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GOD can foreknow what will be because He has
fore-appointed what will be. There must be certainty if there is absolute
Christian humanism's foreknowledge--that God merely foresaw
the future--is not Biblical. However, it is even too-much-of-a-stretch for Christian
humanism. So we find people today--some of them with letters behind their
name--who are not willing to admit even foresight. In this article, we
show how the Christian humanist idea usually held as "foreknowledge" is
destructive to itself.
Christian humanists say that ELECTION is like this: God
foreknew who would yield to the Spirit, and therefore elected to salvation all
those whom He foresaw would do so. They think absolute free will is
necessary to preserve human responsibility, and in turn make man his own savior
instead of sovereign grace. However, this concept of foreknowledge
actually grinds itself into nothing. There is not a Christian humanist
living who can consistently believe this theory of foreknowledge, and still go
around teaching his views as to salvation. Why so? Consider the
No Christian humanist can
consistently say that God foreknew who would be saved and then preach that
God is trying to save every man. Surely if God knows whom He can save
or who will be saved, then who would say that He is trying to save more?
Certainly, it is foolish to assert that God is trying to do something which
He knew never could be accomplished. I have heard some Christian
humanists charge those who believe in sovereign grace that the Gospel
preached to the non-elect is mockery since God has not elected them.
If there is any validity in that objection, then it equally applies to them
as well who preach to those who God knows won't be saved. God commands
that the Gospel be preached to all, whether we clearly understand or accept
His reasoning in the matter.
No Christian humanist can
consistently say that God foreknew who would be lost and then say it is not
God's will that they be lost. If God does not will that they be lost,
then why did He create them? Let the Christian humanist answer that
question. God could have just as easily refrained from creating those
that go to Hell. He knew where they were going before He created them.
Since He went ahead and created them with full knowledge that they would be
lost, it is evidently the will of God that they be lost, He evidently has
some purpose in it which we human beings cannot fully discern. The
Christian humanist can harp and whine against the truth that God chose to
allow some men a final destiny of Hell all they want, but it is as much a
problem for them as for anyone. As a matter of fact, it is a problem
which no Christian humanist can face. If he faces it, he will have to
admit either the error of his theology or deny foreknowledge all together.
But he might say that God had to create those that perish, even against His
will. This makes God subject to Fate.
No Christian humanist can
consistently say that God foreknew who would be saved and then teach that
God punished Christ for the purpose of saving every single man that ever
lived. Surely we should credit God with having as much sense as a
human being. What human being would make a great but useless and
needless sacrifice? They say that God punished Christ for the sins of
those whom He knew would go to Hell. Their theory of the
atonement--although they do not mention this--involves the matter of
Christ's suffering exclusively for the purpose of man's salvation--the
substitutionary aspect alone. They fail to underestand or have any appreciation for
the aspect
of propitiation.
No Christian humanist can
consistently say that God foreknew who would be saved and then preach that
God the Holy Spirit does all He can do to save every man in the world.
The Holy Spirit would be wasting time and effort to endeavor to convert a
man who He knew from the beginning would go to Hell. You hear
Christian humanists talk about how the Spirit tries to get men to be saved
and if they don't yield to him they will "cross the line" and offend the
Spirit so that He will never try to save them again. Bottom line, the
Christian humanist makes a finite creature out of the Divine Godhead.
No Christian humanist can
consistently say that God foreknew all things yet teach that prayer is of any
use. We would ask, "Should we pray for the salvation of those whom God
foreknew would be damned?" "Should we pray for those whom God foreknew
would be saved?" "If so, why?" Would they not be saved anyway,
seeing that God foreknew they would be? Why pray at all, then?
The only one who can rightly
pray is the believer who believes in the sovereignty of God, that man is
active not passive in the drama of redemption, and that God has appointed
prayer as the means through which God brings about certain ends.
For example, God through His prophet caused Hezekiah to go to God in prayer,
asking for his life. God answered and said He would add fifteen years
to Hezekiah. Now that was God's purpose all along, but you will notice
that he caused Hezekiah to pray for that very purpose. All true prayer
today is just like that.
So to the Christian
humanist, we ask: "Why pray?" But to the believer in the sovereignty
of God, we ask: "Why cease to pray?" Such a believer should be in
continual prayer and praise to God, Who is working all things according to
the counsel of His own will.
Also see
Human Freedom and the Sovereignty of God
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