unity" to the truth.  One newly-formed group attempting to make noise is CHRISTIAN CHURCHES TOGETHER in the USA.  For a list of members and participants, click on their highlighted name.

"Praise God, we are "all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28).  This positional oneness was accomplished by the Holy Spirit when He baptized us into the Lord Jesus upon believing.  As to the aspect of our condition, or walk, there is all too little oneness amongst believers in general.  However, practical unity can only be realized as we are controlled by the Spirit who makes real our oneness in Christ, the Head of the Body. 

"When fellowship is based upon experience it can include anyone--Buddhists, Hindus, Spiritists, New Age, as well as [charismatic] Roman Catholics who testify that their baptism in the Holy Ghost has caused them to more fully love and appreciate their Church, its Mass, and the Mother Mary.  Such oneness may be ecumenical, but it is not pneumatological (of the Holy Spirit).  "I am profaned among them" (Ezekiel 22:26)."  The Line Drawn, MJS.


"Our enemies are fully as determined as Nazi Germany, and more determined that the Soviets. Our enemies will kill us the first chance they get.  There is no rational ability to deny that fact.  It's very clear that the problems are larger and more immediate than the political systems in Israel or the US are currently capable of dealing with."

"We don't have right language, goals, structure, or operating speed, to defeat our enemies.  My hope is that being this candid and direct, I could open a dialogue that will force people to come to grips with how serious this is, how real it is, how much we are threatened.  If that fails, at least we will be intellectually prepared for the correct results once we have lost one or more cities."  Newt Gingrich.  (Click on text to go to the complete article.)

At least one American politician has the spine to be a "reality broker."  Who's next?


"Falling From Grace?"

"You who are trying to be justified by the law have been aliened from Christ; you have fallen away from grace."  Gal. 5:4.  Much confusion abounds regarding the meaning of "fallen away from grace."  The Apostle Paul used this phrase only once throughout his epistles and it came as a rebuke to the eternally-secure, born-again Christians in the churches scattered throughout the Roman province of Galatia.  These Christians had not lost their salvation (a heresy common posited by humanistic-oriented sects), but rather they had returned, due to the negative influence of a band of interlopers, to the illusion that by their "free will" they could adequately keep the law and thereby merit righteousness before God.  The Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Paul, firmly rebuked this heresy as a "different gospel--which is really no gospel at all."  Paul informed them of the consequences of their doctrinal retreat.  They were now  "aliened from Christ" (1 John 1:6) and had "fallen away from grace."

The Apostle to the Gentiles had carefully explained to these believers the fundamental truth that "Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin..." (Gal. 3:22, Rom. 11:32) as well as the law's instrumentality in this form of bondage (Gal.3:23).  Since when are prisoners considered "free"?  Since when do prisoners have unfettered wills?  They don't and never have!  Therefore, "that what was promised, being given [by election, mercy, and grace] through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe."  If you assert "free will," you reject the declaration of Scripture that "the whole [Adamic] world is a prisoner of sin," which in turn opens the door to "works" of the law and thereby alienates you from both Christ and grace.  I kid you not, it is truly heart-breaking to witness believers falling "away from grace" in this hour!

It may seem 'old fashion', but the true Gospel of Grace is non-negotiable.  See SOVEREIGNTY, RESPONSIBILITY & FREE WILL 


I have added the following addendum to the article, FROM GOD TO US, The Divine Chain of Communication.




Two very good questions!  First, the books of the Bible, which chronicle over 2,000 years of history, can be generally organized into 6 groups.  The traditional designation of Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT) is unfortunately misleading and typically causes confusion and theological errors in understanding.  So please, mentally discard the OT vs. NT concept!

  • The LAW (Torah) is the first five books, Genesis to Deuteronomy, which were written by Moses.  Genesis 1-11 contains the Creation narrative and account of the origin of life: plant, animal, and human; and the Noahic Agreement.  Genesis 12 to the end of Deuteronomy largely pertains to the Jewish nation of Israel, God's elect earthly people.

  • The PROPHETS (History, Major Prophets, & Minor Prophets) are 21 books located non-consecutively from Joshua to Malachi.  Again, these writing largely pertain to the Jewish nation of Israel.  It is through God's revelation to Israel that we learn much truth about God as well as about mankind--as represented in Israel's history.

  • The WRITINGS consist of historical excerpts, poetry, and philosophy, and include: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, I and II Chronicles, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther.

  • The SYNOPTIC GOSPELS (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) document the incarnation and life of God the Son--Jesus of Nazareth and his ministry to the nation of Israel.  In His public ministry, Jesus took up the message of himself as their awaited Messiah and was hailed as Israel's King, Son of David, and heir to the Throne at Jerusalem, in the Land of Promise.  Contrary to popular use, these Gospels do not present truth regarding the heavenly Church or the New Creation Christian.

  • The thirteen PAULINE EPISTLES (Romans to Philemon) pertain to the newly-formed body (Greek: ecclesia), the heavenly Church having Jesus Christ as both its Cornerstone and Head.  It is here that the Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus Christ instructs the heavenly Body regarding His glorious New Creation.  These writings are directly addressed to Christians.

  • The GENERAL EPISTLES (Hebrews; James; 1 & 2 Peter; 1,2, & 3 John, and Jude) were written largely to the Jewish converts to Christianity, who were struggling with new truth and change.  Christians can learn valuable lessons from these struggles.

    Finally, we have three books which do not fit neatly into any of the categories above.  The Gospel of John presents Jesus as God the Son, the eternal Word of God, and the distinct message of grace and salvation through believing.

    For God so loved the world the gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlastinthag life.  John 3:16

    This is typically the best place to start reading for those unfamiliar with the Bible.  Here we have Christ preparing his then disciples for His pending death and resurrection.  The book of Acts chronicles the events immediately following Christ's resurrection, the advent of the Church (His Body) on the Day of Pentecost, the Gospel's transition from a largely Jewish context to that of the entire world, and Christianity's spread from Palestine all the way to Rome.  And, the final book of the Bible, Revelation, is a "vision" given to the Apostle John regarding spiritual concerns, prophetic issues, and future events--i. e., things to come.



As our regular readers know,'s primary focus is the expanded Christian doctrine of salvation--soteriology in theological terms.  We concentrate on such subjects as: God's sovereignty and election, mankind's state both pre- and post-Fall, the various aspects of redemption (justification, sanctification, etc.), and spiritual growth--the believer's walk or life during our terrestrial sojourn here below.

Christian systematic theology is more-or-less subdivided into ten areas:  Bibliology - study about the Bible;  Theology Proper - study about God, His decrees and nature; Christology - study of God the Son, His person and works; Angelology - study of created spirit beings; Anthropology - study of mankind; Hamartiology - study of the Fall, sin, and sins; Soteriology - study of salvation; Pneumatology - study of the works of God the Holy Spirit, Ecclesiology - study of the Church; and Eschatology - study of future or end times.

Although it dates back to the first century, the study of future or end-times events has become increasingly popular since this area of the Word was brought forward by Christians in the British Isles in the early 19th century.  The Internet contains hundreds of websites focused on Christian eschatology.  Over the past ten years and particularly since the attacks of 9/11, a new field of eschatological study has opened up--the role of Islam and its own religious views of these matters.  From the time of the Reformation until more recently, it was commonly assumed that the Pope and Roman Catholicism were the embodiment of the evil figures found in Revelation 13 and 17.  Elements of this may still prove true through syncretistic, religious "unity."

However of late, some interesting study and speculation is pointing in the direction of Islam and its role in current and future history.  While there are a broad spectrum of writers and subjects, one author and book seems, to me, to be a good entry point into this newly evolving sphere.  His name is Joel Richardson (pen name) and the book is, ANTICHRIST, Islam's Awaited Messiah.  The central thesis of Antichrist is the convergence (intersection point) of both Christian and Islamic eschatology.  The Islamic messiah is the predicted "Antichrist" of Christian prophecy!  The book link is to his website, Joels Trumpet, which also contains some interesting material and other important links.

Read Mr. Richardson's letter to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  The caricature is by John Cox

No bio information on Joel is available due to supposedly "very specific Islamic death threats" after a Muslim he was "dialoguing with converted to Christianity."  He was told that his "head would be cut off" and family killed.  Similar wild threats (not from Muslims, but by members of a very large denomination) have been aimed at during our eleven years on the Internet.  By God's grace, we're still here and will continue to publish as long as possible.

PS.  Post-entry qualification.  In his 1/23/2007 blog entry, Mr. Richardson reveals himself to be a "Post-Trib Premillenialist" AND "someone who in many ways considers myself to be a Catholic."  Clearly, he is seriously confused regarding some fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.  Catholicism has been rigidly amillennial in its eschatology perspective for 1,700+ years.  Given the torrid explosion of information over the Internet, oddities of this nature are bound to occur.  


Rich Lowry, editor at National Review Online, appears to see the same missing fundamental components in America's current foreign policy that I do.  In his January 12th editorial, A Campaign for Order The president comes back down to earth, Lowry notes the U.S.  Administration's shift away from talk about the hunger for "freedom" which "comes to every mind and every soul."  [See a few of my more recent, related comments: 6/24/2006, 8/8/2006, 11/8/2006, 11/24/2006 as well as discussion of the Enlightenment at 12/26/2006.]  Lowry understandably cites conservative intellectual and Catholic-convert Russell Kirk's The Roots of American Order as fundamental to understanding how unique Western civilization truly is.  Much of this is entirely lost on today's society--both Christian and non-Christian.  The Muslim jihad is in America, being waged in towns coast to coast...and America and its churches slumber.

As soon as I finish David J. Jonsson's Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist - Islamist Alliance, I'll write a brief review.


The Chairman of the U.S. central bank/Federal Reserve regularly appears before Congress giving testimony on the state of America's economy, as well as other fiscal, monetary, and global economic issues.  Despite the fact that it affects their pocketbook, Americans as a whole are generally illiterate regarding history and the role of both the U.S. Federal Treasury and the Federal Reserve.  Public education is much to blame; obtaining a 'love of knowledge' is near impossible in that system.  Per Reuters News:

"Chairman Ben Bernanke warned the U.S. Congress on Thursday that failure to take action soon to deal with the budgetary strains posed by an aging U.S. population could lead to serious economic harm."

The actual numbers have always been rather unfathomable, even for those with an above-average understanding of financial matters.  During the past 10-15 years, expansive U.S. government deficit spending (applauded by all Democrats and many Republicans) has been largely offset by productivity gains from technology and the U.S. Treasury's ability to attract foreign capital due to the dollar's historic role as a stable reserve currency--a form of benevolent financial hegemony.

"Left unchecked, the costs of so-called entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, are set to soar as increasing numbers of the baby boom generation retire."

No doubt politicians have promised the public "the moon," in exchange for votes.  It started back with Roosevelt's "New Deal."  If citizen A can use their elected official to legally transfer wealth from citizen B, robbery is made so much more clean and simple.  Yet for me, it remains rather mind-boggling why the public continues to vote into office, politicians who believe that U.S. entitlement programs can be progressively made available to the entire world!  I am aware of the so-called "pseudo-guilt" theories, but are you aware that Congress has passed a reciprocity agreement with Mexico in which the following benefits are available to those south of our boarder?

  • Mexicans who remain in the United States for 10 years are fully vested for U.S. Social Security.  It's 24 years in Mexico.  Further, the United States has always paid out far more to low-wage workers than they contribute to the system.  Label this a fiscally insane, socialistic wealth-transfer system.  In contrast, Mexico only pays out what was contributed, plus accrued interest.  No wonder any Mexicans who can do simple arithmetic desire jobs in the U.S.!

  • Mexican workers can return to Mexico and have their spouses and dependents receive U.S. Social Security benefits.

  • Partial Social Security benefits are paid to those who worked in the United States as little as 18 months (six quarters).

  • The United States may likely be compelled to pay out billions in retirement benefits to Mexicans for credits they acquired while using fraudulent Social Security numbers prior to obtaining legal status.

  • Illegal Mexicans in the United States hope to obtain amnesty, thereby making themselves and their families retroactively eligible to receive U.S. Social Security benefits, even upon returning to Mexico upon retirement age.

So, tell me again, "Why the concern over the pending retirement of the "baby boom" Americans who've paid into the Social Security system their entire working lives?"  Doesn't make much sense, does it?


It's interesting to observe religionists who attempt to negate repentance* as a component of a genuine Christian conversion (new birth), with their corresponding support for unconditional love.  The two do go rather handily together.  In both cases, sinners are misled into believing they can negate or ignore the moral aspect of the Word, misled into thinking that acknowledgment of that which is wrong and immoral is unimportant from both God's and man's perspective as well.  Per this pseudo-gospel, unconditional love does not demand any form of moral accountability.  This perversion is nothing short of a radical reformulation of the Christian faith; a "faith" made acceptable to the morally-relative and non-judgmental, modern mind.  This religious message, or some variation thereof, is highly popular among all evangelical mega-churches, and in part explains their robust growth.  By contrast, genuine Holy Spirit revivals are always marked by deep and widespread conviction of sin and sins.  Do not believe circulating tales and myths of "great revivals" now taking place!  It's simple religious an age of slick marketing!

* biblical repentance is the supernatural response to the Holy Spirit's sovereign work in convicting sinners of their sin and sins.  It is not a "work," not a pre "condition" to be mustered prior to believing.  Rather, repentance is inherent with the gift of saving faith itself.


I have completed the brief introduction to the subject of Bibliology--FROM GOD TO US, The Divine Chain of Communication.  The article attempts to introduce readers to some basic, but highly important concepts: revelation, inspiration, canonicity, translation, illumination, and interpretation.  As born-again, New Creation Christians, we can be assured that our Sovereign Father has providentially insured adequately effective means to know both truth and Himself--both His mind and emotions.


When will fundamental/evangelical Christians in the West awaken to the fact that the head of Catholicism--Pope Benedict XVI is anything but a Christian in the biblical sense?

In his homily during Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, the pope said recent decades have seen a "challenge to global civilization, where the center can no longer be Europe and not even that which we call the West or the North of the world."

"The need emerged to elaborate a new world political and economic order, but at the same time and above all, a spiritual and cultural one--that is, renewed humanism," he said.

The pope said that while politicians, scientists and researchers play important roles in the modern world, "today, more than ever, it is necessary to place at their side the leaders of the great non-Christian religious traditions" as well as Christian leaders.

Readers unfamiliar with the term "Christian humanism" are encouraged to read THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE.


I'm happy to announce our second grandson was born this morning:  Quinn Donal Smedra, 9lbs, 21¼".  Mom and baby are doing very well.


Several of the readers of kindly keep me up-to-date with current "Christian events."  Often I'll receive two or three emails pointing me to the same news or exposé article.  Don't misunderstand, this is not a complaint; however, sometimes I believe one can get too much of a good thing.  These articles include the latest compromise, capitulation, heresy, and apostasy throughout Christendom.  The WWW seems to be brimming with heresy hunters and discernment ministries, individuals who churn out volumes of detailed explanations regarding purpose-driven, emergent church, contemplative spirituality, New Age, etc., etc.  This same group seems to be in big demand on the church and conference circuits giving lectures and speeches.  Given the cost of airfare and lodging, it all seems like big business to me!  To help readers wade through the maze, we've created a catalogue page for what appears to be the most popular "discernment ministries."

What's somewhat surprising and often overlooked is the fact that this crowd offers few answers to the current downgrade and demise of biblical Christianity.  Sorry, "Got Jesus?" doesn't count.  I often wonder, "Doesn't the audience get real tired of hearing about the latest Rick Warren error/compromise or which denomination invited the Dali Lama to speak on how the West can benefit from Eastern mysticism, and yearn for someone to give them practical answers?

What's also surprising is the very high expectation of born-again Christians for the condition of their local churches.  Many believers are shocked to discover that their city or town doesn't have an "independent bible church" waiting to welcome them.  Or if there is one, they're shocked at the level of in-house 'politics', scandals, lack of discernment, or general overall carnality.  Yes, these are difficult times.

What may be contributing to these high expectations is our consumer-oriented/global communication society.  Within the last twenty years, consumer choice has exponentially exploded and we now take this level of choice for granted.  Religiously, the public has come to expect the equivalent of the Whole Foods® gourmet grocery store.  The trend will continue.  Visitors to will continue to discern the quality doctrinal teaching, but then be disappointed to learn that there's no local fellowship within a reasonable driving distance teaching these truths.  Bottom-line: we all need to be thankful that, by God's grace, we're even available on the Internet.


One of my near-term goals for 2007 is to enhance my understanding of the suite of software I use to maintain the websites.  No less than a dozen (12) software applications are used in the creative process.  My current focus is upon Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Microsoft Expression Web.  I have come by some discount video (DVD) training which is proving very helpful.

One of my upcoming projects for 2007 will be the redesign/enhancement of the website.  I would appreciate input from the readership.  I'm looking for examples of well designed sites--in your opinion.  If there's a site you visit and which you feel is par excellence in its design and functionality, please send me the URL address.  Of course, there are always limitations to what's possible here.  Most high-end sites are supported by a team of multi-talented professionals, and some form of revenue or foundation endowments.  That's not our league.

A huge potential opportunity lies with OLPC.  Evangelistic (New Birth) presentations which would run in either PC or OLPC environment would be more powerful than the advent of the Gutenberg printing press in 1447.  No doubt other educators see it similarly.

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