Where They Stand, and Fall

CHARLES G. FINNEY, (1792-1875) -  revivalist preacher, religious humanist, heretic

finney.gif (15809 bytes)"We deny that the human constitution is morally depraved, because it is impossible that sin should be a quality of the substance of the soul or body. It is, and must be, a quality of choice or intention, and not of substance. To represent the constitution as sinful, is to represent God, Who is the author of the constitution, as the author of sin. What ground is there for the assertion that Adam's nature became in itself sinful by the Fall? This is a groundless, not to say ridiculous, assumption, and an absurdity."

"That which the precept [law] demands must be possible to the subject. That which demands a natural impossibility is not, and cannot be, moral law. To talk of inability to obey moral law, is to talk nonsense."

Finney's Systematic Theology, pp. 249, 250; 2; also see pp. 236, 245.

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