"The homes of our land have become battlefields for domestic power struggles."

The following comments are not meant to be descriptive of all women.  It is our intent that the sin and disorientation described below, which has devastated several generations of women, will give rise to a reawakening of conscience and that some women will be motivated to seek recovery.  Interestingly, younger women who have both seen and experienced the effects of hard-core feminism are increasingly sensitive and seeking a new dynamic.

Today, four decades after the Supreme Court's disastrous 1973 decision of Roe vs. Wade, many women are trapped in habitual and destructive behavior patterns.  The Supreme Court's legal decision did far more than invent a woman's so-called "right to privacy" in the realm of reproduction, it fundamentally changed the way in which women--and subsequently many men, think.  In the wisdom of Proverbs 23:7, "For as he (the individual) thinks in his heart, so [is] he."  Ideas have consequences--sometimes devastating ones. 

In a primal and mind-altering way, this erroneous legal ruling (1) reinforced an ancient heretical lie--that humans are ultimately autonomous and sovereign creatures--even over the issues of life and death.  With legal alchemy, the U.S. Supreme Court philosophically established the delusional idea of absolute autonomy as a women's "right."  The Court arrogantly usurped the place of the Almighty, placed God on trial, and gave sanction to a female cult mentality.  With exception, a majority of women were thrust into the feminist mindset without leaving home or paying a visit to an abortion clinic.  Further, it is not coincidental that shortly thereafter, female membership in New Age religions increased dramatically.  Many wholeheartedly embraced the Edenic lie―"you will be like God".

This radical libertine philosophy produced an infectious attitude of feminist contumacy.  Those under the spell have become stridently independent and acknowledge few, if any, authorities.  At both a societal and individual level, the biblical truth of marriage and family hierarchy (2) was challenged and rejected, and subsequently a fierce gender war followed.  With this shift, women's self-esteem suffered self-destructive harm.  

In an effort to compensate, feminists erroneously believe that positive self-esteem can be attained by usurping power, manipulating circumstances, and dominating others.  Many have become 'slash-and-burn' warriors in the current culture war (3).  The wreckage within society is now widespread and the divorce and family failure statistics continue to mount.  A large percentage of feminists are now alienated, alone, bitter, and childless.

While today's feminist typically view herself as morally superior to men, her modus operandi is often built upon a hypocritical foundation of feminine deceit, and can even include verbal or physical abuse.  She frequently manipulates or 'manhandles' circumstances and events until the consequences of her poor judgments/decisions can no longer be covered up or ignored.  Then she will likely disavow responsibility, blame others ("you shouldn't of allowed me to do this!"), and if possible, look to friends, family, or government social programs to clean up the social wreckage and comfort them as victims.  Around and around it goes; they are caught in a snare of their own matriarchal making--a reprobate expression of the Adamic life.

By contrast, the Bible encourages the woman who hungers after God with these words,

Your beauty…should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.  For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.  They were submissive to their own husbands… 1 Peter 3:3-5

However, each one of you [husbands] also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.  Ephesians 5:33

How did they make themselves beautiful?  Yes, the "S" and "R" words--submission and respect (4).  Today's woman may sport expensive apparel and spend hours in front of the mirror, but inwardly she is devoid of genuine beauty, and that most often by choice!  There's nothing gentle or quiet about her.  On the contrary, she's been told and believes a 'spit-in-your-eye' assertiveness and disrespectfulness is the sign of a healthy self-image.  Repentance, faith toward God, and submissiveness to her husband are repugnant concepts to her mind.

While she may desperately desire to be attractive to the opposite sex, to be cherished and treated special, real men, those with integrity and the ability to be a good father to her future children, are often repulsed and walk (or run) away.   If she's married, her home has likely become a battlefield for domestic power struggles or maybe her husband has thrown in the towel and the house is now silent from his absence. 

The siren call of autonomy has not brought freedom, but rather deep and haunting feelings of impotency.  And with this impotence comes envy and masochism.  "For it is masochism that is the definitive characteristic of envy.  Envy is not simply hatred of someone for having something you don't; it is the willingness to destroy yourself as the price for destroying those of whom you are envious.  The realm of envious insanity goes far beyond ordinary criminal insanity, and into a region of true and monstrous evil."

Sadly, this evil is causing the destruction of numerous marriages and families (5).  The envy, the lust for power and control has pushed some female abusers to the point of threatening to murder their children then commit suicide in their quest for so-called "equality."  She has become the all-powerful "bitch," and she's proud of it!

However, her ungodly and unholy behavior (Adamic) has doomed her to a harsh life of both conflict now and increasing loneliness as she grows older.  The only males that will tolerate to be within her sphere are often the effeminate or homosexual.  Since her bent is toward domination, the effeminate will oblige and pander this twisted sister.  "He's so sensitive." she tells her girlfriends.  But with time, even these friendships are tested and garner neither mutual respect nor attraction.  Not understanding the downward spiral, she may attempt to manipulate and change him into the man of her aberrant dream.  My Fair Lady in reverse?  Why does it prove unsuccessful?  Why doesn't it end like the movie?   Well, because she's got it backwards and upside-down, it's simply unnatural.

Failure upon failure, she increasingly finds herself alone…painfully alone and bitter.  It is at this point that many of today's females considers the option of lesbianism or a donor pregnancy as the answer to her heart-rending lack of companionship.  By now, she may think that life has played a cruel trick upon her and she inwardly and outwardly seethes with hatred toward real men--all in hopes of easing her pain.

(1)  The Court split 7 for, and 2 against. Only Justice Rehnquist and White dissented.  Roe v. Wade opened the proverbial "gates of hell" setting the stage for the fulfillment of Luke 17:26, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man..."  Noahic record - Genesis 6:5: "But the Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind had become great on the earth. Every inclination of the thoughts of their minds was only evil all the time."

(2)  Sexuality and the Fall: Genesis 3: Man-Woman Relationship; Flame of Yahweh: Sexuality in the Old Testament, Richard M. Davidson, Hendrickson, 2007.

(3)  "...Marxist thought is the proposition that the fundamental moral fact about the human condition is that a class of victims is dominated by a class of oppressors.  It follows that the cure for oppression is liberation, whether through violent revolution or by cultural transformation.  In classical Marxism, the oppressor class was the bourgeoisie or capitalists, while the revolutionary class was the proletariat or industrial wage-laborers.  Contemporary versions of this exciting drama [Marxist-struggle] flourish in universities [as well as American society in general], with a new cast of characters.  Now the oppressor is the heterosexual white male; the new proletariat consists of racial minorities, women, gays and lesbians; and the struggle is for control of the terms of discourse."  Phillip E. Johnson 

(4)  We recommend the book:  Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needed, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Thomas Nelson, 2004, as a good place to start in identifying these sins.

(5)  While this male author has experienced feminist wreckage firsthand over two generations, I am today blessed to be married to a woman who is truly beautiful.


Hope is available; simple answers are not.  Within the last 15-20 years increasing numbers of younger women are seeing through the massive social devastation which modern feminism spawned and have taken steps to unshackle themselves from this hideous legacy.  Let's start broadly.

  • Increasing numbers of younger women are seeing the social devastation for what it is and are making progress to unshackle themselves from the destructive legacy of modern feminism. For example, using large doses of 'common-sense realism,' Alison Armstrong* has designed the PAX PROGRAMS: e.g., Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women®. In 1995, after four years of studying men for her personal benefit, she began creating workshops to share her extraordinary findings (about men) with women across the nation. Originally with a burden for homeless children, Armstrong shifted her focus to a deeper cause of dysfunctional families and subsequently established the grand PAX** mission of “altering society’s culture by transforming the way women relate to men.” These seminars are not religious-based, rather they speak to the very broad audience of women, both young and less-young, who have traditionally been the most vulnerable to the radical ideology of feminism.

* Alison Armstrong can be frequently heard in talk-radio interviews, e.g., The Dennis Prager Show.

** PAX, the Latin word for “peace” and an acronym for Partnership, Adoration and Xtasy. PAX seeks to create peace between the sexes by providing unique and immediately useful information to women.

  • NeW - Network for enlightened Women.  Check out their books listed in the Book Club.  Why should a secular campus organization be seen as a source of hope?  That's because feminism has imbedded itself squarely in the "evangelical" church.  Read Albert Mohler's review of Wayne Grudem's new book, Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?  The real truth is, it's a path to far worse.

  • Love & RespectFor the born-again or evangelical couples, read Dr. Emerson Eggerichs ground-breaking book, LOVE & RESPECT, The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs, Thomas Nelson, 2004.  This book is phenomenal for several reasons.  It's my intention to write an in-depth review, since the essence of the topic--love and respect--extend far beyond the sphere of building healthy marriages.  So far, we've completed Chapters 1-5, and I've read enough to recommend that all readers of withChrist.org obtain a copy.  The book is fundamentally different (in a positive way) than evangelical books on marriage written over the past half century.  It turns an important corner toward stanching further cultural deterioration.

  • Save The MalesSaves The Males, Kathleen Parker, Random House, 2008.








A couple of years ago I wrote a book, COMING HOME--Families Can Stop the Unraveling of America, in which I pointed out that while women talk incessantly about not being understood, what has happened in late 20th century America is that women simply do no understand men.  And, it is men, not women, in today's culture who are being destroyed.  I think there is a glimmer of hope, however.  More and more men seem to be reasserting their masculine role.

It was the men in Congress, not women, who began and who are leading the fight against partial birth abortion, for example. I point out in the book that family abandonment is the male equivalent to abortion.  We live in a society which is saying that only the woman has the right to decide whether or not to kill the unborn.  But, once she decides to have the baby, the male side of the equation has no legal right to change HIS mind.  A lot of men silently vote with their feet to say, "You say it's YOUR right to decide and it's YOUR baby. O.K. YOU take care of it!  This is a logical position--and one which totally escapes most women.  Justice demands that there cannot be a "right" for women to change their mind after the baby is on the way, but no "right" for men to change their mind after the baby is on the way.  That's why God joined Adam and Eve and gave them, together, the responsibility for committing to the upbringing of their young.

Mary Mostert

Hello Dan,

I just wanted to thank you for the excellent articles.  The articles "Feminist Legacy" and "Thirst for Justice" are excellent to name a few.  This phenomena is exactly what I have been seeing for some time.  Occasionally a writer will touch on the subject.   John Leo wrote an article for the Washington Post some time ago titled "Gender-Bent Discord."  The article covered the rise of female spousal abuse toward men and how the feminist were not so quick to embrace this reality having made spousal abuse a political issue.  There were also several articles written on child abuse and how the majority of this abuse is by women, but never reported this way due to the fact the newsrooms are very supportive of feminism even to the point of deception.

I believe there is much truth to the statements of households being "battlefields for domestic power struggles."  As insubordination and arrogance rises among women, so does the ratio of broken homes, lesbianism and domestic violence.  I'm an African-American man and lesbianism is definitely on the rise in my community among married and single women.  I often get into conversations about why this is.  It always comes down to the arrogance and disrespect in the homes; the casting off of all restraint.  Arrogance and insubordination are often confused with strength.  [Romans 1:28 speaks of being given over to a reprobate mind.  My point in this statement is when all restraint is cast off and God judicially gives us over to certain things, this is not good, unknowingly we inherit much harm and evil.]

Back to my original point, this is the reason many African-American men are not in there homes... the ongoing domestic power struggles and not wanting to be feminized.  I am not saying this to take away anyone's responsibility, just pointing out a fact.  America talks about a race war; however, there is a serious gender war going on in Christian and non-Christian homes.  In [public] schools, young boys are told to sit down, be quiet, and stop acting aggressive.   Little girls are told to be aggressive and express themselves.  This is the makings for wimps.

When men and women get sick and tired of being sick and tired in their own homes and return to the biblical guidelines laid down for homes, then change will occur.  The key is men and women.  We should take note of Isaiah 3:12:

Youths oppress My people,

Women rule over them.

O My people, your guides lead you astray;

They turn you from the [My] path.


+  Thank you!  I am a 45 year old man whose family is destroyed by feminism and psychology.  Born in Kentucky and later married to a woman in Wisconsin of more than 20 years, I am without the love of my son through no fault of my own except that I did not see the feminist movement as a powerful "spirit" nor did I ever really think that it would enter my home.  The church, being also feminized, did zero effort to help direct and restore.  We homeschooled our kids and with success, I read the bible to my precious babies every night.  Something came into my wife's life and rebellion took off and took the kids with her.

My wife's sister, an admitted former witch and occult practitioner, turned "Christian" followed by another women in the charismatic church, a self-proclaimed prophetess and former self-admitted witch turned "Christian", and a third old friend of my wife, also a self-admitted former witch turned "Christian", suddenly, in one year's time, came into my family's life under the guise as "Christian" friends.  The details to the rebellion that arose in my wife, the rebellion that took hold of my son, the church and the community ostracizing me are too overwhelming to write at this time but I have found a couple friends who I can confide with on this.

The false accusations, the anger at my babies being stolen from me and the anger that I have toward God for allowing this to happen to a man who was loving, protecting, a good provider, and did nothing to warrant such an attack, has been a nightmare.  I am just now able to see God in the right light again.

Thank you for your insight and clear-thinking on a subject that is so unpopular.  If you pray to the father of Christ Jesus, please pray for me.  I need sleep.  I need the love of my 15 year old boy,  my 12 year old daughter is affectionate to me now and I see her often.  I am financially broke with travel expenses the past two years seeing my daughter.  I need a good shot of blessing from God - I need to be healed inside my heart also.  I need these things so that I'll be there and able whenever my son comes around - I miss him and love him so much.


Dear [signed]:

Let me begin by assuring you that we will be lifting you up in prayer before the Lord.  Your brief testimony pierced deep into my soul as I could identify in several ways personally with your circumstances.  I have temporarily lost the love of one of my three sons in similar fashion--sans the occult influence.  Most often charismatic, Pentecostal, Holiness, and most all Anglo-Catholic realms are the haunt of both overt and covert feminism--and worse.

I know of the continual emotional pain you're experiencing.  I know the feelings of anger and the struggle not to be emotionally paralyzed by it all.  You are not alone. You can rebuild, and you can go forward with your life--with Christ's comfort.  2 Corinthians 1:3-11.

You write, "I need these things so that I'll be there and able whenever my son comes around..."  That is a healthy attitude.  And yes, your son needs to see you "stand" in the face of this form of adversity.  He needs to see the strength of "biblical" masculinity--no matter how small the portion.

Our web sites contains several articles which can help you, 1) build a strong Christian doctrinal foundation, 2) understand the "forces" that caused this form of "distress" and "suffering" into you life, and 3) provide some healing.  Keep in mind, this will take some time as there is no such thing as 'instant recovery'.

In the Corinthian passage cited above Paul wrote, "On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers." And so, we would ask you to pray for us as well. You are correct in saying that our message is an unpopular one. The Adversary greatly desires to silence us and we also face new adversities on a regular basis.

Feel free to write again.

By His sovereign grace and mercy,


"I have been free from the sin of homosexuality for 4 1/2 yrs. now.  And though it is a process, as is walking in newness of life for every Christian,  I am growing further and further from the desires/temptations for other women.  God has restored, and is yet restoring, my femininity.

"Having been married, I have seen the perspective from both sides of the fence.  It is alarmingly sad, yet in my opinion indicative that these are the "last days" [2 Tim.3], that there is a multitude of people, women in particular, who are "jumping the fence" from heterosexual relationships to homosexual ones.  The more and more that today's marriages are disintegrating, the more and more people are looking for other ways to meet their emotional needs.  It is unfortunate, because it is a nasty ploy used by the Enemy of our souls.

"And from experience I can safely say that they will not find the fulfillment that they are looking for in same sex relationships.  Oh, to be sure there is fulfillment up to a point, all temptation has its delusive glamour, yet the key word here is delusive.  The pleasures are short lived and always end up in bondage and worse pain than before.  It is a nasty, heart-rending situation that the lesbian soon finds herself in."

Terri, Trials & Homosexuality

Related articles, books, and websites:

A Thirst for Justice


Hope, for the Crisis in Black America

Men aren't the only Abusers, by Kathleen Parker.  Ms. Parker dares to lift the veil from one of Western culture's most hidden scandals.

MALE BASHING, Is it trash talk or harmless humor? by Ida Rose Heckard

The Surrendered Wife : A Practical Guide to Finding Intimacy, Passion, and Peace with Your Man by Laura Doyle

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, --Helping the Church Deal Biblically with Gender Issues.

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood -- Conference audio warehouse.

Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth -- An Analysis of Over One Hundred Disputed Questions

Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?  The real truth is, it's a path to far worse.

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