Comprehending the Nature of Ted Haggard's Hypocrisy

The following comments appeared on the Journal in November 2006


Surprised, stunned, or embarrassed?  Unfortunately, this is a tip of a very ugly iceberg.  The problem is, was, and will always be aberrant Pentecostal/charismatic doctrine and its devastating systemic effects.  But like the problem with Islam, there's a political incorrectness in fingering a person's or group's beliefs.  Thus, both the general public as well as the evangelical church are currently incapable of grasping these issues.

Although dated, readers will surely profit from:  HOMOSEX and the Christian, The Making and Breaking of Homosexuality.

Genuine Leadership

“An instrument for honorable uses, consecrated, useful for the Master, and ready for any good service” (2 Tim. 2:21, Wms.).

To be a leader one must be a dependent one, a led one; one who is “looking away (from all that would distract) to Jesus, who is the Leader and the Source of our faith” (Heb. 12:2).

“One of the greatest needs in the Church today is for authoritative, spiritual, and sacrificial leadership. Authoritative, because people love to be led by one who knows where he is going and who inspires their confidence. Spiritual, because a leadership which is carnal and explainable in terms of the natural, be it ever so competent, can result in sterility and spiritual bankruptcy. Sacrificial, because its source is the life of One who gave Himself a sacrifice, and stated that the path of leadership was by the lonely road of sacrificial service.” -O.S.

“The standard and measure of spiritual leaders has to be ahead of others, and as human nature generally likes not to be disturbed, but would seek the easy way, the pioneer is often a bit too much for people. His is not the easy way, and because the whole nature of man is either downward or to a quiet and happy snugness, the leader is not always popular. The pioneer is therefore not always appreciated, but often very much otherwise. He is quite contrary to this mediocre gravitation. A part of the price of leadership is loneliness.” -T. A-S.

“Paul could say, ‘I am glad to spend and to be spent for your sakes, notwithstanding the more earnestly I love you the less I be loved’; not, I will help you as long as you love me. People hurt you; you are not appreciated? Well, so be it! Spend and be spent the more!”

The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient” (2 Tim. 2:24)


The New Old Life "board of overseers" will likely do their senior pastor no favor.  It should be self-evident to any adult that Pastor Ted has engaged in a ongoing level of deception and lying, and thus is attempting to 'spin' the story in an effort at damage control.  But his explanations haven't passed the logic test, and directly contradict the tape recorded evidence already made public.  This is similar to the past 'spin' that James Bakker, Bob George, Jimmy Swaggart, and others employed.  With hundreds of genuine massage therapists listed in any local yellow pages, why would Haggard employ a homosexual prostitute (so-called escort) for a rub down?  Also of note was the fact that Haggard didn't mention which "hotel" he was lodged at.  The fair and obvious 'overseer' question should be, "What did the escort massage and how did he massage it?"

Sadly, Ted (Art) Haggard has made himself and "evangelicals" the laughing stock of the world!  Evangelicals bear some much of the blame for exalting 'celebrity personalities' rather than genuine spiritual leaders.   No wonder the unbelieving world has come to believe Christian leaders have some kooky mind-controlling power over their 'illiterate' flocks.  And the use of methamphetamine...the most risky, addictive, and deadly street drug of modern history!  In a recorded phone call, Haggard says, "Hi Mike, this is Art."  "Hey, I was just calling to see if we could get any more.  Either $100 or $200 supply."  Honestly, there is a basis here for Ted Haggard to cop an insanity defense.

Truly, our hearts and prayers should go out to his dear wife and children who will certainly suffer more than most can imagine.  This event is a living object lesson for my 10/31.1/2006 post below and The Red Letters.  While Ted Haggard is fully responsibly for his immoral behavior, he is also a victim--a victim of the Pentecostal "Baptism of the Holy Ghost."  Like thousands of other Pentecostal/charismatics, he is mentally unstable and probably in need of short-term hospitalization, then long-term safe & sound doctrinal teaching--something he'd never find at New Life Church.  We can only hope and pray that the Lord shows him that repentance and forgiveness are not enough and that God's gracious redemption (the Cross and Identification) must address the corrupt nature (sin) of our humanity to make room for real New Life--"not I, but Christ."


For what it's worth, Pentecostals DO NOT represent born-again, New Creation, orthodox Christianity.  Up until the mid '50s, Pentecostals were considered a 'fringe' sect due to their aberrant doctrines and practices.  However, certain ecumenical, inclusivist leaders entered into 'detente', and what changed was not Pentecostal beliefs, but their public relations methodologies.  Using modern media, they became a model for other heterodox groups of how to alter public perceptions.

1957 also witnessed Dr. [Donald] Barnhouse and Dr. [Walter] Martin entering into "close fellowship" with the Pentecostalists.  Eternity magazine for April, 1958, reported the visit with the leaders of the Assemblies of God at their headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, stating, "We found total disagreement of two percent of our doctrines, and absolute agreement of 95 to 98 percent."  Again, believers were strongly exhorted to enter into fellowship with this anti-security [Arminian], tongues and healing group.

It was at this time that the Pentecostal plague was beginning to break loose and infect the larger denominations. The Barnhouse-Martin open door policy substantially contributed to the present-day charismatic errors [and chaos] that are rending the Body of Christ.  Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse and Neo-Evangelicalism, MJS.

If the "process" follows Pentecostal/charismatic tradition, Pastor Ted will apologize and ask for congregational "forgiveness."  Then he'll relocate to a distant urban center and start another "Spirit-filled business ministry" in about 5 years-or-less time.  "To everything [there is] a season, a time for every purpose under heaven..."


The following is Ted Haggard's 2-page statement of confession, apology, and request for congregational forgiveness.  The purpose of my comments is not to call into question whether he is genuine or sincere in what he writes; rather, Christians should be aware of certain classic patterns and historic details.  My desire is that Christian readers learn to exercise mature discernment and not be beguiled by today's widespread religious charlatanism.  Readers should also be aware that my coverage of this event has been colored by the fact that I, in the past, was personally on the receiving end of such deceit and lies and have lived through very similar betrayals in my own Christian experience.

In the fourth and fifth paragraphs of page one, Haggard openly acknowledges his deceit, a "dark" side to his life, internal struggle, and failed efforts to address his problems.  While he later acknowledges "I am a sinner," his Pentecostal theology fails him in being able to biblically understand the nature of his own sin and depravity.  New Life's doctrinal statement contains one brief reference to the Fall.  There is no explanation of the truth of depravity nor our inheritance from the First Adam.  This crippling doctrinal omission becomes compounded by the fact that where the Word of God posits the Cross and identification for sanctification, Pentecostal teaching and New Life Church inserts the "present ministry" and "Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit."  In short, the Pentecostal/charismatic understanding of God's redemptive plan is grossly emasculated and distorted, thus leading to major behavioral inconsistencies (Romans 7) despite their claim to "victory" and "freedom."

Prescriptive for Ted Haggard's "healing and restoration" of his life, marriage, and family, is his submission to the oversight of Dr. James Dobson and Pastors Jack Hayford and Tommy Barnett.  All three of these 'overseers' embrace Arminian-oriented, Holiness and Pentecostal teachings.  Dr. James Dobson, heralds from the Church of the Nazarene--a "Wesleyan/Holiness" denomination; Jack Hayford and Tommy Barnett are Pentecostal ministers associated with the Foursquare and Assembly of God denominations, respectively.  Because of their own aberrant doctrinal views, none of them will be capable of genuinely addressing Ted Haggard's problems with his sin nature.  As Jesus remarked, "...if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch."

It is not coincidental that Roman Catholic clergy have for decades been indicted for sexual deviancy (pedophilia and homosexuality).  It is no coincidence that gay and lesbian ministers hold leadership roles in Anglican (Episcopal) and Methodist churches.  And it is further no coincidence that Wesleyan/Holiness, Pentecostal, and Charismatic leaders, and those led, have chronically been involved with various immoral scandals of all shapes and sizes.  As the above graphic suggests, there is a systemic problem with the Anglo-Catholic religious tradition.  Critics will claim and argue that similar immorality exists (moral equivalency) throughout all fundamental and evangelical Christianity.  However, the evidence simply does not support that accusation.  Born-again, New Creation Christian beware! 


As expected, my coverage of the Ted Haggard scandal, beginning 11/2/2006, has drawn a few critical emails regarding my so-called "unloving" spirit.  As far as I can tell, the critics are Pentecostal/charismatics who are emotionally defensive and in the habit of seeing Satan and his minions directly responsible for tarnishing their image.  "The Devil made him do it."  I again wish to call readers' attention to the modern-day ruse of labeling individuals who exercise discernment and judgment as "unloving."  Please read or reread, Our View of "Love" In Relation To Doctrinal Error And Those Who Hold It.


The reaction of the evangelical community to the Ted Haggard scandal is both classic and timeworn.  Arminians issue calls for "a needed heaven-sent revival," while Reformed Protestants pray for "Reformation."  The Risen Christ and the Holy Spirit will not respond to such religious superficiality.  The church's sad condition will not be fixed by either "revival" or "reformation."

J. Butler Stoney, an early Plymouth Brethren leader, went to the heart of the matter:
In the Reformation there was, through grace, a great deliverance. The ground-work of Christianity was recovered; namely, justification by faith. But though this was restored, it was not maintained that the old Adamic man was crucified on the Cross, and hence they only refused the exaction of Popery, but considered the flesh as still before God. Refusing the exaction was right; but the retention of that on which the exaction could be made, the old man was and is the weakness of the Reformation.
Wm. R. Newell commented on this subject:
Almost all theology of the various “creeds of Christendom” date back to the Reformation, which went triumphantly to the end of Romans Five, and, so far as theological development or presentation of truth is concerned, stopped there. Consequently, you must not regard yourself as bound to accept all that legal doctrine of sanctification, which has been, and still is predominantly, the sine qua non of orthodox belief.
To anyone who has examined their writings, there is an inescapable conclusion that the Reformed theologians have kept the vision of believers limited generally to the propitiatory work of Christ, not seeing the end of our history in Adam through our identification with Christ in His death on the Cross; thus freeing us from the power of sin, the grip of the law, and the old Adam creation, and setting us at liberty on resurrection and ascension ground above, in Christ Jesus.
Lewis Sperry Chafer never hesitated to warn the Church concerning the dangers of Covenant theology:
The all but universal disregard on the part of theologians of the Pauline revelation respecting the Church has wrought confusion and damage to an immeasurable degree. Two factors serve as paramount causes of this deplorable neglect of Paul, namely: a) the Reformation did not recover this truth as formerly it was held by the early Church; b) that attitude of the theologians, being bound and confined within the limitations of Covenant theology, has been one of avoidance of what to them seems new.
While there were occasional references to the Church universal in post-Reformation literature, it was not until around 1850 that this extensive and important body of truth was formed into a doctrinal declaration. It was given to J. N. Darby of England to achieve this distinctive ministry (Systematic Theology IV:37).

Since the time of Luther, the most biblical awakening occurred in the early 19th century under the leadership of J. N. Darby and company.  True, the movement's early golden era was cut short, but the positive vestiges, albeit modest, are still being felt today.  What the evangelical church needs is to understand and embrace the truth of Our History in the First Adam and Our History in the Last Adam.  Anything other than this will prove inadequate to produce individual and corporate holiness. 


In my 11/2/2006 Journal post regarding the Ted Haggard scandal I wrote, "Unfortunately, this is a tip of a very ugly iceberg."  The Rev. Louis Sheldon, head of the Anaheim, Calif.-based Traditional Values Coalition and friend of Haggard, has now disclosed, that "he and a lot of others knew about Haggard's homosexuality for awhile...but we weren't sure just how to deal with it."


While I'm on the appears that the Rev. Ted Haggard is now claiming sinless perfection.  Well, not in so many words.  What he did say recently is that after three weeks of psychological counseling he's "completely heterosexual."  It's really amazing what modern counseling is capable of these days--full amelioration or eradication of the sin nature.  Of course, this was John Wesley's doctrinal claim...without having to pay any mental health professional.

Homosexuality remains something of a mystery for many Christians, largely due to their inability to believe and accept what the Word has to say on the subject.  Homosexuality is both sexual orientation and unnatural desire caused by a reprobate mind (Romans 1).  However, great complexity enters the picture when one seeks to definitively understand the various factors which contribute to the making of such a mindset. 

Overseers at New Life Church in Colorado Springs also "urged Haggard to enter a 12-step program for sexual addiction" and to "move out of town."  What the leadership of New Life hasn't told members is that the underlying humanistic theology largely responsibly for their former pastor's dalliance has in fact infected the entire congregation.  This is never a pleasant message.

PS. Homosexual Andrew Sullivan's 06 Feb 2007 view of the incident is here.


Like the proverbial 'bad penny', the Rev. Ted Haggard has resurfaced to haunt the neo-evangelical crowd.  The HBO television channel has produced a documentary "special," to be broadcast January 28th, regarding Haggard's homosexual philandering and hypocrisy.  The fact that Haggard would consent to be showcased in front of tens of millions of public viewers is prima facie evidence of his sick and reprobate mind/ego.

If Haggard understood how his cultic doctrines led him down the road into the depths of the "Slough of Despond" (Bunyan) and HBO was willing to acknowledge the same, the 'testimony' might have redeeming merit.  But that's not the objective here.  The homosexuals hope to strike a fatal blow toward any and all religious/moral objection to their lifestyle.  The Rev. Haggard is the pathetic dupe.

What the documentary is sure NOT to bring out is the fact that sexual and financial scandal is a historic hallmark of the Pentecostal/charismatics denominational tradition--the hyper-emotional expression of the humanistic Anglo-Catholic religious world.

The liberals' goal is to make Ted Haggard the representative 'poster adult' for all so-called, conservative Christians and biblically-based Christianity.

Reformed minister (and accomplished artist) Doug Giles expresses his contempt for the younger neo-evangelicals in his sarcastic article: Obama’s Evangelicals: The Liberals’ New Useful Idiots. The neo-evangelicals have the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), together with the late Dr. Donald Barnhouse and Dr. Walter Martin, to thank for the ecumenical 'love-stance' which led to cultic compromise with the law-based Seventh-Day Adventism and heretical Pentecostalism/charismatics.


It's certainly understandable that my thesis evokes denial and hostility on the part of Pentecostal/charismatics.  Like the Roman Catholics, they rely on moral equivalent arguments to deflect criticism and doctrinal exposés.  They want the public to believe that the very same immorality goes on in other denominations, but just doesn't get reported.  But it's simply not true.

Most of these scandal are local and don't make national media.  So send me links, when you find them. 

Here's a list of Christian leaders/pastors/elders/deacons who have made the post-Haggard scandal sheet:

  • Rev. Paul Barnes, age 54, of Grace Chapel in Englewood, Colorado (homosexuality).  Mr. Barnes was a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary--today a 'progressive' institution.


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