Spirit Baptism, Tongues, Healing, Demonism...so-called

In addition to the letters and comments posted below, we will make available to our readers related manuscripts and articles written by those who share similar views on these subjects.  As with other forums, availability does not imply endorsement of all doctrinal detail.  

Vernon J. Peterman - SPIRIT BAPTISM -- A Clarification


Dear Dan:

I'd just like to thank you for your web site. It has been very helpful at this point in my life, especially the article "The Line Drawn".  When I found your site on the internet, I was delighted and now encouraged because years ago a friend loaned me your book "The Principle of Position" and it was instrumental in starting me in the Christian life.   Now, at a difficult spiritual junction, I again come across help in your teaching. A coincidence or the mercy of God?

After accepting the Lord in 1984, job circumstances required me to move from the new church home where I was receiving good teaching.  In the new city where I lived, I naturally sought out the church of the same denomination and attended there.  However, the teaching there was not strong in the Word, and I became increasingly hungry for more of God.  I started attending other churches, not really knowing what was missing but wanting to know God more.  In spite of much prayer and sincerely seeking after God's will I was deceived, made a serious mistake (apparent only in hindsight) and joined an independent fellowship that appeared to be really into the Word.  It was low key charismatic and I was unaware of the dangers.

Over the next few years it went from charismatic to charismania with all of the attendant manifestations.  In addition the leadership became increasingly authoritative, manipulative, and controlling.  When I questioned, I was accused of having a spirit of unbelief and rebellion.  The sermon could not be questioned or discussed because it was "the Word of God".  I look back and am ashamed at my own weakness in falling into such deception.  The 4 years in that place took a very high toll spiritually, physically, and emotionally.  I can personally testify to the truth of many of the points you make in The Line Drawn.  (One statement you made "Gift centered love today may be as false as the gift" - very true!!!)

Now I am trying to recover (in more ways than one) and go on with the Lord.  I have been looking for a church for over a year, but am very cautious and tend to be critical after this past disaster.  The internet has been helpful, as I have found many good sites as well as being able to research the doctrines of may denominations.  I have been confused between what is right, what is Biblical - Calvinism, Arminianism, etc.  Here again, the article on your web site was helpful.   I want to know what foundation a church is standing on, not just what it appears to be, for appearances can be deceiving!  Do you have any suggestions as to churches or denominations that might truthfully teach God's Word and/or how to find a good church?

I have been really struggling in my spiritual life, knowing that God's Word and Truth is what is needed, but having trouble because of the horrible things I endured under a church that was misapplying the Word.  I still can't listen to much Christian music if it resembles that which was used at the church I escaped from.   Again, thank you for your web site and teaching that is such a resource for people like me.  I thank you to for your willingness to read this email.  I didn't intend for it to be so long, but years ago I had always thought of writing you to express my appreciation for your book "The Principle of Position", and now I am blessed to have the opportunity to thank you for the impact that book made on my life as well.   If you have any suggestions for me in terms of finding a church and/or moving on in the Lord at this point, I would very much appreciate it.  May the Lord continue to bless the teaching of His Word through your ministry.  Thank you for your testimony and service to the Lord.


Dear Brother Ken and Sister Paula:

Thanks for your comments. We understand your anger, and thus the insulting tone of your letter.

I began my first days as a born-again believer, partially in charismatic circles, and later fellowshipped in Calvinist domains for a time as well. Since the early '70s, I have been aware of the charismatic element within Reformed and "Calvinist" circles--having engaged in numerous discussions. So your email comes as no surprise, in fact I have several just like it.

Due to their nondispensational approach, many Reformed stalwarts (e.g. Dr. Martyn-Lloyd Jones) leave open the door to the plague of pseudo-charismata. While our ministry shares several areas in common with Calvinistic brethren, we are only considered "Calvinist" by the Arminian and Anglo-Catholic folk who lack discernment and can't tell the difference. We believe in sovereign grace, mercy, and election, but have come to reject the fundamental soteriological errors held by both Calvinists and charismatics. Our ministry proclaims the biblical alternative, the believer's co-crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension with the Lord Jesus Christ and our progressive spiritual growth over time.

We have held our position regarding the extent and sphere of the Holy Spirit's work (i.e., the cessation of the sign gifts during the first century) for more than 30 years. Our focus has been and continues to be that of establishing believers in safe and sound doctrine and free of both the Calvinist's law as a rule of life as well as the charismatics so-called "gifts".

Thanks for the warning regarding "blasphemy" of the Holy Spirit. However, we believe that particular sin was unique to the period when Christ walked the earth, and thus the admonishment is unnecessary and unwarranted during this Age of the Church. Unlike John Calvin in the presence of William Farel, I brush aside 'divinely-uttered warnings' by nondispensational brethren as simply efforts to intimidate and manipulate. However, I'm not easily intimidated and no lightning bolts have been forth coming.

Nearly all Paul's teaching found in 1 Corinthians 14:1-33 was uniquely applicable to the first century and must be interpreted in that context. Consequently, we don't believe the gifts of biblical tongues or biblical prophesy are being given by the Holy Spirit today and thus one cannot violate Paul's admonishment in 1 Corinthians 14:39 due to that fact.

I find your closing admonition interesting. You say, "Be careful not to wrest the scriptures to support your experience and so will I." I take for granted that any genuinely born-again believer would desire truth and would never consciously and by an act of their will twist or distort the plain meaning of the Word. So I have a question for you. With regard to your so-called "tongues" experience, what assurance can you have that you are not the victim of deception, self-originated or otherwise?

We look forward to hearing from you again and encourage you to continue to visit our Articles page and compare the Apostle's Paul's teachings against Calvinism, Arminianism, and charismatic views.

By His sovereign grace and mercy,

Dan R. Smedra


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