Who is Dan Corner?


Daniel D. Corner, Evangelical Outreach, Washington, PA, is one of several voices promoting the heresy of Arminian fundamentalism on the Internet.  He is associated with the Jesus is Lord Ministries International, Word Broadcasting Network*, and the satellite Reformation Channel.  These media conduits feature various Anglo-Catholics, Wesleyan/holiness ministers, revivalists, and charismatic preachers.  Beware!

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Based on a deficient understanding of mankind’s ruin at the FALL, Mr. Corner's ill-guided crusade is largely focused on attempting to refute the biblical doctrine of Eternal Security (Once Saved Always Saved).  True to form, he builds on the humanistic and false “free will” presupposition.  See our THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE.

While his own doctrinal statement pays lip service to the existence of a “sinful nature,” his faulty foundation prevents him from comprehending the teachings of the Apostle Paul regarding the truth of our identification with Christ—the Holy Spirit’s ordained method of sanctification for the heavenly Church.  Doctrinal omission of this nature and this magnitude are commonly associated with non-dispensational approaches to interpreting Scripture.  See The Tragedy of Romans 5:12.  

His book, The Believer's Conditional Security, carries the self-laudatory description “the most exhaustive refutation to eternal security ever written” with 801 “shocking” and “blockbuster” pages.  Vic Reasoner, editor for The New Arminian Magazine, writes a Forward.  Dan Corner and his fans have erected several websites promoting their views and also engage in unsolicited 'spam' emailings to push their ubiquitous “ministries.”

Please read, the doctrine of our Glorious, Unconditional Eternal Security and Arminius, to Calvin, to Paul


* Word Broadcasting Network’s heretical doctrinal statement can be found here à  http://www.wordbroadcast.org/Believe WBN.htm

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