"One Woman Man"

Greek: mias gunaikos andra

Considerations in the Interpretation of the Meaning of mias gunaikos andra
(and Grammatical Variants) in I Timothy 3:2, 12 & Titus 1:6
Dr. Vern Peterman  
"In this article Vern Peterman wrestles with that controversial phrase "one woman man" as is found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and offers a hermeneutically sound approach to unlocking Paul's intended meaning.  This is an important contemporary issue in conservative evangelical churches.  In fact it has been pointed out that in the erroneous doctrinal position of some churches and denominations, a man can murder his neighbor--go to prison--get saved--come out and go to seminary, and become a pastor with a great salvation testimony.  But if he was ever divorced, he is entirely disqualified from the ministry."

Is not denial of otherwise qualified elders on the basis of their divorce status a denial of the sufficiency of Christ's grace, love, faith, and perfect patience with Paul (I Timothy 1:14-16)?  Is it not Paul, the very author of every occurrence of mias gunaikos andra in the New Testament (I Timothy 3:2,12; Titus 1:6) the greatest recipient of our Lord's very own grace, mercy, love, and patience - more so than any otherwise qualified divorced candidate for elder?

Hypothetical Interpretive options for mias gunaikos andra:

Contextual considerations:

Grammatical considerations:

Historical considerations:

Cultural considerations:

  • The temple of Artemis was the center of a sexual cult. Prostitutes and pornography were a staple fare offered to thousands of pilgrims and tourists who passed through the city’s streets.  In the midst of all this drug sorcery, witchcraft and occultic arts (Acts 19:19), and disease-ridden orgies, the atmosphere of Ephesus was thick with paganism.

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