God's Sovereignty and Man's Consciousness

The Bible plainly asserts that the influence of God upon the unsaved [effectual grace] must be exercised if ever they are to turn to Him in saving faith.  Christ declared, "No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him" (John 6:44).  The will [volition] of the creature is a creation of God and in relation to it He sustains no timidity or uncertainty.  He made the creature’s will as an instrument by which He might accomplish His sovereign purpose and it is inconceivable that it should ever thwart His purpose.

When exercising his will, man is conscious only of his freedom of action.  He determines his course by circumstances, but God is the author of circumstances.  Man is impelled by emotions, but God is able to originate and to control every human emotion.  Man prides himself that he is governed by experienced judgment, but God is able to foster each and every thought or determination of the human mind.  God will mold and direct in all secondary causes until His own eternal purpose is realized.

How else could He fulfill His covenants which commit Him to the control of the actions and destinies of men to the end of time and into eternity?  His election is sure; for whom He predestinates, them — not more or less — He calls; and whom He calls, them — not more or less — He justifies; and whom He justifies, them — not more or less — He glorifies.  When predestinating, He assumes the responsibility of creating, calling, saving, and completing according to His own purpose.

In calling He moves those to believe to the saving of their souls, whom He has chosen.  In justifying He provides a substitutionary, efficacious Saviour by whose death and resurrection He is legally able to place the chief of sinners in as perfect a relation to Himself as that of His own Son.  And in glorifying He perfects all that infinite love has designed.  The precise number that will be glorified will be the precise number and the same individuals — not more or less — that He predestinated.  Each one will have believed, have been saved, have been perfected and presented like Christ in glory.

Men enter consciously into this great undertaking only at the point of believing, or responding to the efficacious call.  Naturally, it seems to them that they, acting in freedom within the restricted sphere of their consciousness, determine everything.  Their action is vital, for no link in God’s chain can be lacking.  The point where misunderstanding arises is with reference to the fact that, so far as their cognizance serves them, they are certain that they act freely; yet every truly regenerated person will testify that he would not have turned to God apart from that all-important divine drawing of his heart.

Divine election is absolute.  If this seems to some to be taking things out of the hands of men and committing them into the hands of God, it will at least be conceded that, when thus committed to God, things are in better hands and this, after all, is God’s own universe in which He has sovereign right to do after the dictates of His own blessed will.

It will also be conceded that the sphere of human action, so far as it can mean anything in the sphere of human consciousness, is left in perfect freedom of action.  It should be deemed no crime on the part of God that He discloses to His own elect that His sovereign power and purpose are working through and over all human forces and secondary causes. — L. S. Chafer

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