Volume 1, Second Edition


Table of Contents



Table of Contents

List of Charts


PART 1 - The Mystery as to which Silence was Kept

1.1 - Dispensational Truth

1.2 - Did J. N. Darby's Teachings Influence The North American Prophetic Conferences and the Scofield Reference Bible?

1.3 - Did the OT Prophets Speak About the Church?

1.4 - The Heavenly and the Earthly

PART 2 - The Expected Kingdom

2.1 - What Should the Jews Have Expected?

2.2 - What Did The Godly Remnant Expect?

2.3 - The Postponement of the Kingdom

PART 3 - The Two Parentheses

3.1 - The Gentile Parenthesis of Judgment

3.2 - The Heavenly Parenthesis

3.3 - "This Age" and The Heavenly Parenthesis

3.4 - Romans 5:12-21: The Christian Under a New Head

3.5 - Outline of L. S. Chafer's Views Concerning an Intercalated Age of Grace

3.6 - Is Man Under Probation Today?

3.7 - Is the Law Dead?  No.  And What is the Christian's Responsibility?

3.8 - Is the Law Dead?  Yes, Says L. S. Chafer

3.9 - The Opening of the Heavenly Parenthesis, With an Answer to So-called Ultradispensationalism

PART 4 - Does Acts Show that the Church Fulfills the OT Prophecies of the Kingdom?

4.1 - Acts 1:3-9: Is it at This Time?

4.2 - Acts 2:16-21: Joel's Prophecy

4.3 - Acts 2:30-36" Is Christ on David's Throne Now?

4.4 - Acts 3: 19-26: The Times of Refreshing and of the Restoration of All Things

4.5 - Acts 4-14

4.6 - Acts 15: The Tabernacle of David

4.7 - Acts 16-28

PART 5 - The True Jew, The Israel of God and the Seed of Abraham

5.1 - A True Jew and the Israel of God

5.2 - Galatians 3:1-9: The Principle of Faith as Seen in Abraham is the Way of Blessing

5.3 - Galatians 3:10-18: The Law OR Faith

5.4 - Galatians 3:15-18: The Law Cannot Set Aside or Supplement Promise

5.5 - Galatians 3:19-25: Under the Law?

5.6 - Galatians 3:26-29: All One in Christ Jesus

PART 6 - Zion and the Jerusalems

PART 7 - Is the Christian Heavenly and Is the Church Heavenly?

7.1 - On the Heavenly Calling, and the Mystery

7.2 - The Calling and Hope of the Christian - Eph. 1:3-14

7.3 - What is it to be Seated in the Heavenlies in Christ Jesus?

7.4 - Conflict in the Heavenlies

7.5 - The Heavenly and the Heavenly Ones - 1 Corinthians 15:46

7.6 - God's Promise to Abraham, and His Grace to the Church

7.7 - A Heavenly Christ, Therefore a Heavenly Church

PART 8 - The Purpose of God and the Heavenly and the Earthly People of God

8.1 - The Purpose of God

8.2 - Divine Mercy in the Church and Toward Israel

8.3 - Lo-ami and the Government of God

8.4 - Additional Thoughts on The People of God Now





Note:  As with anything written by the hand of man, our endorsement should not be construed as approval for every thought or theory of the author.  Books of this nature are for mature minds and consequently each individual is expected to exercise judgment and discernment on their own.  In short, we believe this book to be an indispensable addition to every dispensational student's library.


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