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David J. Jonsson
Serious and Insightful Commentary on World Affairs
David J.
Jonsson, author of The Clash of Ideologies –The Making of the Christian
and Islamic Worlds, Xulon Press 2005 and Islamic
Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the
Leftist/Marxist-Islamist Alliance, Xulon Press 2006 does not currently have
his own website.
However, he does write insightful commentary on world affairs which is
carried by various online sources (e.g. Canada Free Press) and
posted at http://www.salemthesoldier.us.
This is the good exposing Islam website of
Michael A. Baker, who is Arminian in
theological perspective and links heavily to former
Calvary Chapel leader Greg Laurie (Harvest Crusades)
plus various West Coast so-called "spirit-filled"
charismatic churches. Thus, the spiritual side of the Mr. Baker's website is too
far down the road of subjective religious experience and erroneous doctrine to safely recommend.
These dangers were outlined nearly four decades ago in
The Line Drawn.
Mr. Jonsson received his undergraduate and graduate
degrees in physics. He worked for major corporations in the United States
and Japan and with multilateral agencies that brought him to more that
fifteen countries with significant or majority populations who are Muslim.
These exposures provided insight into the basic tenets of Islam as a
political, economic and religious system. He became proficient in Islamic
law (Shariah) through contract negotiation and personal encounter.
Postmodernism, Truth And Deception -The Axis
of Appeasement
The Clash of Ideologies, 10-5-2005
Dubai Ports – Strategic Implications
Iran Reaches the Mediterranean
From San Francisco to the Lacandon Jungle, 1-10-2006
Give Me Energy Security And I Will Give You A Foreign Policy, 2-23-2006
Structural Changes–Destruction Of The U.S. Dollar, 3-25-2006
The Origins of the Next Great War are Visible, 8-7-2006
Axis of Appeasement — The Inconvenient Truth, 8-23-2006
Energy Independence and Global Warming in a Time of War, 9-4-2006
Caliphatism - Establishing the “Islamic Kingdom of God on Earth”,
The Thailand Coup – Creating A New World Order, 9-28-2006
Nuclear Proliferation—Options In A Perfect Storm, 11-4-2006
The Grand Chess Masters—The Bear and the Dragon, 11-18-2006
Islamic Economics and Shariah Law: A Plan for World Domination,
President Bush's Speech - The Global Impact of Iran and Iraq, 1-12-2007
Wakeup America – Understand the Mind of the Jihadist, 1-25-2007
Using the Oil Weapon and Sanctions to Avert War With Iran, 2-15-2007
Will Arab Muslim "Allies" Support the West in a Time of Crisis?,
Global Threats Leading to the Leftist/Marxist – Islamist Takeover,
U.S. Policy Toward Iran and Russia - The Jihadists and the Militant
Fundamentalists, 5-20-2007
Nationalization - A Plan for World Domination, 5-24-2007
The Global Strategy of the Russian-Iranian Cabal. 6-29-2007
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