Noteable Quotes

"Liberals and liberalism does not hate evil.  It hates those [individuals] who hate evil."

Dennis Prager

Religious devotion has fallen completely out of vogue in Washington [D.C.].  Not even the "reverends" running around town seem wedded to Scripture, except to run interference for someone's criminal defense or political agenda.  The common lot of religious activists--liberal and conservative--seem to fit Ambrose Bierce's definition of a Christian: "One who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ insofar as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin."

Tony Snow

The main thrust of his thesis [America's Real War, Rabbi Daniel Lapin] is that the modern liberal movement in America is not just an iconoclastic political movement, but that it is ultimately a nihilistic rejection of America's Judeo-Christian God and the religious culture upon which American society was originally built.

This is the common thread which underlies the various groups which are associated with modern liberalism.  What do atheism, secular humanism, socialism, feminists, pornographers, the sixties drug culture, the sexual revolution, dogmatic evolution, euthanasia, radical animal rights groups, extreme environmentalists, the coarse decadence of American popular culture, abortionists, gay activists, and other seemingly non-affiliated liberal groups and causes have in common?  All of them represent a rejection of, and departure from, the traditional Judeo-Christian culture which underlies America's founding.  Earlier I had thought of each of these groups as distinct; now I see the thread that binds them.

A. D. Jordan

RE:  2000 Presidential Election.

"The real 'constitutional crisis' that threatens to emerge from the electoral impasse of 2000 is not a procedural--or even 'political' one--in the usual sense of those words.  Rather, we are on the brink of discovering that we are no longer a nation of people who respect each other enough to seek truthful and reasonable resolutions to our inevitable disagreements."

Alan Keyes


A Reformed sister named Robin writes that after her awakening to the truth of God's sovereignty in her salvation "sanctification has become a dance instead of a duty."  What a beautiful analogy!  Robin continues: "... y'know what a legalist is?  (S)he's a dancer that keeps looking at his or her FEET to be sure (s)he's getting it exactly right.  Kinda misses the whole point of dancing, doesn't it?  Our eyes should be on His face, not on our own feet - or worse, on OTHER PEOPLE'S feet!"

William Kilgore's THINKMAIL

However, little does Robin yet realize that in spite of the "truth of God's sovereignty", the Reformed tradition will bind her to a life of watching feet--law, not Christ, as a "rule of life"!  Dan R. Smedra.

"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart."

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"I need not say that conflict has done much mischief...undoubtedly it has; but I will rather say, that it has been fraught with incalculable usefulness; for it has thrust forward before the minds of Christians, precious truths, which but for it, might have been kept in the shade... I believe there is a needs-be for controversy in the finite character of the human mind, while the natural lethargy of the churches require a kind of healthy irritation to arouse their powers and stimulate them to exertion... I glory in that which at the present day is so much spoken against - sectarianism, for "sectarianism" is the cant phrase which our enemies use for all firm religious belief. I find it applied to all sorts of Christians; no matter what views he may hold, if a man be but earnest, he is a sectarian at once. Success to sectarianism; let it live and flourish. When that is done with, farewell to the power of godliness. When we cease, each of us, to maintain our own views of truth and to maintain those views firmly and strenuously, then truth shall fly out of the land, and error alone shall reign: this indeed, is the object of our foes: under the covering of attacking sects, they attack true religion, and would drive it, if they could, from off the face of the earth."

Charles H. Spurgeon, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol. 8, Sermon #442, pp. 181-192.

Why Denominationalism is Out

The advent and popularity of the "community church" movement within the last several decades heralds the rise of a gnostic-type spirituality and postmodernist thought within American society.

The emphasis on being "non-denominational" or "interdenominational" typically translates into a de-emphasis of doctrinal content and elevation of "unity" and is characterized by inclusivism on the one hand and legalism on the other.

Dan R. Smedra.

"The lack of strong religious beliefs--in both our private lives as well as public conversations--has demoralized society.  We ignore religion and its lessons at our peril.  But instead of according religion its proper place, much of society ridicules and disdains it, and mocks those who are serious about their faith. In America today, the only respectable form of bigotry is bigotry directed against religious believers. This hatred toward people of faith cannot be explained by the well-publicized moral failures and financial excesses of a few leaders or charlatans or by the censoriousness of some of their followers. No, the reason for hatred of faith is because it forces modern man to confront matters he would prefer to ignore."

William Bennett

"The [erroneous, liberal, left-wing, Democratic] doctrine of 'separation of church and state' is a misinterpretation of the Constitution.  First Amendment prohibition of established religion aims at forbidding all government-sponsored coercion of religious conscience.  It does not forbid all religious influence upon politics or society.  The free exercise of religion means nothing if, in connection with the ordinary events and circumstances of life, individuals are forbidden to act upon their religious faith."

Alan Keyes

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