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The Hazards of
Multi-Level Marketing
marketing (MLM) is a wealth transfer scheme—a mechanism designed to
hopefully speed up the accumulation of money—i.e., “get rich quick.”
It is a type of rigged lottery (ponzi, pyramid) where the
organizers, not the participants, are guaranteed to take home the
jackpot. With all MLMs,
money is transferred from the wallets and purses of many into
the pockets of a few.
The con or scam of the MLM is its deceptive claim to be a form of
legitimate “business”—often the term “marketing” is used.
However, MLMs produce neither goods nor services as commonly
understood. At best they are parasitic 'middlemen', adding
nothing and taking much.
Some MLMs attempt to combine the distribution of some consumer
product or service, or add religious overtones to mask the
underlying economic fraud.
However, this is just a subtle or not-so-subtle effort at hiding the
true nature of the organization.
At the heart of every MLM is the anti-biblical motive to “get rich
quick” and to defy the wisdom found in Scripture. |
“Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes
it grow.”
Proverbs 13:11.
What's Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing? a.k.a. "Networking"
by Dean Van Druff
This article will analyze four problem areas
with MLM. Specifically, it will focus on problems of 1) Market
Saturation, 2) Pyramid Structure, 3) Morality and Ethics, and 4)
Relationship Issues associated with MLMs.
False Profits, Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in
Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes by Robert L. Fitzpatrick and Joyce
K. Reynolds.
False Profits is an exposé and analysis of the
multi-level marketing industry, (Amway, Nu Skin, Herbalife and companies of
that sort) and an analysis of the pyramid scheme phenomenon within our
communities [New Age]. But it is also much more. It is about the
challenges facing all of us to find meaning in our work and to remain true
to our values in the workplace. It is about defining for ourselves the
meaning of 'success.' It is about maintaining the integrity of
personal and family relationships and guarding against converting and
destroying them for commercial purposes.
Reaching the top and finding God wasn't there... by
Athena Dean
A stirring, challenging and convicting story
of the personal toll on marriage and family, before she was set free from
the trap of pursuing gold, not God. The author reveals:
- how she exploited personal relationships
- how she defiled the church through
deceptive sales and marketing practices
- 'hot buttons' used to get Christians to
join money-making programs
- New Age techniques used in motivational and
sales training
- deceitful recruiting tactics
- brainwashing and special dangers for
Christian women in multi-level organizations
Editor's Note: Mrs. Dean has yet to
understand the nature of the economic flaws in MLM. Consequently, she
allows Larry Burkett to blunt her testimony redirecting readers to the issue of
motive rather than the unsound structure of MLM.
Pyramid schemes, chain letters and Ponzi schemes
-- entry into the Skeptic's Dictionary which does a good job explaining the
FRAUD involved.
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