The Journal

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Below are Journal entries, eclectic commentary, and information bulletins for site additions in 2008.  A kind thanks to my dear wife for proof reading these comments from time-to-time.  Most recent posts are shown first:

January through June of the 2008 Journal is published as a separate page.


Head of the New Creation 


Ersatz-evangelical Rick Warren is a leader in the eyes of many postmodern-oriented Christians who are attempting to placate and appease the social and emotional rage of homosexuals and umbrage of liberals/progressives.  As touched upon in my 11/19 entry, Warren is representative of those so-called leaders who have long abandoned the mental framework of logical antithesis.  Warren won't say homosexuality is wrong or immoral, which supposedly would be "unloving."  Rather, his current opposition is simply related to their agenda to smash tradition and thus "redefine the 5,000 year-old institution of marriage."  His position is tenuous at best, since Warren is already operating with a fully-redefined definition of "love."  Such compromise reflects neither genuine love or is effective in appeasing the homosexual's self-induced ontological torment (Romans 1:27b).  Obama's desire to reach out to those in the Religious Center is a gesture meant to neutralize opposition to his Far-Left agenda.  Psychologically needing adulation and the public limelight, Rick Warren is the willing dupe in Obama's plan for major cultural alteration via public policy.

 "...since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each women her own husband."  1 Corinthians 7:2


Having read yesterday's post, one regular reader sent along a link to the short, illustrated version of Hayek's Road to Serfdom found at the Ludwig von Mises Institute website.  The website exists to promote "classical liberalism, libertarian political theory, and the Austrian School of economics."  This 'short version' The Road to Serfdom was originally published in Look magazine and in pamphlet form by General Motors as #118 in a "Thought Starter" series.   


“We are ready to accept almost any explanation of the present crisis of our civilization except one: that the present state of the world may be the result of genuine error on our own part and that the pursuit of some of our most cherished ideals has apparently produced results utterly different from those which we expected.”  The Road to SERFDOM, Friedrich Hayek, 1944.

Western civilization was built on concepts of Christian-based “freedom” quite different from the secular, libertarian, autonomous freedom pervasive today.  The freedom of the past was fused with a moral integrity rooted in a framework of philosophic and religious absolutes.  And from that soil grew the rare commodity of “trust” in the day-to-day affairs of men.  Neither today’s “free markets” nor government-coerced markets (Obama, Bernanke, Congress, etc.) will provide real solutions, because none can produce genuine TRUST in their fiat world devoid of absolutes.


Did Wall Street "luminary" Michael Steinhardt read my 11/20/2008 Journal post?  A high probability not.  But he's basically saying the same thing as quoted by Herbert Lash in this Reuter's article, Investor Steinhardt asks who are the villains?  Lack of moral accountability is destroying what little vestige of integrity might exist in the financial markets.  Once trust is destroyed, it's difficult to restore it.  In the past, leaders understood this principle, even to the point of fingering some "scapegoat" if necessary to maintain a sense of justice and order.  That day appears to be history.  With the advent of the Internet and near-instant information, the world is too sophisticated for that ruse. Democrat Steinhardt's 'truth telling' will likely to go 'viral' and give global markets a further case of severe indigestion.  Lash quotes Steinhardt:

"We have a new president [elect] who I find to be an absolute tabula rasa* in terms of his knowledge of anything," he said, referring to Obama as a blank slate.

"Pay attention to what Obama says and you will find he hardly ever says anything of consequence."


* The philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) speculated that the human mind at birth was a "blank tablet" on which various experiences (impressions) produced simple ideas, and then, when combined with "reflection" created complex ideas.  Therefore according to Locke, there are no universal, necessary, or a priori innate ideas independent of experience.  By contrast, Adam and Eve were created fully cognitive beings, complete with a language framework and skills (sans postmodern theory) necessary to carry on complex communication with God in the Garden.   


Flight to safety pushes yield of T-bills below zero. The implied yield on three-month U.S. Treasury bills swung briefly to negative 0.01% on Tuesday, with buyers essentially paying the Treasury for holding its debt. This marked the first time since 1940 that the yield on three-month bills went negative. A Morgan Stanley economist said the demand for cash was "extreme" and described the resulting negative interest rate as "absurd."  Read Financial Times (12/9)

Evidence that the Fed's efforts to date to address the crisis are less than effective, they are now proposing to have power to issue their own debt (money), and have broached the idea with the U.S. Congress.  The WSJ article's statement that, "...the Fed already can print as much money as it wants" is technically not accurate.  During their 95 year history, they have been limited to purchasing (monetizing) U.S. government debt, and foreign debt via swap agreements, to increase the volume of global money in circulation. The Wall Street Journal (12/10).


Very few understand what has happened to the Christian church in the Western world.*  Understanding may not be easy or simple, but it is possible.

Dr. Francis Schaeffer evaluated the diseased patient using a broad cultural analysis (see my 11/19 comments below).  His prognosis?  The probable collapse of Western civilization due to the triumph of Enlightenment humanism over historic Christianity.   

Zooming in for a closer look, the late sovereign grace dispensationalist Dr. Kenneth H. Good, provided a more focused and concise theological answer to the church's demise.

Man by nature is an Arminian.  The basically human philosophical foundation of the system is quite compatible with his inherited rationalism.

Arminianism [with its philosophic indeterminism acquired from Enlightenment humanism] succeeds (and exceeds) because it appeals to the natural mind of man.  It seems so reasonable!  Unregenerate man approves it.  It is eminently naturalistic, comfortably human.  In this day of unprecedented emphasis upon the sufficiency and ability of man, the doctrine must inevitably be successful among those who will not be regulated by divine revelation.  Quoted by Miles Stanford in Arminius, To Calvin, To Paul.

According to the incisive Dr. Good, the flow of Western religious history looks like this:

Church history-Good

[As a society, we hit the "confusion" on the far right side of his chart a few decades or so ago.  The confusion has been intensifying and will continue to get worse before it gets better...if ever.]

Good further emphasized:

When this [philosophical foundation] is combined with some semblance of Biblical reference (or supposed authority) his [man's] natural religious inclinations are satisfied, and he emerges from whatever mental and spiritual exercises have made up his experience, complacent in his "theology."  This position of psychological security he does not wish to have disturbed.  In fact, he will fiercely defend it against any real or imagined threat.

But to enhance our understanding further, we need to turn up the magnification even more.  This past week, in response to 'brotherly' protests from and conversations with Arminian dispensationalist George Zeller, I have revised my critique regarding select portions of his written works.  See evaluation and review here.


* I often identify with the differential diagnostician Dr. Gregory "House", played by award-winning actor Hugh Laurie in the Fox TV medical drama, sans his atheistic despair and biting cynicism for life.  House's tenacity for resolving complex medical conundrums contributes to the popularity of the drama series.


In an 1995 Open Letter to Dr. John Whitcomb, Miles Stanford shared the following:

For the past 50 years I have had the privilege of full-time ministry to believers concerning spiritual growth.  If I may, let me share some personal observations regarding "deeper life," and you can draw your own conclusions.

The original Plymouth Brethren leaders held the growth truths (identification and position) scripturally.  The majority of all others who minister identification include error, and/or misapply the truth.  Many of these present only the positive aspects, eliminating the essential negative either through ignorance, or fear of jeopardizing their ministry.

As a contemporary with years of ministry experience of his own, Dr. Whitcomb was certainly capable of drawing his own conclusions.  However, most readers here typically lack both the years as well as ministry experience.  Thus, some interpretation of Miles Stanford's statements will be appropriate for our readership.

When Miles wrote "fear of jeopardizing their ministry," he was largely referencing a fear of loss in popularity which then translates into loss of financial support, potentially even daily necessities.   In our materialistic and debt-ridden society, wealth and popularity are largely the mark of success, and with rare exception, success trumps truth.


With very few exceptions, Christians, including leaders in the sound Bible churches (IFCA, etc.), understand little or nothing of their identification with and position in Christ.  They know and love the Lord, seek to serve Him, and are waiting for the Rapture.  When they are aware of sinning, they confess, and seek to improve--with His help, of course.

They want to sin less, and to be pure and consistent in their walk, and to learn to love Him more fully.  Sometimes they seek the Lord's help in these matters, but for the most part they want everything to go their way, and to experience the Lord's enabling when they feel that there is need for it.

The Christian life really demands a modicum of courage to stand for truth.  Nothing necessarily heroic, just a small amount...lived day in and day out.  By contrast, many today are paralyzed due to years of compromise, guilt, and hopelessness.

Being apprised of truth objectively, and entering into that truth subjectively, are two vastly different things.

There are many today who pick up on identification truth without the necessary conviction regarding self, and its Cross-repudiation.

They maintain that the old man has been eradicated, and no longer exists.

 Others take on identification in order to bolster a failing ministry, or to enhance a growing one.

This is accomplished by emphasizing the positive, while by-passing the necessary negative.  The work of the Cross in the life of the believer is skirted.  Hence self remains the ruling factor, regardless of how well Romans 6 and Colossians 3 are presented and advocated.

I encourage readers to return to the link (blue text) above and to read or reread the Open Letter in its entirety.


The Christmas season generally brings warm emotions and stirs religious thoughts.  Unfortunately, that which is traditional is seldom biblical.  The focal point of the baby Jesus in a manger most often obscures the broader theme of God's plan of redemption.  Thus, we can't emphasize enough the panoramic theme of God's revelation as found throughout the Bible.


To glorify Himself in Christ.

This involves glory in two spheres,

the earthly and the heavenly.

Glory in the earthly sphere is often the theme of religious services, pageants, and decorations.  The Christ of the Gospels is Jesus of Nazareth who lived 2,000 years ago in space and time.  Traditionally, the Christmas season is the celebration of His birth.  The Prophets foretold the coming of Immanuel ("God with us," Matt. 1:23), both a First Advent, but also a Second...which will occur in the future.  

The Glory of the heavenly sphere is limited to those who are "born-again" (John 3:3); those who have been supernaturally awakened to this transcendent realm and reality.  "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him...but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit."  1 Cor. 2:9,10.


Dollar BubbleTo my knowledge, the following is unprecedented in U.S. monetary history.  In response to the limbo question, "How low can you go?", the yield on secondary market, 4-week Treasury bills hit a low 0.01%.  Yes, that's right, 1/10th of 1.0%  While the globe is awash in U.S. dollars, bank's remain hesitant to lend due to high 'repayment' risk.  Money will need to be forced into the economy, likely through various 'make-work' programs reminiscent of the Great Depression.  For those who lived through the late '70s and early '80s, it was none other than Paul Volcker who administered the 'fiscal medicine'.  Volcker, then acting Chairman of the Federal Reserve, is widely credited with ending the United States' stagflation crisis of the 1970s by limiting the growth of the money supply and abandoning the previous policy of targeting interest rates.  Inflation, which peaked at 13.5% in 1981, was successfully lowered to 3.2% by 1983.  Mr. Volcker has agreed to serve as Chairman of President-Elect Barack Obama's new Economic Recovery Advisory Board.  Brace yourself.

On Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, “Excessively cheap money in the US was a driver of today’s crisis.  I am deeply concerned about whether we are now reinforcing this trend through measures being adopted in the US and elsewhere and whether we could find ourselves in five years facing the exact same crisis.”  Here she optimistically assumes the current global financial crisis will end before the next phase begins.


Many 'online' Christians are familiar with (formerly Biblical Studies Foundation), the cutting-edge, resource-rich domain established in 1995 by J. Hampton Keathley IV (1995 graduate of DTS), together with the financial backing from an anonymous co-founder.

Swiss Army knifeThis evangelical Christian ministry is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and remains a leader in providing online biblical resources. was instrumental in the development and 2005 publication of the NET (New English Translation) Bible which includes nearly sixty-one thousand translator notes.  Need to know more about translations?  Read here.

Following NET, came the NeXt Bible Learning Environment.  NeXt is the “next generation of online Bible study and research tools” and provides free online resources for comparison and cross referencing of various biblical texts and words.  Think Swiss Army knife.  Not being a biblical or textual 'scholar', I find the “Verse View” (How To Use) and “Bible View” of great value for serious study of the Word of God.

The above comments are not meant as an endorsement of everything one might find at  Discernment is fundamental both in life and when using the Internet.  Please, no emails saying, "What about this?" or "What about that?"


Canadian artist, Paul Grignon, has created a highly educational video entitled, Money as Debt.  Given his artistic talent and skill at communicating visually, he does an excellent job in explaining money and the inherent problems with fiat money systems.  However, Mr. Grignon is not a student of economic/monetary history.  He has lived a relatively idyllic life on the communal island of Gabriola, B.C., a subdivision of the greater socialistic paradise of Canada.  Thus, be aware that his Left-wing solution for monetary reform wrongly substitutes utopian centralized government and bureaucratic decision-makers for the current disintegrating banking system.  Warning: this notion is highly intoxicating.  A "new Bretton Woods" will likely combine elements of socialistic monetary reform and Islamic jurisprudence (no usury) to form a new monetary system.  Below is Mr. Grignon's 47-minute flash presentation from Google video.  Click the lower left corner to watch.


Media attention is shifting to the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York--Mr. Tim Geithner, Obama's pick for the next Treasury Secretary.  Keep in mind, Mr. Geithner is not a graduate of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  He cannot defy the laws of fiat money or risk-laden finance at work around the globe.


Yesterday was significant in global financial/monetary circles.  The yield on U.S. Treasury's 5-year, constant-maturity "treasury" index dropped to a low 2.08 percent.  That rate matched the historic 46-year low first set June 13, 2003, down from its high of 16.27 percent on 9/30/1981.   All indicators suggest interest rates will move even lower as consumers retreat, global markets continue to decline, and central bankers plan more rate cuts.

"The central banks should lower interest rates to as close to zero as possible."  Olivier Blanchard, IMF Chief Economist

Banks are hiring companies like J. D. Powers to determine, on a short-sighted basis, what's going on inside consumers' heads in an effort to motivate the public to borrow more money.   Financial commentators finger global "fear" as driving the free fall.  But the evaluations are superficial at best.  Fear is generally a reactive emotion, not causative.  Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's characterization of the financial crisis now plaguing the world, as a "once or twice" in a 100 years event, falls woefully short of the mark.

The global markets have collapsed due to lack of transparency and trust, a lack of transparency and trust based on lack of philosophic and moral integrity.  And lack of integrity creates despair.  Over past decades, Western free markets have operated on the moral capital received since the Reformation.  That capital is now exhausted.  The fix?  If so-called "free markets" are dysfunctional, then governments will mandate coercive markets.  But history proves this is unworkable for the long run. 

The Western world's commerce has moved from a 'post-Christian' framework into the avarice and 'politically-correct' realm of anti-Christianity*.  Many business executives seem like anarchist characters out of a Mad-Max movie, only they wear suits and ties and fly in private jets.  Many judges and large segments of the legal system are philosophically and morally bankrupt.  Little wonder the world is looking for a messiah or messianic body to restore order and the appearance of sanity.

* The social and economic damage resulting from the recent New Jersey court decision regarding eHarmony is huge.  The economic chill will slowly extend around the globe.  Read: The eHarmony ShakedownWhat made eHarmony a successful business model was its patented approach to matching heterosexuals--in short psychological science combined with moral integrity, a moral integrity as defined over the past 3,500+ years of civilization.  The company cut out its soul to placate critics and the court, as well as to protect franchise value.  But its decision was misguided.   It has forfeited the very integrity which was key to its success in the first place.  Founder Neil Clark Warren, who by now I'm sure is financially comfortable, should have continued to fight even to the point of a Supreme Court appeal and then closing down the company, if necessary.  Having shown courage, he could have retired with honor, rather than shame and a beguiled conscience.  As a business, the eHarmony franchise will now sadly die a slow and tortuous death.


Had it not been for Martin Luther (1483-1546) and others like him, Western civilization would not have existed.  Every Christian believer owes a debt to the stalwarts and martyrs of the Reformation.  Believers in the West figuratively stand on their shoulders.



I recently began rereading Francis A. Schaeffer's The God Who is There.  The book was first published in 1968.  It's interesting to see the difference nearly forty years makes in one's understanding.  I read the book in 1970, but of course I didn't really have as full an appreciation for what Dr. Schaeffer was saying as I have today.  His analysis of the 20th century has largely fallen on deaf ears and his warnings, for the most part, have gone unheeded.

Both fundamentalists and evangelicals are perplexed at the lack of discernment to be found in their so-called leaders as well as among members of their churches.  In the name of "love," anything and everything is allowed in through the doors.  Dr. Schaeffer had much to say regarding the perversion of words and language, and the severe consequence.  Christians are dismayed, frustrated, shocked, even angry, as they witness and experience the cultural shift from a post-Christian to an anti-Christian society.  The cause for this "change" was largely sown during the prior century, while the corrosive social effects and despair will continue to be felt.

During the 1960s, Dr. Schaeffer saw a glimmer of hope for maintaining a 'relevance' for historic Christianity.  But that hour has past and the glimmer is now gone.  The "perilous times" mentioned in 2 Timothy 3 will grow worse.  Materialism and philosophic "synthesis" is nearly pervasive throughout American society, as well as its evangelical and fundamental churches.  Dr. Schaeffer wrote:

In this situation [of the later half of the twentieth century] which so desperately cries out for the remedy which only biblical Christianity can give, we seem to be failing.  This cannot be due to lack of opportunity; already men are part way to the Gospel, for they too believe that man is dead, dead in the sense of being meaningless.  Christianity alone give the reason for this meaninglessness, that their revolt has separated them from God who exists, and thus gives them the true explanation of the position to which they have come.  But we cannot take advantage of our opportunity, if we let go in either thought or practice the methodology of antithesis.  That is, that A is not non-A.  If a thing is true, the opposite is not true; if a thing is right, the opposite is wrong.

If our own young people within the churches and those of the world outside see us playing with the methodology of synthesis, in our teaching and evangelism, in our policies and institutions, we can never expect to take advantage of this unique moment of opportunity presented by the death of romanticism.  If we let go of our sense of antithesis, we will have nothing left to say.

Moreover, not only do we have nothing to say, we become nothing.  Christianity ceases to exist, though it may still keep its outward institutional form.  Christianity turns upon antithesis, not as some abstract concept of truth, but in the fact that God exists, and in personal justification.  The biblical concept of justification [and sanctification] is a total, personal antithesis.  Before justification, we were dead in the kingdom of darkness.  The Bible says that in the moment that we accept Christ we pass from death to life.  This is total antithesis at the level of the individual man.  Once we begin to slip over into the other methodology--a failure to hold on to an absolute which can be known by the whole man, including what is logical and rational in him--historic Christianity is destroyed, even if it seem to keep going for a time.  We may not know it, but when this occurs, the marks of death are upon it, and it will soon be one more museum piece.

To the extent that anyone gives up the mentality of antithesis, he has moved over to the other side, even if he still tries to defend orthodoxy or evangelicalism.  If Christians are to take advantage of the death of romanticism, we must consciously build back the mentality of antithesis among Christians.

How do we know efforts to "build back the mentality of antithesis" have largely failed.  One need look no further than Saddleback or Lakewood Church, the Emergent Church movement, and the so-called evangelical, editorial staff of Christianity Today.

PS.  If you're curious to understand the factors which caused the collapse of Western culture, read Dr. Schaeffer's three foundational books.  His analysis of Western philosophic thought and culture was second to none.  However, there was a crippling effect in his Reformation heritage.  For more, read here.


Political idealism has carried the day in America.  The dubious election of Barack Obama and Democrat majorities in the House and Senate mark a significant advance for America into a Brave New World, to coin a phrase from Aldous Huxley.  In HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, the late Francis A. Schaeffer wrote:

Materialism, the philosophic base for Marxist-Leninism, gives no basis for the dignity or rights of man.  Where Marxist-Leninism is not in power it attracts and converts by talking much of dignity and rights, but its materialistic base gives no basis for the dignity or rights of man.  Yet is attracts by its constant talk of idealism.

To understand this phenomenon we must understand that Marx reached over to that for which Christianity does give a base--the dignity of man--and took the words as words of his own.  The only understanding of idealistic sounding Marxist-Leninism is that it is (in this sense) a Christian heresy.  Not having the Christian base, until it comes to power it uses the words for which Christianity does give a base.  But wherever Marxist-Leninism has had power, it has at no place in history shown where it has not brought forth oppression.  As soon as they have had the power, the desire of the majority has become a concept without meaning.

The campaigns leading up to the election were jam-packed with "idealism."  "Change and hope" would usher in peace and unity.  The idealists blamed America and George W. Bush for 9/11 and the "neocons" for unnecessary wars.  In their worldview, all that is necessary is for leaders to sit down, without preconditions, and talk through their differences.  Simple enough!  Unfortunately, this idealism appears to have hit a snag.

According to DEBKAfile, Osama bin Laden has recently issued a "Directive to All Fighters" for a major terrorist operation upon the United States that will "change the political and economic world" and be "far bigger than 9/11."  The day after Obama's election, al Qaeda declared America's president elect a "murtadd," i.e., an apostate whose betrayal of Islam is judged the most heinous.  The four major Sunni and one major Shia schools of Islamic jurisprudence all agree that a sane adult male apostate must be executed.

Obama may want to consider the case of 43 year-old Abdul Rahman, an Afghan convert to Roman Catholicism, who was arrested and jailed on the charge of "rejecting Islam."  Ansarullah Mawlafizada, the chief judge, said "the Prophet Muhammad has said several times that those who convert from Islam should be killed if they refuse to come back.  Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, kindness and integrity.  That is why we have told him if he regrets what he did, then we will forgive him."   After much protest from foreign governments, he was released by the Shari'ah court on the grounds of being mentally incompetent and subsequently granted asylum in Italy.  Mr. Rahman was divorced by his wife, denied custody of his two daughters, and disowned by his own parents.


What is important to keep in mind is that the West's cultural 'death spiral', began decades ago.  It began in the realm of philosophy(1) and has progressively 'trickled down' through the entire culture: education (universities to kindergarten), through all forms of media, as well as through seminaries to clerics/pastors down to families sitting in the pews of their local churches.  The late John Robbins wrote:

In past centuries secular philosophers have generally believed that knowledge is possible to man. Consequently they expended a great deal of thought and effort trying to justify knowledge. In the twentieth century, however, the optimism of the secular philosophers has all but disappeared. They despair of knowledge.

Like their secular counterparts, the great theologians and doctors of the church taught that knowledge is possible to man. Yet the theologians of the twentieth century have repudiated that belief. They also despair of knowledge. This radical skepticism has filtered down from the philosophers and theologians and penetrated our entire culture, from television to music to literature. The Christian in the twentieth century is confronted with an overwhelming cultural consensus--sometimes stated explicitly but most often implicitly: Man does not and cannot know anything truly.

Is it any wonder that the world is grasping at straws--the straws of experientialism, mysticism and drugs? After all, if people are told that the Bible contains insoluble mysteries, then is not a flight into mysticism to be expected? On what grounds can it be condemned? Certainly not on logical grounds or Biblical grounds, if logic is futile and the Bible unintelligible. Moreover, if it cannot be condemned on logical or Biblical grounds, it cannot be condemned at all. If people are going to have a religion of the mysterious, they will not adopt Christianity: They will have a genuine mystery religion. "Those who call for Nonsense," C.S. Lewis once wrote, "will find that it comes." And that is precisely what has happened. The popularity of Eastern mysticism, of drugs, and of religious experience is the logical consequence of the irrationalism of the twentieth century. There can and will be no Christian revival--and no reconstruction of society--unless and until the irrationalism of the age is totally repudiated by Christians.

This crisis of knowledge and the resulting cultural disintegration can be vividly seen in the violent reactions, street riots, and now tax protests regarding California's Proposition 8--the constitutional amendment to stop the redefinition of marriage.  Despite California's year 2000, sixty-one percent voter approval for the traditional definition of "marriage," four out of seven California Supreme Court justices ruled, in May 2008, to create a new definition: Gender is irrelevant to marriage.

The legacy of postmodernist thinking is that individuals and groups have the "right" to define words anyway they desire.  For them, social/moral knowledge and language are arbitrarily "created" by those in power.  Definitions, which cannot be scientifically validated, are figuratively 'up for grabs'.   So for example, Love = Hate, and Hate = Love.  Radio host Dennis Prager writes at Townhall:

First, the attorney general of California, Jerry Brown, unilaterally renamed the proposition as it appears on California ballots. It had been listed as "Amends the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Brown, a liberal Democrat, changed the proposition's wording to: "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment."

The reason for this change is obvious -- to make the proposition appear as a denial of a basic human and civil right.

Marriage has never been regarded as a universal human or civil right. Loving and living with anyone one wants to live with are basic human rights. But marriage is actually a privilege that society bestows on whom it chooses. And even those who believe that any two unmarried people who want to get married should be given a marriage license, should regard as wrong an attorney general changing a ballot proposition's language to favor his own social views. What Brown did was attempt to manipulate people who lean toward preserving the definition of the most important social institution in society -- people who have no desire whatsoever to hurt gays -- to now think of themselves as bigots.

...the multimillion dollar campaign to label proponents of Proposition 8 "haters" and to label the man-woman definition of marriage as "hate." Or as they put it: "Prop 8 = Prop Hate."

It is apparently inconceivable to many of those who wish to change the definition of marriage that a decent person can want to retain the man-woman definition. From newspaper editorials to gay and other activist groups, the theme is universal -- proponents of traditional marriage are haters, the moral equivalents of those who opposed racial equality. As The New York Times editorial on the subject put it, Proposition 8 is "mean-spirited."

But it is the charge of hate (along with bigotry, homophobia and intolerance) that is the primary charge leveled against supporters of Proposition 8. That's why one major anti-Proposition 8 group is "Californians Against Hate."

If opponents of Prop 8 succeed in their effort to redefine marriage (California's Governator has defied the electorate and is encouraging that it be overturned), what stands in the way of others' so-called "right" of have their definition of marriage institutionalized?  How can society deny those who want to wrap: incest, pedophilia, polygamy, group marriage, or union with animals, with their definitions of so-called marriage and love?  Society can't, if it tries to maintain equality.

The abolitionist movement of the 18th century, which was instrumental in bringing about racial equality, was based on a Christian worldview.  It shares nothing in common with the current illegitimate agenda of homosexuals.  A high percentage of blacks understand how they are being used and exploited by gays.  This largely explains why 7 out of 10 blacks voted in favor of Proposition 8, while Obama opposes it.  The suspension of slavery in Western industrialized nations is the exception, not a rule.  The United Nations website contains this factoid:

The slave trade is back in full force. This modern slave trade, however, is not limited to just young Africans; women and children are also being enslaved in almost every continent. It is estimated that there are over 27 million enslaved persons worldwide, more than double the number of those who were deported in the 400-year history of the transatlantic slave trade to the Americas. What is remarkable is that this unprecedented trafficking largely goes unnoticed. The 27 million victims of the modern slave trade are more invisible to the world’s eye than were the 10 million to 12 million Africans who were forcibly sent to the Americas during the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. How do we account for this fact in this age of media and communications overload and transparency?

"How do we account for this fact"...?  Simple.  The premise of multiculturalism, that all cultures are only superficially different, is fundamentally wrong.  All worldviews and all cultures are not equal.  The current crisis of knowledge will continue to propel societies in the direction of disintegration, chaos, and anarchy.  However, God is Great; He along can bring Life out of Death.


(1)  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians 2: 4 and 8:

I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments.

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.


The Dawkins/Lennox Debate video on Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion.  Enjoy!  The debate was hosted by Fixed Point Foundation, "We Take Ideas Seriously."

dr. john lennoxLearn more about the distinguished life and career of Dr. John Lennox here.  Any similarity between Mr. Lennox's lack of hair and smile, and that of my own (shown right), are purely a coincidence and self-evident random collision of chance, matter, and energy.  "He teaches at many Christian conferences around the world, mainly expounding books of Scripture in what he calls ‘apologetic exposition’—that is, showing how Scripture engages with the big worldview questions that are being asked in contemporary society. He spoke at the Keswick Convention in the UK and New Horizon in Northern Ireland in 2008."



Vegetables and fruits are essential to a healthy body.

Intellectual nourishment is equally important to strong minds

and to a worldview that extends beyond one's baser instincts.

Cal Thomas, September 2006



Islamic Finance 101 - "This statement provides an important insight for the incumbent U.S. administration and whomever succeeds it: Shariah-Compliant Finance serves as a leading edge of the spear for those seeking to insinuate Shariah into Western societies."



Various forces are already on the move internationally.  Global foreign policy equations appear in major flux.  Overnight, Palestinians launched a barage of Qassam missles and mortar rounds into Israel.  An Israel Air Force helicopter responded to the provocations and Israel Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai says the country is preparing for war.  Syrian tanks, artillery and commando units have taken up battle positions in four villages around Hasbaya opposite Mt. Hermon and northern Israel.


"Vote as if it is your last opportunity ever."  Sadly, Americans and American Christians take much for granted.  At the top of the list is social and political freedom.  We can't seem to imagine the prospect that the inheritance left us by the Founders could vanish like 'ice in the noonday sun'.  We can't seem to imagine the further evolution of "political correctness" into more virulent forms of censorship and oppression.

Having begun my own Christian experience and walk...apolitical, I understand how believers can read Romans 13:1-7 and adopt a rather laissez-faire, even fatalistic, attitude toward government and politics, as well as toward the responsibilities of living within a participatory democracy.  Sad to say, America's eroding tradition of freedom may formally end today.  And as history has proved, once gone it is next to impossible to restore.  Obama's proposal of a "civilian national security force" is a frightening omen of a darker future.  From what dangers will my neighbor protect me?  I ask both faithful readers and visitors, to spend time today in solemn prayer (over and beyond one's regular practice), that God will extend grace and mercy to this Nation--both individuals and collectively.

PS.  Many media sources describe the current mood of Obama supporters as "euphoric."  Should the election not go their way, their mood and 'frame of mind' will plummet reciprocally.  America's citizenry should brace themselves for the possibility of violence and civil unrest.  But the probability of a loss appears low.


Constitutional Crisis?  Are those who will lead the Nation above the law?  It appears the U.S. Supreme Court will have to decide.  Attorney Philip J. Berg has filed for an immediate injunction to stay the Presidential Election of November 4, 2008; together with writ of certiorari.  Any normal defendant would willingly provide the Court with the requested document and be long done with the matter.  It certainly appears that the Obama campaign has indicted itself.  One wonders what the Founders would be thinking?


In the world of forensic investigation and white-collar crime, the adage "follow the money" is a given principle.  Most of the time, the criminals go to great lengths to obfuscate reality and employ convoluted subterfuge.  And in George Orwell's, novel "1984," he coined the term "doublethink."  In my opinion, the Democrat presidential candidate, together with the DNC, have extensively employed principles of doublethink during this election cycle.  Here's a vivid example:

"Party of the Poor" (Democrat) campaign funds = $639,000,000 dollars - all private "donations."  (Any claim to "grassroots" contributions as an explanation is highly suspect.)

"Party of the Rich" (Republican) campaign funds = $360,000,000 dollars - which includes $84 million of public funding.

What's wrong with this picture?  For a more comprehensive look, see, a purported "nonpartisan" research group.  


(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 10/25/08) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he is immediately appealing the dismissal of his case to the United States Supreme Court. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.  More information here


The judge in the foregoing case tossed out the lawsuit last night (Friday) based on similar legal reasoning in Hollander vs. John McCain.  See news here.



Prior chronology of documentation here.

Further case information from WND here.

Attorneys for the DNC and Barack Obama are...desperate!  See their response/challenge to Berg's legal standing and their use of stare decisis from a very recent and suspicious (?) case here.  Bill Wilson writes:

The attorneys [for Obama and the DNC] argue that disenfranchisement of large numbers of those who vote for an ineligible candidate for president does not constitute an invasion of legally protected interest because “the alleged harm is abstract and widely shared or is only derivative of a harm experienced by a candidate.” The attorneys, therefore, conclude “a voter does not have standing to challenge the qualifications of a candidate for President of the United States.”   They cited a similar court case against Republican John McCain ruled on July 24th.

In “Hollander vs. John McCain and the Republican National Committee”, the judge cited cases brought by leftists such as Michael Newdow of anti-Pledge of Allegiance fame, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Defenders of Wildlife to establish that the voters do not have Constitutional “standing” to challenge the eligibility of a Presidential candidate. The judge assumed that “voters are empowered to address that concern on their own by voting for a different presidential candidate, whose eligibility is unimpeachable.” The judge said that political parties have the standing to challenge ineligibility, but not voters. Judges are ruling that citizens have no right of redress if a presidential candidate is ineligible other than to vote for someone else.


A Democratic Election…or Left-wing coup d’état? 

The 37th President of the United States chose to operate outside the bounds of the law (Watergate) and was forced to resign from the Oval Office.

The 42nd President of the United States considered himself above the law and chose to perjure himself during depositions in a sexual harassment lawsuit.  His false statement, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” refers to a then 22-year-old White House intern named Monica Lewinsky.  Ms. Lewinsky subsequently testified to nine sexual encounters with William J. Clinton in or near the Oval Office.  Mr. Clinton’s serial perjury and subsequent admission led to impeachment proceedings.  While he was found guilty by the House, he was acquitted of charges by the Senate, and finished his term in disgrace.  This was only the second impeachment of a President in American history, following the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868.

The 44th President...Pending.  It now appears that the Democrat presidential candidate, Barack Obama, also considers himself above the law, even before he may potentially take office.  Obama, a lawyer and likely with the advice of council, has refused to answer or object to charges in a lawsuit filed in a U. S. District Court in August by Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg.

The lawsuit alleges that Mr. Obama is not a natural-born citizen, actually having been born in Mombosa, Kenya, and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States.  Further, the lawsuit charges that the Democrat candidate has lied about his place of birth, has faked his birth certificate (despite the image/page Internet rebuttal), and is fraudulently running for office.  The suit simply asks that he surrender his official birth certificate to the Court for examination.  Why hide a genuine birth certificate from the Court?  For more details, read the entire story here.

PS.  Given the extensive revelations, both past and present, regarding ACORN and voter registration fraud, why the deafening silence from ex-President Jimmy Carter--the arch defender of "fair elections" integrity?


Bernanke: "Fighting the Last War"  Some fresh air (reality) has blown on to the scene.  Don't miss Brian Carney's (WSJ) interview with 92 year-old Anna Schwartz.  "Everything works much better when wrong decisions are punished and good decisions make you rich" ..."that's not the way the world has been going in recent years."  Read article here.


Opinion:  The Obama's campaign is certainly being bankrolled, and campaign rank-and-file do their best (ruse) to make it appear that it's about 'grassroots' contributions.  All the Obama-maniacs I've encountered still phone home to mom and dad for money.  What's wrong with this picture?  Hundreds of millions from the likes of George Soros and other global socialists, Hollywood, and Muslim connections are being laundered into this campaign.  It's incestuous.  Liberals pouring money into liberal media on behalf of their candidate.  Obama has his picture on every roadside billboard and Internet sidebar available.  And the Left have the audacity to whine about this or that being forced down their throat??  At best, the suave Mr. Obama and his elite-minded followers are worshipping at the temple of 'Mammon'.  I'll eat moose burgers with common folk any day of the week.  


Don't miss reading It's the Debt, Stupid.  Victor Davis Hanson (bio) is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a recipient of the 2007 National Humanities Medal.  In addition to being a prolific writer and military historian, he lives and works with his family on their forty-acre tree and vine farm near Selma, California.  Conservative, theist, but not evangelical, Mr. Hanson is an American intellectual extraordinaire...with mud on his boots.  A rare individual!  


Every Christian's beliefs (theology) directly influences his or her life and ministry.  Every politician's philosophy and worldview directly influence his or her public policies.  And public policies effect the lives of each and every citizen.  While this is not "rocket science," it does seem to involve a level of reality unpopular with the general public.

Each politician's voting record and associations, public and private, are a testament to their worldview, whether he or she is candid about it or conversely seeks to obfuscate and hide that worldview during public appearance or debates.  In our morally chaotic and 'upside down' world, today's liars believe they have a "right" to deceive their audience.  Thus, it is incumbent upon voters to get behind any and all rhetoric, and discover each candidate's voting record, associations, and worldview.  Citizen beware!


Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

1 Cor. 15:33 ESV

The fact or extent of ideological/social alliances is in no way profound.  However, the inability for average Americans to ‘connect the dots’ is largely a reflection of the time-consuming energy necessary to: earn a living, raise families, and engage in the hundreds of mundane daily tasks associated with living in a fallen world.  This reality renders us more-or-less vulnerable to events and forces often beyond our control.

The upcoming election is just one of these events.  Not only has Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama not been properly vetted by a biased mainstream media, alternative sources of information are largely confined to the Internet and cable news channels.

One such source of alternative information is DISCOVERTHENETWORKS.ORG: A Guide to the Political Left (Left Networks).  As an extension of former ‘60s radical David Horowitz’s FRONTPAGEMAG.COM, the site “identifies the individuals and organizations that make up the [political] left and also the institutions that fund and sustain it; it maps the paths through which the left exerts its influence on the larger body politic; it defines the left's (often hidden) programmatic agendas and it provides an understanding of its history and ideas.”

Drawing upon Left Networks and other sources, James Simpson, former White House staff economist and budget analyst, has documented Barack Obama’s links to the radical Left in his article Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis.


Given the current global banking/economic crisis, it does appear that the U.S. is about to tip over the edge into a socialistic abyss.  However, what’s important to keep in mind is that we didn’t get to this point overnight, and the possibility of Americans historically retracing their steps from where they've come is very slim.  America is likely to soon ascend into a New World Order.


The fact that Marxist radicalism has found such fertile ground in America is more the result of internal spiritual rot combined with public education, than Left-wing planning and implementation, in my opinion.  To echo the late theonomist Rousas Rushdoony:

Much of the drift to socialism in Western culture, ascribed so exclusively to Marxist influence, is clearly and definitely to be traced to the natural rights and natural law doctrines.  [Also see here]

It was upon these principles that the professional training of public school teachers was established, and modern educational theory is the direct outcome of these ideas.  As against the Calvinist [biblical] conception of man as sinner, man is good; as against the doctrine of man’s responsibility and accountability to God, of life as a stewardship, the non-biblical conception of natural rights is introduced into education.  The pupil is therefore a person with rights rather than responsibilities.  Instead of being accountable to God, parents, teachers, and society, the pupil can assert that God, parents, teachers, and society are responsible to him.



Whether Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan believes Barack Obama is their Messiah--al-Mahdi, or that their "Messiah" is speaking through Obama à la 'channeling', this level of fanaticism brings to mind the fusion of a Hitler/Mussolini with the charisma of '70s cultist Jim Jones.  Make no mistake, the Muslim world is keenly aware that Obama's pseudo claims to being "Christian" are necessary semantics and political ruse in the democratic/electoral climb to power and control of the United States.

Four decades ago, in A Crisis of Our Time, the late John Robbins wrote:

Is it any wonder that the world is grasping at straws--the straws of experientialism, mysticism and drugs? After all, if people are told that the Bible contains insoluble mysteries, then is not a flight into mysticism to be expected? On what grounds can it be condemned? Certainly not on logical grounds or Biblical grounds, if logic is futile and the Bible unintelligible. Moreover, if it cannot be condemned on logical or Biblical grounds, it cannot be condemned at all. If people are going to have a religion of the mysterious, they will not adopt Christianity: They will have a genuine mystery religion. "Those who call for Nonsense," C.S. Lewis once wrote, "will find that it comes." And that is precisely what has happened. The popularity of Eastern mysticism, of drugs, and of religious experience is the logical consequence of the irrationalism of the twentieth century. There can and will be no Christian revival--and no reconstruction of society--unless and until the irrationalism of the age is totally repudiated by Christians.

Such a society is ripe to embrance an articulate, altruistic, political "Messiah," who offers hollow 'solutions' to national, regional, and global problems.


From 10/8/2008 NYT:

As the long-serving chairman of the Fed, the nation’s most powerful economic policy maker, Mr. Greenspan preached the transcendent, wealth-creating powers of the market.

A professed libertarian, he counted among his formative influences the novelist Ayn Rand*, who portrayed collective power as an evil force set against the enlightened self-interest of individuals. In turn, he showed a resolute faith that those participating in financial markets would act responsibly.

An examination of more than two decades of Mr. Greenspan’s record on financial regulation and derivatives in particular reveals the degree to which he tethered the health of the nation’s economy to that faith The Reckoning: Taking Hard New Look at a Greenspan Legacy, Peter S. Goodman, The New York Times.  Underline emphasis mine.


* "Atlas Shrugged," Rand's magnum opus, is sometimes said to be the second-most influential book in American thought, next only to the Bible. The reason for the books' success probably has less to do with their novelistic merits, or lack of them, than with the way they package in fictional form a philosophy Rand called Objectivism, which in effect turned the Judeo-Christian system on its head.  In Rand's view, selfishness was good and altruism was evil, and the welfare of society was always subordinate to the self-interest of individuals, especially superior ones. In some ways, Objectivism is an extreme form of laissez-faire capitalism, a view that Rand came to naturally.  

Both Ayn Rand and Alan Greenspan were atheists, naturalists, and political utopians.  As we see and feel today, their form of "faith" (which rejects the biblical view of mankind) has had far-reaching, adverse consequences.  Like it or not, religion and politics/culture go hand-in-hand.

As has been previously written about in The Journal, "faith" has replaced truth in our secular culture.  All political candidates speak of "faith" as something virtuous in and of itself, with little-to-no regard for or understanding of truth.  Of course, this is to be expected since postmodernist culture abandoned the concept of absolute truth and revelation long ago.


From reader comments, 10/7/2008, Score one for Scientific Creationism ?!

I would [currently] classify myself as an old-earth designist. I was totally wrong in accepting Darwinism/materialism as a settled explanation for the origin and diversification of life, so I am now more open to being proven wrong on other points.

Back in my atheist days I remember people mocking the Genesis account [Gen. 1:3-5] about light being separated from darkness before the appearance of stars, but it now appears that this is accurate: The universe began in a flash of light (ultra-high-energy gamma rays) that condensed into matter (non-light, or darkness) long before nuclear fusion ignited the first stars.

Perhaps we’ll discover that the speed of light has changed, or that time itself has morphed in such a way that six days in contemporary time is mathematically equivalent to 13 billions years in morphed cosmological time [click here to see my 3/19/2006 entry in The Journal].  I was dead wrong about Darwinian orthodoxy, so I’m open to being proven wrong about my assumptions when it comes to the mysteries of the universe, about which we obviously only have a slight inkling.  Gil Dodgen, Uncommon Descent  [Bracket inserts mine]

It's refreshing to witness repentance (change of mind), integrity and humility (acknowledgment of such changed) from the scientific crowd.  Let's hope and pray, as the younger crowd says, "it goes viral."

"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of may father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!  I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you...'"  Luke 15:17,18.


Bloomberg reports that French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who met with European leaders in Paris on October 4th, called for a global summit to implement "a real and complete reform of the international financial system.” Sarkozy said, “We want a new world to come out of this.” The world is at the very least preparing a type and shadow of the one world system used by the antichrist (sic) as prophesied in Revelation 13:16-17: “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Who would have thought that America would lead us there?  Bill Wilson, The Daily Jot


It appears the "lender of last resort" (LOLR) is becoming the "lender of first resort."



Results of the 2004 Presidential election helped sociologists present some very interesting data.  For example, the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics, in conjunction with the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, produced the following chart and definitions for the various groups.

Twelve Tribes

Religious right: White evangelical Protestants with traditional beliefs and practices

Heartland culture warriors: White non-evangelical Christians with traditional beliefs and practices

Moderate evangelicals: White evangelical Protestants with moderate beliefs and practices

White-bread Protestants: White mainline Protestants with moderate beliefs and practices

Convertible Catholics: Non-Latino Catholics with moderate beliefs and practices

Religious left: White Christians with liberal beliefs and practices

Muslims and Others: Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and other religious groups not otherwise categorized

Seculars: Voters with no religious affiliation, beliefs, or practices

Jews, Latino Christians, black Protestants, and the spiritual but not religious are self-explanatory

Supposedly, survey data suggested such categorizations.  The Pew Forum maintains its U.S. Religious Landscape Survey data using 'easy-to-understand' graphs, charts, and maps.  It's information like this that has driven not-so-funny, liberal/secular comedian Bill Maher crazy and to produce his satirical movie Religulous (the synthesis of religion and ridiculous).

Read online mag Christianity Today's movie review here.

American Catholics may be responding to the mockery above and the issue mentioned previously below.

Source: Pew Forum                         


The Vatican's web designers must include some highly-skilled artists, because the site, like many things Italian, displays elegant craftsmanship and beauty.  Too bad the theological content doesn't match the packaging.  However, now and then members of the "Holy See" do get things right.

For instance, the head of the Vatican's Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, American Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis, recently took aim at high-profile Democrat politicians who label themselves "Catholic" but reject their church's beliefs and teachings.  High on the list are Senator Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Burke candidly told an Italian newspaper that the U.S. Democrat Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.”   This is not the only issue in which the liberal Left aligns itself with death.  The core of the problem, conveniently ignored by Prefect Burke, is that a majority of American Catholics are naturalists, not theists, having been indoctrinated by public education somewhere along their education journey.  And, add to their naturalistic philosophy a good dose of postmodernism, and you get individuals who feel righteous in [mis]representing Catholic teaching anyway they choose.

Not mincing words, Burke said Biden and Pelosi, “while presenting themselves as good Catholics, have presented Church doctrine on abortion in a false and tendentious way.”   Ok, so again, what's wrong with misrepresenting facts ("facts" the elite know only exist in the 'eye of the beholder') and lying when it serves the purpose of gaining and holding power?


"Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of four people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and four in Arizona. Not a single one looking into ACORN, Ayers or Freddiemae (sic).  [The] editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into Obama is derided or flat-out ignored. The fix is in, and it's working."


The "Invisible Crash" Is Now In Sight - Mark Skousen.  See quotation reference at 9/24/2008 below.


ACORN, Obama, and the Mortgage Mess - Mona Charen; An ACORN Falls from the Tree - Ken Blackwell


"The Paulson Plan destroys capitalism (those who stood to gain--and already made off with large gains--should bear the risk) and violates the spirit of democracy established by the Founding Fathers of the United States." - Janet M. Tavakoli

Stock Market Futures Up on Tuesday?  There are several very intelligent individuals who are and have been warning that the stock markets are being heavily manipulated and more seriously, the crisis (which is genuine) is being 'gamed' by individuals and groups with seriously nefarious motives.  See links below.

The "Paulson Plan" (aka "No 'Connected' Banker Left Behind") was shockingly contrary to America's political history of checks and balances.  Newt Gingrich was well within the bounds of reason to issue a call for Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson's resignation.  Paulson, former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, reeks of conflict of interest.  Despite nomination by George Bush,  Paulson's ideological DNA is Democrat and he is deeply connected to Democrat Party operatives.

There is developing evidence of a Leftist organized strategy to seize control of America at this election.  This is a very serious war for the future of the Nation.  Keep in mind that a bi-partisan group (95 Democrats and 133 Republicans) voted against passage of the ill-conceived bill.

Karl Denninger - Bernanke PROVED Paulson Plan Bankrupt

Karl Denninger - Those Who Supported The Bailout

Alternative Solutions:  These are not all the same.  Caveat emptor!

How To Fix Our Banking System - Denninger

Specific Proposed Alternative to (the Various Versions) of the Paulson Plan - Tavakoli

SqueezePlay : September 26, 2008 - Tavakoli

Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer - Jeffrey A. Miron

They Broke It. You Bought It. - Newt Gingrich

Voting for the Bailout Bill - Newt Gingrich

Bailout Bill Fails in House Vote (!) - Chris Martenson

Bailout marks Karl Marx's comeback - Martin Masse

Three Step Plan - Dave Ramsey


Benjamin Franklin said, "A full Belly makes for a dull Brain."  Poor Richard's Almanac, p. 66.  The fallout from the current financial crisis may mean some sharpening of the public's collective IQ as well as give pause for some serious reflection.  Or maybe not.  One can also pray that God, in His mercy, grants light to those, both in and outside the Church, who walk in darkness.  "God has never acted in love at the expense of light."  Ephesians 5:13 and 14 exhorts us:

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible.  This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

Albert Mohler has written a fairly balanced article entitled, A Christian View of the Economic Crisis.


From time-to-time, I've mentioned Professor Emeritus Phillip E. Johnson, author of Reason In The Balance and many more popular books.  This past week, I scanned chapter 2 of his book entitled: The Established Religious Philosophy of America.  This chapter, with my underlining and marks, goes a long way in explaining (in a concise manner) the roots of America's current "culture wars" and the chasm between various religious and political parties.


The Root of the Current Crisis: As I alluded to on 9/15/2008, it was homosexual* and ultra-liberal Barney Frank-D (House) and ranking members of the Senate Banking Committee who, back in the 2003, blocked the Bush Administration's efforts to improve oversight and regulation of GSEs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as continued the Community Reinvestment Act floodgates of sub-prime mortgage lending spawned by the Clinton Administration (circa 1995).  As is now being revealed, many in Congress were on the 'take' from executives at Fannie and Freddie.  Of course Democrats deny culpability and the facts are being obscured by the pro-Democrat/liberal mainstream media--MSM.  Deep corruption.  However, FoxNews is carrying bits-n-pieces of the 'inconvenient' story.

* You might wonder what bearing Mr. Frank's sexual orientation has toward the current crisis?  It represents the libertarian (libertine) component of libertarian socialism, mentioned in the prior post.  Who we elect as representatives does matter a great deal.

This cartoon by Glenn McCoy is rather insightful.  Historically, evangelicals have supported a "compassionate and moral-based capitalism" (e.g., Is Capitalism Christian?: Toward a Christian Perspective on Economics, Crossway Books, 1985) anchored in a Christian worldview as opposed to both 'big government' totalitarianism or libertarian 'free market' philosophies of Alan Greenspan, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, etc.  


If you haven't taken the time to watch Chris Martenson's Crash Course, this may be as good a time as any.  I don't necessarily agree with every point in his presentations, but my differences would be more technical in nature.  Many of the financial/money issues have been known about for decades, if not centuries.  My first exposure was in the early '70s as I struggled to raise a family.  My early education came from James Dines' 1961 book The Invisible Crash: What It Is, Why It Happened, How to Protect Yourself Against It.

The proposed $700 billion (?) bailout is more-likely-than-not necessary to prevent a financial 'meltdown' in the current Western fiat-based financial system.  Accountability for the money is also necessary to ensure fiscal responsibility.  At least the socialism aspect of the U.S. current political philosophy--libertarian socialism--is being rejected by the public.  This is a difficult 'tightrope' to walk.

I am not hopeful that moral responsibility will prevail, since that depends upon genuine morality based on genuine Christian spirituality and worldview.  I hope my view is proven wrong.

The alternative (withholding monetization of additional U.S. Treasury debt) is unspeakable by any and all public figures (except for Ron Paul who was unable to clearly articulate the issues during the political primaries) as that would likely trigger additional fear and panic in the general public.  A "meltdown" would likely cause untold social chaos and damage, as well as millions of deaths from collapsing infrastructure and starvation...worse than the 1929 Great Depression, where people were self-reliant and less dependent upon energy infrastructures.  This is not hyperbole, but a transparent and candid opinion shared with regular readers to this website.

During a House hearing, Secretary of Treasury Paulson responded to Ohio Republican Steve LaTourette:

“He (an individual in Rep. LaTourette's district) should be angry and he should be scared – and I think right now he’s angrier than he is scared,” said Paulson “And it puts us in a difficult position—no one likes to be painting an overly dire picture and scaring people, but the fact is that if the financial markets are not stabilized the situation can be very severe as it relates not just to his current situation – but keeping his job life... this is a serious situation and one he should be concerned about.”  Word substitution mine.

Most Americans (hurricane victims of Katrina and Ike excluded) take for granted the vast quantity and variety of food in their local grocery stores.  Little thought is given to the various points on the globe (e.g., South America and New Zealand for fruit) that are the source of this "Good Eats" cornucopia, and the energy infrastructure that's utilized to create such edible choices.  You need to awaken from this slumber.

From an eschatological view, financial and social collapse of Western powers (largely the United States) would set the stage for 1) a power grab in the Middle East, and 2) a global electronic money system (Revelation 13:17).  With the West paralyzed, Islamic leaders and nations, with their inherent hatred and enmity toward the Jewish people and Israel, would be unrestrained and likely to launch all out attacks upon Israel.


The current situation is grave...shades of the "black horse" of Revelation.  Internet money sites like Bloomberg, WSJ, and MSN Money (Jon Markman) are making available many excellent articles explaining the current global financial situation.  Consequently, there is less need for any comment here.  Readers should review my earlier comments and linked sources.


Do not be politically misled by the current financial turmoil.  Currently, stock market indexes are only slightly down.  The problems stem from policies (of lack thereof) of Western central banks, not the Executive branch of the U.S. government.  It is the Legislative branch of government that creates laws and regulations.  Accountability and oversight of the Federal Reserve (central bank of the US) is the responsibility of Congress, both House and Senate Committees, which are both controlled by Democrats.  Obama campaign statements seeking to connect the crisis to Republicans is pure political propaganda (again) and an effort to preempt exposure of the failure of these Democrat-controlled congressional committees.


Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of the 9/11/2001 Islamic-Jihadist attacks upon America.  Authors like David J. Jonsson, Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist-Islamist Alliance, have comprehensively documented this alliance, as well as Barack Obama's connections and sympathies.  Despite yesterday's efforts on the part of both major political party to appear unified during commemoration ceremonies, Michelle Malkin has written an insightful article explaining The World (and many Democrats) Still Blames America.  Parenthetical insert mine. 


The Hate-wing media is rabidly taking aim on Sarah Palin's born-again Christianity.  It is very important that the fight be joined, and the anti-Christian bigotry be exposed.  Dr. Johnson's comments below should be used to counter every objection to Sarah Palin's Christian worldview.  The mainstream media 'conversation' normally follows the Internet get prepared to join the coming conversation.  It will likely be a 'doozy'.


Having sensed a colossal error, Barack Obama is politically backpedaling on his "flip" comment regarding abortion.  With this lack of philosophical grounding, he may be unfit for all forms of "social service."  What his answer plainly infers is that moral questions are...ultimately unanswerable.


In fact, because of the crisis in knowledge, moral questions are "above the pay grade" of nearly all Democrats, as well as many Republicans and Independents.  Senator/lawyer Joseph Biden's response to similar questions is disingenuous and typical of weasel lawyer-speak.  "I'm prepared as a matter of faith [Roman Catholic] to accept that life begins at the moment of conception. But that is my judgment," Biden said on NBC's Meet the Press.  "For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout [or secular] than I am seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society."  Inappropriate in a pluralistic society??  Joe Biden's brain just 'blue screened', and he needs a re-boot. 

It is NOT inappropriate to impose moral judgments in a pluralistic society!  It's done hundreds of times by government every day.  Biden is the typical liberal Roman Catholic...religious in label only.  His worldview is fully secular; "secular" judgments are acceptable in his view.  His acceptance of "his church's teachings that life begins at conception" is a total political ruse.  Proof?  See Charles J. Chaput's, Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life, a full frontal rebuke to Senator Joseph Biden.  Nancy Pelosi suffered a different problem earlier in the month when she misrepresentation Catholic moral tradition on global TV, which then triggered an appointment with San Francisco Archbishop Niederauer.

PS.  Roman Catholic leaders make a big deal about Catholic unity vs. non-Catholic "division."  Despite the truth of Matthew 10:34, it's a totally phony argument.  Catholic division is widespread and deep; they just aren't transparent about it due to the burden of maintaining claim to being the "one, true church."

If John McCain made a good choice with Sarah Palin, Barack Obama made a suicidal choice with Joseph Biden...the nasty, "let's rumble," street-fighting attorney.

For some so-called "balance" and antithesis to my comments, read WashingtonPost, "On Faith," Jacques Berlinerblau's blog posts.  Sites like: "On Faith",, are favorite gathering spots for the Religious Left.


The reaction of liberal mainstream media and feminist women to Governor Sarah Palin is extremely telling.  America’s culture war is not about race or gender; rather, it’s about ideology and has always been about ideology.  Many right-of-center commentators have rightly identified that the Left and liberal feminists believe Governor Sarah Palin is the wrong type of "feminist" to be elevated to the 2nd highest office of the Nation.  What “type” of feminist is Sarah Palin?  Sarah Palin is not a naturalist like them, but a Christian theist--and thus a serious irritation and threat to liberals and Leftists all.  Phillip E. Johnson, in his book Reason in the Balance (previously mentioned on this website), goes to the heart of the issue:

“Is God the true creator of everything that exists, or is God a product of the human imagination, real only in the minds of those who believe?

“If God really does exist, then to lead a rational life a person has to take account of God and his purposes.  A person or a society that ignores the Creator is ignoring the most important part of reality, and to ignore reality is to be irrational.

“The most influential intellectuals in America and round the world are mostly naturalists, who assume that God exists only as an idea in the minds of religious believers.  In our greatest universities, naturalism—the doctrine that nature is “all there is”—is the virtually unquestioned assumption that underlies not only natural science but intellectual work of all kinds.  If naturalism is true, then humankind created God—not the other way around.  In that case, rationality requires that we recognize the Creator as the imaginary being he always has been, and that we rely only on things that are real, such as ourselves and the material world of nature.  Reliance on the guidance of an imaginary supernatural being is called superstition.”


Yesterday, we experienced a major operating system (OS) failure, i.e. computer "crash."  After 6 hours on the phone with Dell Computer technicians (from the Philippines), we were able to partially repair the system to a point for making fresh back ups of all critical data.  The system remains unstable and will likely require being rebuilt from the ground up.  Regular posts to The Journal and email correspondence may be interrupted at any time.  Any supporters so led to financially contribute to helping upgrade hardware and software, your assistance would be deeply appreciated. 


Palin Update:  The Palin family has acknowledged in the national media that their 17-year-old, unmarried daughter, Bristol, is pregnant.  The eNews channels and the Blogsphere have gone hyper--a 'national' if not international 'conversation'.  Contrary to Barack Obama's value that he wouldn't want his daughters "punished with a baby," Bristol will carry the baby to term and will marry the father--circa pre-1960's.

A majority of parents know that teaching “values” doesn’t insure that their children will always make the best choices.  For many parents, their own personal experience confirms the maxim.  The fact that disconnects between ‘values taught’ and ‘values caught’ occur is not always evidence of parental failure; rather, the fact that each human being has volition and individual responsibility cannot be overlooked.  If a born-again Christian, add to this the whole matter of personal sanctification and holiness.

Contrary to what some children think, genuinely loving parents impart values, are not interested in controlling their adult children's lives, and yet always remain concerned with their kids well-being.  These attitudes become "hard-wired" through the process of being a parent.

Most of us become adults through a combination of listening to those wiser than ourselves (including God through His Word) AND learning from our mistakes.  Those who do neither, remain children.

PS.  I view the current media chaos as a rather energizing force for public conversation.  God often uses such events to arrest people's attention.  The year was 1969 and the place was the student center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado.  As a new 'babe in Christ', I stood to testify of my newly-embraced belief and to debate a highly-visible campus cultist.  A large crowd gathered to witness the spectacle.  After the dust settled, a handful of students approached me to share how God has used the conflict to convict them of sin and need for the Savior.  His Word did not return void.  The Lord will use the current cultural turmoil to awaken souls to their spiritual needs.  Your responsibility is to be spiritually ready to help them grow...."in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ." 


The leftwing blogosphere (e.g., DailyKos), together with mainstream media, has taken aim on Sarah Palin and her family.  As a "fundamentalist politician," the lefties are desperately creating and furthering any and all scurrilous rumors in hopes of besmirching the Republican ticket and shifting attention away from Barack Obama's problems of religious identity, questionable citizenship, as well as policy views in general.  [The DailyKos participated in publishing a forged birth certificate for Barack Obama.]

One could easily see this coming, based on the intensity of vitriol, hate, and anti-Christian bigotry prevalent in much of the urban segment of society.  At first it was veiled, but little-by-little it has become more acceptable (politically correct) for mainstream media to express such bigotry in public.  The nature and cause of such bigotry is chronicled in two excellent books:  Reason in the Balance, The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law & Education, Phillip E. Johnson, InterVarsity Press, 1995; The Secular Revolution: Power, Interests, and Conflict in the Secularization of American Public Life, Christian Smith-Editor, University of California Press, 2003.    


Palin Family

Any George Soros Puppets Here?

“Sarah Palin is a conservative first-term governor of Alaska with strong [born-again evangelical Christian] anti-abortion views, a record of reform and fiscal conservatism and an outsider's perspective on Washington. She is also an avid sportswoman...”  "...husband, Todd Palin, is part Yup'ik Eskimo, [commerecial fisherman], a blue-collar North Slope oil worker, and who competes in the Iron Dog, a 1,900-mile snowmobile race. The couple lives in Wasilla. They have five children, the youngest of whom was born in April with Down syndrome."

The main stream media (MSM) are beside themselves on this choice for VP.  Did you pick up on Obama's emphasis upon "four more years" of a Bush/Cheney administration?  His strategists so wanted to link the McCain ticket to Bush, et al.  Criticizing VP candidate Palin for inexperience is a case of the "pot calling the kettle black."

Based on the bizarre questions being posed by the Lefties, they absolutely don't get it.  The Left believe they won the election last night after Obama's slick and choreographed speech.  Many are genuinely resentful regarding the Republican Party's conservative religious base.  From their false conception of a passive and effeminate Jesus, they mockingly call it the constituency of "God and Guns."  They don't understand or wish to acknowledge the voting constituencies of conservatives, libertarians, blue-collar values voters, pro-energy conservationists, pro-life, pro-gun, traditional Catholics, and the largest block of all--genuine evangelicals.  This was the core Republican base that John McCain needed on board.


I've spent 30 of my past 40 years employed full-time as an auditor/examiner.  I've been paid, very modestly, to ensure that smoke and mirrors do not obfuscate financial reality and truth.  I have faced years of retributive discrimination for being a Bible-based Christian, as well as secondarily white and male.  It is thus difficult for me to listen to the stream of obfuscation put forth by the Democrat Party at their convention in Denver, Colorado.  It's particularly painful for me, since I was born in Denver and Colorado has been my home for a majority of my 59+ years.

Much of America's current economic difficulties are historically attributable to utopian Democrats and the self-serving actions of their administrations.  Of course politics being politics, the Administration in power is blamed for the difficulties of the current status quo, when in fact the Democrats advanced many of the very policies and financial Ponzi schemes that bedevil today's average men and women.  Foolishly, the Nation is again enthusiastic about "libertarian socialism."  The liberal citizenry wants a libertine environ of their own creation, yet a cradle-to-grave governmental safety net to offset personal bad decision and moral accountability.

The Democrat Convention was an extremely well orchestrated media event, their candidate an articulate and charismatic voice, who is given the perfect spotlight by a highly-savvy main stream media.  It's amazing what you can get when George Soros pays for the speech writers.  Then, for a citizenry that can write checks to Todd Bentley, how can anyone be faulted for being mesmerized by the appearance of Barack Obama?  The public has found a messiah and are little interested in this candidates past associations, worldview, or potential to "change" the game after being elected to the highest office of the land.  It is all about change, isn't it?

The Republican alternative may be rife with shortcomings, but I do not look forward, as a Bible-believing Christian, to an America directed by Barack Obama and his Left-wing and relativistic minions--minions who harbor very deep-seated rage and hate against the Creator God of the Universe and a Christianity based on biblical truth.  Undoubtedly, this election comes down to passion vs. passion...and the mercies of God upon a Nation that in its past has sought to acknowledge Him as Surpreme.     


The re-establishment of the Jewish state in 1948 has not only thrown a wrench in amillennial thinking, but it has also thrown a chink in much of premillennial thinking. Amazingly, some premillennialists have concluded that the present state of Israel has nothing to do with the fulfillment of prophecy. For some reason the present state some how does not fit their scheme of things, and so the present state becomes merely an accident of history. On what grounds is the present state of Israel so dismissed? The issue that bothers so many premillennialists is the fact that not only have the Jews returned in unbelief with regard to the person of Jesus, but the majority of the ones who have returned are not even Orthodox Jews. In fact the majority are atheists or agnostics. Certainly, then, Israel does not fit in with all those biblical passages dealing with the return. For it is a regenerated nation that the Bible speaks of, and the present state of Israel hardly fits that picture. So on these grounds, the present state is dismissed as not being a fulfillment of prophecy.

However, the real problem is the failure to see that the prophets spoke of two international returns. First, there was to be a regathering in unbelief in preparation for judgment, namely the judgment of the tribulation. This was to be followed by a second world-wide regathering in faith in preparation for blessing, namely the blessings of the messianic age. Once it is recognized that the Bible speaks of two such regatherings, it is easy to see how the present state of Israel fits into prophecy.  Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Footsteps of the Messiah


Propping Up The Dollar - The Chinese communist central planners are no dummies.  Having joined the industrialized-capitalist world in a big way, they now realize their nations power is largely based on importing technology and "know-how" from Western nations while maintaining a viable export market into those small nations.  Thus, it should come as no surprise, that the are coming to the aid of the U.S. banking system.  The positive movement in the dollar caught many by surprise.

Dollar Dive

The exact cause has taken some time to identify, but UK financial columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes about the recent actions of Chinese banks which surely contributes to the positive surge at the tail of the above graph.


I'm not an economist...thank goodness.  Rather my professional training (aka 'tent making') has been in accounting and technology.  Despite the questionable reasoning, from time-to-time, of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), accountants are economic realists.  Accounting is the language of business, but postmodernism seems to have even affect this discipline.  Traditionally, at the end of each day, the books must be in balance...debit must equal credits, even if it means "plugging" (creating a temporary debit or credit) to make it balance.  [As a professional hazard, I've been known to awaken during the night with my brain hard at work seeking an explanation for some encountered imbalance...and all this taking place without my expressed permission.  Accountants often joke about the mental phenomena.]

Such is the current case with the global credit crisis, inflation, stock markets, and commodity prices, particularly oil, gold and silver.  There are some very odd phenomena taking place which defy common rules of economics (supply and demand) as well as balancing the books.  Things just don't add up.  When events (effect) defy normal rules of behavior, one intuitively knows that some explanation (cause) must exists.  The challenge is identifying the cause, keeping in mind the possibility that someone or some group may intentionally be concealing facts for personal gain.  For accountants, such investigative activity is called forensic accounting.

Take for instance the recent run up in the price of crude oil and now the rapid price decline.  Supply and demand?  Or take the current case of the falling prices of gold and silver, while there simultaneously exists a widespread physical shortage in gold and silver.  This defies common sense.  Shortages cause prices to increase, not decrease...unless, of course, the market is being intentionally manipulated.  Such may be the case, when you examine the following activities. 

The U.S. and other western banking systems are creating massive levels of liquidity (fiat paper money) in an effort to keep western economies out of recession.  This infusion of borrowing takes place through large banks, which in turn are used to prop up the entire financial system.  Traditionally, free markets recognize the inflationary effect of such central bank behavior, and "alternative forms of money" such as gold, silver, or other currencies become safe havens.

I've never been big on conspiracy theories, but the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) has argued for some time that western central banks have engaged in accounting deception to sell (i.e. "lease") vault gold and thus depress the market prices of gold and silver.  However, this ploy may have run its course as other nations (Russia, China, and the Middle-East) flush with newly-printed U.S. trading dollars are more than willing to exchange them for physical gold on world markets.

Further, some large U. S. banks are also currently engaged in non-traditional commodity speculation, i.e. taking "short positions" in the futures trading.  Silver analyst Ted Butler asks, "What real legitimate business do 2 or 3 U.S. banks suddenly have for selling short such quantities of speculative instruments over a brief time period?"   See article here.  My answer, based on 25+ years as an auditor/examiner in the banking industry is "None."  An investigation is fully warranted.  Are the various large benefactors and players of central bank lending (fractional-reserve liquidity infusions) participating in a secondary ploy to suppress the market price of gold and silver in an effort to divert economic attention from a fiat currency collapse?  This might explain the current physical shortage AND falling prices.

Add to this, the government's efforts to manipulate measures of true inflation, and our economic condition could be far worse than any "insider" is willing to admit.  The Chairman of the Federal Reserve continues to emphases the "financial crisis" and "uncertainty" of the global economy.

PS.  A part of the problem appears to be the ineffectiveness (?) of the regulatory U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

"These highly disjointed and increasingly violent market moves are starting to feel a bit like a car on a mountain road with loose steering…"


I have completed the educational landscape section below at the 8/5/2008 entry.


Tonight, ersatz-evangelical Rick Warren will host his two-hour Saddleback Civil Forum on THE PRESIDENCY. CNN will carry the event live at 8:00pm (EST), 7:00pm (CST), 6:00pm (MST), and 5:00pm (PST).  The problem with events of this nature is that both candidates are likely to be aggressively coached by their political handlers to parse their words carefully.  Both candidates likely demanded to have the list of questions ahead of time, so that their respective team could research and craft responses.  Neither candidate understands biblical Christianity nor is their 'worldview' really consistent with a Judeo-Christian framework of values.  So, dig out your bottle of Pepto-Bismol and prepare to watch the heretofore fence-straddler vs. the über-radical.

In keeping with Rick Warren's robust set of questions, which candidate do you believe would find "offensive" and dispatch their minions to "pull our plug?"

As I evaluated the differences in each candidate's responses, and there were many, I was drawn to the stark contrast in their worldviews over conflict, war, and evil.  John McCain has experienced evil firsthand and was resolute in how to deal with it..."We defeat it!"  By contrast, Obama's responses were typical morally-relativistic and nuanced in which he equated moral certainty with arrogance.  He emphasized the need for being "humble," and the possibility of being evil while opposing indirect slap at both the current Administration and America.  The same moral relativism was expressed in his response to the pointed question regarding when life begins and abortion.  He side-stepped the question (one of many), and justified his non-response with the cutesy statement, "That's above my pay grade."  Like I said, his 'handlers' had him well groomed for the event.



Why Liberals and the Left Oppose Free Speech and Distain Monologue...Except Their Own - One would assume that all Americans would understand the value of the First Amendment.  Not so!  For an increasing number, so-called "political correct dialogue" has supplanted the right of free speech laid down in the Bill of Rights.  How has this come about?

Public education operates under the ubiquitous principle that no student should feel offended by another's point of view.  At work is the process of the supremacy of the lowest common denominator.  Little-by-little free speech is suppressed.  It's this principle at work which has contributed to the national pedagogic crisis as well as the "dumbing down" of students and all society.

Today, liberals believe the ethos of the public school classroom should logically extend to the public square.  This is in part the motive behind those who seek to reinstate the FCC's so-called "Fairness Doctrine."  Their goal is to build "consensus" views, i.e., politically-correct perspectives which offend the least number of individuals.  Being philosophic relativists, dialogue is the enlightened and acceptable form of communication since no viewpoint can claim superiority over another.  For them, monologues (except their own) reflect arrogance, bad taste, and should be censored and banned.

Readers would be surprised at the number of emails received here from those "offended" by something they've read.  Some request that I delete this or that based on their offended feelings.  In anger, some seek to intimidate and "order" me to remove information.  A small number have even threatened lawsuits, falsely claiming such-and-such statement is "libelous."  To their disappointment, such is not the case.  I do remind them that they are free to "change the channel" to any one of a... billion other websites.


If you are one of the faithful who enjoy and appreciate this website, take note.  Due to their megalomaniacal drive for absolute control and power, the liberal Left and Democrats are seeking to reinstitute the decades-old "Fairness Doctrine."  This legislation, originally passed in 1949 and requiring radio and TV broadcasters to present controversial issues of public importance in a manner deemed by the FCC to be "honest, equitable, and balanced," was generally repealed in 1967.  The need for the original law was largely based on the "limited spectrum of the public airwaves" (scarcity rationale).  Cases involving the application of and challenges to the fairness doctrine vs. free speech rights under the 1st Amendment have reached the Supreme Court on a few occasions.  "In 1984, the Supreme Court decided that the scarcity rationale underlying the doctrine did not apply to expanding communications technologies, and that the doctrine was limiting the breadth of public debate."  In light of the success of both conservative talk-radio and conservative websites on the Internet, and due to the Left's inability to monopolize the public square like they have public schools, Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat caucus, Senators Richard Durbin, and John Kerry, are seeking to muzzle opponents by reinstating this law and extending its jurisdiction to include the Internet.  A bill to reinstate the law (e.g., HR 3302, 109th Congress) failed to gain traction, but is being readied for re-introduction.  The new legislation would address the issues of both "balanced presentation" and "media ownership."  It is the so-called balanced presentation portion which may, hopefully, never reach constitutional muster.  Nevertheless, such proposed legislation does represent an additional threat to free speech in the public square, aimed at conservatives and conservative Christians.  Let you Congressional representatives know that you are opposed to the presentation portion of any proposed new legislation.

Most are unaware that the Internet, despite its appearance of being a fully democratic forum, is manipulated by companies like Google.  Google's sophisticated, proprietary technology (filtering algorithms) allows its management to "weight" search results to reflect ideological bias or even enforce censorship--i.e., search results not favorable to conservative views.  Despite my laborious efforts to index's web pages, very few pages get picked up by Google's "crawl" technology (Googlebot).  This wasn't the case back in the '90s.  Supporters of can help in this effort.  If there's a particular page you'd like to see rise in Google's ranking, regularly submit that URL address HERE.    


Love & RespectBased on a recommendation by my middle son, Matthew Jude and his fiancée Tracy, Diane and I are working through Dr. Emerson Eggerichs' book, Love & Respect, Thomas Nelson, 2004.  In short, the book is phenomenal for several reasons.  It's my intention to write an in-depth review, since the essence of the topic--love and respect--extend far beyond the sphere of building healthy marriages.  So far, we've completed Chapters 1-5, and I've read enough to recommend that all readers of obtain a copy.  The book is fundamentally different (in a positive way) than evangelical books on marriage written over the past half century.  It turns an important corner toward stanching further cultural deterioration.


"A potential rush of events in which a US-led blockade, Israeli attack and Iranian reprisals pile up in a very short time and precipitate a major military crisis."

With Western economies under heavy stress from structural problems plus the rising price of oil, Iran's defiance of UN sanctions, and now war between Russia and Georgia, one Internet source is reporting a massive US/UK/French/Canadian navel armada in route to the Straits of Hormuz (the information is being confirmed at DEBKAfile).  The stated purpose is to enforce UN sanctions; however, crude oil supply lines are also in play.  Consequently, the recent decline in gas prices, commodities, rising stock market and rebound of the US dollar may be a short-lived phenomena.  Special thanks to Susan P.- our helpful "research assistant" for supplying us with many links.


DEATH of TRUE LOVE - John Locke is quoted as saying, Whoever defines the word, defines the world.”  Today, the meaning of love has been hijacked and largely redefined for use within a pervasive framework of moral relativism--the post-Christian society.

The Greek word most often translated "love" in the New Testament is agapē.  The essence of agapē is benevolent action rooted in the nature of the lover, without pre-conditions on the part of the object of such love.  But agapē is not "love" devoid of any conditions!  Says who?  A sound and careful study of the NT reveals numerous conditional statements relative to interpersonal relationships.

The current world's so-called love is love devoid of any and all conditions.  It is a love severed and independent from light, righteousness, justice and truth.  The same holds true for "peace," "unity," and a host of terms.  Modern love, so called, doesn't engage in any form of judgment and is characterized by a perverted form of tolerance.    It is tolerant of all manner of evil and wickedness, and intolerant toward those who would seek to identify and scripturally oppose the same.  Thus, when a Bible-based Christian sets forth Scriptural truth with any degree of certainty, they are viewed and falsely labeled as being unloving, abusive and attempting to force their views on others.

Action:  It has been this simple but continuous misuse of words which has rendered the Church impotent relative to its responsibility for being "salt and light" in society.  Christians should be prepared to challenge every misuse, no matter what the context, of the word "love" by asserting its historical, biblical, and true meaning.  Today's spiritual war (Eph. 6:12) is being played out in a struggle over the meaning words.

     " order that Satan might not outwit us.  For we are not unaware of his schemes."  2 Cor. 2:11

It's All About Words


Literalistic vs. Literal?  The English word "literal" carries some problematic connotations, and thus a fair amount of confusion exists about how conservative, born-again Christians should interpret the Bible.  Most often in conservative circles, literal is used to mean the normal, grammatical-historic approach to interpretation that was rediscovered during the Protestant Reformation and has been used by subsequent generations of evangelicals.  This approach means the "correct interpretation is the one which discovers the meaning of the text in its grammatical forms and in the historical, cultural context in which the text is expressed."

A literalistic approach to interpretation is different.  "Every word is taken absolutely literally including figures of speech and symbolism.  Historical background is considered unnecessary and ignored.  Any deviation from this rule is regarded as sacrilegious.  This method was used by the Jews after the Babylonian Exile.  It is also used by extreme fundamentalists and many cults (Children of God, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc.).  Subscribers always use it selectively and it makes Scripture unintelligible, contradictory, and unlivable." 

It is this literalistic approach to Scripture, together with Anglo-Catholic church tradition, which spawned the erroneous and socially-destructive idea that marriage is indissoluble except by death.  Contrary to both, biblical marriage can legitimately end by biblical divorce, as surely as by death.  Does this seem counter-intuitive to what you've heard over the years?  If so, read: Till Death Do Us Part? Divorce and Remarriage in the Church: Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities, by Dr. David Instone-Brewer.


I have completed an “in-depth scan” of the book, None Dare Call It Education, John A. Stormer, Liberty Bell Press, 1998.  I put together some comments and observations (here), which should not be taken as a complete book review.
My views regarding education have ebbed-and-flowed during my nearly forty years as a born-again Christian.  I attended both parochial (Catholic) and public schools during elementary and secondary years, and then both public and private colleges.  I experienced, first hand, substantial differences.

One conviction of mine that has remained fairly constant: self-education is an important personal and family value.  Taking individual responsibility for learning (life long) is critical for offsetting the various educational deficiencies we all face during our lifetimes.  This value was transferred to me by my mother and her hard-working Czech/Austrian family.
According to the U. S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 75 million students (elementary, secondary, and post-secondary) were enrolled (Fall 2007) in either public or private schools.  Nearly 10 million individuals were involved as teachers and support administration.  See the statistics here.
Also of interest:
          The Condition of Education 2008 (in Brief)
          The Condition of Education 2008 (large file)

          (No claim is made for the accuracy of DOE statistics.)

In addition to self-education, my view of the pedagogic landscape looks like this:

Public Education:  Tax-supported common schools are socialistic by design and thus suffer from a host of structural ills, the worst being the “supremacy of the lowest common denominator.”  As with all forms of social utopianism, outcomes never live up to the hype of the founding visionaries or those with vested financial interests.  Why?  The Fall.  Over the past 150+ years, American education has inevitably failed in its mission to create genuinely literate citizens.  From time-to-time, exposés are run which reveal high school graduates unable to demonstrate basic reading and writing skills, and poor global ranking despite the annual $500+ billion dollar price tag.  As seen in the graphs below, only Norway spends more money per elementary and secondary student than the United States.  In the arena of postsecondary education, the United States leads the world in spending.  Does more money mean brighter students?  Of course not.

Educational Spending

Under "Academic Outcomes" in the same report (linked above) you find these facts:

Science: "The average U.S. science literacy score [15-year-olds] was 489, which was below the average of the 30 OECD countries (500). U.S. students had a lower average score than students in 16 OECD-member countries and a higher average score than students in 5 OECD countries. U.S. students also scored lower than their peers in 6 non-OECD jurisdiction..."

Reading: "The average U.S. 4th-grade score on the combined reading literacy scale was 540, above the PIRLS international average of 500. Students in 10 jurisdictions scored above U.S. students, on average. U.S. students scored higher, on average, than their peers in 22 jurisdictions. No differences were detected between the average score in the United States and those in 12 jurisdictions."

Students from the tiny country of Latvia scored higher in both categories than American students.  Sadly, the students are the victims of a bureaucratic fraud and slowly awaken to their literacy deficiencies as they attempt to compete in the global job market.  As was highlighted nearly 180 years ago, public education largely serves the interests of Government, not the family, nor the individual.  Prior to America’s widespread urbanization and “reforms,” some isolated rural schools, under local control, may have provided better education, and a few may still exist in some backwater.  Among educational alternatives for Christians, the choice of today’s public school should rank last.  In most cases, it is a form of self-delusion for Christian parents to think that what their children receive at home plus in Sunday school is capable of offsetting the influence and effect of the public school.

Non-Government Funded Schools

Secular Schools: Despite the ubiquitous nature of America’s public schools, many children from the lowest to upper socio-economic American families opt to attend private schools.  Yes, some of these institutions are elitist, at least in the minds of the parents who write the checks for tuition.  As with all tuition-based funding, academic results and parental involvement are high due to the what I call "consumer consciousness."  When parents pay directly for education, they discriminate, exercise positive judgment, and hold the school responsible for results.  They demand their money's worth, and can vote with their feet if the particular school doesn't deliever.

Private Education 

The largest decline (1989 to 2005) in private schools was attributable to a thirteen (13%) percent atrophy in Catholic parochial schools.  Evangelical Christian and "non-sectarian" (i.e. secular) school both grew by five (5%) percent.  Overall, private school enrollment modestly increased from 4.8 million to 5.1 million, respectively, and constituted only nine (9%) percent of the total U.S. student population.    

Christian Schools: Conservative (mostly evangelical) Christian schools represent the most reasonable educational alternative for born-again Christians.  Quality varies from location to location with many variables contributing to the outcomes.  For details, research the various associations: American Association of Christian Schools (AACS), Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), National Christian School Association (NCSA), etc.  It must be pointed out that there is a potential risk with sending children to Christian schools.  Hurdle #1.  Given the raging culture war (overt and covert), your child's high school or college diploma may be a liability when seeking to transfer educational credits or even find employment.  Never mind the fact that they might be intellectually superior to their public school counterpart.  For example, the University of California deny credit, relative to eligibility for admission, for some Christian high school classes--including English, history, and government, on the grounds that the subject were taught from a Christian worldview perspective.  The University of California disallows over 150 specific courses taught in Christian, Catholic, and Jewish high schools.  Hurdle #2.  So you've graduated from a Christian, Catholic, or Jewish college and you're in search of your first 'real' job.  With the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on the books and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on the beat, discrimination would be far from your mind as you aggressively sought out a 'good paying' job.  Sadly, this is naive.  I have personally witnessed company recruiters discriminate against ('round file') applications based on animus against religion.  When I called this illegal practice to the attention of management, I became the pariah.  Engaging the culture war is not for the faint of heart. 

Homeschooling:  "The U.S. Department of Education reports that 1.1 million, or 2.2 percent of all students in the nation, are homeschooled."  For Christians, homeschooling is both the most ideal yet most difficult schooling option.  Parents have nearly full control over both curriculum and the learning environment.  If done correctly, homeschooling place a serious demands on both parents.  It requires extra amounts of passion, commitment, and perseverance…as well as a good dose of teaching skills.  Due to problems in both public and private institutions, as well as hard economic times, homeschooling continues to grow in popularity.  Laws over homeschooling vary from country to country, state to state.  Courts in Germany take a dim view of homeschooling and most have heard of the recent court ruling in California that attempted to make homeschooling illegal, but was reverse on appeal.  Homeschoolers face similar challenges when applying to many public universities, but condition are said to be improving.  The possibility of religious discrimination is still very real.


Pushing Back The Darkness – A win for Colorado broad-based evangelicals.
Political and religious liberals continue to suffer small setbacks in their decades-long, animus-filled assault upon conservative evangelicals.  For example, in a lawsuit filed by Colorado Christian University (CCU) against nine officials of the State of Colorado Commission on Higher Education over unconstitutional discrimination in the matter of student funding, an adverse lower District court decision was reversed by the US 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.  The arguments by the plaintiff attornys logic and the Circuit Court’s ruling can be found here and here.  I do admit, I love to listen to these arguments.  I can't find the arguments by the defense.  The judge, at one point, describes the defendant attorney's arguments  as "inconsistent" with pertinent case law and of advancing "puzzling and artificial distinctions." 
Victories such as Colorado Christian University vs. Weaver are small relative to the overall cultural assault on conservative religious citizens, but nevertheless represent substantial moral victories in the face of pervasive evils.  While it may be no surprise or revelation to readers here, listed below are the various national and local groups that made up the Amici Curiae (Latin: friend of the court) on behalf of both the Plaintiff (CCU) and the Defendants.
Arguing on Behalf of the Plaintiff

  • Christian Legal Society - Center for Law & Religious Freedom, Springfield, Virginia

  • Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons, LLP, Colorado Springs, Colorado

  • Thomas N. Scheffel & Associates, P.C., Denver, Colorado

  • Alliance Defense Fund, Scottsdale, Arizona

Amici Curiae supporting the plaintiff:

  • United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division

  • Burns, Figa & Will, P.C., Greenwood Village, Colorado

  • Douglas Laycock, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan

  • The Center for Public Justice

  • National Association of Evangelicals

  • The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

  • American Center for Law and Justice

  • Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, for The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

  • The American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities

  • The Catholic University of America

  • Jones & Benjamin D. DuPré, for Foundation for Moral Law

Arguing on Behalf of the Defendants

  • Solicitor General, Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and Assistant Attorneys General for the State of Colorado

Amici Curiae supporting the defendants:

  • Three Harvard Law School students, Supreme Court and Appellate Practice Clinic

  • O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington, D.C

  • Bredhoff & Kaiser, P.L.L.C., Washington, D.C

  • American Jewish Congress, New York, New York

  • Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Washington, D.C

  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Foundation, Washington, D.C

  • People For the American Way Foundation, Washington, D.C

  • Anti-Defamation League, New York, New York

  • American Federation of Teachers, Washington, D.C

  • National School Boards Association, Alexandria, Virginia

  • National Education Association, Washington, D.C

  • National Parent Teacher Association, Washington, D.C

  • Colorado Education Association


The McCain campaign has decided to have some fun with parody.  The One


From time to time, some have commented, "Why the name  Isn't it more accurate to say "in Christ?"  The website's name is drawn from the biblical (Pauline) truths of the believer's positional crucifixion (death), burial, resurrection, ascension, and being seated "with" Christ.  See Romans 6:4,6 and Ephesians 2:6.  True, the believer is "in Christ," but only through his positional identification with Christ, which is at the heart of the Gospel message.  Do you think you understanding the Gospel?  Do YOU clearly understand how you came to be "in Christ?"  If not, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with THE DOCTRINE OF POSITION.


The website Theopedia is an evangelical and Reformed theological effort to create “an encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity.”   As a “wiki” (a document collection managed by collaborative software), its vision is to build a “comprehensive encyclopedia on biblical Christianity,” “promote sound theology,” “lessen the gap of theological knowledge between the seminary-trained church leader and the layman,” “build a Christian community for the promotion of good theological content,” and “promote the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all things.”  

As one would expect, its highly-prolific founder and head administrator Aaron Shafovaloff and other assistants are thoroughly and unabashedly Reformed in perspective.  Theopedia adheres to an evangelical primary statement of faith, secondary statements such as The Cambridge Declaration of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and Together for the Gospel, as well as a “Writing guide.”  

Although Theopedia contains entries for: dispensationalism, John Nelson Darby, Plymouth Brethren, premillennialism, C. I. Scofield, L. S. Chafer, etc., it is staunchly anti-dispensational and does not consider dispensationalists or dispensationalism a part of “traditional, evangelical Protestantism.”  In these areas, their website’s commentaries lack neutrality and contain bias (contrary to their own Writing guide).  They sadly promote many historical and erroneous Reformed mischaracterizations, similar to those put forth by John H. Gerstner's WRONGLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH - A Critique of Dispensationalism.

It appears neither the founder nor other current administrators are interested in facts that run contrary to their preconceived notions.  Several years back, I created a Theopedia account and while adhering to the website’s Writing guide, made several contributions to the above topics.  Nevertheless, those entries, except for one single external link to MJS’s critique of the Plymouth Brethren, were deleted and my account purged.

Summary:  Don't go to Theopedia if you want clear and accurate information regarding dispensationalism or dispensationalists.  Brothers and sisters in Christ, the sine quo non of biblical Christianity, as taught by the Apostle Paul, JND, and others, is:

God has one purpose--to glorify Himself in Christ.  This involves glory in two spheres, the earthly and the heavenly.  In keeping with this purpose, God has made the Church distinct from Israel, though salvation of all saints is ever and only by (sovereign) grace (through faith), in view of the atoning work of Christ.  The body of Christ, of which Israel is not a part, is composed of saints (of all ethnic backgrounds) seated in the heavenlies, in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6), and this constitutes them a heavenly people (despite individually being brief sojourners on earth), while Israel is an earthly people and shall be established in the land by sovereign power.  All Israel will then be saved (Rom. 11:26, etc.), the rebels having been purged (Ezek. 20), etc.  rah

A grammatical-historical (normal) method of interpretation (hermeneutic) leads each and every born-again Christian to see the veracity of the above theological quote.  Unfortunately, a great number down through history have approached the Bible with some preconceived agenda, and thus reject this method of interpretation.  Such is the history of the Anglo-Catholic, the Reformation, and to a lesser degree Anabaptist and Baptist traditions.

All Scripture "is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16), but all Scripture is not of primary application to a particular person or class of persons which the Bible designates as such.  All Scripture is not about the angels nor about the Gentiles [non-Jews].  In like manner, all Scripture is not addressed to the Jew nor to the Christian.  These are obvious truths, and the dispensationalist's plan of interpretation is none other than an attempt to be consistent in following these [normal] distinctions in the primary application of Scripture as far as, and no farther than, the Bible carries them.  lsc


DangerAs mentioned on our About Us page, one goal of this ministry is to help believers navigate the numerous doctrinal 'minefields' which exist throughout Christendom and beyond.  It's a big job and fortunately I have faithful assistants here and there who alert me to new and troubling 'hot spots'.

One such doctrinal minefield worth mentioning is the evolving and deteriorating Messianic Judaism movement.  The movement was popularized among the youth culture back in '60s by groups like Jews for Jesus.  The early movement embraced the minority "racial pride" phenomena found on most university campuses, as well as rejected the Pauline doctrinal emphasis set forth in Galatians 3:28.

During the early '70s, Miles Stanford warned of the deleterious effects of both Law and the charismatic upon these converted Jews.  Much went unheeded and many evangelical ministries today operate with Messianic overtones.  Beware of the potential consequences!

As paradigmatic examples, let's examine the Messianic groups, Abrahamic Faith, led by Simon Altaf and B'nai Yahshua Synagogues Worldwide led by Joseph Koniuchowsky.  Both Reformed and Progressive Dispensational believers should pay close attention. 

Rather than moving in the direction of fellowship with the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, this group has progressively moved backwards into the OT while seeking to actualize Israel's future New Covenant.  These avant-garde charismatic Jews suppose themselves to be the now-existent "New Covenant Israel" - the elect Assembly of Yahshua.

They rightly understand the error of Christendom's "Replacement Theology" (the false teaching that the Church replaced Israel), but reject the "mystery" exclusively revealed by the Apostle Paul, the truth of the heavenly Body of Christ (ekklesia) mentioned throughout his Epistles.  According to them, "Separate-Entity Theology" (a classic Pauline dispensational distinction) "where something man-made called 'The Church' co-exists as a separate entity alongside the people of Israel" is an "unscriptural doctrine of Hell and needs to be silenced via correct teaching by those of the single body of New Covenant Israel also known as the ekklessia [sic] -- the Assembly of Yahshua."  [emphasis mine]

Having semi-rejected the Scriptural concept of progressive revelation and having been 'energized' by charismatic nonsense, they feel "led of the Holy Spirit" to launch into plural marriages--polygamy.  Believer beware: a non-dispensational approach to Scripture is treacherous ground.


I caught up (sort of) with David J. Jonsson's article files.  Two very interesting, albeit complex and involved from a general public perspective, are:

>> From the Church (Mosque) to the Schoolhouse to the White House <<

Barack Hussein Obama’s Contribution to the Clash of Ideologies

Mr. Jonsson draws connections which are both lucid and stunning.  The second link regarding Democrat candidate Barack Obama is a six-part series, and let me stress--not for the faint-of-heart.  Once you start, you'll probably be engrossed for several hours, so plan your time wisely.

As I wrote one correspondent, "If this isn’t the lead up to the Tribulation, then it’s a great rehearsal!"


The declining role and influence of the Christian religion, fundamentalist to liturgical, in Western culture, creates an environment ripe for political messiahs.  Read the creative - He ventured forth to bring light to the world.  At least that's the way I see this presidential election shaping up.  From so-called global warming to economic meltdown, from AIDS to conflicts and war, the world's citizens are looking for an easy and painless "answer."  The Democrat candidate, Barack Obama, appears to be effectively leveraging this global yearning for a 'redemptive' personality.  Even the typically non-religious Democrats seem to be enjoying their preceived campaign advantage.  Somewhere on the Internet I read about John McCain's daily Rx intake and thought, "The Mainstream Media (MSM) will probably enjoy speculating on whether their chosen Republican contender suffers from hemorrhoids too."  Advice?  Stay engaged.


Anglican (aka Episcopal) Unequal Yoke at an End?  Despite their shared philosophic and theological humanism, the Anglican denomination (globally estimated at 80 million) is undergoing a major division--generally along the lines of liberal vs. evangelical.  The problem stems from the fact that liberal American and British leaders are not representative of the more evangelical and morally conservative global membership.  The ordination of a homosexual bishop by American Episcopals in 2003 was the a-bomb event that ignited a storm of global protest.  For the past five years, conservatives have been working to excise the cancerous tumor, and more.  "The Anglican crisis continues to escalate and will do so well toward the end of 2008. This fall, several American dioceses will vote [several already have] on whether to separate from the Episcopal Church. On Wednesday, a west suburban Chicago-area priest confided: 'It's all over but the lawsuits'."  A similar type division (liberal vs. evangelical) is also occurring in the denomination Presbyterian Church (USA).

To assume that only men, not God, cause division is to create the logical, but false and un-Scriptural, assumption that men can always achieve unity.  Such efforts may produce an ecumenical and superficial sense of 'togetherness', but only at the expense of truth, integrity, and genuine pneumatological (Holy Spirit) unity.


Many in today's society are both hardened skeptics and cynics.  The Modernism of the late 19th and early 20th century rejected the possibility of the supernatural and taught that empirical science was wholly sufficient to arrive at any "truth" worth knowing.  However, hallucinogenic drugs and the decade of the '60s spawned a backlash of philosophic and moral relativism, which then paved the way for our Post-modern era.  Postmodernism rejects both scientific and religious universal truth claims (metanarratives); reality is purely subjective and uncertainty the only constant.  Thus, many younger generations will fail to see the humor in the cartoon below.  For them, this approach to reading the Bible is seen as normative.  Nothing more is possible.  For them, the existence of denominations and Christian sects seems a self-evident confirmation that reading the Bible is purely a subjective exercise.  Dispelling today's entrenched skepticism is very hard labor.

Of course, viewing even a single Pentecostal revivalist Todd Bentley broadcast would likely make even celestial beings cynical of religion.  Miles Stanford's 1972 booklet, THE LINE DRAWN, stands unchallenged as the quintessential answer to the entire spectrum of Pentecostal/charismatic nonsense.


Don't Bother Me

At least some are privately candid in their opposition to


"...the Bible is like no other book."

With the influence of postmodernism upon the larger culture, claims of exclusivity have become less and less meaningful.  The meaning most people get from the above statement is that the Bible is simply 'different', but not unique.  From their perspective, Christians might enjoy it and thus it might be 'special' to you, but in their mind, no book is inherently superior to any other piece of literature.  Thus, when witnessing to your friend or colleague, it's important to emphasis what you precisely mean.

"...the Bible is like no other book.  It is unique for it has come to us from God Himself.  This is evident from its own claims to inspiration.  Paul wrote, "All Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Tim. 3:16).  Though human writers were used by God to record the Scriptures, using their own styles of diction and expressing their own personalities, their words were the "out-breathing" of God.  Inspiration then is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit whereby He guided and superintended the writers of Scripture so that what they wrote is the Word of God.  This "breathing" into the writings, or superintending over the writings, was an act both verbal and plenary.  It was verbal in that that the Holy Spirit guided in the choice of the words, which cannot be separated from thoughts.  The Bible's inspiration was also plenary in that it extended to every portion of the Bible.  As a result it is infallible in truth and final in authority.  The Greek word for "inspired" (2 Tim. 3:16, NASB) is theopneustos, literally "God-breathed" (as the NIV translates it).  Because of its divine origin and nature, the Bible in its original writings was without error."   RBZ


"Now, let's turn to the Messiah stories. Through TV programs like "The Secret of Armageddon," the Iranian government continues trying to prepare people for what Ahmadinejad sees as the increasingly "imminent" coming of the Islamic Messiah. I don't begrudge them that, per se. I also believe we are living in the last days. I believe the Messiah is coming. And I believe we all need to live differently in light of these truths. The problem is that while Jesus, the Apostles and all Biblical eschatology teaches us to love our neighbors and our enemies in the End Times -- and share the good news of God's love and salvation for all who will listen and respond -- Shia Islamic eschatology teaches just the opposite. The way to hasten the Mahdi's appearance or arrival on earth, Shia scholars teach, is to create chaos and carnage on the planet and kill tens of millions of people. They believe that annihilating Judeo-Christian civilization as we know it and sending the world goes up in flames will then trigger the arrival of the Mahdi who will bring righteousness, justice and peace and create a worldwide Islamic empire. Of course, it's one thing to believe in such horrifying theology. It's another thing to run a country based on it. Yet that is exactly what is happening in Iran today. Such Shia eschatology is driving Iranian foreign policy. What's more, it is driving the Iranian regime's feverish bid to build, buy or steal nuclear weapons and the missiles capable of delivering them to U.S. and Israeli targets. Such genocidal zealots cannot be successfully negotiated with or deterred. That's what is so critical for Washington and our allies to understand. Ahmadinejad -- and, more importantly, the Ayatollah Khamenei -- don't want to be stopped. They believe they are on a God-given mission to bring about the end of the world, and they are eager and passionate about getting the job done as quickly as possible."  Joel C. Rosenberg, 7/10/2008


Campus CruisersCampus Cruisers? - Many readers are familiar with the Arminian/Wesleyan evangelical and ecumenical Campus Crusade for Christ International (CCCI).  I spent time with and in the organization during the first year or so of my Christian life.  Read testimony here.  Readers may also be aware and sensitive to the fact that the term "Crusade" has become rather 'politically incorrect' because of the rise in power of Islam (Muslims take offense), the West's so-called "war on terrorism," and pragmatic efforts by Western leaders to cast a false image of Islam as a "religion of peace."  For the Muslim world, the word "Crusade" is always linked to the many military/religious campaigns waged largely by Catholic Europe during the Medieval Age, as well as their stunted understanding of the Christian faith in general.  So...did CCCI leaders compromise and intentionally alter their name [Campus Cruised (sic) for Christ International] when they participated in the highly-ecumenical 2007 World Conference on Dialogue Among Religions and Civilizations?  Curious minds want to know.   


I have added an addendum to the Interpretation section of my article, FROM GOD TO US, The Divine Chain of Communication.

Addendum: For further study, obtain a copy of Roy Zuck's Basic Bible Interpretation: A Practical Guide to Discovering Biblical Truth, Victor Books, 1991.  This is an excellent seminary-level textbook used at Dallas Theological Seminary by Dr. Zuck.  The textbook is a great resource; however, it is a bit dated in that it was conceived and written before the adverse influence of postmodernism took hold within academic circles and culture and thus fails to address some of these more contemporary issues.

If you're a bit murky on postmodernism (pomo for short) or "Emergent", that's acceptable...if you're over the age of 40.  You may get a better understanding by backing into this form of contemporary reality.  See the creative Emergence-See ¤ Po-Motivators for Emergent Christians, Motivational Posters for the Emerging Church Conversation CHAOS by

For any of you are struggling to raise (or even communicate) with your pomo-infected children or relatives, or concerned with the new "Emergent" youth group in your church, you won't want to miss TeamPyro's satirical and humorous motivational posters.


At $150 USD a barrel of oil, the globalized economies face a 'slow-motion' Armageddon.  Certain businesses and banks will fail early, others later as the high cost of energy works its way rows of dominos.  Planned or unplanned, the outcomes are similar.  Theories abound why crude oil has more than doubled in such a short period.  Will the financial collapse set in motion the prophetic, biblical Armageddon?  Some think so...both in America and the Middle East.  Keep in mind that events will move at a slower-than-expected pace due to the scale of interconnections at the global level.  Yet, tensions are rising in Israel and the Middle East and at some point, the pressures will be released.  Time is running out for this cast of world stage actors and actresses.


Frozen Lake of Traitors"The 9th Circle in Dante's Inferno - starring Judas and Brutus - is a frozen lake.  Cold can be more frightful than heat. "Blue pinch'd and shrined in ice the spirits stood," (Canto XXXIII). Such awaits the victims of debt deflation."

I understand that many readers will scratch their head after reading the above quote from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy (unless you read it back during your school days and your memory is still working), as well as ponder the connection with the economics of "debt deflation."  Side note: Alighieri's work is "widely considered the central epic poem of Italian literature and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature.  The poem's imaginative and allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife is a culmination of the medieval worldview as it had developed in the Western [Catholic] Church."  But...debt deflation?  The above quote is the masterful journalistic ending to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's most recent gaze into his economic crystal ball--Monetarists warn of crunch across Atlantic economies.  If after reading his article, you're still not sure what's being discussed, then take in Chris Martenson's recently released 15th presentation entitled "Bubbles."

"Blue pinch'd and shrined in ice the spirits stood,"...they did.


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